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2 hours ago, Son of Anarchy said:

A mate of mine's dad got jabbed a few weeks ago.  A week after getting jabbed he was admitted into hospital with non-covid related breathing problems.  Caught covid in the hospital. Has since made a recovery.

That must  be a positive for vaccination.

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2 hours ago, delgirl said:

Buzzing. Had text and e-mail for covid jab. Text said they are doing 68+ (I am 68) got to go on thursday morning. Makes up for letter I had last week (or week before) it was from nhs wanting me to do a migraine thingy. Was gutted it wasn't the letter I was waiting for. Cannot believe how buzzing I am to have an injection I am almost dancing. Know I still have to be careful, but am looking at it as the first step forward.

That's brilliant news.

Good luck on Thursday.

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I watched JVT yesterday and I agree with people here- he seems the best one. He was very encouraging about how few cases there were of the South African variant here and then I see online news articles with all doom and gloom! 
I sometimes think they they don’t watch the same briefing as me!

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10 hours ago, delgirl said:

Buzzing. Had text and e-mail for covid jab. Text said they are doing 68+ (I am 68) got to go on thursday morning. Makes up for letter I had last week (or week before) it was from nhs wanting me to do a migraine thingy. Was gutted it wasn't the letter I was waiting for. Cannot believe how buzzing I am to have an injection I am almost dancing. Know I still have to be careful, but am looking at it as the first step forward.

Brilliant news

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Reasons to be cheerful today:


1) The NHS is storming the vaccine roll-out. 

2) Hugh Bonneville (Lord Grantham in Downton Abbey and Mr Brown in Paddington) is volunteering as a Marshal at a vaccine hub - take that man a marmalade sandwich!

3) It’s Yorkshire Phil's birthday today. Happy Birthday Phil! ( see, those hints did pay off). 


Have a good day everyone.

Best wishes.


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6 minutes ago, Beckett said:

Reasons to be cheerful today:


1) The NHS is storming the vaccine roll-out. 

2) Hugh Bonneville (Lord Grantham in Downton Abbey and Mr Brown in Paddington) is volunteering as a Marshal at a vaccine hub - take that man a marmalade sandwich!

3) It’s Yorkshire Phil's birthday today. Happy Birthday Phil! ( see, those hints did pay off). 


Have a good day everyone.

Best wishes.


Great to hear that it’s still going well Jane. Out of interest, I know that many vaccination centres have started on the group 5 cohort (65-70) but do you know if there has been any central directive as to when group 6 can commence? I am wondering if it will be after group 5 is almost complete, or in tandem with it, as has been done with groups 1 to 4? Keep up the great work!

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I think my best “celeb” wish would be for JVT to be on jab duty, though I’d be happy with Hugh Bonneville too.


Another shout out for non-celeb volunteers.  The car park, pelican crossing and queue marshals at our local centre must be perished these last few days, yet they continue smiling behind their masks and manage a Good Morning as we pass

Edited by Eddie99
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16 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

Great to hear that it’s still going well Jane. Out of interest, I know that many vaccination centres have started on the group 5 cohort (65-70) but do you know if there has been any central directive as to when group 6 can commence? I am wondering if it will be after group 5 is almost complete, or in tandem with it, as has been done with groups 1 to 4? Keep up the great work!

Good morning Selbourne. 65-69s only at the moment. I suspect, but don't know for sure, that we will be instructed to complete as many as we can in that age group before we move on. However, we've had such a great response from this group that I don't think it will be long. We, in my hub, are fully booked for the next few days, including the weekend. My best guess would be 60-64s will commence first week in March. Jane.x

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Got my fingers crossed that I get an invite soon. I’m 26 but suffer from asthma and have to take a steroid inhaler daily. According to multiple sources this would put me in Group 6. We shall see! 

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21 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

I think my best “celeb” wish would be for JVT to be on jab duty, though I’d be happy with Hugh Bonneville too.


Another shout out for non-celeb volunteers.  The car park, pelican crossing and queue marshals at our local centre must be perished these last few days, yet they continue smiling behind their masks and manage a Good Morning as we pass

Absolutely right Eddie. Nice to see a shout-out for them all, and a huge debt of gratitude. It's been bone chillingly cold yet, as you say, they still smile and give a warm welcome. I've been overwhelmed by the amount of volunteers that have come forward to offer their help. It's quite humbling. Jane.x

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18 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

I think my best “celeb” wish would be for JVT to be on jab duty, though I’d be happy with Hugh Bonneville too.


Another shout out for non-celeb volunteers.  The car park, pelican crossing and queue marshals at our local centre must be perished these last few days, yet they continue smiling behind their masks and manage a Good Morning as we pass

I did my marshals role a couple of weeks back, and yes I was frozen standing in the car park directing cars but my cruising experiences did remind me that the first point of contact to any experience is so important at putting people at their ease. It did make me think of all those staff standing on a dock in all sorts of weather welcoming you back.

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14 minutes ago, Beckett said:

Good morning Selbourne. 65-69s only at the moment. I suspect, but don't know for sure, that we will be instructed to complete as many as we can in that age group before we move on. However, we've had such a great response from this group that I don't think it will be long. We, in my hub, are fully booked for the next few days, including the weekend. My best guess would be 60-64s will commence first week in March. Jane.x

Thanks Jane. Group 6 is actually adults aged 16 to 65 with ‘at risk’ underlying conditions (as opposed to the extremely clinically vulnerable group that has already been done) plus their carers (and some others, can’t recall the detail) but it’s a very big cohort - 7.9m people from memory. I think that 60-64 is group 7. I was also, reckoning on March for group 6, but group 5 is a smaller group and at the phenomenal rate that you are all jabbing I wondered if it could be even sooner! 

Edit - Group 6 is 7.3m people, versus 2.9m in group 5.

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2 minutes ago, wowzz said:

I'm in the 65 to 70 age group and haven't heard a thing so far!

Morning Wowzz. Your age group has only just started in some, but not all, vaccination hubs. Ours is still mopping up the last of the over 70’s this week. I’d be very surprised if you don’t get your jab before the end of this month though. 

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1 minute ago, Selbourne said:

Morning Wowzz. Your age group has only just started in some, but not all, vaccination hubs. Ours is still mopping up the last of the over 70’s this week. I’d be very surprised if you don’t get your jab before the end of this month though. 

I would hope so as well. My sister,  who has just turned 65 is being vaccinated on Friday. Shows how different parts of the country are proceeding at different rates.

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5 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

Thanks Jane. Group 6 is actually adults aged 16 to 65 with ‘at risk’ underlying conditions (as opposed to the extremely clinically vulnerable group that has already been done) plus their carers (and some others, can’t recall the detail) but it’s a very big cohort - 7.9m people from memory. I think that 60-64 is group 7. I was also, reckoning on March for group 6, but group 5 is a smaller group and at the phenomenal rate that you are all jabbing I wondered if it could be even sooner! 

Yes, sorry Selbourne. You're right of course. I'm so wrapped up in my own hub and what we've been instructed to do that I've lost track of the bigger picture. Interestingly, I've just this minute received an email from our Clinical Director telling us to invite the 60-64s, preferably those with underlying health conditions, but if not, invite them anyway, which is great. And, we have a zoom call tomorrow with all the practices to be told how to proceed. It's looking good! Jane.x

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2 minutes ago, wowzz said:

I would hope so as well. My sister,  who has just turned 65 is being vaccinated on Friday. Shows how different parts of the country are proceeding at different rates.

Indeed. One vaccination hub near us (unfortunately not the one that covers us) had done all over 70’s by the end of Jan and is confident that they will have all over 50’s done before the end of March. I don’t quite understand how they are managing it, as the national roll out is progressing at. a phenomenal rate as it is, but these guys must be on steroids!

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51 minutes ago, Beckett said:

Reasons to be cheerful today:


1) The NHS is storming the vaccine roll-out. 

2) Hugh Bonneville (Lord Grantham in Downton Abbey and Mr Brown in Paddington) is volunteering as a Marshal at a vaccine hub - take that man a marmalade sandwich!

3) It’s Yorkshire Phil's birthday today. Happy Birthday Phil! ( see, those hints did pay off). 


Have a good day everyone.

Best wishes.


Thanks Jane.


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5 minutes ago, Beckett said:

Yes, sorry Selbourne. You're right of course. I'm so wrapped up in my own hub and what we've been instructed to do that I've lost track of the bigger picture. Interestingly, I've just this minute received an email from our Clinical Director telling us to invite the 60-64s, preferably those with underlying health conditions, but if not, invite them anyway, which is great. And, we have a zoom call tomorrow with all the practices to be told how to proceed. It's looking good! Jane.x

No worrIes Jane. You have enough to do getting jabs in arms! Your clinical director is going against the vaccine priority groups with that instruction though. Those aged 60-64 without underlying conditions are group 7, yet you’ve had no instruction to start group 6, many of whom have quite serious health conditions and could have been shielding for ages. I hope that’s not replicated where we live!

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7 minutes ago, Selbourne said:

No worrIes Jane. You have enough to do getting jabs in arms! Your clinical director is going against the vaccine priority groups with that instruction though. Those aged 60-64 without underlying conditions are group 7, yet you’ve had no instruction to start group 6, many of whom have quite serious health conditions and could have been shielding for ages. I hope that’s not replicated where we live!

He knows! He's just sent a follow-up telling us to scrap the last instruction and the zoom call has now been brought forward to today. More to follow! Jane.x

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14 minutes ago, wowzz said:

I'm in the 65 to 70 age group and haven't heard a thing so far!

My husband is 69, so he’s in your group too, and hasn’t heard anything either.


I can see from the forum and from other people that I know online that the vaccinations for your group appear to be starting, but I’ve no idea what is happening locally. The message on our doctor’s website hasn’t changed for several weeks - it says that they are working on the over 80’s and will be calling the 75-79s ‘soon’. I can only assume that things are moving on, but it’s a bit of an information vacuum right now. I don’t have a lot of faith in my doctors surgery anyway. They called my husband for his flu jab the year he turned 65, but never bothered since then. I’ve got a sense of anxiety that they aren’t going to bother to contact him for his Covid jab either. I’m hoping that he’ll get the NHS letter so that he can book at the mass vaccination centre - it’s 15 miles away, but at least he could get ‘done’.


I’m also half way through having a new patio laid. Work has stopped due to the snow. What with the patio and wait for my husband to be contacted about his jab, it feels like I’m in a limbo at the moment. 

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20 minutes ago, wowzz said:

I would hope so as well. My sister,  who has just turned 65 is being vaccinated on Friday. Shows how different parts of the country are proceeding at different rates.

I'm in the 65-70s group, in the adjoining county to you, and heard nothing either. We do different in the east.:classic_blink:

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4 minutes ago, Beckett said:

He knows! He's just sent a follow-up telling us to scrap the last instruction and the zoom call has now been brought forward to today. More to follow! Jane.x

Phew. That’s a relief. My wife (who is disabled and a full time wheelchair user) hasn’t been out of the house for months on end and whilst she is waiting very patiently for her time to come I am keen to be able to give her some life back! It’s brilliant having you on here Jane and apologies for all the questions. I’m sure that in the few hours that you have when you aren’t jabbing the last thing you probably want to do is to be talking about it, but your insight is invaluable and much appreciated. 

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A snippet from a yet unpublished report, lets hope this is correct.


Pfizer and Oxford University's Covid vaccines both cut the risk of falling ill with the disease by 65 per cent after just one dose, in a ray of hope for Britain's lockdown-easing plans.

In the most concrete proof yet that the NHS inoculation drive is working, unpublished Government data shows the Pfizer/BioNTech jab kicks in within two weeks and is just as effective at blocking symptoms in the elderly as it is in the young. The Oxford/AstraZeneca jab is similarly robust. 

The first Pfizer dose reportedly cuts the risk of getting symptoms by 64 per cent in over-80s and by 65 per cent in younger adults, the first data from the UK immunisation programme has found. Protection soars to between 79 and 84 per cent after the second dose for all ages. Similar results have been seen in Israel.

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