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Gay meet up P&O Arvia

scottish ed

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Am going on first cruise in June on P&O Arvia. Not sure what to expect but would love to connect with other gay guys on the cruise. I’ve heard of ‘friends of Dorothy’ meets on cruises but I wanted to ask if that’s something that actually happens? On P&O? What’s the best way to meet up with other guys on a cruise?

Edited by scottish ed
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There was an LGBTQ meet-up on Iona every day on our last cruise I noticed from reading the Horizon . We were walking past the meet up a few times and there always seemed to be lots in there.


I am not sure if one of the passengers has to arrange , ask at reception when you board. The bigger the ship the more attending obviously. Although I do think that gay people especially couples do tend to cruise a lot possibly because there never seems to be any prejudice on cruises. I’m not gay but have met loads of lovely gay couples.

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On our last few Iona and Arvia cruises there were regular LGBTQ+ get togethers early eve so you should be fine.

Not sure about other ships with P&O for those in the LGBTQ+ community who sail across the fleet: but on two 1-week Britannia cruises there was nothing. On a 2-week cruise on Britannia last year we asked about meetings when we boarded and were told “maybe”….well, we got just one meeting towards the end of the cruise - a mere box-ticking exercise on the part of P&O, so no more Britannia for us.

Despite the ships being mainly “safe spaces” (for want of a less dramatic phrase), these meetings are still important - not least to have the opportunity to meet with others within the LGBTQ+ community when at sea. While there are so many lovely people to meet on board, these gatherings are always a great way to meet fellow folk in the community.

Edited by Camberley
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Sorry I have absolutely no animosity towards gays, but why is there a need for this gathering?


It seems double standards to me where gays complain when they are singled out, but I would have thought it would be better just to ‘blend in’ with others on the ship.


When it comes to diversity etc, they say they want to be included with everyone else, but at the same time have an event(s) like this that excludes other people, or do many straights attend.

It seems a bit hypocritical to me. 


I don’t know, it would be good to get on a ship and be free of politics, religion, race even diversity and treat all fellow guests the same for that short period of time we are together, and just enjoy the sights, sounds and food that come our way.


Perhaps it’s an age thing, but can someone enlighten me where my thoughts are wrong.

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1 hour ago, GSPG said:

Sorry I have absolutely no animosity towards gays, but why is there a need for this gathering?


It seems double standards to me where gays complain when they are singled out, but I would have thought it would be better just to ‘blend in’ with others on the ship.


When it comes to diversity etc, they say they want to be included with everyone else, but at the same time have an event(s) like this that excludes other people, or do many straights attend.

It seems a bit hypocritical to me. 


I don’t know, it would be good to get on a ship and be free of politics, religion, race even diversity and treat all fellow guests the same for that short period of time we are together, and just enjoy the sights, sounds and food that come our way.


Perhaps it’s an age thing, but can someone enlighten me where my thoughts are wrong.

I have been cruising for over 25yrs and on all the cruise lines there has always been Friend's of Dorothy' meetings and I don't see the problem of meeting fellow cruiser's at arranged meetings. Not being gay I don't really see the problem likewise with the meetings for 'Friends of Bill W'.


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1 hour ago, GSPG said:

Sorry I have absolutely no animosity towards gays, but why is there a need for this gathering?


It seems double standards to me where gays complain when they are singled out, but I would have thought it would be better just to ‘blend in’ with others on the ship.


When it comes to diversity etc, they say they want to be included with everyone else, but at the same time have an event(s) like this that excludes other people, or do many straights attend.

It seems a bit hypocritical to me. 


I don’t know, it would be good to get on a ship and be free of politics, religion, race even diversity and treat all fellow guests the same for that short period of time we are together, and just enjoy the sights, sounds and food that come our way.


Perhaps it’s an age thing, but can someone enlighten me where my thoughts are wrong.

Just move on if not interested.

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1 hour ago, GSPG said:

Sorry I have absolutely no animosity towards gays, but why is there a need for this gathering?


It seems double standards to me where gays complain when they are singled out, but I would have thought it would be better just to ‘blend in’ with others on the ship.


When it comes to diversity etc, they say they want to be included with everyone else, but at the same time have an event(s) like this that excludes other people, or do many straights attend.

It seems a bit hypocritical to me. 


I don’t know, it would be good to get on a ship and be free of politics, religion, race even diversity and treat all fellow guests the same for that short period of time we are together, and just enjoy the sights, sounds and food that come our way.


Perhaps it’s an age thing, but can someone enlighten me where my thoughts are wrong.

I don't see that it makes any difference whether like minded people have get togethers, gay, knitters, card players, readers, train spotters, ukelele players. There is room for everyone. I think these days people seem to be offended on other peoples behalf which causes some of the prejudices to be worse than they need be. 

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2 minutes ago, GSPG said:

Telling me to jog on, I am interested. What makes them so ‘special’?

But why do you have an impression that they are "special" we have lots of gay friends and none of them think they are "special" 

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3 minutes ago, GSPG said:

Telling me to jog on, I am interested. What makes them so ‘special’?

It does appear there is a desire today from the woke brigade, that all minority groups should be treated equally. As a result society seems to be being pressured to go out of their way to accept this philosophy.

Whilst I do not think they should have to face some of the discrimination they do from extreme groups, equally I am not comfortable with being constantly reminded about it by the media.

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16 minutes ago, GSPG said:

Telling me to jog on, I am interested. What makes them so ‘special’?

They are not "special"   My wife and I were in a bar where they were socialising. We joined in and had a good laugh. Why post if you object to an announcement in the ships paper ?

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2 hours ago, GSPG said:

Sorry I have absolutely no animosity towards gays, but why is there a need for this gathering?


It seems double standards to me where gays complain when they are singled out, but I would have thought it would be better just to ‘blend in’ with others on the ship.


When it comes to diversity etc, they say they want to be included with everyone else, but at the same time have an event(s) like this that excludes other people, or do many straights attend.

It seems a bit hypocritical to me. 


I don’t know, it would be good to get on a ship and be free of politics, religion, race even diversity and treat all fellow guests the same for that short period of time we are together, and just enjoy the sights, sounds and food that come our way.


Perhaps it’s an age thing, but can someone enlighten me where my thoughts are wrong.


I am not sure why we have to just “blend in”: and I am sure you don’t mean we should effectively hide ourselves in shame to risk not making others feel uncomfortable. Believe it or not, we still get enough of that from out there in some media and the like. Some might say that’s life etc… but there is still a lot of genuine hate out there, even in the UK and for so many people either in or out of the LGBQT+ community. But this post is about LGBQT+ . And it is not about politics in this case: it’s about community and support etc……


Besides, we also might WANT to mix with others within our community from time to time. Even on holiday. There are, rightly, gatherings for all types of people, interests and the like on board: we (and anyone else) can surely have these opportunities on holiday too, to mix with those who happen to be allies etc 


While a ship is ‘generally’ a positive place, there have nonetheless been incidents of “lower-level” homophobia by passengers: thankfully only a few minor things in our experience but several to others we have met with on cruises and to friends who have cruised. 


With LGBQT+ it is inclusive to all. It is not at all exclusive. Anyone is welcome. At previous meetings on board I’ve been to, I recall other family members and friends attending on many several occasions. On our last cruise: a mum and gran who came along a few times with her lesbian daughter/granddaughter; a dad came along to support his trans daughter and he also wanted to meet others in the community; another dad coming along with his gay son who had only recently came out to try to be what he felt would be a better support for his son moving forward. And a few folk who simply wanted to say hi. I can’t explain well enough how invaluable seeing that willingness of family and friends to support is: not everyone is fortunate to experience that support (let alone from families), and not everyone has had the luxury to have not been “singled out” negatively. And gatherings such as these help send a very positive and optimistic message. It really matters. 


Sadly I suspect no attempt at explanation will enlighten those people who have no interest in being “enlightened” (and I honestly don’t mean the poster I copied or those out there in real life who throw about or dismiss “woke” blindly from a point of ignorance or privilege). But just possibly some who haven’t appreciated why this is important might at least get a glimmer into why it is important. But there will be many others who can give their reasons much better than my ramblings, though.


Edited by Camberley
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1 hour ago, majortom10 said:

I have been cruising for over 25yrs and on all the cruise lines there has always been Friend's of Dorothy' meetings and I don't see the problem of meeting fellow cruiser's at arranged meetings. Not being gay I don't really see the problem likewise with the meetings for 'Friends of Bill W'.


What are the friends of Bill W meetings about?


I assumed it was a guest who had a big group travelling with them when I saw it on Arvia horizon in Caribbean

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53 minutes ago, terrierjohn said:


Whilst I do not think they should have to face some of the discrimination they do from extreme groups,

Yes, it’s nice to not get some of the discrimination. But you know, we don’t really appreciate getting the rest!

Edited by Camberley
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Sadly it is a topic where everyone can be pleased with having so many opinions. The people who are anti gay i'm sure the gay people will be able to spot them a mile off and will have no interest in talking to them, nobody has the right to decide who ANYBODY socialises with, if you enjoy there company whoever they are Enjoy, if you don't like someones 'Type'or whatever the correct word is ignore them, your not Forced to spend time in there company.

People should be more tolerant, i have the occasional cigarette then you have the Anti Smoking Brigade as i call them who would ban it all together, there is something that happens on cruise ships i am fervently against on land but doesn't mean it should be Banned just be cause i say so.

Live and let Live, and i would say to all these people who are Anti Gay the same as i say to people who do not like people of a different colour 'You wouldn't be bothered if you needed help especially if you or any of your family took ill'.

Happy Cruising everyone Gay or Straight or any of those fancy names people use.

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3 minutes ago, Cpt Pugwash said:

Sadly it is a topic where everyone can be pleased with having so many opinions. The people who are anti gay i'm sure the gay people will be able to spot them a mile off and will have no interest in talking to them, nobody has the right to decide who ANYBODY socialises with, if you enjoy there company whoever they are Enjoy, if you don't like someones 'Type'or whatever the correct word is ignore them, your not Forced to spend time in there company.

People should be more tolerant, i have the occasional cigarette then you have the Anti Smoking Brigade as i call them who would ban it all together, there is something that happens on cruise ships i am fervently against on land but doesn't mean it should be Banned just be cause i say so.

Live and let Live, and i would say to all these people who are Anti Gay the same as i say to people who do not like people of a different colour 'You wouldn't be bothered if you needed help especially if you or any of your family took ill'.

Happy Cruising everyone Gay or Straight or any of those fancy names people use.

Sorry that should read 'cannot' be pleased. i'm loosing it my old age.😫

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52 minutes ago, Interestedcruisefan said:

What are the friends of Bill W meetings about?


I assumed it was a guest who had a big group travelling with them when I saw it on Arvia horizon in Caribbean

People with alcohol problems.

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On the Arvia maiden there was an LGBTQ session every evening.  Unhosted.  First day 4 of us met up.  There were other people there but not sure if they part of the meeting or not.  It sort of dwindled on the vine after that, though I did end up with a drinking buddy. 


When I was on a P&O cruise a few years back, we were told we couldn't call it a 'Friends of Dorothy' get together as it was considered derogatory.  Not that they asked us!  Same goes for Battle of the Sexes, I dunno what it's called now, but you get a kicking if you call it by the old name.

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2 hours ago, GSPG said:

Telling me to jog on, I am interested. What makes them so ‘special’?

Maybe what makes us special is that in many countries around the world we can be thrown in jail and/or receive physical punishment just for 'doing what comes naturally'. Some States in the USA are trying to reverse Same-sex Marriage and one African nation has just passed incredibly punitive anti LGBT legislation. It is one of the reasons that the Caribbean isn't attractive to me.

Welcome to my 'special world'...

Edited by Britboys
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2 hours ago, Camberley said:


I am not sure why we have to just “blend in”: and I am sure you don’t mean we should effectively hide ourselves in shame to risk not making others feel uncomfortable. Believe it or not, we still get enough of that from out there in some media and the like. Some might say that’s life etc… but there is still a lot of genuine hate out there, even in the UK and for so many people either in or out of the LGBQT+ community. But this post is about LGBQT+ . And it is not about politics in this case: it’s about community and support etc……


Besides, we also might WANT to mix with others within our community from time to time. Even on holiday. There are, rightly, gatherings for all types of people, interests and the like on board: we (and anyone else) can surely have these opportunities on holiday too, to mix with those who happen to be allies etc 


While a ship is ‘generally’ a positive place, there have nonetheless been incidents of “lower-level” homophobia by passengers: thankfully only a few minor things in our experience but several to others we have met with on cruises and to friends who have cruised. 


With LGBQT+ it is inclusive to all. It is not at all exclusive. Anyone is welcome. At previous meetings on board I’ve been to, I recall other family members and friends attending on many several occasions. On our last cruise: a mum and gran who came along a few times with her lesbian daughter/granddaughter; a dad came along to support his trans daughter and he also wanted to meet others in the community; another dad coming along with his gay son who had only recently came out to try to be what he felt would be a better support for his son moving forward. And a few folk who simply wanted to say hi. I can’t explain well enough how invaluable seeing that willingness of family and friends to support is: not everyone is fortunate to experience that support (let alone from families), and not everyone has had the luxury to have not been “singled out” negatively. And gatherings such as these help send a very positive and optimistic message. It really matters. 


Sadly I suspect no attempt at explanation will enlighten those people who have no interest in being “enlightened” (and I honestly don’t mean the poster I copied or those out there in real life who throw about or dismiss “woke” blindly from a point of ignorance or privilege). But just possibly some who haven’t appreciated why this is important might at least get a glimmer into why it is important. But there will be many others who can give their reasons much better than my ramblings, though.


Couldn't agree more...

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13 hours ago, scottish ed said:

Am going on first cruise in June on P&O Arvia. Not sure what to expect but would love to connect with other gay guys on the cruise. I’ve heard of ‘friends of Dorothy’ meets on cruises but I wanted to ask if that’s something that actually happens? On P&O? What’s the best way to meet up with other guys on a cruise?

In answer to your question, it appears that the two newest ships often seem to have a daily LGBT+ meet in one of the bars. It is more hit & miss on the other ships. Last summer on Aurora, one was advertised and then as there hadn't been another one after a few days, we asked for more meetings and had three or four over the 19 nights.

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I came in contact with all kinds of people during my working life from the man in the street to the Business Owner and i always have gone by the simple rule 'Treat others as they Treat You' and it did upset some (which i must admit i enjoyed intentionally annoying them) but you notice that they have no interest in you as a Person but only want to feel  'superior'.

Everybody would get on better if they looked at  what kind of Person they were talking to Not there gender, religious beliefs or anything else.

Unless someone is doing you harm what difference should it make to anyone what someone else is like.

Sadly today as you can see in many subjects many people want to be part of a 'flock' that says and thinks the same way as they do and everybody else is wrong, think for yourself Not what the 'flock' wants you to think.

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