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Where have The " regulars" Gone....DaiB....Selbourne....Andy...etc.


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It has been raining most of today in Durham but at least we are still in tier 2 after yesterday's briefing.

I was at the eye hospital in Durham this morning as I have an Epiretinal Membrane with Macular hole in my right eye and the consultant thinks it is ready for an operation.☹️

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I’m also really happy selbourne you posted again I took a lot of your advice a few years ago when I joined cc , and was really sorry to hear you upset a few weeks back now , please don’t give up has others have said we value your opinions and advice, have a wonderful holiday on IOW . 

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55 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

Well it’s nice to know that I’ve been missed 😂. I still look at the site from time to time to catch up on news on cancellations, Iona etc but stopped posting some time back. I genuinely tried  to cancel my account but, try as I might, I couldn’t find a way to do it. 


I should perhaps apologise for departing so abruptly and, although more people are understandably more interested in discussing school dinners than those of us who have populated this board for many years (major thread drift is still alive and well I see 🙄) I would like to reassure Graham and others who have very kindly asked after my welfare that I am absolutely fine. I am currently sat in a holiday cottage in Cowes and we have just watched Aurora sail past outside, which made me think of you all, hence spotting this thread with my name in the title. 

I guess that I am annoyed with myself as I let one poster really irritate me. It seemed at the time that those of use who were expressing concern about cruising in the current climate were being shouted down by those who took the opposite view and the debate was becoming one sided as a result. I have also been misquoted by that poster since, but that’s water under the bridge now. With no cruises happening, there was an inevitability that conversations were going around and around, but another poster, who I have a lot of respect for, said that some of my comments had made them cringe and I guess that hurt a bit so I decided it was best to withdraw. 

Anyway, that’s what I should have said some time ago to explain my departure and thank you to those who have enquired after me. All is well in the Selbourne household and I hope that’s the case with all of you? Now you can all get back to discussing school dinners 😂 


A very big WELCOME BACK. 🙂 


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8 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

It has been raining most of today in Durham but at least we are still in tier 2 after yesterday's briefing.

I was at the eye hospital in Durham this morning as I have an Epiretinal Membrane with Macular hole in my right eye and the consultant thinks it is ready for an operation.☹️

graham I hope you get your operation soon before hospitals put a stop on operations again, and all goes well for you , I had two eye operations this year one before lock down and one during , I had narrowed angled glaucoma in both eyes .

Also I hope YOU never want to give up posting too , I always look at your advice to from the beginning I started cc along with Diab . 

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1 hour ago, Selbourne said:

Well it’s nice to know that I’ve been missed 😂. I still look at the site from time to time to catch up on news on cancellations, Iona etc but stopped posting some time back. I genuinely tried  to cancel my account but, try as I might, I couldn’t find a way to do it. 


I should perhaps apologise for departing so abruptly and, although more people are understandably more interested in discussing school dinners than those of us who have populated this board for many years (major thread drift is still alive and well I see 🙄) I would like to reassure Graham and others who have very kindly asked after my welfare that I am absolutely fine. I am currently sat in a holiday cottage in Cowes and we have just watched Aurora sail past outside, which made me think of you all, hence spotting this thread with my name in the title. 

I guess that I am annoyed with myself as I let one poster really irritate me. It seemed at the time that those of use who were expressing concern about cruising in the current climate were being shouted down by those who took the opposite view and the debate was becoming one sided as a result. I have also been misquoted by that poster since, but that’s water under the bridge now. With no cruises happening, there was an inevitability that conversations were going around and around, but another poster, who I have a lot of respect for, said that some of my comments had made them cringe and I guess that hurt a bit so I decided it was best to withdraw. 

Anyway, that’s what I should have said some time ago to explain my departure and thank you to those who have enquired after me. All is well in the Selbourne household and I hope that’s the case with all of you? Now you can all get back to discussing school dinners 😂 

Hi....it is such a relief to know that all is well with you....as I said in the title and first post I really was wondering what had become of the " old regulars" whose thoughts I always appreciated . I have been saddened to think....as I am sure quite a few others are too...that hurtful personal comments have been made against you....so hurtful that it has made you   " walk away" . It is such a great loss for this forum when posters who give a well thought out answer decide enough is enough. There is always room for differing views if given in a respectful way.

Thank you for taking the time to post and maybe....just maybe....you will at some point be able to give your valued opinions again on this forum.



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6 minutes ago, Purdey16 said:

graham I hope you get your operation soon before hospitals put a stop on operations again, and all goes well for you , I had two eye operations this year one before lock down and one during , I had narrowed angled glaucoma in both eyes .

Also I hope YOU never want to give up posting too , I always look at your advice to from the beginning I started cc along with Diab . 

Thank you that's nice of you to say that.

I enjoy posting and chatting to you all here as well as on the RC boards.

The consultant I saw today is going to refer me to another consultant for a second opinion but she thought it needs an op.

I hope your operations were successful.

Take care 



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1 hour ago, Selbourne said:

Well it’s nice to know that I’ve been missed 😂. I still look at the site from time to time to catch up on news on cancellations, Iona etc but stopped posting some time back. I genuinely tried  to cancel my account but, try as I might, I couldn’t find a way to do it. 


I should perhaps apologise for departing so abruptly and, although more people are understandably more interested in discussing school dinners than those of us who have populated this board for many years (major thread drift is still alive and well I see 🙄) I would like to reassure Graham and others who have very kindly asked after my welfare that I am absolutely fine. I am currently sat in a holiday cottage in Cowes and we have just watched Aurora sail past outside, which made me think of you all, hence spotting this thread with my name in the title. 

I guess that I am annoyed with myself as I let one poster really irritate me. It seemed at the time that those of use who were expressing concern about cruising in the current climate were being shouted down by those who took the opposite view and the debate was becoming one sided as a result. I have also been misquoted by that poster since, but that’s water under the bridge now. With no cruises happening, there was an inevitability that conversations were going around and around, but another poster, who I have a lot of respect for, said that some of my comments had made them cringe and I guess that hurt a bit so I decided it was best to withdraw. 

Anyway, that’s what I should have said some time ago to explain my departure and thank you to those who have enquired after me. All is well in the Selbourne household and I hope that’s the case with all of you? Now you can all get back to discussing school dinners 😂 

It's great to have you back Selbourne and I am deeply upset at my contribution to your hiatus which I hope is now over.

You will have noted that we are still as split as ever on  how  when, where, and how enjoyably we will return to cruising.  Aithough I am sure we all want to, it is the planned protocols that some of us are willing to try, whilst others feel they would totally spoil their enjoyment.

However until cruising restarts from the UK ports none of us have the faintest idea what it will be like, and indeed whether it will be at all viable, and just what level of infection rate will enable them to begin operations  so please stay with us and help us with our deliberations.

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2 hours ago, Selbourne said:

Well it’s nice to know that I’ve been missed 😂.. I genuinely tried  to cancel my account but, try as I might, I couldn’t find a way to do it. 

I guess that I am annoyed with myself .  water under the bridge now. ? Now you can all get back to discussing school dinners 😂 


Welcome back Selbourne, Of course you have been missed :classic_smile:

 Don't be to hard on yourself for failing to cancel your account .

As said in the song Hotel California .. You can checkout anytime you like  but you can never leave !

Not that anyone wants you to leave , yes you were annoyed and yes it's where it belongs ,in the past ,water under the bridge.

Anyhow It's great to hear your ok and enjoying  watching the ships sail by.

Look forward to hearing from you again and please don't encourage them with the school dinners .

Next thing I know you will be swapping rhubarb & custard recipes with them :classic_unsure::classic_smile:  Take Care :classic_wink:

Edited by kalos
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1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

It has been raining most of today in Durham but at least we are still in tier 2 after yesterday's briefing.

I was at the eye hospital in Durham this morning as I have an Epiretinal Membrane with Macular hole in my right eye and the consultant thinks it is ready for an operation.☹️


Sorry to read about your eye condition Graham ,hope you get it sorted soon ,good luck with it .:classic_smile:

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2 hours ago, Selbourne said:

Well it’s nice to know that I’ve been missed 😂. I still look at the site from time to time to catch up on news on cancellations, Iona etc but stopped posting some time back. I genuinely tried  to cancel my account but, try as I might, I couldn’t find a way to do it. 


I should perhaps apologise for departing so abruptly and, although more people are understandably more interested in discussing school dinners than those of us who have populated this board for many years (major thread drift is still alive and well I see 🙄) I would like to reassure Graham and others who have very kindly asked after my welfare that I am absolutely fine. I am currently sat in a holiday cottage in Cowes and we have just watched Aurora sail past outside, which made me think of you all, hence spotting this thread with my name in the title. 

I guess that I am annoyed with myself as I let one poster really irritate me. It seemed at the time that those of use who were expressing concern about cruising in the current climate were being shouted down by those who took the opposite view and the debate was becoming one sided as a result. I have also been misquoted by that poster since, but that’s water under the bridge now. With no cruises happening, there was an inevitability that conversations were going around and around, but another poster, who I have a lot of respect for, said that some of my comments had made them cringe and I guess that hurt a bit so I decided it was best to withdraw. 

Anyway, that’s what I should have said some time ago to explain my departure and thank you to those who have enquired after me. All is well in the Selbourne household and I hope that’s the case with all of you? Now you can all get back to discussing school dinners 😂 

It's great to hear from you again and to know all's well. You have been missed. I hope after your relaxing holiday you will continue to post regularly again. We need to be kept in line as you can tell😁


Edited by Adawn47
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10 hours ago, grapau27 said:

It has been raining most of today in Durham but at least we are still in tier 2 after yesterday's briefing.

I was at the eye hospital in Durham this morning as I have an Epiretinal Membrane with Macular hole in my right eye and the consultant thinks it is ready for an operation.☹️

WHAT!You mean the hospital is NOT at Barnard Castle.Seriously though, wish you well and a successful outcome,cheers,Brian.

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9 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Thank you that's nice of you to say that.

I enjoy posting and chatting to you all here as well as on the RC boards.

The consultant I saw today is going to refer me to another consultant for a second opinion but she thought it needs an op.

I hope your operations were successful.

Take care 



Fingers crossed for you Graham, hope you get sorted quickly. 


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12 hours ago, grapau27 said:

It has been raining most of today in Durham but at least we are still in tier 2 after yesterday's briefing.

I was at the eye hospital in Durham this morning as I have an Epiretinal Membrane with Macular hole in my right eye and the consultant thinks it is ready for an operation.☹️

Hope you don't have to wait too long and it all goes well.

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13 hours ago, grapau27 said:

It has been raining most of today in Durham but at least we are still in tier 2 after yesterday's briefing.

I was at the eye hospital in Durham this morning as I have an Epiretinal Membrane with Macular hole in my right eye and the consultant thinks it is ready for an operation.☹️

Fingers crossed you get a date for op soon..... Eyesight is very precious so will be great for you when done.

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16 hours ago, Selbourne said:

Well it’s nice to know that I’ve been missed 😂. I still look at the site from time to time to catch up on news on cancellations, Iona etc but stopped posting some time back. I genuinely tried  to cancel my account but, try as I might, I couldn’t find a way to do it. 


I should perhaps apologise for departing so abruptly and, although more people are understandably more interested in discussing school dinners than those of us who have populated this board for many years (major thread drift is still alive and well I see 🙄) I would like to reassure Graham and others who have very kindly asked after my welfare that I am absolutely fine. I am currently sat in a holiday cottage in Cowes and we have just watched Aurora sail past outside, which made me think of you all, hence spotting this thread with my name in the title. 

I guess that I am annoyed with myself as I let one poster really irritate me. It seemed at the time that those of use who were expressing concern about cruising in the current climate were being shouted down by those who took the opposite view and the debate was becoming one sided as a result. I have also been misquoted by that poster since, but that’s water under the bridge now. With no cruises happening, there was an inevitability that conversations were going around and around, but another poster, who I have a lot of respect for, said that some of my comments had made them cringe and I guess that hurt a bit so I decided it was best to withdraw. 

Anyway, that’s what I should have said some time ago to explain my departure and thank you to those who have enquired after me. All is well in the Selbourne household and I hope that’s the case with all of you? Now you can all get back to discussing school dinners 😂 

Nice to see you post again, always great advice from you, you have been missed.


You don't take photos do you - there's a thread calling out for your photos

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15 hours ago, grapau27 said:

It has been raining most of today in Durham but at least we are still in tier 2 after yesterday's briefing.

I was at the eye hospital in Durham this morning as I have an Epiretinal Membrane with Macular hole in my right eye and the consultant thinks it is ready for an operation.☹️

Sorry to hear you have an eye problem Graham. I hope you get your operation soon. Eyesight is a precious thing and must be looked after.


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