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3 in 10 cruisers won’t cruise again


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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

A lot of us never claimed for dole,sick,council tax,rent etc,etc.


We never have.  Everything we have we've earned the hard way. Both of us started school at 15 and managed to attend night schools  to get extra qualifications. Frank joinery and me shorthand and typing. We could afford to take out personal pensions after we'd  been married for a while. We planned and worked hard towards our retirement and we still pay tax. I know I'm rambling on but I get so annoyed when people assume that as "pensioners" we're sponging off the government. Nobody ever handed us anything, we earned it, and I refuse to  feel guilty because we're enjoying the time we have left spending it. 


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8 minutes ago, kalos said:



Reading the above ,the first two posts show concern over some not all young peoples apathy

over the risk of covid infection .

We come to post number 3 and we suddenly find it's the fault of the older tax payers ,not the virus at all.


Who brought up the pensions  ???  :classic_wacko::classic_unsure:

Quite how you read a post about younger people paying for the pensions and healthcare costs of older people as in any way suggesting it's anybody's fault escape me!


Why be so negative about any group of people? Try not to create intergenerational disharmony  - it achieves nothing for anybody,  and that's been the thrust of every post I've made on this.

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14 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

Why be so negative about any group of people?


As I just posted Harry the two posters  were remarking on how a few, not all could not care less about 

social distancing ,not baby boomer,not pensions or who has what regardless of age .

I fail to see how they were being negative posters.

You get selfish in all age groups and age nor status comes into it in my opinion .

Sorry but I think staying two meters apart  is what the point of the posters was. Nothing more nothing less.




Edited by kalos
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16 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

We never have.  Everything we have we've earned the hard way. Both of us started school at 15 and managed to attend night schools  to get extra qualifications. Frank joinery and me shorthand and typing. We could afford to take out personal pensions after we'd  been married for a while. We planned and worked hard towards our retirement and we still pay tax. I know I'm rambling on but I get so annoyed when people assume that as "pensioners" we're sponging off the government. Nobody ever handed us anything, we earned it, and I refuse to  feel guilty because we're enjoying the time we have left spending it. 


I'm with you,we have paid for it with our NI contributions.

We have both worked from age 16 and still are working and with no kids have never claimed any benefits.

Pauline planned for 60 and me 65 which would have been around the same time but now I have to work till 66(another two and a half years )and Pauline till 67 (another 9 years) before our state pension.

We take offense at being called Spongers.



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1 minute ago, Harry Peterson said:

Quite how you read a post about younger people paying for the pensions and healthcare costs of older people as in any way suggesting it's anybody's fault escape me!


Why be so negative about any group of people? Try not to create intergenerational disharmony  - it achieves nothing for anybody,  and that's been the thrust of every post I've made on this.

Harry no one is criticising all the younger generstion. I was merely saying that because a CERTAIN number. and if you look at all the pictures they ARE young, are disregarding government guidelines, and because of this we will have to stay in lockdown longer. Paying their taxes doesn't he give them the right to endanger peoples lives. They obviously have no consideration for others only themselves. The intergenerational disharmony you keep mentioning cuts both ways Harry. Pensions and taxes weren't even mentioned by me. That was your input.


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20 minutes ago, Harry Peterson said:

Perhaps they feel unwelcome because of the attacks and pointless references to snowflakes?  Peace, man.......😊

We all take responsibility for our posts.

I said it would be nice to have posts from younger cruisers but maybe they use other forms of chat.



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1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Our older generation probably had doubts about us all too.

They sure did - but they didn't publicly attack us on forums like this!  Why so much vitriol from older people here?  Can't you just live and let live?  Just a very small number of posters here astute enough to appreciate that attacking the very people who currently make the largest contribution to our NHS and our pensions is a pretty odd way to behave.


This really can be a very unpleasant forum sometimes - no wonder so few younger people want to join in and be got at!  Why is there all this constant sniping at younger people?

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1 hour ago, kalos said:



Reading the above ,the first two posts show concern over some not all young peoples apathy

over the risk of covid infection .

We come to post number 3 and we suddenly find it's the fault of the older tax payers ,not the virus at all.


Who brought up the pensions  ???  :classic_wacko::classic_unsure:

I think it was Harry, but I blame Meghan really.😏

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1 hour ago, Tommart said:

They sure did - but they didn't publicly attack us on forums like this!  Why so much vitriol from older people here?  Can't you just live and let live?  Just a very small number of posters here astute enough to appreciate that attacking the very people who currently make the largest contribution to our NHS and our pensions is a pretty odd way to behave.


This really can be a very unpleasant forum sometimes - no wonder so few younger people want to join in and be got at!  Why is there all this constant sniping at younger people?

In those days you were lucky to have a house phone.

No mobiles, laptops,or computers to post on forum's.

TBH I don't think anyone has been particularly unpleasant towards the younger generation who have a multitude of other social platforms to post on and why we don't hear them on here.

Personally after my heart attack in December I have massive respect and gratitude to our wonderful health service.

With respect to pensions,all of us who have posted have almost 50 years of paying tax and National Insurance and are still working and contributing to the Exchequer and when our pensions are due they are not a handout but something we have paid for ourselves.


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8 hours ago, Harry Peterson said:

I'd back their journalism (and they have a good track record of getting the right information because they have good sources) against the likes of the tabloids, who just print whatever lies will sell their papers!


Hmmmm..........I seem to recall the small matter of the Adolf Hitler Diaries !

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8 hours ago, kalos said:


As I just posted Harry the two posters  were remarking on how a few, not all could not care less about 

social distancing ,not baby boomer,not pensions or who has what regardless of age .

I fail to see how they were being negative posters.

You get selfish in all age groups and age nor status comes into it in my opinion .

Sorry but I think staying two meters apart  is what the point of the posters was. Nothing more nothing less.




I think you're missing the point - what he said was this:


"Quite how you read a post about younger people paying for the pensions and healthcare costs of older people as in any way suggesting it's anybody's fault escape me!


Why be so negative about any group of people? Try not to create intergenerational disharmony  - it achieves nothing for anybody,  and that's been the thrust of every post I've made on this."


You were the one being referred to as negative, and I agree.  It's very easy to criticise young people, without having tha ability to appreciate their difficulties.

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9 hours ago, kalos said:

Who brought up the pensions  ???  :classic_wacko::classic_unsure:

Pensions are a very relevant point here - they help to pay for cruises, and this thread is all about whether people will cruise again.  So many people having a go at younger people - stereotyping an entire generation.  And the point is, though so few people seem to get it, that while we may be paying taxes too their generation are largely footing the bill for our pensions and all the other costs that skyrocket as we get older.  As you sit in your house bought many years ago at maybe a tiny fraction of what it would cost now, spare a thought for young people who have no chance of ever buying one.


And as you all spend all the money on cruises, how many of you have helped your kids financially so that they can buy a house?  Having taught our kids to share, we've shared with them, and they will in turn with their children.  Nothing like as many cruises for us, but they both have nice houses, bought largely from gifts from us.  Have you done that, or is it a case of - it's my money, I'm spending it?  Spending the kids inheritance - horrible phrase, but I've heard it so many times.  What a selfish, unpleasant attitude.


Let's be nice to the younger generations, and let's make this a nicer forum.

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2 hours ago, Tommart said:

Pensions are a very relevant point here - they help to pay for cruises, and this thread is all about whether people will cruise again.  So many people having a go at younger people - stereotyping an entire generation.  And the point is, though so few people seem to get it, that while we may be paying taxes too their generation are largely footing the bill for our pensions and all the other costs that skyrocket as we get older.  As you sit in your house bought many years ago at maybe a tiny fraction of what it would cost now, spare a thought for young people who have no chance of ever buying one.


And as you all spend all the money on cruises, how many of you have helped your kids financially so that they can buy a house?  Having taught our kids to share, we've shared with them, and they will in turn with their children.  Nothing like as many cruises for us, but they both have nice houses, bought largely from gifts from us.  Have you done that, or is it a case of - it's my money, I'm spending it?  Spending the kids inheritance - horrible phrase, but I've heard it so many times.  What a selfish, unpleasant attitude.


Let's be nice to the younger generations, and let's make this a nicer forum.

While all generations, including the young, are contributing to state pensions, I doubt that anyone reliant on the OAP will have adequate spare cash to afford cruises.

I would also expect that many posters on here have children and grandchildren, so its unlikely they would insult younger generations. Similarly many will have helped their children get on the property ladder along with many other things, but that's what good parents do, and all because they want to lend a helping hand, if they can.

So far on this thread I see no signs that anyone is being disrespectful to younger generations. 

Edited by terrierjohn
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3 hours ago, Tommart said:

I think you're missing the point - what he said was this:


"Quite how you read a post about younger people paying for the pensions and healthcare costs of older people as in any way suggesting it's anybody's fault escape me!


Why be so negative about any group of people? Try not to create intergenerational disharmony  - it achieves nothing for anybody,  and that's been the thrust of every post I've made on this."


You were the one being referred to as negative, and I agree.  It's very easy to criticise young people, without having tha ability to appreciate their difficulties.


I am not at retirement age ,I do not claim a pension ,I am off work at the moment because of medical problems .

When at work I train a lot of youngsters so they get work .Even set a lot of them on if and when I can.

I get on with young people as well as any other age  and I do not resent them in any way shape or form .

Two posters mention persons refusing to respect social distancing  and Harry brings pensions into it ??

Nowhere in my posts have Slated young or old but yet I'm missing the point ? :classic_wacko:

The only point I was making is the posters wished people would stay 2 meters apart ,not a lecture on the pensions or S east London house prices etc. If people cannot see that point then I cannot help it. 

As they say in the DEN  for that reason I'm out .:classic_smile:

Edited by kalos
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Tommart has it wrong.


Most of us who cruise a lot like myself  will have worked hard , paid extra contributions into our pensions, put money aside for a rainy day. I also expect that many of us who cruise a lot have also helped our children pay off student debt, and helped considerably towards deposit for houses. We are now spending what we worked hard for. Yes the state pension paid for by younger people is part of our income but only a part that pays for basics not cruises. Anyway for 40 years whilst we were working we paid for older people's pensions without complaining 

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2 hours ago, Tommart said:

Pensions are a very relevant point here - they help to pay for cruises, and this thread is all about whether people will cruise again.  So many people having a go at younger people - stereotyping an entire generation.  And the point is, though so few people seem to get it, that while we may be paying taxes too their generation are largely footing the bill for our pensions and all the other costs that skyrocket as we get older.  As you sit in your house bought many years ago at maybe a tiny fraction of what it would cost now, spare a thought for young people who have no chance of ever buying one.


And as you all spend all the money on cruises, how many of you have helped your kids financially so that they can buy a house?  Having taught our kids to share, we've shared with them, and they will in turn with their children.  Nothing like as many cruises for us, but they both have nice houses, bought largely from gifts from us.  Have you done that, or is it a case of - it's my money, I'm spending it?  Spending the kids inheritance - horrible phrase, but I've heard it so many times.  What a selfish, unpleasant attitude.


Let's be nice to the younger generations, and let's make this a nicer forum.

It's my money and I am spending it! 

Why the necessity to buy!

Was not an option for us in our time.

Must say that this is a strange post completely out of kilter with the other posts on this thread, seems to be trying to take it in a different direction.

Previous posts were akin to the same.

Indeed strange!



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Unpleasant and off-putting, actually

It feels (to me) as if it is personal, with remarks aimed at poster rather than post

I may be wrong, in which case I apologise for any offence caused


At a time like this, I  understand we all have our moments of irritation, impatience, annoyance

At a time like this, I think, we should all try to be our best selves; to count to 10; to not rise to perceived goading, or slights


This site is (at the moment) a valuable and generally supportive resource.  Can we try to keep it that way?

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1 hour ago, kalos said:


I am not at retirement age ,I do not claim a pension ,I am off work at the moment because of medical problems .

When at work I train a lot of youngsters so they get work .Even set a lot of them on if and when I can.

I get on with young people as well as any other age  and I do not resent them in any way shape or form .

Two posters mention persons refusing to respect social distancing  and Harry brings pensions into it ??

Nowhere in my posts have Slated young or old but yet I'm missing the point ? :classic_wacko:

The only point I was making is the posters wished people would stay 2 meters apart ,not a lecture on the pensions or S east London house prices etc. If people cannot see that point then I cannot help it. 

As they say in the DEN  for that reason I'm out .:classic_smile:

I have never once stated that ALL young people are inconsiderate because i know they aren't, only a FEW. The same can also  be said of some of the older generation as well, and believe me I've come across quite a few of those.  I have 3 children and we have helped every one of them financially. We have even helped  our eldest grandson with his Uni fees. So, Tommart, whose generalising now? As for spending your money on our cruises?? The average state pension that you contribute to is enough to just get by on if careful. The sensible among us paid into private pensions so that we could have some worry free comfort and luxury in our later years. This is not a dig at you or your generation just a gentle reminder that we have worked hard, saved hard and helped our family just as it should be. These posts were never about pensions, only self distancing  and consideration for others both young and old during this pandemic.Now I'm out as well.


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38 minutes ago, Adawn47 said:

I have never once stated that ALL young people are inconsiderate because i know they aren't, only a FEW. The same can also  be said of some of the older generation as well, and believe me I've come across quite a few of those.  I have 3 children and we have helped every one of them financially. We have even helped  our eldest grandson with his Uni fees. So, Tommart, whose generalising now? As for spending your money on our cruises?? The average state pension that you contribute to is enough to just get by on if careful. The sensible among us paid into private pensions so that we could have some worry free comfort and luxury in our later years. This is not a dig at you or your generation just a gentle reminder that we have worked hard, saved hard and helped our family just as it should be. These posts were never about pensions, only self distancing  and consideration for others both young and old during this pandemic.Now I'm out as well.


I agree.

With lockdown we are seeing people walking that we have never seen before mostly young couples.

After my heart attack and knee arthritis we are strictly following social distancing but when people are walking faster behind us catching up to us and also others walking towards us it is us that are moving continuosly out of others way otherwise they would walk into us.

I report as I find but know lots of younger people who are good people.

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15 hours ago, grapau27 said:

I'm with you,we have paid for it with our NI contributions.

We have both worked from age 16 and still are working and with no kids have never claimed any benefits.

Pauline planned for 60 and me 65 which would have been around the same time but now I have to work till 66(another two and a half years )and Pauline till 67 (another 9 years) before our state pension.

We take offense at being called Spongers.



I know, to me the extension of women's retirement age is the worse thing that recent governments have done. I am 6 years older than my wife and I planned to retire at 66 at the same time as her when she was 60. I kept my 65 retirement age OK but she now has to work until she is 66 - calculate how much tax and NI will be paid in that time and how much pension she will not get in those 6 years and it comes to a tidy sum. The same situation is happening to many women who planned for their retirement at 60 and it is unjust.

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15 hours ago, Harry Peterson said:

Quite how you read a post about younger people paying for the pensions and healthcare costs of older people as in any way suggesting it's anybody's fault escape me!


Why be so negative about any group of people? Try not to create intergenerational disharmony  - it achieves nothing for anybody,  and that's been the thrust of every post I've made on this.

Post #253 gives s clue.😁

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1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

I agree.

With lockdown we are seeing people walking that we have never seen before mostly young couples.

After my heart attack and knee arthritis we are strictly following social distancing but when people are walking faster behind us catching up to us and also others walking towards us it is us that are moving continuosly out of others way otherwise they would walk into us.

I report as I find but know lots of younger people who are good people.

I experienced a similar thing this morning whilst walking the dog down a fairly narrow footpath. Two young joggers (side by side), a fellow dog walker and 2 men, probably in their 50s, who presumably live in the same house because they were less than 1 metre apart so they could chat, each with dogs, approached me, ignoring opportunities simply to move onto the verge off the side of the footpath they were using, and causing me to have to leave the path on ‘my side’ into deepish undergrowth in order to keep a good distance. Not a great problem for me, I have got used to it recently, but their lack of acknowledgement of my presence and avoiding / distancing tactic is worrying. Some people just do not seem to grasp the importance of the situation we are in. It has nothing to do with age but more to do with a lack of awareness of potential consequences across some people across all ages (and genders). 




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2 minutes ago, pete14 said:

I experienced a similar thing this morning whilst walking the dog down a fairly narrow footpath. Two young joggers (side by side), a fellow dog walker and 2 men, probably in their 50s, who presumably live in the same house because they were less than 1 metre apart so they could chat, each with dogs, approached me, ignoring opportunities simply to move onto the verge off the side of the footpath they were using, and causing me to have to leave the path on ‘my side’ into deepish undergrowth in order to keep a good distance. Not a great problem for me, I have got used to it recently, but their lack of acknowledgement of my presence and avoiding / distancing tactic is worrying. Some people just do not seem to grasp the importance of the situation we are in. It has nothing to do with age but more to do with a lack of awareness of potential consequences across some people across all ages (and genders). 




Also had cyclists riding past us on the pavement.

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