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Will NEVER use HAL again!!


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It is supposed to prove my suitcases were locked and outside my cabin door, effectively leaving them in the care of the ship personnel. The security of the bags were then their responsibility. Whether the theft was by pax or crew does not matter.


I put my locked luggage outside the door and when I found it in the terminal, one lock was gone and so was my digital camera. When I claimed restitution from HAL, they asked if I was certain all luggage was locked, and since I couldn't prove it, they denied the claim. Of course, the date can be changed on a camera, but a photo of my luggage including my cabin number should be sufficient. If the lock is gone when I get to the terminal, it would take another few seconds to snap another photo.


I'm assuming, of course, that you're asking about honest people, not crooks, liars or thieves. Somebody out to beat the system can certainly fake a claim. It takes a few seconds to take a photo, and it could make the difference in a claim situation.


Candy the ZuiderPrincess


Thanks for your response, :) ZuiderPrincess. I get a kick out of your name. ;)


Hopefully, you will not have to test your system. I think even if they were to accept all contentions through your photo 'evidence', there is a very small limit to the amount of liability they would pay for lost luggage. Again....part of the cruise contract.


If it makes you feel good to take the photos, there certainly is no harm in doing so.


Good Luck...Hope none of us fail to find all our property at the end of our cruises.

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The valuable stuff goes with me in carry-on luggage. The stuff in the suitcases (if I have any to put in the hall) is stuff I could lose, have stolen, etc., and not lose any sleep over. My thought is that if someone steals my raggy vacation underpants, paperback books and goofy souvenirs, they need those things more than me and I'll consider the episode an act of charity on my part!


Sadly, lots of people have sticky fingers - please do not let valuables sit in the hall!

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I was on the Zuiderdam during a cruise March 4 through the 11th. My husband and I had a wonderful time - except at the end. We purchased 4 bottles of liquor on board and unfortunately, did not leave with them. When the box was delivered to our stateroom we put it out with our other luggage to be taken to the pier. When we arrived at the pier we saw lots of other boxes of liquor - but not ours. I spoke to a supervisor who said they do not make claims for liquor, but I insisted on the claim being written up. Reluctantly, she wrote up the claim as a "courtesy". She said we are supposed to carry the liquor off the ship ourselves and that we should have been told that in the disembarkement meeting. Well, I attended this meeting as well as many others on the ship. This was not mentioned to us. (As I said earlier there were many other boxes of liquor on the pier waiting for pick-up - if this was mentioned about 100 other people did not hear it either.) When I called HAL I was told they will not be responsible because I cannot prove it was placed outside our stateroom. Well, how many of you take pictures of your baggage placed outside your stateroom? I must not have heard that in the disembarkment meeting either. This liquor was purchased on the ship for $60 and HAL refuses to accept responsiblity or even credit me the $60. It is now a matter of principle and not the fact that I did not receive my baggage. You would think that when you spend over $4,000 on the cruise and then another $800 on board - they would put customer service first and refund the difference. Obviously, HAL is not the top notch line I was lead to believe they are. Based on this experience, I will NEVER use HAL again. They lost a customer, and as many potential customers I can tell about this, over $60. Sorry HAL but you are not the best. Stand behind your customers please - satisfaction is not your goal.


I haven't read this entire thread. (I usually post on the Carnival bb but the title of this post caught my eye as the most recent post on the A-O lines.) I can understand those who say that this isn't really HAL's fault, but I really am shocked that they're willing to lose a customer over $60. I would have expected them to refund the $60 as a good customer relations measure.


But then again, I guess they could lose a lot of money that way if this "missing" or stolen liquor is a frequent occurrence. Maybe they should have customers sign a statement when they purchase liquor onboard stating that they are aware that they must carry the liqor off the ship themselves and / or that HAL is not responsible for what happens to the liquor after purchase. Just so no one is caught off guard or can say they weren't aware of this policy. Then no one could expect them to refund the purchase price if this situation came up again.

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Well I was on that SAME cruise. I Don't recall Que saying this in his speech either. We watched it numerous times on TV. This was Que's first cruise as CD...maybe it slipped his mind?

I don't know ... but to me it would seem "common sense" and shouldn't have to be covered in a disembarkation talk. You don't leave either valuables or something very "attractive" to thieves or children like liquor sitting outside of your stateroom for pick-up by the luggage handlers. If it doesn't get stolen while outside your cabin door, it can easily be swiped on the pier ... and not by HAL employees either.


I read with shock the poster who mentioned someone leaving a $3,000 laptop outside their cabin door for pick-up. My lord! Didn't that poor person even stop to think? :( Even a generally honest person might be tempted in that case. :(


Blue skies ...



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"I can understand those who say that this isn't really HAL's fault, but I really am shocked that they're willing to lose a customer over $60. I would have expected them to refund the $60 as a good customer relations measure."

If HAL compensated everybody for losses as a result of a lack of common sense or carelessness on the part of passengers, they would go out of business. On every cruise, I leave something in a public area (i.e. glasses, camera, etc). If these items are not turned in, is HAL responsible for my loss? I think they have to draw the line somewhere.

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I don't know ... but to me it would seem "common sense" and shouldn't have to be covered in a disembarkation talk. You don't leave either valuables or something very "attractive" to thieves or children like liquor sitting outside of your stateroom for pick-up by the luggage handlers. If it doesn't get stolen while outside your cabin door, it can easily be swiped on the pier ... and not by HAL employees either.


I read with shock the poster who mentioned someone leaving a $3,000 laptop outside their cabin door for pick-up. My lord! Didn't that poor person even stop to think? :( Even a generally honest person might be tempted in that case. :(


Blue skies ...




On HAL (don't remember if they also do it on RCI, Princess and the others), the C/D conducts the disembarkation talk and the ones we've seen (even the very experienced ones like Susan Wood, Dottie Kulasa, etc.) always do so by reading from a prepared statement and/or their prepared notes. It always looks to us that this statement and/or these notes have several of the "pointers" or "mandatory items to read" high-lighted. I'm sure some of those experienced C/D's know that talk by heart since they deliver it every week on 7-day cruises, yet you still see them with a clipboard and notes.

Don't know if this guy (or girl) "Que" (Que what? Que Pasa?) is a new C/D and also don't know why he/she would not mention the "booze in the hallway" thing. To me, it comes down to common sense (same with that $3,000 laptop:eek: ) but, if you're a first-time or new cruiser, I can see not thinking about certain things without someone telling/reminding you;) Again, a negative experience but, luckily, only involving $60 bucks unlike that laptop (still can't understand that one!). To the OP: don't let this spoil an otherwise nice time (that's what I'm assuming at least) and give HAL another chance!

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Thanks for your response, :) ZuiderPrincess. I get a kick out of your name. ;)


Hopefully, you will not have to test your system. I think even if they were to accept all contentions through your photo 'evidence', there is a very small limit to the amount of liability they would pay for lost luggage. Again....part of the cruise contract.


If it makes you feel good to take the photos, there certainly is no harm in doing so.


Good Luck...Hope none of us fail to find all our property at the end of our cruises.


Exactly, S7S... it makes me feel better to take the photo. Maybe because I feel maybe if I do it, it won't be necessary after all. Like when I take that extra pair of dressy shoes... if I take them and don't need them, it's fine. If I don't take them and really want to wear them, it was my own bad decision. OK, a little off beat, sorry.


Candy <-- would never travel without TSA locks

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I was on the Zuiderdam during a cruise March 4 through the 11th. My husband and I had a wonderful time - except at the end. We purchased 4 bottles of liquor on board and unfortunately, did not leave with them. When the box was delivered to our stateroom we put it out with our other luggage to be taken to the pier.


Now that's a bummer! Not unexpected though! You had labels and tags for your baggage but not for liquor and other packages.


When we arrived at the pier we saw lots of other boxes of liquor - but not ours.


That's surprising - no way is or should HAL be responsible for carrying off your purchases.


Doubt you'll have much support in blaming HAL (or any other cruise line) for your loss.

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It appears mheal has left the building or maybe changed his/her name for protection:o . So my opinion is likely mute, but clearly the OP just didn't think this through. Aside from not tagging the booze, how could someone ever expect to find their liquor among all the rest on the pier if everyone left it outside their cabin! It would be nearly impossible.


And if, as someone suggested, HAL were to make restitution (for the sake of good customer relations) to everyone who claims they left $60 worth of liquor outside their cabin, they could be out as much as $120,000 per cruise!!!


Me (on disembarkation day at Lost & Found in the terminal): "I left my diamond tiara out with my luggage last night and it's gone".


L&F Man: "I'm so sorry for your loss, Mrs. H, ... did you tag it?"


Me: "Well ... no. I trusted that your people would watch over my things."


L&F Man: "I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do. You really should be more careful with your valuables and keep them with your carry-on."


Me: "What???!!! You don't feel responsible? That's a $5000 tiara!!! Certainly you'll make restitution if for no other reason than good business practice!! Besides, I took a picture of it on the suitcase ... look!":)


..... and so on;) .

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In 2000 I had a similar experience...but involved a suitcase. I put my luggage outside my cabin door the last nite & along with the other luggage in the hall - it was gone by the time I went to bed.


When I disembarked the next morning - I was in the first group off the ship -my suit bag & small suitcase were on the pier - but my large case was missing. After searching all over I got in touch with one of the pier workers & told her of the situation. She suggested that I keep looking....no help from her. I waited until the entire ship was off & gone. At one point I asked for a supervisor, I was now going to miss my flight home. The first thing the supervisor said to me was " are you sure you put the suitcase outside your door". Translation was " are you trying to rip us off". I politely told her I did put the suitcase out, I was not trying to rip anyone off, why would I wait hours after I was off the ship. I could show her cruise photos of the clothes that were in the suitcase & now were not in my possession,


In the end - HAL never did anything...I finally tracked the suitcase down - it was put on a truck to the airport along w/ HAL transfer people by mistake. I got the case back almost 2 weeks later...funny thing is that the same day it arrived at my home - HAL called to say they could not locate the bag!!!


The service is gone from most cruise lines...its not the cost of loss it is the way people are treated. At the time of that cruise I sailed with HAL since 1976 with over 25 cruises with them. I only returned last year for the Prinsendam Transatlantic(I wanted to sail on her before she retires). HAL lost my loyalty. funny thing is that I am in my late 40's....the market HAL is trying to get & keep. Too bad...btw - Rotterdam refers to Rotterdam V - thsoe were the days!!!

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This makes me very sad. To see such a loyal guest treated so poorly and your word doubted in such an obvious way. Why did she think you would hang around in the warehouse that long and miss your flight? So you could put in a bogus claim for a lost suitcase??


They did everything possible during this eipsode to lose your business and loyalty.


(I'm happy it was returned to you.)

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I feel badly about my joke now given Rotterdam's post.


I feel what happened to Rotterdam is a different story entirely and HAL's reaction very upsetting to say the least. I had something similar happen on the Seawind Crown some years ago except the bag was located more quickly. It had gone by bus to the airport with some passengers but when no one claimed it, they returned to the pier with my suitcase.


So things like that can happen, of course, and the way we're treated ends up being the issue.


Still, it does lead me to believe that there should be a system that shows how many bags you're leaving outside your cabin so you have some recourse with the cruiseline when they don't show up on the pier.

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There is a difference.


They TELL us to leave our bags outside our doors with our disembarkation color-tags (indeed, the more forms of luggage ID the better) on them. If they screw up from that point, and do what they did to Rotterdam's bags, then THEY are responsible for it and they SHOULD own up to that responsibility and not try to shove it off on others.


The OP's situation is far different. They TELL us what NOT to leave outside our doors. If we do it anyway, WE are responsible if it doesn't make it to the pier. At least, that's my opinion.


I've wondered what happened to Rotterdam to so turn him off on HAL. Now I know, and I certainly understand the upset. That was totally unacceptable. Clearly the report worked its way around HAL shore-side staff operations and they DID try to find it (in some way) but, obviously, they didn't do their job properly nor did they interface with Rotterdam properly. Rotterdam did what he was supposed to do, but HAL didn't do what they were supposed to do.

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Rotterdam did everything required of him and his incident was handled about as poorly as can be by the pier worker (was that a port employee or a HAL "red coat"?) in the terminal and later on by HAL Seattle itself!:mad: I take it there was nothing official from HAL after this experience in the form of an appology or some kind of goodwill gesture? They (HAL) are at least making some improvement with the new luggage tags in that they have a "tear off" portion that you keep with you. Leave three bags outside your cabin, you have three corresponding tags. Just wished they would put a reference claim number on them like the airlines do.

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No where in the OP's post does she say that she did not tag her liquor along with the rest of her luggage..:confused: Also another poster mentioned that this was a charter & the CD did not talk about liquor in his disembarkation talk..


I'll probably be flamed for this but believe the OP is put off by some of the responses & deserves the benefit of the doubt..She shouldn't be mocked for this episode..:( What we perceive as common sense may not be clear to an inexperienced cruiser...We've all made mistakes when we first traveled..


As an experienced cruiser, agree that liquor should never be put out with luggage, but have seen it done...Also agree that HAL should not be held responsible for lost liquor, etc., as it states that in their brochures & documents..We also have many friends, who pack their liquor in their tagged luggage wrapped up with their clothes & never had a problem..


Yesterday discovered members of my family who were flying home packing meds, shampoo, hair sprays etc.,in their checked luggage, which I would never do..They've never had damage, lost luggage, or any problem doing this..To me it's common sense, but I would not say that to them..Instead mentioned that these things have been known to break when luggage is thrown around & meds could be lost..Who knows what else they packed in their luggage!


Hopefully the OP will chalk it up to experience, come back on Cruise Critic & try HAL again.. Betty

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Absolutely right, Betty. I'm sorry you didn't like my joke ... trying to lighten things up a bit.


I assumed the OP did tag the liquor. But I didn't tag my tiara:) .


I'm sorry. I wouldn't be happy if I left my liquor out and it was missing either, but I would chalk it up to my own bad judgment. I would never post on a cruiseboard that I would NEVER cruise HAL again because of it. I guess what I react to is over-reaction.

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I'm a little confused about one thing, Rotterdam, and hope you can help me understand.


Did this horrendous suitcase episode occur when re-entering into a U.S. port from a foreign port? Is so, how could any suitcases be removed from the luggage terminal without being accompanied by the owner?


Obviously, if there was no Customs being conducted, that would not be an issue.


(....and I'm still happy you ultimately got your suitcase returned to you.)



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Hi everyone -


Just a bit more about the lost luggage experience - the people I spoke with on the pier were HAL agents(in Ft Lauderdale). I spoke with HAL main office the same day - so the blame goes to all around. I did end up staying in Ft Lauderdale for 2 more days( I have flex time with my job) & incurred additional costs - I never once asked to be reimbursed for anything. I just wanted the suitcase to be found. It was a large American Tourister hardsided GREEN case on wheels- with 2 ID tags on the outside & a copy of my itinerary on the inside- ontop of the clothes.


Rev Neal - it was not just that incident that turned me off to HAL- the prior HAL cruise I was on I boarded & found out I was bumped out of my outside cabin to an inside due to HAL misandling. At one point I almost walked off the ship when the Front Office Mangaer spoke to me like I was a child...then the inside cabin I was put in....as I went in I found the bed unmade, sand scattered all over the carpet, the bathroom dirty & no towels & clothes under the bed. At this point I went to the Hotel Mgr who I knew from the pre Carnival days of HAL. He straightened everything out and apologized profusely(as a professional he was completely embarassed). Now here's the klinker - the Hotel Mgr said since Carnival took over the standards went down the drain, more cuts were coming & he was just hanging on til he retired. Last year on the TA crossing my cabin had mold in the bathroom shower(that took 3 days to get cleaned up), the food was pretty mediocre at best with a couple of instances of the food being to old to be served & the Front Desk people making a big deal of giving me a receipt for a credit HAL owed me.


Now when I travel I head for 4 & 5 star hotels. I love being at sea( and by BTW would of liked meeting all of you onboard Noordam maiden voyage) but unless it was to meet people such as yourselves I doubt I'll be back to the HAL product.


Things go wrong in life & I am pretty easy going, am very independent, am fortunate to be able to spend freely. I just wish when something does go wrong there was some sort of competent assistance available.


I do hope you continue to enjoy your experiences onboard - for me the best is walking the promenade deck before retiring for the nite looking at the stars...now I just do it standing on a beach somewhere.


sail7seas - the lost luggage incident happened after a 10 day carib cruise - RT Ft lauderdale. At the time I was told that the passengers that book HAL transfers have their luggage put on a flatbed truck instead of being lined up in the terminal - the truck is then sent to the airport. It does not make sense that 2 of my pieces were in the correct location & the large piece went astray.

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Thanks, Rotterdam. No.... It does not make any sense that two suitcases were placed where they should be and the third was 'misdirected'. That was bad enough.


The treatment you received subsequent to them losing the bag was way worse IMO


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Doone - yes the world has changed since the 1980's......but when a product changes from being 4 star to 2 or 3 star & yet still advertises as a 4 star...well then that is a problem for me. As I said I now go to 4/5 star hotels for most vacations. At some point I'll try Seabourn & Silversea....


Yes all the cruise lines have changed - but there should be truth in advertising somewhat. HAL rests on their laurels but delivers far below what once was. I've travelled on most lines for one reason or another...when i hunger to get back to sea I'll go ...with much lowered expectations.

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Rotterdam, I am sorry you feel HAL didn't meet your expectations. I have noticed also there have been changes, some for the good and some not so good. But I still feel HAL gives me what I want from a cruise line, maybe some day I won't, but for now, HAL meets my expectations. I hope you find a cruise line that does the same for you.

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Absolutely right, Betty. I'm sorry you didn't like my joke ... trying to lighten things up a bit.


I assumed the OP did tag the liquor. But I didn't tag my tiara:) .


I'm sorry. I wouldn't be happy if I left my liquor out and it was missing either, but I would chalk it up to my own bad judgment. I would never post on a cruiseboard that I would NEVER cruise HAL again because of it. I guess what I react to is over-reaction.


Heather you are right about saying NEVER again..


I learned my lesson about the word NEVER...We had an unpleasant experience on another cruise line years ago..My friend & I went to the Purser & said how unhappy we were & we would NEVER cruise on ****again..Guess what..We came across a wonderful trip a few years later, cruised on **** again & had a marvelous time! I should have known "Not to burn my bridges"..Have worked with several people who have "Burned their Bridges"..Then years later asked to return to our company! They were not taken back for obvious reasons..


Also understand your reaction as I had the same reaction to NEVER, but after reading some of the posts, you know me, I get upset when new posters are treated as if they are dumb..She obviously is upset & has the misguided opinion that HAL is responsible, but we can change her opinion of HAL & us by politely informing her why we disagree...


Still Love you all & thank you all for the wonderful advice you have given me over the years.. Betty


P.S. Heather, no need to tag your tiara: After all everyone should know it's yours!!!:) :) :) ;) Cheers..

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