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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday October 1st, 2022


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Good morning all. Cloudy here with possibility of rain. The sky looked really weird when dogs and I walked but now the sun is trying to peek through. You just never can predict around here.


Glad to see our friends from Florida are checking in. My niece is so glad they did not move there when they were considering it a few years ago. I think she will be happy to stick with Maryland.  Food and drink look good today but I am trying to get my freezer cleared. No idea of what meals are going to be.


I did have my flu shot yesterday. My arm was and still is really sore and I was exhausted all afternoon. The dogs and I finally took a good long nap. Feel much better today but I am glad I separated the flu and the covid shots. Now I think I am prepared to brave the airports in two weeks time. I do need to round up some clothes that don't look like I am cleaning kennels or stables. Durango is nothing if not casual. Garrison Keilor once wrote a song that started "Durango ladies sing this song, denim, denim....."



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 Have a safe  flight  and a wonderful cruise.



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27 minutes ago, jimgev said:

Hello friends   It has been a few days since I have been able to check in here. We experienced a devastating hurricane. Our community is a mess. We are without power, phone service and internet with no estimate on wheat anything may be restored. But we are safe. 
thank you for your concern.

Thank you so much for letting us know you are ok.  That is the most important thing.  I hope you get power back soon.  



Happy Birthday to your DH.  



I've been in the lost earring club many times.  Sometimes they are found and sometimes they are not.  

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32 minutes ago, jimgev said:

Hello friends   It has been a few days since I have been able to check in here. We experienced a devastating hurricane. Our community is a mess. We are without power, phone service and internet with no estimate on wheat anything may be restored. But we are safe. 
thank you for your concern.

I'm pleased to hear you are safe.

Sorry to hear your community is a mess.


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Lots of rabbits floating around this morning!  🐇🐰  Is elderly a euphemism for OLD?  That's me, and I feel it if I don't have my coffee, so it's coffee day every day here!  Happy Birthday to @cunnorl's DH.  And I'm happy to hear that the new booster is not causing too much of a reaction.


I'm still feeling like I have a cold, so maybe I do.  We are going to test ourselves again today, and DD says I'm to smell the peanut butter.  We had an email from "Canada" yesterday to say that now that all Covid protocols are ended, neither of us has to isolate any more.  And we got an invitation from a cousin for Canadian Thanksgiving, so I accepted, but said we will test again before going. Life is strange these days. Is Covid really over?


I think we will not go to church tomorrow, even if we don't have to isolate any more, but I'll say my prayers for those on the Care list, and also for Ukraine.



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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I think I'll text DGD and ask if they can find out about power, running water, and road conditions before they head back to Tampa.


@StLouisCruisers -

If your DGD was planning to take I-75 west across Alligator Alley and then northbound continuing on I-75 north to Tampa, she would be well advised to find another route. 


I-75 is closed indefinitely in both directions between mile marker 179 (Toledo Blade Road near Pt Charlotte) and mile marker 193 (Jacaranda Blvd near Englewood) as the Myakka River has over-topped its I-75 bridge. The river is at 12 feet; the bridge is only 7 feet. Predictions are that it may take a week+ for the river to go down as far as needed to reopen I-75. 


There are huge traffic delays reported on both northbound and southbound I-75 in that area as drivers don't know the detours and many nearby streets and roads are also flooded. Plus the indefinite closure of the US-41 bridge spans both northbound and southbound across the Peace River at Charlotte Harbor (between Pt Charlotte and Punta Gorda) eliminates the Tamiami Trail (US-41) as an alternate route in that area.


I hope your DGD finds an easy route back to Tampa and has safe travels.



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57 minutes ago, jimgev said:

Hello friends   It has been a few days since I have been able to check in here. We experienced a devastating hurricane. Our community is a mess. We are without power, phone service and internet with no estimate on wheat anything may be restored. But we are safe. 
thank you for your concern.

Sorry to hear this.  You are in my daily prayers.  Hope things can improve soon for you.


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2 hours ago, cunnorl said:

Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit


Good Morning from a sunny and cool day at the beach

      We are coffee drinkers and really could not start the day without it! I salute the elderly and as my DSIL pointed out to me - we are the old people!


 Today is DH`s Birthday.  Nothing planned other than a wonderful cake from Publix. Not going out to dinner because we are trying to stay away from people before the trip.

   I was scheduled for a cut and color today but my guy has no power. So hopefully they will by Monday- if not, will get it done on the ship. 

   My eye injection was also cancelled and am really hoping they can reschedule the first of the week. They also have no power.

   I am not complaining. I am very fortunate. Slowly hearing from friends around the state. All are ok but with damage to their homes. 


Stay safe and enjoy today



Happy  birthday and  many  more to  your  darling  Husband.


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1 hour ago, jimgev said:

Hello friends   It has been a few days since I have been able to check in here. We experienced a devastating hurricane. Our community is a mess. We are without power, phone service and internet with no estimate on wheat anything may be restored. But we are safe. 
thank you for your concern.

Jim, thank you for checking in. Glad you are both safe.  Entire electrical grids were wiped out on the West Coast. 

Stay safe. 


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Greetings from Bar Harbor Dailyites! 

As is my family's custom on the first day of glorious October, join me in enjoying this poem.


“October’s Bright Blue Weather”

O SUNS and skies and clouds of June,
And flowers of June together,
Ye cannot rival for one hour
October’s bright blue weather;

When loud the bumble-bee makes haste,
Belated, thriftless vagrant,
And Golden-Rod is dying fast,
And lanes with grapes are fragrant;

When Gentians roll their fringes tight
To save them for the morning,
And chestnuts fall from satin burrs
Without a sound of warning;

When on the ground red apples lie
In piles like jewels shining,
And redder still on old stone walls
Are leaves of woodbine twining;

When all the lovely wayside things
Their white-winged seeds are sowing,
And in the fields, still green and fair,
Late aftermaths are growing;

When springs run low, and on the brooks,
In idle golden freighting,
Bright leaves sink noiseless in the hush
Of woods, for winter waiting;

When comrades seek sweet country haunts,
By twos and twos together,
And count like misers, hour by hour,
October’s bright blue weather.

O suns and skies and flowers of June,
Count all your boasts together,
Love loveth best of all the year
October’s bright blue weather.

Helen Hunt Jackson


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1 hour ago, jimgev said:

Hello friends   It has been a few days since I have been able to check in here. We experienced a devastating hurricane. Our community is a mess. We are without power, phone service and internet with no estimate on wheat anything may be restored. But we are safe. 
thank you for your concern.


Thank you for checking in with us and letting us know you are safe.  The news in your community sounds devastating, but hopefully they can do some repairs to get people back online in the near future.  It sounds like they will have to rebuild all the utilities.  Prayers for strength for you and everyone else as you go through the process.




25 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:


@StLouisCruisers -

If your DGD was planning to take I-75 west across Alligator Alley and then northbound continuing on I-75 north to Tampa, she would be well advised to find another route. 


I-75 is closed indefinitely in both directions between mile marker 179 (Toledo Blade Road near Pt Charlotte) and mile marker 193 (Jacaranda Blvd near Englewood) as the Myakka River has over-topped its I-75 bridge. The river is at 12 feet; the bridge is only 7 feet. Predictions are that it may take a week+ for the river to go down as far as needed to reopen I-75. 


There are huge traffic delays reported on both northbound and southbound I-75 in that area as drivers don't know the detours and many nearby streets and roads are also flooded. Plus the indefinite closure of the US-41 bridge spans both northbound and southbound across the Peace River at Charlotte Harbor (between Pt Charlotte and Punta Gorda) eliminates the Tamiami Trail (US-41) as an alternate route in that area.


I hope your DGD finds an easy route back to Tampa and has safe travels.




I will definitely discuss driving options with her.  How about 95 north to 60 west to 4, just west of Lakeland?  That is what looks easiest on Google maps.  I don't know roadways there at all so I'm no expert.  




14 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

We will be away for 2 weeks.  Be back on Oct. 18. Thanks for the good wishes.




It will be good to get away, I'm sure!

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7 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

How about 95 north to 60 west to 4, just west of Lakeland?


@StLouisCruisers - East Coast FL Daily-ites will need to advise you on I-95 routes. I'm just a Midwest gal who travels I-65 north/south avoiding even I-75 until I have no choice but to take it north/south off US-10 in northern FL.


I have heard about significant flooding in mid- and central- Florida. That might impact your DGD's choices. Other Daily-ites can give you better East Coast to Tampa advice, I'm sure.



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Thinking of Jacqui, @kazu, and travel woes in Toronto - Pat got this app, which we have so far only used in Seattle, so don't know how it would work in Toronto US passport control.  It is amazing.  Pat doesn't have a "hot spot" on his phone, so as soon as we get into the airport in Seattle from Victoria, he gets on the airport internet and does whatever he has to do to get a QR code.  Then we completely bypass all the queues and go to a dedicated line where someone scans the QR code and we go through to the baggage area.  I don't know how it all works, but the only downside is we get to the baggage area so quickly, we have a long wait for the bags!  Jacqui, you might check and see if there is a dedicated line in Toronto.



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Good morning all!

Another sunny day here in the PNW, heading for the low 70's.  Loving this fall!

I can't live without my morning coffee, prefer to be called "older" than "elderly", and except when on a cruise we live pretty frugally.


I'd like the meal, drink and wine (love most all Viogniers!).  We were supposed to go to Toulon on a Med cruise but weren't able so Marseille was substituted.  Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiserand Sandi @StLouisCruisersfor the great photos!  I was disappointed we when we couldn't be there.


Charlene @cunnorlHappy Birthday to your DH!

Laura @kpladyHappy Retirement!

@jimgevThank you for checking in and letting us know that you're ok. 🙂 


Happy Coffee Day!




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21 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

Just received this pic of SW Florida's Sanibel Island's landmass BEFORE (left) and AFTER (right) Hurricane Ian.


There are no words. Just tears and prayers for those impacted...




We were just watching on HGTV

A Place in the Sun and the couple were shown properties on Sanibel Island.

It is such a beautiful place and it is devastating to see what the hurricane has done. 

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2 hours ago, lindaler said:

Rabbit, rabbit, white rabbit. 76 more days until I leave for my 90 some day cruise.  I have my river back. It was so strange to have Ian suck all the water out of the rivers here. Lowest water level allowed us to get a lot of stuff out of the river that we had no idea was even in there. Now it's pretty much back to normal levels. I am starting to get excited about my Grand voyage and the cruises leading up to it. I have never done this before. Lots of new ideas to  explore but I just desided that if I don't do it now, it will be too late and I would have regrets. There are only so many years in a life time and I think now is as good a time as any. Oh, and your coffee memes are wonderful but I'm not sure I want to give them warning about what happens if I don't get my coffee.  Maybe I need one to warn my cabin steward. Prayers for all even those who don't know they need it and cheers to all as well. 


Linda, I'm glad you were not adversely affected by Ian.  I can only begin to imagine what turned up in the river.  You will have a great time on your cruises and meet a lot of wonderful people.  We learned many cruises ago, to just ignore the very few not so wonderful people.


2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Not autocorrect.  Pure operator error.


@cunnorl Happy Birthday to your DH.




Roy, I turned autocorrect off a long time ago because of some of the truly bizarre words it substituted.  So all my mistakes are operator error and poor proof reading.


25 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:

Just received this pic of SW Florida's Sanibel Island's landmass BEFORE (left) and AFTER (right) Hurricane Ian.


There are no words. Just tears and prayers for those impacted...





All I can say to the pictures is WOW and YIKES!   😱  My heart goes out to all who were affected on the island and all the animals that were left there.  Florida and the residents were certainly left with a truly horrendous situation.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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28 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:


@StLouisCruisers - East Coast FL Daily-ites will need to advise you on I-95 routes. I'm just a Midwest gal who travels I-65 north/south avoiding even I-75 until I have no choice but to take it north/south off US-10 in northern FL.


I have heard about significant flooding in mid- and central- Florida. That might impact your DGD's choices. Other Daily-ites can give you better East Coast to Tampa advice, I'm sure.




Melisa, I can't blame you for staying off I-75 as long as possible.  We live just west of 75 (south of Atlanta) so that is our route when heading to Florida.  It can get very, very crowded.   Thanks for your advice, and I will wait to see if someone chimes in with more advice about flooding problems on the roadways.

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Florida Power & Light just emailed an update on power restoration broken down by county.  

They hope to be able to provide an estimate for when they expect to restore power in the hardest hit counties by the end of today. @StLouisCruisers have your DGD find out what she will encounter in Tampa, before driving all that way. Perhaps her area will be up and running. 


•Alachua, Martin, Indian River, Putnam, St. Lucie and St. Johns counties will be 95 percent restored by end of day Saturday, Oct. 1.

•Brevard and Okeechobee counties will be 95 percent restored by end of day Sunday, Oct. 2.

•Flagler, Seminole and Volusia counties will be 95 percent restored by end of day Tuesday, Oct. 4.

•Charlotte, Collier, De Soto, Glades, Hendry, Highlands, Lee, Manatee and Sarasota counties are still being assessed for damages and we expect to provide estimated restoration times by end of day on Saturday, Oct. 1.

•Baker, Bradford, Broward, Clay, Columbia, Hardee, Miami-Dade, Monroe, Nassau, Palm Beach, Suwannee and Union counties are considered essentially restored.

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44 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:


@StLouisCruisers - East Coast FL Daily-ites will need to advise you on I-95 routes. I'm just a Midwest gal who travels I-65 north/south avoiding even I-75 until I have no choice but to take it north/south off US-10 in northern FL.


I have heard about significant flooding in mid- and central- Florida. That might impact your DGD's choices. Other Daily-ites can give you better East Coast to Tampa advice, I'm sure.





Melisa thank you for reminding me…




Sandi, have your DGD check the following website. It would have the most current and reliable info available, but it still might not be perfect. it includes traffic info and road closures for the state.




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