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Live From Mercury (the Sick Ship) 3/27/06


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Celebrity is our favorite cruise line and it is for many of the reasons that others have already posted. I agree that the virus is not their fault, but it is their problem. It should not be the passengers problem who are paying good money for an enjoyable vacation. I applaud those that have made the best of it to enjoy themselves anyway. But I can't imagine that "fogged", sprayed on bleach surfaces everywhere, along with the smell and the closing of the restaurants is something the pax should be made to endure or lose all of their money if they choose to cancel. I, myself, would feel uncomfortable being trapped on a ship that is or was recently sick enough to warrant this intense treatment to cure it.


The fire on board the Star Princess wasn't their fault either. But Princess had to pull the ship from service, just the same. I know the virus isn't quite the same thing, but I do believe Celebrity needs to pull the ship until it is right and that they can supply the level of service that their pax expect. At the very least they need to allow pax to cancel if they choose and provide them a full cash refund.

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From Tuggers original description, which I highly value as she has 30+ cruises and loves Celebrity very much, I can tell that this would not be the cruise I was expection.


My number one issue is that I try to avoid the Buffet if I can. It is crowede, slow, noisy, and not very relaxing. To not have the option of dining in the dining room for breakfast and lunch, would probably cut my enjoyment a lot.


Having to worry if my favorite dresses or my DH's tux are going to be ruined by bleach spray would be another bummer. Dressing for dinner is my favorite part of cruising.


So since dining and dressing up are major parts of my cruise expectations, I would be very disappointed if the conditions Gail decribed were present on my cruise.


And all this said, I am one of those people who tries to make the best of things, and I would find some way to make the best and enjoythings, but it would not be the cruise that I paid for.



Well said Suzanne!


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Hello everyone ~ just a quick reminder that when a post strays off topic, please hit the alert button to let us know immediately. It's the quickest way we can keep threads on topic.


Thanks for your help.


Here's hoping the challenges facing Mercury clear up quickly.

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I was on the March 6 cruise when 200 pax were sick and there was no sripping bleach or wet surfaces. Surfaces were being wiped down continually, but not sprayed.






I believe this is why the March 17 cruise was so "bad".

The cleanup occured after.:rolleyes:

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Here is part of a letter I have sent to X



The staff is exhausted. They are having to work 3

to 5 extra hours per day. As an example, my cabin was allowed to run out of

toilet paper yesterday, I have not been given a beach towel for the last three

ports and after three requests for a large bottle of water to purchase for in

room use, I gave up and bought it in port. I do not think this is the norm,

just a product of over work and under sleep.

Aesthetics: Everything on the ship, every mirror, bright metal surface,

table, store windows, chairs, etc are cloudy and unattractive. The elevators

are a mess inside and out. So much bleach has run in to the key pads outside

that the up and down arrows don't light up, inside the elevztors there are

certain floors you cant get too because the buttons don't work! Everyone is

afraid to sit because we hae all ruined so much clothing. In the cabin, you

must take a towel and clean a place on the bathroom mirror to see. The mirrors

behind the bed are worse! The stench is EVERYWHERE!! And they will spray

people! I have nails that have turned yellowy orange because they were sprayed

as I sat at a pool table! All the door hardware into the cabins are so pitted

by bleach that you can actually cut your hand on the metal. Wood banisters

everywhere are deteriorating from the bleach. This ship looks like a war zone!!


Headaches and burning eyes are the norm for most passengers and those of us

with asthma are constantly using inhalers. It should be noted that the staff

has masks when they are spraying in hall ways. Passengers don't. It is not

uncommon to come out of your cabin and have a line of people, every 5 feet,

all spraying bleach!

Guest Comfort: No pads on pool chairs, in bathrooms, toilet seats are wet

with bleach, servers come up to tables in buffet when people are still eating

and ask to spray with bleach water!!

Dining: It is MOST disappointing that of the eight full days we have sailed,

lunch was NOT AVAILABLE in the dining room FOR SIX DAYS!! Breakfast has not

been available FOR FOUR DAYS!! Coming on a 'premium cruise with a taste of

luxury' does not mean eating in a cafeteria! And as we all know, buffets are

NOT Celebrities strong suit. To be FORCED to eat two meals a day there is NOT

acceptable! At dinner, we have to BEG for salt and pepper shakers, in the

buffet, I have never been able to get salt and pepper. Funny thing is though,

we still have bread baskets on the table for all to touch. No nice little

flower shaped butter rounds, but baskets of rolls. Strange. And no Sushi for

the entire trip. These things alone are responsible for dissatisfaction enough

to ruin this cruise.

There are many many other things we are MISSING. Everything that

makes Celebrity what it is from the Champagne on boarding to the Sorbet by the

pool, iced towels by pool or when returning from ports, no punch or water when

returning to ship, no Captains table, no Martini Bar menus, no bar drink menus,

no pads on pool chairs, and certainly a reduction in the excellent service we

are accustomed to. It is all missing from this cruise. I feel as if I have

been deceived. I paid for a 4 or 5 star cruising experience and I got


I have been trying since Friday to meet with Roxanne or Carlos from the

corporate office. On Sunday I was told that I must have 'fallen through the

cracks' so they would try again. Yesterday a message from Carlos to make an

appointment through GR between 4:30 and 8. I called at 4:30 to schedule 8.

GR said they would call me back. I called them at 7:30 to be told Carlos

wasn't available. I have an appointment tonight at 8, but frankly, from what

the other passengers are being told, I'm not sure it is worth the effort.

Roxanne is telling passengers that 50% of passengers are happy. So Celebrity

is happy with 50%? And I am quite sure a survey would find that figure not to

be true. We are being offered absolutely NO consideration for this very

unacceptable cruising experience.

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We were on the March 6 cruise. I believe the “official” 200 sick number was way low.

We did wash our hands consistently yet both came down with the virus. The 3 cabins forward of us and two aft also were ill.

Also I saw some type of fuel lines or water lines being thrown overboard after leaving one port. Don’t know if related.


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Hi Gail !


I am so sorry to hear of all the problems. It sounds very challenging at best. Certainly no way to enjoy your Cruise. Please let us know if you ever get to speak with anyone at Celebrity, and the outcome.


Please try your best to enjoy. If anyone can make the best of it, I know you can.

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And Carnival, Princess...and many others are experiencing the same problems. Seems most of them are blaming the spring break period. Some have even said they avoid this time because it happens just about every year. While I agree that the experience is anything but being treated famously I doubt that X could have done anything differently especially in light of the fact that this problem is all over the cruise industry right now. Its norwalk season folks. No much we can do but hope for the best.



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Please, I would certainly not compare your experience to a Carnival cruise. :rolleyes: I am sorry your cruise is turning into a nightmare. No one, including the staff should have to go through what you are. Maybe Celebrity just is not as great as it used to be. They certainly are not taking great care of their passengers. They are not allowing the people on the next cruise to cancell and rebook and they will still be bleaching. Pretty bad.:cool:

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This was posted on another board by someone sailing Mercury in April. I've posted the information verbatim.


"I just contacted CDC by phone, and talked to a very helpful lady named Lisa. She informed me that the level of Noro virus on Mercury has dropped significantly, and is below outbreak standards. She told me that the bleaching will continue through this cruise, and possibly four to five days into the next. If everything remains as is, the bleaching will stop for the 4/17 cruise. She told me the amount of time the bleaching is used, is at Celebritys discretion. Hopefully the out break will continue to go down. The number to call is: 1-770-488-7138."


Hope that helps.

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Here is part of a letter I have sent to X



The staff is exhausted. They are having to work 3

to 5 extra hours per day. As an example, my cabin was allowed to run out of

toilet paper yesterday, I have not been given a beach towel for the last three

ports and after three requests for a large bottle of water to purchase for in

room use, I gave up and bought it in port. I do not think this is the norm,

just a product of over work and under sleep.

Aesthetics: Everything on the ship, every mirror, bright metal surface,

table, store windows, chairs, etc are cloudy and unattractive. The elevators

are a mess inside and out. So much bleach has run in to the key pads outside

that the up and down arrows don't light up, inside the elevztors there are

certain floors you cant get too because the buttons don't work! Everyone is

afraid to sit because we hae all ruined so much clothing. In the cabin, you

must take a towel and clean a place on the bathroom mirror to see. The mirrors

behind the bed are worse! The stench is EVERYWHERE!! And they will spray

people! I have nails that have turned yellowy orange because they were sprayed

as I sat at a pool table! All the door hardware into the cabins are so pitted

by bleach that you can actually cut your hand on the metal. Wood banisters

everywhere are deteriorating from the bleach. This ship looks like a war zone!!


Headaches and burning eyes are the norm for most passengers and those of us

with asthma are constantly using inhalers. It should be noted that the staff

has masks when they are spraying in hall ways. Passengers don't. It is not

uncommon to come out of your cabin and have a line of people, every 5 feet,

all spraying bleach!

Guest Comfort: No pads on pool chairs, in bathrooms, toilet seats are wet

with bleach, servers come up to tables in buffet when people are still eating

and ask to spray with bleach water!!

Dining: It is MOST disappointing that of the eight full days we have sailed,

lunch was NOT AVAILABLE in the dining room FOR SIX DAYS!! Breakfast has not

been available FOR FOUR DAYS!! Coming on a 'premium cruise with a taste of

luxury' does not mean eating in a cafeteria! And as we all know, buffets are

NOT Celebrities strong suit. To be FORCED to eat two meals a day there is NOT

acceptable! At dinner, we have to BEG for salt and pepper shakers, in the

buffet, I have never been able to get salt and pepper. Funny thing is though,

we still have bread baskets on the table for all to touch. No nice little

flower shaped butter rounds, but baskets of rolls. Strange. And no Sushi for

the entire trip. These things alone are responsible for dissatisfaction enough

to ruin this cruise.

There are many many other things we are MISSING. Everything that

makes Celebrity what it is from the Champagne on boarding to the Sorbet by the

pool, iced towels by pool or when returning from ports, no punch or water when

returning to ship, no Captains table, no Martini Bar menus, no bar drink menus,

no pads on pool chairs, and certainly a reduction in the excellent service we

are accustomed to. It is all missing from this cruise. I feel as if I have

been deceived. I paid for a 4 or 5 star cruising experience and I got


I have been trying since Friday to meet with Roxanne or Carlos from the

corporate office. On Sunday I was told that I must have 'fallen through the

cracks' so they would try again. Yesterday a message from Carlos to make an

appointment through GR between 4:30 and 8. I called at 4:30 to schedule 8.

GR said they would call me back. I called them at 7:30 to be told Carlos

wasn't available. I have an appointment tonight at 8, but frankly, from what

the other passengers are being told, I'm not sure it is worth the effort.

Roxanne is telling passengers that 50% of passengers are happy. So Celebrity

is happy with 50%? And I am quite sure a survey would find that figure not to

be true. We are being offered absolutely NO consideration for this very

unacceptable cruising experience.

Tuggers, God bless you. We experienced everything you are going through on the last cruise (3/17) down to the very last detail of square butter and no S&P shakers. My original post/thread entitled 'WARNING - MERCURY' (please look it up) was met with a lot of skepticism and rebuttals but you have finally validated our and most people's experiences on board. It is imperative that you meet face to face with one of their representatives onboard. We expressed concerns to Guest Relations (GR) over the phone from our stateroom, went downstairs numerous times to speak with them face to face, were told documents were going to be sent to our room to file a formal complaint with corporate regarding the circumstances aboard and never received anything! In the end we were given a lame business card with a 1-800# to contact them when we return home. Make it known that this is unacceptable. We have battled for recognition from this company since we left the ship. Whether you are a seasoned verteran or a first time cruiser we should all get what we paid for not a sub-par or limited cruise. Just be sure you do everything within your power while you are onboard because if you think their customer service is poor just wait until you get off the ship. Noone has called us back yet and we disembarked on March 27th!! Best of luck, hope to hear from you soon.

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Dear Gail,


Thank you for taking the time to post. I can't believe what you are experiencing onboard. It is totally unbelievable. I am shocked that Celebrity is allowing this to continue. It is absolutley beyond reason. Not only is it awful for the passengers but I can't even comprehend what the crew is having to endure.


Headquarters indifference to the plight of passengers and crew alike is beyond disturbing. Why in the world are they not pulling the Mercury from service for several days until this situation is under control? Who in their right mind would want to sail under these conditions?


Over the past several years, we have always cruised with Celebrity. But recent reports concerning the Mercury and some issues on the Millennium (sewage odors) are making me wonder what is going on with Celebrity. The fact that you are unable to get in touch with anyone "higher up" at Celebrity is deeply disturbing.


We are scheduled to sail on the Millennium in June from Barcelona to Venice and am certainly hoping for "smooth sailing". If not, it sounds like we may be on our own given Celebrity's response (or lack thereof) to recent problems.


I can make "lemonade" with the best of them, but this is way beyond making "lemonade out of lemons". So sorry for your disappointing cruise experience. My thoughts are with you and other passengers as well as the overworked crew.



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My husband owns his own business and if only 50% of his customers are satisfied he would go out of business. Who in their right mind strives for 50% customer satisfaction? I don't know any business that would set the bar that low.


It's disturbing that corporate would settle for those numbers, particularly when they advertise that you will be "treated famously". I think what you are experiencing is a "true departure" in the worst sense.


As I am writing this reply, it is very ironic that to the left of this post is an advertisement for Celebrity that asks "Ahhh, the Celebrity Treatment. How will it affect you? I am certainly beginning to wonder ....



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Tuggers~ I'm sorry the environment aboard Mercury hasn't improved. There was some recent unofficial word that the incidence of illness had decreased dramatically, and I'd hoped that would mean the full assault on the ship could be lessened. Those of us on the 3/17 cruise will be interested to learn what, if any, feedback/satisfaction you got thru meeting with Guest Relations. I'm just assuming that will eventually occur! Continue to stay well.


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I am curious as to the two different stories that are being painted by Tuggers and Mercruiser. Tuggers said that there are no cushions on the lounge chairs by the pool, but in the pictures Mercruiser posted you can clearly see the blue pads on the chairs.


Just some random things that I have observed on the board.

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Just a quick update:

Tonight we got a letter that the Galley Tour, Wine Tasting and, of course, the Captain’s Table has been canceled.

We are to have a second cruise critic meeting tomorrow at 10 am and one of the ‘corporate people’, Roxanne, assured me she would attend. Tonight she informed me that the Event Coordinator had advised her not to attend as we might want to debate ‘things’. Duh! Thought they were here to listen and help. Basically, they (she and Carlos) are just note takers and glad handers. They take lots of notes and promise to send them in to ‘corporate’ who will make a decision, in 4 to 6 weeks, as to what to do about this situation! Clearly not acceptable! When I told her that there were cc’ers who wanted to speak to them but all the appointments are filled through the end of the cruise, she really had no answer.

Also tonight there was a form letter in our cabins stating that they were willing to give us a credit equal to 25% of what we paid for this cruise (less taxes, port charges and on board credits) on any other cruise prior to May ’07. With everything we’ve been through and the things that have not happened on this cruise (see previous posts), most people felt this was an insult. And lots of first timers and people who were just trying out X are not sure they want to sail with this line again.

This really has been a tough cruise. Be glad you are not on it!!!

I'm not taking time to read other posts at 75 per min but who is 'mercruiser' and are they on this ship!!!??? Ya'll know me and I swear everything I have posted is the truth. It's horrible here. I just used my toilet and thought it felt wet but got up and pulled my slacks up(habit, you know). Within 5 minutes, I have a big white spot on the black slacks I wore to dinner! The toilet seat and lid were WET with bleach!!!

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I am curious as to the two different stories that are being painted by Tuggers and Mercruiser. Tuggers said that there are no cushions on the lounge chairs by the pool, but in the pictures Mercruiser posted you can clearly see the blue pads on the chairs.


Just some random things that I have observed on the board.

The picture with pads on the chair was taken earlier on in the cruise at Mazatlan so they may have removed them since.


Zaandam, Mercruiser is on this cruise with Gail at the moment.



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mercruiser was on the cruise preceeding you, tuggers. they reported much the same as you, and were flamed relentlessly for it because they were a new poster. you know how that goes. sorry for the bad cruise, thanks.

Mercruiser is on the same sailing as Gail and is not a new poster nor a first time cruiser.

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Mercruiser is on the same cruise as Gail.

March 27th sailing. If you check his thread, he started his

posting prior to the actual cruise itself.

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I personally think Celebrity should have cancelled the previous cruise when they discovered there was a problem on the Mercury, and take care of what needed to be done while the ship was empty. I also feel very sorry for all of the passengers on that previous cruise because they had no idea what they were getting into until it was too late. However, since Celebrity gave the passengers on this current sailing the option of not boarding, and they chose to board anyway, I think it is very generous of Celebrity to give any refund at all. It is not as if these passengers would have been stranded in the middle of nowhere. San Diego is a great city with many wonderful hotels and tourist attractions. In life we are often given the option of choosing between two alternatives, and when a person selects the one that has known risks, they should accept some of the responsibility if they subsequently decide that they made the wrong decision. On the other hand, I commend the posters on this current cruise who are making the best of the situation, without constantly complaining.

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I just recieved an email from corporate ...a thank you and a form letter..


Hope you had a great time and a fantastic experience aboard Celebrity.....in short.


After trying to be SO POSITIVE about this I find it an insult that they would do this. We were on the March 17th cruise...the one that REALLY should have been cancelled or at least informed of the situation.


While I love Celebrity...this really got me angry.


If they are offering a 25% refund on the 27th cruise...we were NEVER offered anything. Period. Or given the chance to make a decision about our cruise.


What tuggers is reporting is true. However We were hit even harder with the clean up.


I did still make the best of it..but hearing about a 25% refund angers me.


Nothing was offered to us, nothing. and we got the brunt of it.


I will still sail X and look forward to our Sept. 8th Alaska cruise.. BUT this really gets my panties in a bind. Especially the 'Happy' e-mail



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