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28 Day Norwegian Fjords & Icelandic Intrigue on Sojourn - July 27th through August 24th - Our Experience


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Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, galeforce9 said:

It’s a fabulous place and I’m so glad you got to enjoy it. Our quest cruise up there was why we now holiday on shetland every year (and the ferry calls in Kirkwall at 11pm and wakes us up every time!). I’m so glad you are feeling well and I hope the weather improves a bit. 

The weather today was as good as we could expect. There was a bit of rain, but it stopped in time for us to explore and enjoy these sites.  We'll be thinking about these places for a long long tme.  The area around the Ring of Brodgar is truly special even in modern times.  

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We capped off a wonderful day with dinner tonight at Earth and Ocean, which is our favorite restaurant on the ship.  I've included tonight's menu in the photos below.  I was over enthusiastic with the Tempura shrimp and almost forgot to take a photo until it was almost all gone.  My dessert, the rum cake was beyond compare.  Mr. SLSD loved his BBQed duck.  Each element was wonderful and the service was top notch as always.  We hope to dine at Earth and Ocean often over the next two weeks.  

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I am behind three days in my reporting.  I plan to backtrack tomorrow (a sea day) and cover three other great days we have experienced aboard Sojourn.  

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We are still talking about our experiences yesterday in the area around Kirkwall in the Orkney Islands.  We saw burial mounds dating from Neolithic times.  We saw sheep and cattle grazing.  We saw many beautiful stone walls and crops growing in the fields--barley among them. We saw beautiful beaches, one of them right next to the Skara Brae Neolithic stone homes.   Here are a few more photos to give you a view of the Orkney Islands we experienced.  First, a small guidebook we purchased which has filled in a lot of gaps for us in terms of background information.  The upshot is that we definitely recommend choosing a cruising itinerary with the Orkney Islands as part of the journey.  

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Today, I am backtracking to cover our day at the port in Reykjavik.  Since this was our first visit to Iceland, we elected to take an excursion called The Best of the Golden Circle.  We began our tour with a visit to Pingvellir National Park.  The area this park covers is significant for several reasons.  First, it is a place where you can see geological forces at work as it is situated to include a rift walk between the tectonic plates of both North America and Eurasia.  Second, within the national park is the site where Iceland's Parliament met since its inception in the 900s.  In the photos below, you will see the Icelandic flag at that location.  


Walking through the rift is an easy walk for anyone who does not have mobility issues.  While it is a rather long walk , the path is quite well maintained and doesn't have any significant inclines, holes, or dips. We had several in our group walking with canes and/or a walker and they did not seem to be having difficulty.  At least one passenger stayed on the bus.  







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There were four additional stops on our Best of the Golden Circle excursion.  They included the Gulfoss (Golden Waterfall), a Geysir Center, a crater lake, and a geothermal powerplant.  This was an eight hour excursion and included a lunch.  The lunch was a buffet with many offerings--including great salmon, lamb meatballs, a tomato soup, salad and various vegetables.  Wine and/or beer was served for those who wished to have it.  


It was very windy at the waterfall!  Most of us donned our stocking caps and even struggled to stand still at some points.  At the Geysir Center, there was a geysir which erupted  every five to ten minutes.  We were fortunate to get to view two eruptions.  The crater lake is at the site of a sunken volcanic crater.  The geothermal powerplant is owned by a company called ON and situated right next to an active volcano.   




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What a wonderful couple of days, and so lucky with the weather.  I'm really envious of your meals at Earth and Ocean, it seems like a wonderful innovation.  (I have not been on Sojourn for quite a few years, sadly).

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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, lincslady said:

What a wonderful couple of days, and so lucky with the weather.  I'm really envious of your meals at Earth and Ocean, it seems like a wonderful innovation.  (I have not been on Sojourn for quite a few years, sadly).

We do love Earth and Ocean, but take mostly cold weather cruises (lately).  Of course Earth and Ocean is limited by weather conditions--and is also not open when there is something going on around the pool deck.  For example, it is closed tonight which is the last night of this particular segment of the trip.  Many will be disembarking in Dover tomorrow.  Hopefully, we will be back at Earth and Ocean tomorrow night!




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It's a really lovely day at sea with great weather.  Mr SLSD and I enjoyed lunch on the patio as we are not fans of the Galley Lunch.  I had a delicious fish of the day (Red Snapper) with a crisp green salad, while he had pizza and fruit.  We both enjoyed the soup of the day which was cream of asparagus.  The desserts were peach cake.  


I realize we are outliers among Seabourn cruisers when it comes to the Galley Lunch.  We've done it!  It was fun!  But after doing it several times, we began choosing lunch elsewhere.  



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4 hours ago, SLSD said:

I realize we are outliers among Seabourn cruisers when it comes to the Galley Lunch.  We've done it!  It was fun!

Yeah, we are different. I did not like it the first time. It was a madhouse.

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Very disappointed to hear that the sound level in the Grand Salon is dangerously loud.  My wife and I had that same problem a couple of years ago, and mentioned to the CD, whereupon it was rectified.  There is no excuse for having to have earplugs in to preserve your hearing during a show.  Volume at most concerts is usually only made too high in order to cover up for the artist's lack of talent.  That should never be the case for a Seabourn show.        

On 7/29/2024 at 12:31 PM, SLSD said:

Last night's dinner was at our very favorite restaurant on Sojourn (or Encore/Ovation).  Earth and Ocean!  Our idea of cruising certainly includes dining on great food while watching the sea.  The weather was perfect and the meal could not have been better.  We were so busy enjoying ourselves that I forgot to take photos except for one of Mr. SLSD's appetizers.  We chose to split a Ribeye steak (medium rare) and I added a great endive salad, while my husband enjoyed the pictured pasta appetizer.  Really pretty apple tarts made a wonderful dessert.  Dinner was marred only by some adorable (cherubic looking) children who were playing by the hot tub from 7pm until 8:15.  Mr, SLSD is usually very tolerant, but he wrote a note for the hotel manager concerning the distracting noise at dinner.  There were black nets seeming to signify that the pool area was closed during dining hours, but it was the chosen play area for children during our time at Earth and Ocean.   


We followed dinner by going to the Grand Salon to watch the West End chanteuse Phillipa Healey.  She has a beautiful voice and a sense of humor.  We both wore ear plugs to save our hearing.  Mr. SLSD measured the decibel level at 92.  (If exposed to that level of noise for half an hour, you will suffer damage to your hearing--thus, the silicone ear plugs).  




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1 hour ago, BoilerBill said:

Very disappointed to hear that the sound level in the Grand Salon is dangerously loud. 

I also attended the performance on my recent sojourn cruise as well as additions shows/performances.

I did not find the sound level in the Grand Salon to be dangerously loud nor did my husband.   We were able to tolerate the sound level, others may not,


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About the sound level at  musical performances--  Mr. SLSD measured tonight's performance at 95 decibels at its height.  At 95 decibels, one hour of exposure can cause hearing damage.  We wear ear plugs to protect our hearing.  Perhaps others are comfortable taking that risk.  Because my husband already has hearing loss, we are very cognizant of the dangers.  I don't have hearing loss and try to protect myself.  The only reason I mention this is so that others who choose--can bring ear plugs if they share our concerns.  

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21 minutes ago, SLSD said:

The only reason I mention this is so that others who choose--can bring ear plugs if they share our concerns.  

Many music venues these days make ear plugs available upon request (at the bar, door, service desk, etc), and I think its a reflection of more awareness of the possible damage that can happen.  Personally I’ve never had an issue on Seabourn or felt it was too loud, but they really should have them available more prominently as an option.  Maybe mention it in the survey or through the app? 

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1 hour ago, SLSD said:

Mr. SLSD measured tonight's performance at 95 decibels at its height.

I will have to remember to check the next performance I attend.  National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has a free sound level meter app for iOS devices, I measured the cicada 'song' at 90 decibels this summer. https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/noise/about/app.html


1 hour ago, SLSD said:

Because my husband already has hearing loss...

As do the sound technicians, I assume. 

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Yesterday, we reached the half way point in our 28 day cruise.  We returned to the port at Dover and several hundred passengers disembarked.  According to a member of the staff, 90 of us remained onboard while around 358 new passengers embarked.  We enjoyed a view of Dover Castle and The White Cliffs from our suite.  



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We chose to take a ship's excursion in Dover which was formulated for "in transit" passengers which means the passengers staying on the ship for the next leg of Sojourn's itinerary.  This excursion took us to the medieval town of Sandwich as well as to the Walmer Castle and its gardens.  Along the way to Sandwich, we were able to see abundant farmland, growing such crops as onions, barley and wheat.  Beautiful scenery.  Our guide explained that Sandwich is an ancient medieval town which used to be quite important as it was one of the Cinque Ports established by Edward the Confessor.  These days, Sandwich is a sleepy small town. We saw the original medieval gate to the town which was in part built with flint rocks. You can clearly see the marks on the flint rocks where they had been worked with tools. I'm attaching some photos from the town of Sandwich.  

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After leaving Sandwich, England, our excursion made its way to Walmer Castle at Deal.  Walmer Castle was built by Henry VIII in 1539/40 as a defensive castle to protect his realm against attacks from France. The castle is very close to the English Channel and just a few miles from France.   Later, Walmer Castel became the home base for the Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports--one of whom was Elizabeth, The Queen Mother.  The castle has eight acres of beautiful gardens as well as apartments for the Lord Warden.  We walked through the gardens which are mostly grown in a natural style and we toured the apartments that the Queen Mother occasionally inhabited during her time as the Lord Warden.  The apartments are surprisingly modest, both in scale and in level of luxury.  There is a very small catering kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms and sitting rooms, all furnished in a comfortable English way with chintz and chenille.  No photography was permitted in the apartments.  Following the excursion, we returned to the ship and had lunch on the pool deck.  I enjoy ordering from the menu there--and especially enjoy having the fish of the day and the soup of the day.  








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Occasionally, in the afternoon, if we are not going to tea, we order a snack from the Room Service menu.  We've ordered fruit plates, cheese plates and the charcuterie board.  Sometimes we order caviar.  It is important to know that caviar is not on the menu.  You have to ask for it.  



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We go to about half of the shows after dinner in the Grand Salon.  Last night's show was a country western/rock combination.  Right now on Sojourn, there are only two singers in the Seabourn Singers and six dancers.  



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I apologize that my narrative of this cruise is not entirely chronological.  I fell behind a few days, but want to include two more ports in Iceland. The first is Isafjordur, a small, but scenic town on a bay.  Our young guide in this town was only 20 years old and he had a sense of humor.  We appreciate his sense of fun, but not everyone on our bus felt the same.  People need to lighten up sometimes!  First, we were taken to the town's waterfall which they claim has fountain of youth powers.  We were all given a cup of the water.  Unfortunately, no results so far. 


After the waterfall, we visited a small museum in a log house.  We were offered (and accepted) some bites of dried herring, pickled Greenland shark, and a small sip of Schnapps.  We liked them all.  


The museum had a number of rooms showing how Icelanders lived some years ago.  



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I am really enjoying your posts and appreciate your time and efforts,  I’m happy that you and Mr.SLSD are healthy.


Since we’re boarding Sojourn on the 24th, I had a couple specific questions.

Is Seabourn they offering any incentives besides the usual for booking another cruise? I have my eye on a couple but I wasn’t sure if I should wait and put a deposit when I board?

Also was curious who the hotel, chef and bar managers are? I wish Seabourn would post who the guest conversationalist are but I never seem to find that information!

thank you!




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Posted (edited)
47 minutes ago, SistersInFun said:

I am really enjoying your posts and appreciate your time and efforts,  I’m happy that you and Mr.SLSD are healthy.


Since we’re boarding Sojourn on the 24th, I had a couple specific questions.

Is Seabourn they offering any incentives besides the usual for booking another cruise? I have my eye on a couple but I wasn’t sure if I should wait and put a deposit when I board?

Also was curious who the hotel, chef and bar managers are? I wish Seabourn would post who the guest conversationalist are but I never seem to find that information!

thank you!




We haven't talked with the future cruise specialist yet.  I do know if you do a future cruise deposit, you will get 5% off the price of a future cruise.  Over the last few days, we have received various offers by email which I am sure you have received also.  


I will have to look up the name of the hotel manager.  We have met the beverage manager and see him most days, but I will have to look up the spelling of his name.  The chef's last name Ainsley.  The food has been excellent.  The cruise director is Robert.  

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To continue with our tour in Isafjordur, Iceland--after leaving the museum in town, the bus drove us through a tunnel to another small town on another bay where we visited old turf houses which were fishing huts.  The huts were only used for fishing.  We also met a fisherman who was dressed as Icelandic fishermen dressed some years ago.  He explained what fishing was like in those days.  


Next, we visited a typical Icelandic church, where we were treated to a short program by a young woman who sang several Icelandic folk songs.  I've included a very short video here.  











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