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Will You cancel Your Upcoming Cruises if Royal Caribbean Doesn't Require Vaccinations

If Royal Caribbean Doesn't Require Vaccinations will you cancel your cruise?  

436 members have voted

  1. 1. How Do You Feel About Royal Caribbean not requesting vaccinations

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Even though we did get the vaccination several months ago, we are seriously considering canceling the cruises with RCL.  Do not want to be on any ship that bows to every tinhorn governor.  

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24 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

What's the percentage of families still sailing and those cancelling? Does anyone know?




I don't know but...Those sailing has to be pretty significant if they cannot meet the 95% threshhold...

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7 minutes ago, mauraoel said:

I don't know but...Those sailing has to be pretty significant if they cannot meet the 95% threshhold...

As a parent, I would not take young children on a cruise right now, not sure how any parent can do that right now. Heaven forbid any of them catch covid, how the media will eat that up.

If that should happen, it will extend no cruising from the US for sure.

Just not a wise.


What gets me, no reason to worry about familes with young children cruising now anyway.............With reduced passengers onboard, they could have just had adults sailing and open up families with young children 6 months from now after we see how things pan out.

Edited by Jimbo
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1 hour ago, xpcdoojk said:

Believes no one.

I believe it. I think all the cruise lines are going to require vaccines before this is all done including Florida. The writing is on the wall and if carnival announces it later this week that will seal the deal.


I still think families will be able to cruise I just think vaccines will be required for everybody who is old enough to get one.

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Actually I'm going to go one step further..my prediction is that by the time ships sail in July/Aug timeframe, most if not all cruise lines will mandate vaccines to some level including in FL, and the CDC will adjust protocols to say if 100% of Eligible people are vaccinated, the ship can sail with children under 12, and mask rules and social distancing become just suggestions.


My qualifications for such a prediction: absolutely none whatsoever! 🤣

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14 minutes ago, Jimbo said:

As a parent, I would not take young children on a cruise right now, not sure how any parent can do that right now. Heaven forbid any of them catch covid, how the media will eat that up.

If that should happen, it will extend no cruising from the US for sure.

Just not a wise.


What gets me, no reason to worry about familes with young children cruising now anyway.............With reduced passengers onboard, they could have just had adults sailing and open up families with young children 6 months from now after we see how things pan out.

We have traveled with our grandkids several times during with pandemic they are all n person school and have been all year with no infections. 

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1 minute ago, mauraoel said:

We have traveled with our grandkids several times during with pandemic they are all n person school and have been all year with no infections. 

How many cruiseships you been on?

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2 hours ago, cruiserking said:

That's wonderful, but, I'm truly baffled as to how and why Royal Caribbean caved. 


Well, I just waited on the phone for an hour and half to voice my displeasure to a Royal Caribbean rep who told me the situation is fluid. I get the feeling that things may change, I sure hope so. She also mentioned you would find out whether your cruise was vaccinated or not a month before sailing which is a little crazy. 



That’s helpful. Just in time for FCCs but no refunds. 😉

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1 minute ago, Jimbo said:

How many cruiseships you been on?

None but I don't believe the ship is any more dangerous than Universal for 5 days during the holiday period or well attended sporting events which haven't produced super spreader events that the Good Doctor insisted they would. 

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2 minutes ago, harkinmr said:

That’s helpful. Just in time for FCCs but no refunds. 😉

"We'll gladly let you know the vaccination protocols tomorrow for a cruise you pay for today."



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22 minutes ago, mauraoel said:

None but I don't believe the ship is any more dangerous than Universal for 5 days during the holiday period or well attended sporting events which haven't produced super spreader events that the Good Doctor insisted they would. 

I'm a cruise fanatic, but I totally disagree. Universal Studios is primarily an outdoor event. Even when indoors, you're with different people all the time, not confined with the same people for seven days. Sporting events are also typically outdoors and last a short period of time. That said, you've been lucky. Norovirus is NOT limited to cruise ships, but it's where outbreaks most often occur because the SAME people are in close proximity for a LONG time. Remember when this all started? Large numbers of cruise passengers became stranded as the virus ran rampant through the ship and they were not permitted to dock and disembark. Who wants to be part of that? I am a budget traveler by necessity and I sure don't want my big vacation investment to become a nightmare. My cruise is over a year away, so I hope not to be impacted beyond the disappointment of finding many great local tours I'd have enjoyed have been forced out of business by the virus. (So sad...) But if this is still going on, I would absolutely cancel before final payment. I don't understand the objection to the vaccine requirement. No one balks at having to get shots to travel to countries abroad. It's a choice. So is this. I wish RCCL would stand their ground.

Edited by printingchick
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Thanks for you opinion I don't agree with you; noro virus isn't about a high population in the same locale for along time its about cleanliness.   Both my kids who are now adults have caught noro but it wasn't on a cruise ship, their school was the culprit. 


My grandchildren are annoyingly germ-a-phobic but spent many hours in lines for 5 minute rides if I can dig out the photos you would see we were in line with the same sets of strangers multiple times daily, although since I don't know the strangers in the background of the photos I probably shouldn't share them.  


I don't have a problem with vaccines I have a problem with individuals who think my grandchildren should wait to have their vacation just because they aren't eligible for the vaccine yet. Just as Mr. Fain said studies show children are less likely to spend the disease, and as most parents and grandparents are vaccinated I don't think they have a chance of coming in contact with an adult who has it.

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1 hour ago, harkinmr said:

That’s helpful. Just in time for FCCs but no refunds. 😉


3 hours ago, cruiserking said:

That's wonderful, but, I'm truly baffled as to how and why Royal Caribbean caved. 


Well, I just waited on the phone for an hour and half to voice my displeasure to a Royal Caribbean rep who told me the situation is fluid. I get the feeling that things may change, I sure hope so. She also mentioned you would find out whether your cruise was vaccinated or not a month before sailing which is a little crazy. 



I too waited for almost 2 hours today, (cleaning house while on hold).  I assume lots of people calling to cancel since DeSantis strong armed the cruiselines in Florida for political aspirations.  Ridiculous.  This is about passengers' health.  Yes, we have the vaccine, but there are still quite a bit of unknowns regarding this virus that killed almost 600,000 people in this country alone, including family members.  Now saying some of the strains are becoming more prolific and able to get through the vaccine in some people, that is scary.  Why can't DeSantis allow the cruise lines to ask for vaccinations so no one has to worry about who is not vaccinated while enjoying their trip?  Even if vaccinated, You can still get it, probably not get too sick, but can still carry, therefore pass it to a non-vaccinated person like grandchildren who are too young to get a vaccine when they get  back home.  

The big thing though is all these people who don't have a vaccine and get on these ships which are close quarters and become ill or even asymptomatic while on the ship, then the ship has to turn around and go back to port.  Wow, I'd be pissed that RC decided to cruise without people needing to be vaccinated (they can't show they are because DeSantis will charge the cruiselines 5000 per person).  So when your cruise is cancelled or you or others become ill on ship, who is responsible?  You because you got on the ship or DeSantis cause he allowed the ships to cruise with unvaccinated passengers.  Sorry, but if you don't agree, get on the ship, it is your choice now.  I'm just stating my thoughts.  

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On 6/5/2021 at 5:28 PM, Beachammo said:

I don't understand why people feel a 95% vaccinated cruise is safer? Vaccinated people are not being tested before boarding....they can just as easily bring covid on board. With over 2k on board....you'll still have many that will get sick and cause shutdowns.


If everyone unvaccinated and vaccinated test negative before boarding that would be the best solution.

Exactly, the vaccine doesn't stop one from getting it or spreading.  The test is the best and I agree.

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1 minute ago, sept10dsm said:

Exactly, the vaccine doesn't stop one from getting it or spreading.  The test is the best and I agree.

I just read many articles about this on this site and from what I read, everyone would be tested before, during and after, but since tests don't show positive for several days, you still have some getting on carrying the virus and then when it shows a few days later, you all go home.  Not fun. When I spoke to the RC person today, she said it is still changing daily.

I still think DeSantis should allow people to show vaccines, for God's Sake, we are talking about the worst virus and deaths in over 100 years.  He wants to open the cruise industry but is blocking what the cruise lines feel is a requirement to keep everyone safe.  Vaccines,  And vaccines are available to everyone except very young children so what is the big deal?

Who will pay for the lawsuits when they return and people get sick on the cruise.  With tests, and  everyone vaccinated, I think you would feel safer if you choose to go.

And again, if you think you would be ok, and don't care if the ship has to return to port because unvaccinated people get sick,  go for it!

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What about the recovered? No one ever mentions them.  I get how many feel safer being vaccinated but since it doesn't prevent or stop spread who knows.  There are cases of no symptom fully vaccinated, like the 9 Yankee players.  They were all fully vaccinated, but the company required testing and found them with no symptoms, and Bill Maher.  Same thing the studio just happened to required weekly tests vaccinated or not.  These people would never had been tested aside from the company requirement.  So who knows.  

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2 hours ago, mauraoel said:

None but I don't believe the ship is any more dangerous than Universal for 5 days during the holiday period or well attended sporting events which haven't produced super spreader events that the Good Doctor insisted they would. 

That’s because at large sporting events they are separating vaccinated and unvaccinated attendees. And 5 days walking around Universal is way different than being on a ship for 7 days or longer among thousands of people. 

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Some people have said that they are vaccinated and therefore they will cruise and it doesn't matter whether others are vaccinated.    Here are a few things to consider: 

a. there is still a 1 in 20 chance you could be infected - though perhaps not seriously infected.   

b. for the unvaccinated some ports may be off limits.  in fact some ports may put restrictions on the visit that impact everyone.

c. on-board activities will have more restrictions if a substantial number are not vaccinated. 

d. you may have your voyage disrupted if there is any outbreak on board - no one wants to go through that Diamond Princess episode.  


My suggestion to cruise companies: require vaccinations (excluding some groups e.g. children) to improve everyone's experience.   My guess is that this is good business also (2/3'rds of those who voted said they will cancel which is not a good omen for bookings).   My suggestion to individuals:   Get vaccinated if you can and contribute to the community resistance.    

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1 hour ago, mauraoel said:

Thanks for you opinion I don't agree with you; noro virus isn't about a high population in the same locale for along time its about cleanliness.   Both my kids who are now adults have caught noro but it wasn't on a cruise ship, their school was the culprit. 


My grandchildren are annoyingly germ-a-phobic but spent many hours in lines for 5 minute rides if I can dig out the photos you would see we were in line with the same sets of strangers multiple times daily, although since I don't know the strangers in the background of the photos I probably shouldn't share them.  


I don't have a problem with vaccines I have a problem with individuals who think my grandchildren should wait to have their vacation just because they aren't eligible for the vaccine yet. Just as Mr. Fain said studies show children are less likely to spend the disease, and as most parents and grandparents are vaccinated I don't think they have a chance of coming in contact with an adult who has it.

Yes, it seems kids do much better with the virus but strains are getting stronger and the virus is looking for bodies to invade that are not vaccinated.

 DeSantis is not allowing the ships to ask who is and who is not vaccinated or to show any proof, so you  do not know who the kids may come into contact with that may be carrying the virus.  Just can't understand that either.  Most people are more than happy to show they are vaccinated.  I know we were jumping with joy!

 We booked a cruise with my daughter and her very young children for August, but I would never be able to live with myself if my dear grandchildren became sick from someone not vaccinated.  I like to gamble LOL, but not with their lives.  Just saw many more teens are ending up in hospital because virus can't get to most vaccinated adults so looking to those not vaccinated.  And they are saying many end up in intensive care. 

Not trying to change your mind, just something to think about.  Yes, schools are huge germ spreaders.  Washy washy as they say on the ship.  Hoping we can all get back to fun cruises soon and I think it starts with everyone being vaccinated that can be and since ships are confined spaces inside mostly, everyone needs to show they are vaccinated.  Why not?  Don't get it.

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Maybe that positive test came because the person had to fly to get to a ship.  Why do the people who object to getting a vaccination made to be the bad people.  Even if you have been vaccinated you can get, give the virus.  Maybe the un-vaccinated person got it from you.  First we should wear a mask, then no mask, then a mask, then 2 masks.  AT what time do we hold the government accountable for the dis-information they have been giving since day 1, not to mention the news media.  

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2 minutes ago, jackpotter said:

Yes, it seems kids do much better with the virus but strains are getting stronger and the virus is looking for bodies to invade that are not vaccinated.

 DeSantis is not allowing the ships to ask who is and who is not vaccinated or to show any proof, so you  do not know who the kids may come into contact with that may be carrying the virus.  Just can't understand that either.  Most people are more than happy to show they are vaccinated.  I know we were jumping with joy!

 We booked a cruise with my daughter and her very young children for August, but I would never be able to live with myself if my dear grandchildren became sick from someone not vaccinated.  I like to gamble LOL, but not with their lives.  Just saw many more teens are ending up in hospital because virus can't get to most vaccinated adults so looking to those not vaccinated.  And they are saying many end up in intensive care. 

Not trying to change your mind, just something to think about.  Yes, schools are huge germ spreaders.  Washy washy as they say on the ship.  Hoping we can all get back to fun cruises soon and I think it starts with everyone being vaccinated that can be and since ships are confined spaces inside mostly, everyone needs to show they are vaccinated.  Why not?  Don't get it.

Apparently you didn't listen to Mr. Fain latest video, go ahead and check it out I will wait.

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