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Crocs Question


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I didn't like them at all! It's that darned thong! I thought maybe I could stand it since it was soft foam, but it still had an "edge" on the thong thingie that rubbed between my toes. I walked around in them for about a 1/2 hour then decided it wasn't worth trying to get use to something that I have avoided for nearly 50 years! So, the Athens are already on their way back to the store! The footbed was very nice though, so I think anyone who doesn't mind a thong might really like the Athens style.


Now that I've been wearing my Beach style, I don't really like my Niles sandals as much as I did. They are comfortable, but not as much as the clogs! My toes rub the tip of the Beach style but they are still comfortable. I do feel like I am starting to get a blister on the top of my toes though. I've been wearing socks with my Beach style clogs. I'm not sure if I could wear them barefoot without getting blisters. I ordered a pair of white (pearl) Cayman's today. I hope they are just a tad longer than the Beach style.


My Son also asked for another pair. I ordered him another pair of Cayman's in Navy. I really do need to stop ordering Crocs! I read somewhere that they are coming out with some new styles (a more attractive style just for women) and new colors this summer (Turquoise, metallic gold, and metallic silver!) I think I will wait now for the new stuff to arrive before I purchase anything else!

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Oooo! Turquoise! Thanks for the heads up! I was thinking of ordering another pair of Beaches, but I'll wait now to see what is coming out. I wear a lot of turquoise - it's a good color on me. So a pair of Beaches or Niles in turquoise might be perfect!


Yeah, i'm not all that crazy about my Athens either. We'll see. I've never been one for thongs. but I started wearing them last summer around the house. We have all hardwood floors, and the floors get really hard when you're barefoot. So I wore them all summer indoors and liked them for that. So maybe the Athens will work for that.

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My pink Niles are very comfortable, not too narrow or anything. They just aren't as "cute" as my pink Beach style. My black Niles are too short and my toes rub the little ledge at the end of the shoe. I took the straps off though and seem to be able to keep my feet futher back in the footbed that way so my toes aren't hanging off the edge of the shoe. I will use them more as a beach flip-flop. I might just give them to my Son to use as a flip-flop around the pool this summer. My pink Beach style are the ones giving me the blisters. I seem to squeeze my toes down when I wear them to keep from touching the tip of the shoe and I am getting a blister under my toes where they are digging into the footbed and on the top of my toes where they are rubbing against the holes in the top of the shoe. I think I just haven't learned how to walk in them correctly yet. They are so wide on my narrow foot I am afraid they are going to fall off so I scrunch my toes up to "grip" the shoe. I am getting better though. I think once my blisters heal, I will be fine. I just need to try to relax my feet in the shoes! Who would have thought there was such an art to Croc-walking?! :D

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Today we had two pairs of Cayman's arrive in the mail! My white ones (actually pearl which is sort of a light gray) and my son's navy ones. both pairs are women's size 9. One pair is made in the U.S.A. and the other is made in Canada. The little rivets are different on each pair (but only slightly) but the Canadian pair is about a 1/2 inch shorter than the pair made in the U.S.A. This worked out okay though because the larger pair is for my son who has WIDE feet. The smaller pair is mine (and by now you all know I have NARROW feet... normal size 9 1/2). I just popped mine in the dryer for the standard 5 minutes and scooted around the house in my warm Crocs with a pair of thick socks on and now I am good to go! The size 9 Cayman's seem to fit me EXACTLY the same as the size medium (women's 8/9) Beach style (which I'm sure will be useful information for someone out there who is going through the same sizing dilemma I went through). Right now, the Cayman's don't feel as squishy as the Beach style feels, but my Cayman's are about 10 minutes old and my Beach style is a week old and has been worn for many hours (many wonderful hours). :D I am STILL waiting for my LIME GREEN Beach style! Where the heck are they? They were shipped a while ago, but I guess they are being delivered to me on the back of a crocodile! Hopefully they will get here before my vacation in April!!!


So there you have it! The latest episode in my world of Crocs!

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After reading this post with much interest I decided to see what all the fuss was about these crocs


In the UK we can only buy the Beach & Caymen other styles are not avaialble yet.


Anyhow I read all the information on how they should not touch your feet anywhere and be loose all the way round.


I have really wide feet so wasnt sure if I would be able to get them on and have room to spare.


Anyhow I ordered my normal size and they fit perfectly.


They are the most comfortable (and most ugly) pair of shoes I have ever owned.


Had I not logged into CC and seen this thread I would never have known about them to thanks for bringing them to my attention!!

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I just ordered a pair of Beach style Crocs in TURQUOISE!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!! My husband also asked for a pair of black Caymans!!!! Yee haa!!! we are a Croc family at last!!!! :D I have not found another soul in my area who has even heard of Crocs but I don't care at all! My whole family will be sporting Crocs this summer! We will be the talk of the town! :eek: They will probably want to do a human interest story about us in the local paper! ;) We will be famous! Oh dear! They will probably do a photo spead of us in our Crocs! Yikes, I'll need more Crocs! :D

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Turquoise? Are the new ones you mentioned before? Where did you find the turquoise ones? Are the metallic ones out yet, do you know? Oh, my! I'm having a Crocs Attack!!!!







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Several places have the Turquoise Beach style in stock. I ordered mine from Taylorshoes.com. I also saw them at Comfortableshoes.com. I haven't noticed any other styles available yet in Turquoise though, just the Beach style. All the styles will eventually be available in Turquoise and the new colors will be the metallic silver and gold I mentioned before. There will be a new style called "Prima" which will be a woman's ballet slipper style and according to David Taylor (from Taylorshoes.com), there will also eventually be a new Crocs slide-type sandal that will have the same awesome footbed as the Athens Flip-flip (but without the thong!) Yippee!!!!! This will be the "Summer of the Croc"!!!

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Okay, I got my Crocs in the mail yesterday. I got the sandals and the Athens (flip flops). The part between my toes really bothered me. I am going to try to walk around in the house again, but I just not sure. The sandals are really comfy. I'm just not sure about the Athens.


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Yes, I couldn't deal with the thong thingie either! I walked around the house about a 1/2 hour in them and then packed my Athens back up and sent them back to the store I bought them from! I loved the footbed of the Athens though. It was very comfortable, I just couldn't get use to the thing between the toes. Oh well!


I am wearing my pink beach style Crocs right now. I am about to go in public wearing them for the first time! I've worn them non-stop in the house, but never anywhere else. I'll let you know the reactions I get! I have never seen anyone in my area in Crocs! None of our stores carry them OR the Croc "knock-offs". Our Dick's Sporting Goods has a very small selection which is hidden in the back of the store where no one would think to look for them. Crocs have definitely NOT made their appearance in our area yet! Well folks, that is about to change!!! I am headed to my son's last basketball game of the season. I will walk proudly through the gymnasium sporting my pink Crocs! All eyes will be on me! :eek: I did ask my son permission to humiliate him before coming to this monumental decision. He is all for it! Of course, he too is a Crocaholic and he wants me to pave the way for him to wear his Croc collection in public! I am a pioneer! I am forging into new lands! I am strong! I am woman! I am woman wearing pink Crocs!!!! I am leaving now! I'll let you know how the world handles my unveiling!

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You've all corrupted me. Hang your heads in shame. :p


My feet are deformed and 98% of the styles out there I cannot wear. I need a wide foot bed but a narrow heel. Looked online, and found a few stores locally that carry them. of course, the one I went to only had beaches in navy, black or white, but I wanted to try a pair on for size, with the intent to buy some online in better flavors. I expected to have to get a Medium, since I am a 7.5, but ended up with the smalls b/c even with socks on they were roomy. and I couldn't bear walking out of the store without them, even if they are plain old boring white.

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Hey spookwife! I have white ones too! I like them! They go with anything! But I LOVE my colored Crocs!!! Of course, the only color I actually have in my possession yet are my pink ones! I will have lime green and turquoise soon though! Maybe even today (the lime green anyway) when the mail comes! Well, I wore my pink Crocs to my son's basketball game today. I got a few looks from strangers, but nothing too intimidating and no comments at all. My son put his navy Crocs on after the game and we both wore our Crocs out to a restaurant for lunch. Again, a few stares but no comments. My feet got cold at lunch. I am wearing socks with my Crocs, but it is still only 33 degrees here and Beach Crocs are not exactly thermal! I also feel a blister forming on the top of my toes on one foot. I'm not sure what's up with that! Hopefully it is from the sock-line over my toes and NOT the Crocs!!! YIKES!!! I can't have my Crocs failing me now! Well, I'm going to go check the mail now! I'm hoping to find my lime green Crocs in my mailbox!!!

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They came in the mail today!!!!! They are just as comfortable as my other pairs. These are a little larger than the others though, even though they are the same size (Medium - women's 8/9). It's funny how inconsistent the sizing is! Every pair I've had has fit a bit differently and they are all the same size! Throwing them in the dryer has been just the thing I have needed to tweak each pair just enough to get a more custom fit for my foot. I've also found that if I don't like the fit the first time, I just throw them in the dryer again and start over! It seems to work every time! They just get soft and spongy and you shape them all over again! A perfect fitting shoe every time!

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Ok, you ladies are truly evil. All this talk about crocs. Even my mom is in on it. I broke down and ordered a pair of pink beach crocs. And Bonnie - I too and a 9.5 - so I read all your posts about your sizing dilemmas (thank you). Can't wait until they come and I can see what the fuss is about!:)

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lusyrsgirl, I am so glad that all my ranting has been useful to someone! Keep in mind that I am a 9 1/2 narrow! If you are not a narrow then you may be better off to size up where I have sized down. Let us know how your pink Crocs work out!!! I'm wearing mine right now!



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After reading about these Crocs from all of you, I just had to try them. I have a small foot - Ladies 6 - so I ordered the Beach ones in Butter in Small. Unfortunately, the company I ordered didn't have Butter, so I got them in Khaki. Great feel, but seemed a little large - maybe I'll try throwing them in the dryer.


This week I got a pair of Beach sandals in Fuchsia in XS and I LOVE them. They feel so much better, and I plan to wear them on my Carnival cruise next Saturday:D


I even ordered a pair of Navy Blue Beach sandals for my husband, and when he tried them on, he thought they were really comfortable. We'll be the Crocs couple on the Triumph next week!!!


Thanks for all great info about these - I never would have considered them otherwise. I've just ordered the Turquoise Beach and Coral Cayman ones - I'll be set for this summer. I guess I am now an official Croc-a-holic:D

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Ooooh, fantasiadeb, coral? I forgot about coral!! I have a LOT of coral in my summer wardrobe too! I think I might need just one more pair of Crocs before I take a rest from Croc-shopping! :o By the way, Triumph is one of my Favorite Carnival ships! You will look smashing onboard Triumph wearing your Crocs!

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Hi, Bonnie Voyager,


I don't believe you <g>. There must be at least one more color that you need, right? I'm just kidding! I can't wait for the metallics. I'm going on the Freedom in June, though, and wonder if they'll be out in time. Do you know anything about "when" they'll be available? I WANT THEM!!!


I love my Pink Beach and Butter Cayman Crocs, but I need metallics now <lol>.


Oh! I keep meaning to ask you: What's this about putting Crocs in the dryer??? I don't know anything about that. What is the purpose? I'm fascinated by your mention of that.



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Lynn, I want to hear a full report (preferably with photos) about Freedom when you return. I will be on Freedom over Easter 2007! I read that the new Crocs colors and styles will hit the stores in the Summer, but have no idea exactly when! Hopefully they will arrive before your trip! I also just read that there is a Crocs store opening up in the Orlando Airport!!!! I will be there in 39 1/2 days (Disney vacation over Easter)!!!! I hope the Croc store is open by then!!!! That will be almost as exciting as 9 days at Disney!!! I will tell the family to just head on to Disney, I'm staying at the airport for a few more days to look at Crocs!


I throw my Crocs in the dryer when I get them to stretch them out a bit and make them "mold" around my feet for a more custom fit. I wear a size 9 1/2 narrow and the Crocs that fit me best (so far) are a size 9 or a size Medium (8/9). They fit everywhere when I first get them except my longest toe (which is my second toe, not my big toe) touches the tip of the shoe. Anyway, after about 5 minutes in the dryer the Crocs become very warm, soft, spongy, and pliable. I take them out right away and put them on over a thick pair of socks (not too thick though as I don't want to stretch them too much since my feet are really narrow...if you have wide feet and want your Crocs to be even wider than they are when you get them, put on a couple of pairs of thick socks and do the dryer trick). While they are still hot I walk around a bit and let my feet slide forward and stretch the tips of the shoes till the shoes are cooled off (just a few minutes). Then, when I take my socks off, the shoes fit just perfect! They are longer and more narrow than they were to begin with. They will stay that way till I throw them in the dryer again (only if necessary). I wore my pink Crocs on the treadmill one morning and they were really comfortable but my feet warmed up while I was exercising and as a result, my Crocs softened up and then cooled off with somewhat of a "crease" on top of the shoe. I just threw them back in the dryer and reshaped them right back in to the perfect shoe for my foot! It's really easy and seems to be "foolproof". I read somewhere that someone used this method to shrink their Crocs too. I guess, if you put them in the dryer and then let them cool off without putting your foot in them, they will shrink up a little bit. Anyway, that's my tip for those of you who wear 1/2 sizes and can't find a Croc that truly fits! Just improvise!

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Hi, Bonnie (assuming Bonnie is your first name ... I'm guessing here because of Bonnie Voyager, and if I'm wrong I'm really sorry),


Anyway ...


That is just such a cool tip about the dryer. I'll be trying it for sure. I wear an 11 shoe, which is also a tough size. I find the Cayman style fits me a bit better than the Beach since the Beach is a 10-11 and the Cayman is a true 11. I'm going to try the dryer with my Beach Crocs to see if I can stretch them a bit. That would be fantastic! I'll let you know.


Oh, I'll definitely be reporting back here on the Freedom. I'm getting soooo excited that I can't stand it now.


I live in South Florida and went to the South Beach Food & Wine Festival last Saturday. I saw the Navigator and Voyager pulling out of port. It drove me crazy! Especially since I've been on the Navigator TWICE and LOVE that ship.


I see you're going on the Explorer in June! What date? I know that ship leaves on a Sunday, too, so you and I might cross paths. We'll be on the Freedom the 25th. That's why I'd love to have the metallic Crocs by June! Sigh!


Thank you for the dryer info ...



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