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Iona G401 - Live report


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@Eddie99 - we visited Lisbon on Ventura last year.  Instead of the shuttles, we walked up past the queues of Tuk-tuks and up into the city via Alfama(?) which although uphill is very pretty.  Public transport there is easy to use.  We did the Hippotrip (amphibious vehicle) tour ourselves in the afternoon rather than the P&O one which even with Ubers was still a fair bit cheaper.

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Finally, some pics I have been waiting for have uploaded, or downloaded, or made their way to and fro a cloud 🙄


so, some more from Fuertaventura


They like their murals





Goat references everywhere.  They are the emblem of the island, I believe



More street art

The luggage one is very poignant, representing the people forced by poverty to leave the island 









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It’s Wednesday (I think) and we’re sailing up the Tagus river and approaching the April bridge.  Forecast is for 18-20° and clear skies.  Sounds perfect


I will clear up this report - which sounds more like a gastronomic tour, as we’ve avoided shows/talks/cinema/crowds - tomorrow and Friday as we send our way back to Southampton, but I thought I’d report on our second visit to The Beach House before my memory gives out completely 


And I should say, dear reader, that I saw that CC celebrity again, gathered my courage and went to say hello!  Squeeeee, they’re as lovely as you would imagine.  Very pleased


So, The Beach House - well, it was as nice as the first visit was meh.  We had a lovely table, at the far end of the restaurant and against the window, so that was a good start.  We went early, so it was quiet initially, and never got too busy.  We decided on the “beer can chicken” to share, at a £4 total supplement.  I was apprehensive at how much there might be but it was actually a pretty small chick and nicely cooked.  Comes “jerk-rubbed” but I removed the skin, as I do when eating chicken anyway, and I didn’t get any  heat from the spice.

Pictures below

Crab tostadas - a nice light nibble


Roasted rum-rubbed pineapple, mojito sorbet & something or other poke pie


Our waiter took one of the nicest pictures we’ve ever had of ourselves on a cruise, so that’s a nice memory


I still need to tell you about Cadiz yesterday & Lisbon today, but that’s for another time



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35 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

It’s Wednesday (I think) and we’re sailing up the Tagus river and approaching the April bridge.  Forecast is for 18-20° and clear skies.  Sounds perfect


I will clear up this report - which sounds more like a gastronomic tour, as we’ve avoided shows/talks/cinema/crowds - tomorrow and Friday as we send our way back to Southampton, but I thought I’d report on our second visit to The Beach House before my memory gives out completely 


And I should say, dear reader, that I saw that CC celebrity again, gathered my courage and went to say hello!  Squeeeee, they’re as lovely as you would imagine.  Very pleased


So, The Beach House - well, it was as nice as the first visit was meh.  We had a lovely table, at the far end of the restaurant and against the window, so that was a good start.  We went early, so it was quiet initially, and never got too busy.  We decided on the “beer can chicken” to share, at a £4 total supplement.  I was apprehensive at how much there might be but it was actually a pretty small chick and nicely cooked.  Comes “jerk-rubbed” but I removed the skin, as I do when eating chicken anyway, and I didn’t get any  heat from the spice.

Pictures below

Crab tostadas - a nice light nibble


Roasted rum-rubbed pineapple, mojito sorbet & something or other poke pie


Our waiter took one of the nicest pictures we’ve ever had of ourselves on a cruise, so that’s a nice memory


I still need to tell you about Cadiz yesterday & Lisbon today, but that’s for another time



Lovely photos and review @Eddie99.

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@Eddie99 Thanks so much for your very interesting and witty blog. You sound as though you're really enjoying yourselves - despite your trepidation before you left. Photos are great too. Keep on having a great time. Jane xx

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Morning all.  Here we are en route home but 48 hours of Iona enjoyment still to come.  However, let me tell you some of my memories of Tuesday and Wednesday


We docked quite late, about 9am, in the usual city centre berth.  There was another big vessel in, but she had been allocated the further berth.  A blue funnel in a ‘fish tail’ design - is that Celebrity perhaps?  Anyway, we got the good place so nah, nah, nah to them 🙂

Love Cadiz.  
We did our usual walk around the walls to the cathedral and enjoyed spotting people, dogs, birds, including sandpipers and parakeets, and the cat colony of Cadiz, who all seem in very good condition and happy with their life in the little shanty town ‘over the wall’.

It’s all very photogenic, and the weather was perfect

Orange anyone?






Managed to squeeze into a bar in ‘fountain square’.  We’re rewarded with a welcome (free) tapas of potato salad



Once again, I bemoan that the arrival of the mega ships leaves the arrival port a little swamped and the potential consumers being unable to find a spot to consume.  We would have lunched out had there been any spaces when we looked.  I’d hoped Cadiz could accommodate us but no - or not without going rather off the tourist beaten track.

So, back to Iona for a quick forkful of salad from the Quays and then a return to the city.  More strolling and sightseeing, and a seat and drink outside a nice bar/restaurant.  The waiter arrived with the paper tablecloth, anticipating we were eating, but no, it was after 2pm and at a time when enjoying a relaxed Spanish lunch would have killed our appetite for 6pm at Sindhu


So, talking of which, Sindhu was very good.  Different from how we remember, with 3 courses at a standard price, but we found it nice to be able to chose just what we wanted to have, and to avoid (and avoid paying for) unwanted additional courses.  As it happened we just about managed 3 courses, and were quite happy not to have the nibbly seeds and biscuits at the end.  We enjoyed a couple of glasses of the Gewürztraminer, which is a pretty much perfect wine for curry



Vegetarian thali


Beautiful ‘deconstructed trifle’, with delicate hints of exotic fruits & spices

So that was Cadiz.  Another 9am arrival in Lisbon to come.  Captain Dunlop will be at the gangway, as ever, for those who wish to shake his hand

I’ll write up Lisbon later.  Time to hand over the internet access 🙂


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Moving on …


I’ll remind myself that today is Thursday - but I need to tell you about yesterday, Wednesday.  One of the cruise days to stay in the memory.  Sometimes the memory is a once in a lifetime, like the Panama or Suez Canal, or watching bears in Alaska eating salmon; sometimes it is simply a nice day and either a memorable encounter with someone, or good food 🙄. Yesterday was a food day!

I’ve been bemoaning the lack of tourist catering provision in ports when the behemoths arrive.  That’s not the case in Lisbon, I’m delighted to say.  The bars, cafes and restaurants swallowed Iona’s 5000 with no problems


Back to the beginning.  I was awake as we travelled the Tagus towards Lisbon but didn’t take Captain Dunlop’s advice to be on deck when we passed under the 25 April bridge.  I’ve done that before, probably in warmer days than late January.  It was a pretty sail in though, starting with the communities on the river just showing as lights in the darkness, then becoming easier to discern as we neared the city.  We weren't in and ready until just after 9.  A new (to me) air bridge made walking off easy for those on the higher decks, as it was a simple walk-off from deck 6 (albeit that the tos & fros of the bridge gave everyone a few hundred of their daily steps without really going anywhere.  Those of us on the lower decks exited via a stepped gangway on deck 4


The improvements to the dock and surrounding area which were nearly complete when we were last here (goodness knows when - 2018 perhaps) have been finished and it’s a pleasant simple walk in to Black Horse Square.  







With no plans for the day (what’s new?) we strolled and found our bearings again.  Coffee and pastel de nata were a must-do


A walk to the lovely railway station, with a hot chestnut seller outside.  Lisbon is looking so much happier than say 10-15 years ago when much of the city centre was in a sorry state.  There’s still plenty to be done - some buildings are shrouded with signs announcing improvements in progress; others are still awaiting their transformation and renovation.  It is such a pleasant city one imagines that there would be demand for residential accommodation above the shops and offices


So, finally, we had a choice of lunch venues.  Should we stay in one of the main streets running back from Black Horse Square, or perhaps go to one of the side streets, connecting them?  We opted for the busy streets, so as to people watch along with our lunch.  
Mmm, I need to do some more techno-jiggery-pokery to get pics taken on my phone onto this iPad.  P&O are so mean, only allowing one device online at any one time

Watch this space …




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5 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

Moving on …


I’ll remind myself that today is Thursday - but I need to tell you about yesterday, Wednesday.  One of the cruise days to stay in the memory.  Sometimes the memory is a once in a lifetime, like the Panama or Suez Canal, or watching bears in Alaska eating salmon; sometimes it is simply a nice day and either a memorable encounter with someone, or good food 🙄. Yesterday was a food day!

I’ve been bemoaning the lack of tourist catering provision in ports when the behemoths arrive.  That’s not the case in Lisbon, I’m delighted to say.  The bars, cafes and restaurants swallowed Iona’s 5000 with no problems


Back to the beginning.  I was awake as we travelled the Tagus towards Lisbon but didn’t take Captain Dunlop’s advice to be on deck when we passed under the 25 April bridge.  I’ve done that before, probably in warmer days than late January.  It was a pretty sail in though, starting with the communities on the river just showing as lights in the darkness, then becoming easier to discern as we neared the city.  We weren't in and ready until just after 9.  A new (to me) air bridge made walking off easy for those on the higher decks, as it was a simple walk-off from deck 6 (albeit that the tos & fros of the bridge gave everyone a few hundred of their daily steps without really going anywhere.  Those of us on the lower decks exited via a stepped gangway on deck 4


The improvements to the dock and surrounding area which were nearly complete when we were last here (goodness knows when - 2018 perhaps) have been finished and it’s a pleasant simple walk in to Black Horse Square.  







With no plans for the day (what’s new?) we strolled and found our bearings again.  Coffee and pastel de nata were a must-do


A walk to the lovely railway station, with a hot chestnut seller outside.  Lisbon is looking so much happier than say 10-15 years ago when much of the city centre was in a sorry state.  There’s still plenty to be done - some buildings are shrouded with signs announcing improvements in progress; others are still awaiting their transformation and renovation.  It is such a pleasant city one imagines that there would be demand for residential accommodation above the shops and offices


So, finally, we had a choice of lunch venues.  Should we stay in one of the main streets running back from Black Horse Square, or perhaps go to one of the side streets, connecting them?  We opted for the busy streets, so as to people watch along with our lunch.  
Mmm, I need to do some more techno-jiggery-pokery to get pics taken on my phone onto this iPad.  P&O are so mean, only allowing one device online at any one time

Watch this space …




Have you tried to set up one of your phones as a "Hotspot", and then link your other devices to that ones wi fi?

I have never done it myself, but other posters have explained the procedure, probably far better than I have.

Try searching hotspot within the P&O forum.

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This will be briefer than what I’ve tapped and lost


Did you ever have lunch served by a waiter in full tux?



Fish and crème brûlée complemented the vinho verde very nicely





Then we mooched around more.  This, in a shop window, reminded me that I’m missing my little dog


I’ll do some more Lisbon pic’s tomorrow.  After all that we just had a snack-ette in The Glass House.  Olly Smith was there & said Hello


Final part of this tomorrow 








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It’s a pity I lost a lot of text from my first attempt at the last post.  I’ve never been a typist, or needed to type, so I am painfully slow (and I get cross when my efforts don’t work)

Anyway, it’s all quiet here, so here are more Lisbon pics, including what may well be the most beautiful ticket office in the world















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@Eddie99, thanks for sharing your lovely pics. We've not visited the station in Lisbon but will put on our list to go see on future stop.

Don't know if you've ever been to Sao Bento station in Porto: that's a lovely place to visit. You can see pics of all the old  tiles on the walls and ceilings online.

São Bento Station, Porto


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The booking office in the pics is actually for the Lisboat(?) service, on the waterfront, right next to the docked liners


Well, here we are, last day.  We’ve pretty much made our way round the BoB, without incident or discomfort, and I think we’ll soon be changing course for the Channel approach


I’m a little bored/fed up with writing this now.  Probably not with getting the account written but with playing about with the technology etc, so I’m going to finish up tomorrow or Sunday, when we’re home & back to relative normality


Just a note about Mr Eddie’s trainers.  I can’t remember if I’d written that the soles and uppers were parting company, somewhere about GrannCanaria.  He’d pulled these trainers out from the stash under the bed, declaring they would be “perfect” for the trip.  How long had they been under the bed?  Well, since our last cruise 4 years ago 🙄


So - they made it - Just!  Our cabin steward removed them this morning.  We really wondered if we’d be shoe shopping in Cadiz or Lisbon (if you gotta do it, they’re not bad paces to do it) but we made it by a whisker


Here they are, in all their glory! (White is where the sole is missing 🙄)


See you tomorrow/Sunday for the final reckoning



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@Eddie99 - a huge thanks from me too for your outstanding reporting.  We've just arrived at our hotel in Southampton before boarding Iona after you depart tomorrow.  Reading your excellent blog over the last couple of weeks means we are now looking forward to this, our second trip on this ship, even more than we were already!

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Fab report @Eddie99, may I ask what is the name of the restaurant with the tux guy 😆

We have an overnight in Lisbon on a cruise , we usually take the train to Cascais and have dinner out there , might be nice to stay local for a change but not at a price ! 😄😄

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Here you go

Concha d’Ouro(?)

Golden Shell(?)

Dont ask me the street name but it’s a cross street between 2 of the 3 which run up from Black Horse Sq, about level with the Belim Tower


Our bill was €86 for bread, olives, fresh grilled fish, enormous heap of fries, plate of mixed veg/boiled potatoes, desserts, espressos, bottle of decent vinho verde




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10 hours ago, cruising.mark.uk said:

@Eddie99 - a huge thanks from me too for your outstanding reporting.  We've just arrived at our hotel in Southampton before boarding Iona after you depart tomorrow.  Reading your excellent blog over the last couple of weeks means we are now looking forward to this, our second trip on this ship, even more than we were already!

5.22am & I hope you’re sleeping soundly


Captain Dunlop has brought Iona safely home for you.  We’re in Southampton waters but not tied up yet.  Official ETA is 6am


Have a lovely cruise.  It’s certainly smooth seas to begin with, so let’s hope all those named storms stay away

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45 minutes ago, Eddie99 said:

5.22am & I hope you’re sleeping soundly


Captain Dunlop has brought Iona safely home for you.  We’re in Southampton waters but not tied up yet.  Official ETA is 6am


Have a lovely cruise.  It’s certainly smooth seas to begin with, so let’s hope all those named storms stay away

Fantastic review and photos @Eddie99.

I'm so pleased you had a wonderful cruise.

I hope you have a pleasant drive home and look forward to your final cruise summary on Sunday.


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Thanks @Eddie99.  We are up and about now.  I'm not the best sailor in the world and my wife is semi-addicted to the Windy App, the maps of wind speeds and wave heights on which are sometimes quite scary.  But, today certainly looks good and - if Windy is correct - we can expect seas of about 3 metres for the first few sea days down to Madeira, so that shouldn't be too bad.


I hope your disembarkation runs smoothly today and that you have a safe and easy trip home.

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Thank you Eddie99 for a lovely write up on your holidays it’s always appreciated on here when someone takes us along , I’m glad you had a great time.


Cruising.mark.uk I hope you have a wonderful cruise too and it’s not too bumpy for you .

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