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Elation Nov. 4, sort of Live...


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Greetings.  I intended to start this on embarkation, but exhaustion got in the way.  There will be pictures, but later.  I am starting out on my Surface Pro and pictures are in my iphone and they don't communicate.  Some are iGreetings from the Carnival Elation.  I had n Shutterfly, but Carnival has always blocked that.  Perhaps I should introduce myself:  Although I am Essiesmom on the forum, my name is Carolyn, and I am a senior...79 now and halfway to 80.  I lost my travel partner last year so I am back to fighting for solo bookings.  
   I started out Sat. AM about 0745.  I had a 10-1030 checkin window and it is a two hour drive for one who obays the speed limit.  I hate I95 so I usually take the back roads to exit 49, but this time I went down US17 and got on at the Riceboro exit.
  Not long after I left my house, the Low tire pressure light went on.  Not going back to have it checked.  My car is a 2022 Subaru and i had it serviced a couple months ago.  Traffic was not too bad on 95.  Somewhere below Brunswick I was surprised to see a deer near the highway, outside the fence.  It brought up a memory of seeing more on another trip a few years ago...but then my memory said 'that was pigs, a lot of them'.  Well, a mile or two further, there were a bunch of black pigs along the fence on the highway side.
  The trip was otherwise uneventful.  I always stay on 95 and get off at exit 358B Zoo Parkway/Heckscher Blvd. because when you are approaching the port you get two nice views of the ship.  Unfortunately they four laned the road a few years ago so you can't pull off for a pic.  No problem entering the port, no lines.  I drove around, paid my fee, and just as I pulled into my parking space the Two hours since ignition notification went off.  
  I got out with my tire pressure guage and went around the car.  Nothing was obvious ly low so it will wait until I am home Thursday.  Got my suitcase and backpack out and rolled them over to where a porter was collecting checked luggage.  I usually travel carryon only, and this is my carryon size suitcase (22") but after my last cruise from JAX and rolling my bag and backpack up the long and steep ramp, I decided to check the suitcase.  With AirTag inside.
   I visited the bathroom, then went into the terminal...no lines.  First is to set your bags down along a yellow line and back up so the handsome German Shepherd can sniff them.  We all passed.  Then to security and to the checkin line for Priority (platinum).  Short wait in line, then back to the seating area.  Maybe 20 min there, and we were on the way onto the ship.
  I came straight to my cabin after being checked off at my muster station.  Door was open, no card in mail slot.  I dropped off the backpack and left.  Went up to the buffet and had lunch, though it was only 1100.  It had been a long time since breakfast and my body was telling me to eat.  Fish, mac & cheese and broccoli.  Then I wandered around, taking some pictures, people watching.  Around 2pm I was back at the cabin exploring it.  I can't remember when Elation was last in drydock, but my 1A cabin, U173 has two USB ports by the bed, and two at the desk as well as two US outlets and one EU outlet.  It is actually quite a roomy cabin but storage is quite limited.  Two 12" closets, four shelves and two drawers.  I unpacked my backpack and then took a nap.
  After my nap, no suitcase yet, so I went looking and found it in the elevator lobby.  Claimed it and came back to unpack.  That accomplished, the official muster drill over the intercom took place.  By that time we had the engines going, pulling away from the pier and making our 180 turn.  I went up to the deck over the bridge for the passage under the bridge.  There was the usual oohing and awing as we went under.  Never looks like the whale tail is going to make it.  (It's 1803 and they have just paged the medical response team to M226).  The lights have flickered and gone off momentarily a few times, too.
Back to my story.  I was not terribly hungry, not excited by the menu (to be posted later) and thought about skipping the MDR for the buffet.  There had been some movement and I have been more and more sensitive to seasickness as I get older, so I put on my sea bands.  I went to the MDR...ten minute wait time, but my table was ready by the time I got there.  Even on this smallest ship, it is a long way from my cabin to anywhere...  I have anytime dining, was seated at a two top way in the back of the Imagination dining room.  In a long line of two tops.  I had the chicken soup, cobb salad, and chocolate ice cream for dessert.  Next to me was a young couple, his forst cruise and he was a little seasick, though it didn't deter him finishing his steak.  I saw hime at breakfast this am and he was wearing sea bands and all better.  After dinner I wandered around and people watched.  It was very cold in that dining room and I wondered how some of the folks I saw going in would handle it.  I guess you have to wear abbreviated clothing to display your tattoos.  
  I retired really early for me, 2130, and didn't get up until 0730.  It's a sea day and brunch in the MDR, so I went to the buffet.  Busy...with the time change and extra hour of sleep, lots of folk up early.  Cottage Cheese and melon for me with orange juice.  Then a cinnamon roll and croissant.  Off to wander around.  Sat in the casino bar for awhile, saw the beginning of the Paris tennis final, when the TV was switched to the Chiefs/Dolphins football game in Frankfurt.  Got roped into doing some coaching for my neighbors in trivia.  I wandered some more, found a seat in Alchemy bar...some of the more comfortable seating around the ship, where I sat and tried to catch up on Cruise Critic.  
  Back to the cabin for a nap, and then some more wandering.  Lunch in the buffet, little bit of ham, fish, and salads.  And soft serve.  For some reason I have craved soft serve for months, since my last cruise on Elation in March.  There is no place around home to get it except Dairy Queen, and they only have vanilla.  Celebrity had it half of the day, but usually it was vanilla and strawberry.  MSC had is very limited hours and the first day it was...Lime?  But their not free Gelato is to die for.
I wandered around some more and finally came back to the cabin.  Now I am dressed for Elegant Night, and prime rib.  

Sunday evening.  i"m back in my cabin after dinner and the show.  At dinner I was seated between a young couple from NC, not sure if it was her first cruise.  Law enforcement and health care.  On the other side were two female friends, one of which had left hubby at home, not enough vacation time.  We ended up talking crochet...
The shop was Heart and Soul, I think I may have seen it before.  It was okay.  Three guys and four girls.  Maybe there was a guy missing?  Afterward I sat in front of the piano bar and listened to a solo guitar/singer who was really good.  Wanted to try piano bar, but it looked crowded.  So it was time to head back to the cabin, after a stop up in the buffet to refill my iced tea.
   There is the usual Carnival demographic onboard, but I think they may be a bit better dressed.  Amazing what people think they look good in...and what passes for elegant.  I did see one fellow in a tux leaving the MDR, patent shoes included.  No waistcoat or cummerbund, though.  By the end of the evening there were a lot of ladies carrying their sparklu silver spike heeled shoes...
  There are a lot of pre-school children onboard, and a few strollers.  The usual scooters, walkers, and a knee walker.  Tomorrow is Nassau.  I have nothing planned.  There are four ships due in tomorrow, MSC Seaside, Oasis, and someone else big...forget who.  Hope we get the slot closest in.
  I have closed all my circles in my Heartline app, so I can go to bed.  After I take some pills...




The long ramp...



















Lunch in the buffet









This is Essie of Essiesmom, making her first cruise in two years




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I have just has the most marvelous time. Went aft on lido and watched Ostentatious of the Seas and NCL Joy come in unfortunately we all went straight in, no one rotated and backed in. Joy got the best parking spot. Seaside is yet to come. 
  Still need real breakfast, but found sticky buns on the buffet. Not as good as MSC though. But the best part…I parked myself on a lounger to try loading pics to Shutterfly..,and it worked!  I can load on CC from phone or iPad but there are other forums I post to where that doesn’t work. I follow ships through the Panama Canal and need Shutterfly for that   And I have a ship on the canal today. 
I won’t go ashore until after lunch. 
Pics…various food porn. I didn’t take pics of my corn chowder, spinach salad or prime rib last night. But here is my Cobb salad and mixed lunch from yesterday noon











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Menus for tonight. I had the spring rolls and street salad. Sorry, forgot pics. Had the lamb which tasted great but was too tough to eat much. I did eat all my veggies. Chocolate melting cake for dessert. Y’all know what that looks like. After all the years I’ve sailed Carnival this is the first time I’ve had it. Don’t need to again  Some other ship pics. Not much going on but the duo in the atrium. Walked thru promenade and it was warm. Felt good to me but people were fanning themselves. Picture venues at work. One family group were all dressed as characters from Alice in Wonderland. Walking past the casino is not near as smoky as once was. Chef’s Table in library two nights in a row. 










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Since dinner I have wandered and taken more pics. Spent some time in the theater with Guess the Groove. Rather odd musical game with two teams. Then I wandered back to the Drama Bar where the solo guitar was performing. I liked him last night in the atrium…his name is Loy. I had passed through earlier when he was doing an Elvis set and it sounded awful. But then, I never liked Elvis. Anyway he was good again and when he did The Twist we silver haired in the crowd got up and did the twist. He finished with Unchained Melody and again the silver hairs were dancing. One couple was even doing dirty dancing. That’s what people watching is about. I’m back in my cabin but shortly will go up to the buffet to refill my mobile bar with iced tea. 
  Tomorrow is Princess Cays, will probably go ashore to explore. Was there once before but over ten years ago. 
More ship pics from deck 9











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Up early watching the bridge cam. Crew member just came out and raised the Carnival ensign.  Seas calm, no whitecaps.  Last night when I went to the buffet there was some motion.  Not enough to put my sea bands back on.  EM

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That’s odd…it’s not even listed as a food venue..  I’ll pass by there in a little while…

   Meanwhile, today was not a bacation day so I got my fix. We are at Princess Cays and tendering appears to be going smoothly. Excuse me…water shuttling. There are at least three island based shuttles and at least one takes scooters, we, etc.   Some shuttle pics and random buffet pics at a busy time. I will be wandering again shortly and taking less populated pics. 





















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3 hours ago, bafinegan said:

Did you happen to notice what time JavaBlue coffeeshop opens?


Thanks in advance.



This being a port day the app says 3pm - 11pm. Don’t know about sea days but can check tomorrow. 

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Java blue will open 0630 in the morning sea day. 
  After 24 years cruising Carnival I finally got a solid gold plastic ship on a stick!  Well, I didn’t actually win it. I was sitting next to a pair of ladies at trivia. I wasn’t playing but I fed them enough right answers they won after three tie break questions. They gave my the prize. 
   Today was Princess Cays and I ended up not going ashore. Actually I don’t remember much what I did other than wander around taking pictures. I had salad for lunch and then later some fries. And some chocolate chip cookies. 
  I skipped the mdr tonight and ate in the buffet after the show. I hadn’t intended to go to the show as it was Epic Rock and I have already seen it a couple of times. But I decided to go. 
   I noted that in the show two nights ago there were four ladies but only three men. I suspected one might be missing. Well, tonight they did a concert version of the show because two of the crew have the flu and are in isolation. So there were six stools on stage for four ladies and two men. So the two missing were both male. 
  Although all of the performers sing, the majority is done by two of the males and two of the ladies. But one of the main males was missing, so one performer did all but one of the songs. He is dark skinned and heavier than the usual dancer singer, but he is excellent.  
   After the show I went up to the buffet to eat, and while I was in line the team came up to eat. I had salad, ham, and chicken plus stuffed fried mushrooms. 
  After that I wandered about some more, listened to some music and finally came back to the cabin. 
 Another picture dump of ship and food
















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Our last full day, at sea. Up early to shower and wash hair. Wayan, my steward comes on at 0800 and I told him I’m an early riser, so he does my cabin first. He will get a nice tip because I pulled the only seat, a stool over by the bed to act as nightstand and asked if I could have a chair. He brought one right away, I think a reject from Inspiration dining room. Got my last towel animal and posed them all on the bed. Now they are at the desk  

Went to breakfast hoping to miss the rush and it was not bad. Another bacation day so it was cottage cheese and fruit for me. Wandered around and checked the shops. Haven’t spent any money onboard except for two pictures. I still have one to locate. 
  Went to late lunch of protein and salad. A mixture of salads with fried broccoli, a little fish and chicken Marsala. I came back to the cabin to take some pills and decided I might as well pack. So that is done and what I am wearing can go in later. I have only one roll aboard and a backpack so will do carry off. Leaving, the ramp is all downhill. 






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In my Carnival bed for the last time.  All packed and ready for tomorrow.   went to the platinum/diamond reception and I was happy to not receive the award for being the oldest one there.  The winner was sitting next to me and has 7 years more.  I had my only ‘drink’ of the cruise, a glass of white wine.  My favorite solo guitar was playing and after the movie and awards his last number had people up dancing.  Senior officers were there, including the captain.  The youngest platinum cruiser was 18.  
  I wandered a bit and took some pics of the goodies at Java Blue.  Unfortunately they haven’t all populated over from my phone to this iPad mini.  In fact I’m surprised any did.  It’s a frustration I have.  
   I went to the final show, where they do a number with the kids group, introduce many crew with their country flags, and the Playlist group sang a few numbers about love.  All 8 were there tonight.

  Filling that I went to the buffet for a snack. Not hungry but morning is a long time away.  I wanted to try their fried (green) tomatoes.  They need more cornmeal and less flour in the breading.  And I had to dip with ranch because the remoulade sauce had shrimp.  Not a rousing success.  Also had a black bean enchilada.  Came back to the cabin to grab my mobile bar to top off the iced tea, as there won’t be any in the morning, just juice.






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