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Non smoking and Non children ..........


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We go to Sandals every couple of months, and things are different at Sandals vs. Beaches. For one thing, at Beaches, the pools and hot tubs are VERY clorinated. Found the same to be true at Contemporary at Disneyworld in November. If babies are going to be in a pool, there are going to be accidents whether they are in a diaper or not if there are enough of them and regularly enough!

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Babies and Toddlers should NOT be allowed in the hot tub. I don't think that is too much to ask.


The number of kids on any given cruise could be limited. 35-40 is too many. There is nothing wrong with a limit on a small ship, particularly one that does not advertise to the family cruiser.


That said, from my own experience on SS it is the adult drunk who is the most annoying. Some people think "all inclusive" means "all you can drink."


The children I have experienced on SS have been very well behaved and very well spoken.

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There's no way a cruise line can limit bookings to well behaved children. This is also a larger problem than simply limiting the number of children. A family group of 6 kids can ruin the pool and the cruise for everyone. In fact one child can ruin a cruise for several hundred. As everyone has different standards for what they believe is appropriate and acceptable behaviour for their own children it has to be a binary rule.


The issue is, there is a market for cruises where children are allowed and another for cruises where they are not and to me SS appears to have exactly the right profile to experiement with the latter.


There is a market for those that want the certainty of not having to live with other people's children.


I'd set the age at 12.



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:) I vote for 20 years old as a minimum age. Seriously, you can't guarantee good behavior so no matter how "seasoned" they are they are still kids. I would rather see parents think about how utterly boring a SS cruise is for their kids and take them on one that is geared for their enjoyment. When they are gone, or you can get a sitter, do SS.

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:) I vote for 20 years old as a minimum age. Seriously, you can't guarantee good behavior so no matter how "seasoned" they are they are still kids. I would rather see parents think about how utterly boring a SS cruise is for their kids and take them on one that is geared for their enjoyment. When they are gone, or you can get a sitter, do SS.


I agree that there has to be a minimum age. Some parents do want their cake and they want us to be forced to eat it. The poor parents ruin it for the good parents - but why should the rest have to tolerate bad children simply to enable good parents to bring their kids.


20 might be a bit high - but I think we agree the basic principles.

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No kids and no smoking - heaven on board! I've had three children and have a grandchild on the way, but I believe that when you have small children (under 18) and you wish to bring them along on vacation, you should be going somewhere that caters specifically to the needs of kids - go camping, cruise on Disney, go to a kid-friendly land resort.


The cruise ships do a fairly adequate job when children are in the "kids camp" on board, but after hours, I've seen children running through the rows in the theaters, running up and down the halls and stairs and in the restaurant areas without an adult in sight. Allowing a child free reign on a ship gives me the heebie-jeebies - who's to say they won't decide to climb on the railings?


When did it happen anyway, that parents would rather suffer taking crabby children on a trip rather than taking a well-earned vacation on thier own? I am reminded of a trip we took to Rome, where we had to endure the constant tantrums of a two year old in the next room - the Mom was miserable, and the kid was miserable and so were we.

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1. We are bringing our kids like it or not.

2. They are old enough to be sensible and well behaved and I trust them to be so.

3. They are LOOKING forward to this cruise.

4. It may well be the last opportunity they have to holiday with their father. Every day is precious!

5. There are lots of irritating people in the world who are able to completely ruin a trip. Kids don't have a monopoly on this and being of the mind set that there are kids on board equals a poor experience can only lead to one thing...looking for the half full glass and hence having a lesser experience.


I will however agree that too many kids and kids less than about 8 or 10 (especially little boys!) are probably best not taken on a SS cruise.

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I haven't had a problem with kids onboard, but then again I haven't been on a ss ship with 30-40 kids, either. Seems to me that SS parents have better behaved kids for the most part.


Usually my biggest fear is being placed at a table with somebody who is a cruise junkie who only wants to discuss cruising, compare ships and tonage, talk about excursions, etc. the entire evening. IMO, the topic is a nice ice-breaker but it only goes so far. Ironic, I know, but true nonetheless.


Second to that is the person who only wants to discuss his/her latest purchases while in port, especially when it involves jewelry. And I am not particularly interested in sitting with people who don't drink any form of alcohol.

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1. We are bringing our kids like it or not.


I will however agree that too many kids and kids less than about 8 or 10 (especially little boys!) are probably best not taken on a SS cruise.


So, what you should know is that 72 other couples on your cruise have also made the decision to bring their kids, "like it or not". And 1/3 of those couples think that the age minimum should be 3-5, not 8-10.


Now what?

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So, what you should know is that 72 other couples on your cruise have also made the decision to bring their kids, "like it or not". And 1/3 of those couples think that the age minimum should be 3-5, not 8-10.


Now what?


I will have to make the best of a bad situation then...I do that all the time it'll be nothing new.


I can whinge and grizzle and make myself miserable or i can get on with life and enjoy what blessings i have.



LOL...my kids are significantly older than 8-10....that just happensto be te age that i've notice and learning theory etc will also confirm that children start to develop an awareness of someone other than themselves.


edited to add...

if you don't want to sail with my kids we'rte on 1626....the ball is now in your court...

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MrsWaldo, I have a feeling I'd like you AND your kids. I'm glad they are looking forward to the trip.


I was a Navy brat, and back in our day (I'm 44), they didn't have kids programs anywhere. A kids program was a sack with a sucker and a few activity sheets. We never forgot them. Little things matter, and being with parents you adore in exotic places. Those are things that matter to well-traveled people of all ages that love new things, exotic foods and places and generally learned to entertain themselves at an early age.


Sure, my husband and I book adult-only all-inclusives all the time, but lately we've been to several venues that allow kids, and it is so not an issue as long as there are no bathroom issues, no shreaking voices (please!!), no running, and no splashing.

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1. We are bringing our kids like it or not. (I'm not bringing mine, BUT I trust others in the world to know how to control THEIR children)

2. They are old enough to be sensible and well behaved and I trust them to be so. (from what I've read in your postings, I wanna sneek one or both of them into the Humidor for a stogie!)

3. They are LOOKING forward to this cruise. (and so they should! Not all kids are like mine; video-game playing, "find me something to do or I'll go crazy" devils :D )

4. It may well be the last opportunity they have to holiday with their father. Every day is precious! (and each day should be embraced with all the love you can garner!)

5. There are lots of irritating people in the world who are able to completely ruin a trip (have you MET my wife, lol ;) ). Kids don't have a monopoly on this and being of the mind set that there are kids on board equals a poor experience can only lead to one thing...looking for the half full glass and hence having a lesser experience. (seriously, we picked SS for the "whole expereince". Kids WILL NOT ruin it. CAN there be unruley kids on our trip???? sure,,,, but I probably met those same kids at the Ritz over the past few years. My trip will be ruined when; someone gives me crap for smoking my cigar in the PERMITTED areas,,,, when someone INSISTS on giving the staff a hard time and being seated in the Dining Room in a sports jacket on Formal night and when someone INSISTS on sitting next to me to tell me how wonderful being rich is!

I will however agree that too many kids and kids less than about 8 or 10 (especially little boys!) are probably best not taken on a SS cruise. (But,,,, if the parenst are real "super heros' of the child-rearing world,,, I say,,, "Welcome aboard"!)

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I notice there's very little difference in our age (I'm 42). At the time of posting I was feeling very fragile becuase we've had a really bad week. Focussing on the cruise was a good thing then....


The kids have enjoyed travelling with us and particularly the opportunities to see cultures which are so different to their own, learning about how the world works in general. The concepts related to queueing in France, the ettiquette of Long haul flights (never ever recline your seat if the person behind is eating) and immigration officials can ask your Birthday when he wants Birthdate.


Cruising will also gives them a different approach to the way things are and mixing with a variety of people in that environment will teach them even more about their fellow man.


We too book the odd trip without the kids but being away for so long without them (we left one at home last year for 6 weeks and he pined so much he became ill) is just not feasible. This trip as they will be out of school for nearly 6 weeks is meant to be another educational and cultural experience not a Disney or party package. We have those fun filled holidays at the other times of the year..and even then its NO to kids programs.



The only issues we get now are related to eyes and young women.

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To summarise.


Whilst it is clearly true that there are some adults on cruises that irritate others, having a cruise line that bans all adults is clearly not a product that will sell well. The issue I posed is whether there should be a cruise line - SS perhaps - offering further choice to customers in this case having child-free cruises.


There seems to be three disitinct groups. One group clearly wants that choice and believe that there is a niche market group of people that want the certainty that on the cruise they book, that whilst there might be a risk of meeting adults they find irritating they do want the certainty that there will be no children under a yet to be specified age. Another group feels that because they believe genuinely that their children do not irritate anyone, that as such a no children rule would curtail their experience, and so therefore the first group should not have a product that offers that choice because they want the freedom to go on any and every cruise they choose without having any unavailable to them and their children. The third group seem ambivalent.


It seems to me that there are many products that - whether suitable for children or not - allow children on board. But there isn't yet a product for the group which want to find an up market cruise experience away from both their own children and other people's children.


There are cruise lines specifically for children accompanied by parents so why should there not be a product for unacompanied parents?




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The only issues we get now are related to eyes and young women.


That is a whole other set of "fun" issues. I suspect that will all pass in time with some amusement for both parents and children.


Sorry you had a fragile week.


I hope to visit your area of the pond at some point. We were supposed to go to Aus when I was 16 and living in Guam. We had it planned, then my dad got orders to leave early. While I've made it back to Asia twice, have not made your place.


Regarding the opins here on CC/SS board, I first thought some time back that people were a bit harsh (and maybe sometimes they are), but really the regulars seem to be intelligent with opinions that are something that have evolved from long thought and many life experiences. I know you have had a few harsh times w/ the questions you have asked on various threads, but hang in there.

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LOL...my kids are significantly older than 8-10...

8-10 are my favorite ages. They are housebroken and not teens. :D On my Whisper cruise there were < 6 kids. Three 10 yo girls that found each other within hours of be onboard. The last night was the 10th birthday of one of the girls and they sat with the parents and others girls at the table next to me. The wait staff sang Happy Birthday and gave her a REALLLY nice looking cake. I wished I had taken a picture of it.


OTOH, on my Amazon cruise we had The 12 YO. One < 18 out of 600 pax.


About the only time I was surprise with the number of kids onboard was on the old Royal Princess out of London for a Med cruise. At this time it was owned by P&O. Lot of kids on that cruise and I did not understand it until I heard them talk.... I ALMOST understood their form of English :D:D

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Thanks for that link, UK1. It made me chuckle. Jeremy is never short of an opinion, is he? Judging by this article, he should have known better, but then again, I know there are screaming kids on every business class flight;) And I won't even go into the realms of his non-PC views:)





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One of the main reasons we travel on SS is because there are usually no children on board. In all 5 of our SS cruises I only believe there was ever 1 child and she was in her teens and very well behaved. But we would definetely be put off if there were younger children and many of them.


My husband and I do not have children (we are in our late 30's) and do not want to travel with them. We were looking into booking the Holiday cruise this year but decided against it because we were told that many families might be traveling together.


We always take longer cruises (9 days or more) and try to travel when we know children are in school.


I have never had a bad experience with children on board - although when we took a Seabourn cruise for 14 days in June - there were 2 children on board and they did jump and scream a little but they only stayed on 1 week of the cruise leaving the second week for us in peace.


I for one would be in favor of a children over 12 policy like many of the resorts we stay at have.

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  • 1 month later...
I guess I've always wanted to ask this.


If Silversea were both non-smoking in all public areas and suites and balconies but excluding say outside Terraza and Humidor ....... and completely non-children ie so that you knew when you booked that there would be no one around the pool or in restaurants say under 17 ...... would SS sell more cruises or less? Not a question about whether YOU would book - but your view about society generally. Not really wanting to start an ethical debate just interested in what would actually happen and I only ask because I think bookings would increase ......





I would love it too!

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