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Summit Alaskan cruise disappointment (MERGER OF 5 THREADS ON THIS TOPIC)


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When a cruise line takes calculated risk to run a ship that breaks down on an annual basis as opposed to most ships which undergo "scheduled" maintenenace, the passengers on that ship, when it does break down deserve special treatment. They are entitled to get what they paid for which is what happens on most cruises.

It is also unfair to assume that "a Canadian is the ringleader". He may be but then he may be just getting prompted from many other passengers behind the scenes. I am proud that they are standing up to this nonsense and hopefully they will force Celebrity to resolve the issue fairly which if that had been done in the first place it would have saved Celebrity a lot of bad publicity and bad feelings. It seems the hardest hit were passengers planning the next BtoB cruise to Alaska as indicated by other posts.

I don't expect something for nothing, but I do expect to get what I paid for, as do most of us.

I say nuts to those who are quick to condem the "pirates".




I'm embarrassed that a Canadian is the ringleader of this nonsense.


I am, too. Absolutely stupid actions for any nationality. People want something for nothing all the time.

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I'm embarrassed that a Canadian is the ringleader of this nonsense.


I am, too. Absolutely stupid actions for any nationality. People want something for nothing all the time.


Fortunately, Nationality does not determine stupidity. I'd never looked at this as representation of a nation. It's embarrassing as a human that they are behaving this way!

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I couldn't agree more with Cruzntom & Brigittetom, don't ruin your whole vacation over it, a day at sea is better than a day a work! Also, don't ruin it for the other passengers!


While Celebrity is doing their best to let you finish your cruise, and give you some monitary value for problems that have occurred, just enjoy your surroundings...I'll trade positions.


This could happen to anyone of us while sailing, just think, you're still alive, hopefully you have your health, and you are being fed and entertained. Turn on the news and see what is happening in the world around you. Consider yourself lucky.


Ok, it may not be the way you wanted your vacation to turn out, but I am sure Celebrity didn't want your vacation to turn out that way either. Things in life happen that way....you can either look at your "glass half empty or half full", I believe in life things happen for a reason. Maybe this is a good thing, maybe had you gone to those ports, something bad could have happened those very person that are complaining. Look at the cruise that took place in South America and that whole bus of elderly people were killed on an excursion.


Life is full of surprises....some good, some bad. Go with the flow and you will be a happier person!

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Ok those of you who think the passengers demanding more than 200 USD are wrong...well the next time you order an pay for your Lincoln Limosine I'll send you a 1979 Beetle bug - I#ll bet you the most of you will be bitching and complaining etc.....well what is the matter you have a car!? It has wheels, a motor, seats and a steering wheel - oh it isn't what you paid for???


There you go - the cruise they are getting isn't what they paid for and do keep in mind some of these people practically flew half way around the world to see Alsaka by ship. Cancelling ports completely and cutting time in all others isn't what they paid for. Now don't go about telling me ports are not important otherwise cruiselines would not advertise them like the best thing since swiss cheese. Exotic itininaries are what the cruiselines live from and that is what they are selling.


Now to the "little" lawsuit X has running against Rolls Royce now those aren't peanuts either.


Sorry folks I just want to remind you that there ARE two sides to the story and that it is easy for us to condem these guys since it isn't our cruise, time or our money that is involved

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Ok those of you who think the passengers demanding more than 200 USD are wrong...well the next time you order an pay for your Lincoln Limosine I'll send you a 1979 Beetle bug - I#ll bet you the most of you will be bitching and complaining etc.....well what is the matter you have a car!? It has wheels, a motor, seats and a steering wheel - oh it isn't what you paid for???


There you go - the cruise they are getting isn't what they paid for and do keep in mind some of these people practically flew half way around the world to see Alsaka by ship. Cancelling ports completely and cutting time in all others isn't what they paid for. Now don't go about telling me ports are not important otherwise cruiselines would not advertise them like the best thing since swiss cheese. Exotic itininaries are what the cruiselines live from and that is what they are selling.


Now to the "little" lawsuit X has running against Rolls Royce now those aren't peanuts either.


Sorry folks I just want to remind you that there ARE two sides to the story and that it is easy for us to condem these guys since it isn't our cruise, time or our money that is involved


So under your theory, Celebrity should guarantee you all your ports??? So when a Hurricane or weather occurs, reimburse the passenager completely? This is just not realistic.


It's also buyer beware. When I buy my Lincoln, the contract lists the exact car including VIN number. If they roll out a VW, I refuse it. In the case of the cruise industry, their contract allows them to swap out or eliminate ports. This is what you sign off on your contract for. If my car contract says you may or may not get this car, do you think I'd sign it? NOPE. I chose to do so when it comes to a cruise. I buy travel insurance and hope for the best. It's life and stuff happens.

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The ship is normally our "destination". However, if we had paid for a trip to Alaska, Australia or Europe, the ports would be extremely important. This is why we did Greece via land as we knew how upset we would be if we had missed Santorini. If we were on this Summit trip we would be very upset but still behave in a civilized manner. If we were on the B2B and Celebrity was being unreasonable (which I think they are) we would be LIVID!

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If Celebrity was expected to reimburse its passengers for the full amount of their cruise each time it was necessary to miss a port, due to circumstances beyond their control, they would need to build that factor into the cost of a cruise. How many people would be willing to pay significantly more for a cruise for that to happen?

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I NEVER said FULL reimbursement but I did say 200 USD was not ok. Cruise lines also sell ports - have a look at all cruise line websites most don't have ships on the front page but DESTINATIONS. The ship is as important for most passengers as the ship.


If your thoery were the only correct way to see it why don't cruiselines just sell you a cabin cat for a certain date and ship with no given Itins? Because they would not be able to sell them with out a decent Itin and ports to go with. Cruising is a package of ship, onboard experience and itin. That is what we are selling!! The client is paying for the whole package so he should be entilted to the product he / she bought. If he / she is not getting it then it is legitimate for them to demand a price reduction. These backdoors in cruise contracts were put into place for things like Hurricanes and not for repetative mechanical problems. If you take things to the T in the contract then X should have informed each passenger upon check in that there was a problem and given the passenger the chance to cancel and rebook(refer to the poster on page 2 who detailed the technical side) Apparently this problem doesn't just come up out of the blue - the engineering dept. does get sort of a warning things are starting to happen again.

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So what you are saying is that the principals are not really under discussion here, it's all about the amount of compensation? How is fair compensation determined? People do have different priorities and may well view varying degrees of compensation differently.


I seem to remember an old story attributed to Winston Churchill about how he and an English Duchess determined what she was and the value thereof.....:)

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I assume that most people on board have already spent over $200 on their shipboard account, so the $200 will lower the total figure . It is easy to spend $200, especially if you have the gratuities placed on your acccount.

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So under your theory, Celebrity should guarantee you all your ports??? So when a Hurricane or weather occurs, reimburse the passenager completely? This is just not realistic.


It's also buyer beware. When I buy my Lincoln, the contract lists the exact car including VIN number. If they roll out a VW, I refuse it. In the case of the cruise industry, their contract allows them to swap out or eliminate ports. This is what you sign off on your contract for. If my car contract says you may or may not get this car, do you think I'd sign it? NOPE. I chose to do so when it comes to a cruise. I buy travel insurance and hope for the best. It's life and stuff happens.


Moe's analogy was for a car & driver to meet you at the airport - not a purchase or rental. I'm certain that if you ordered a stretch Lincoln to pick you up at the pier and take you to the airport and the driver showed up in a beat-up Chevy van and only took you a few blocks because he had a flat tire, you'd be plenty p***ed and would demand all your money back - "Well, you still can sit inside and look out the windows, Ma'am - I'll get you to the airport eventually" :rolleyes:

Not everyone has the wherewithal to say "Oh well, we missed these ports - we'll see them next time we're here" because for some people there may be no next time. For most people (many of the people who don't post here for instance) this is a once-in-a-lifetime type of trip.

Those of you who smuggly sit behind your screens and trash the folks who think that they deserve better than the equivalent of a few "free" cocktails for not getting the Alaskan cruise they paid for ought to be ashamed of yourselves. RCCL/X certainly isn't losing money on this trip - why defend them??? :confused:

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Neither Seattle or Sitka are worth getting your blood pressure up. The scenery while sailing is the true beauty of Alaska. Sitting on promenade deck with a blanket watching nature go by, the hubbard glacier, a humpback breeching at the side of the ship leaving Juneau, Orcas playing as you got ready for dinner,

Eagles in flight, that is what it is about. People really need to get their priorties straight.


A total refund is nonsense. I have yet to be compensated for a missed port by more than 1 free drink, $200 would be awesome. Yes I was ticked when we missed 2 ports on a Caribbean cruise , but I certainly did not expect to be compensated with $$, maybe I should have. If they took you out to sea for 14 days , based on the cruise contract , the cruise line would not be in the wrong and would owe you nothing.


Heck the last time I read my cruise docs I think one of the first things it said was that the cruise line was not responsible for potability of water or safety of food. Somewhat more important than seeing the Space Needle!


I think that the more you cruise the mellower you become. I know that I would have been way more aggitated 14 or 15 cruises ago by missed ports or mechanical issues. Newbies expect everything to be perfect just like in the brochure. It would be interesting to know the level of cruising experience that the "mutineers" have. Guessing that not all ,but most do not have extensive cruising experience. Could be wrong

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;) Hi,

I suggest that, by now, the '' huge amount of p***d off mutineers'' on board has quieted down noticeably.

even THEY, by now, are finally appreciating the value of a 13 day sailing from LosAngeles to Vancouver via Alaska ( albeit short of two previously advertised ports, only one of which is in Alaska.....), with all the ''Celebrity'' touches, the scenery, meals, unpacked only once, large number of a variety of cruisers from all around and every walk of life, on board life ( oh....what a pain....).


Perhaps the well over 1900++ '' other'' passengers are also, finally, getting to enjoy their 13 day cruise.....only 2 more full days before getting off in Vancouver.

So, the ring leader and his '' following'' had their 15 minutes of fame....

Thanks to Celebrity, in spite of causing an awful lot of disruptions to everybody else, they were allowed to stay on board and finally enjoy, like the rest of the guests....I hope they fully realize how lucky they actually are....By the way, as they are so p***d-off with the ''only $200.00 '' they got from Celebrity, I presume, perhaps naively, that they did the right thing and declined it....


Happy sailings





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I have just found Cruise Critic recently--so please don't flame me!




Here's the point: On 2/1/2003 as we wearily woke up in the LA Airport Hilton, after our "nightmarish" and "traumatic" ordeal was almost over, my wife flipped on the news on CNN while I was getting out of the shower. I still remember the sound of her voice saying "OH MY GOD!," as the wreckage of the Space Shuttle Columbia fell back to earth over Texas.


I remember what I said to her: "Those people had a bad trip. We had an adventure."


So get some perspective--time will heal these wounds, you will go on other cruises, and 99.9% of the people in the world would love to trade places with you as you endure the unendurable.


Best Wishes,




Amen Astro! Still, here's hoping my 17 June cruise on Summit is not that much of an adventure.

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Oh no have just read there is another bunch on the Costa Allegra they are on there way to Sri Lanka without Airconditioning and flushing toilets and they are also getting tangas in knot. Is there a "virius" out there at the moment?

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In the case of the cruise industry, their contract allows them to swap out or eliminate ports. This is what you sign off on your contract for.


I can only imagine the uproar we would hear if Celebrity cancelled ports on their new Australia/New Zealand cruises. But wait, most of you guys have already said "...it's not about the ports .... it's the cruise experience we are here for.....". I gather then all of you would be perfectly fine after spending 24 hours flying there if Celebrity dropped 2 or 3 of these South Sea ports from your cruise and spent it as another day at sea. Due to the wording of their contract they wouldn't even have to offer an explanation - it would simply be their decision!!

Not everyone has the wherewithal to say "Oh well, we missed these ports - we'll see them next time we're here" because for some people there may be no next time. For most people (many of the people who don't post here for instance) this is a once-in-a-lifetime type of trip.


Those of you who smuggly sit behind your screens and trash the folks who think that they deserve better than the equivalent of a few "free" cocktails for not getting the Alaskan cruise they paid for ought to be ashamed of yourselves.


I completely agree with this statement and I don't think it should matter where the cruise takes place. You simply did not get what you bargained for. If Celebrity wants to hide behind their cruise contract in these matters then that shows just how much they really think of their clientel.

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OK, lots of different opinions on whether what Celebrity have done is good or bad and there's nothing wrong with some opinions. The original subject of this thread related to "how" passengers were going about things rather than "why". If it's about the "hows" then I still believe that they should have been thrown off the ship for trying to disrupt the cruise in the way they did.


Beware of angry old men wealding shuffleboard sticks. You gotta laugh really:rolleyes:



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If it's about the "hows" then I still believe that they should have been thrown off the ship for trying to disrupt the cruise in the way they did.




Good one Phil!

I've been on Princess and RCI when they had engine problems. Get over it. Stuff happens and sometimes itineraries change. Why do people have such a hard time understanding that?



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I've been on Princess and RCI when they had engine problems. Get over it. Stuff happens and sometimes itineraries change. Why do people have such a hard time understanding that?


I would like to hear somebody definitely say they would have no problem if they flew to New Zealand and Celebrity dropped two or three ports without warning. Can you do that???

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I would like to hear somebody definitely say they would have no problem if they flew to New Zealand and Celebrity dropped two or three ports without warning. Can you do that???

OK, it's been three quarters of an hour since you asked the question, so no I wouldn't if it was unscheduled beyond the control of Celebrity if that's what you mean by "without warning". Hopefully there would be some onboard credit decision made by X, but I'd go with it and enjoy a day at sea. Just an excuse to book another cruise there:)



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For heaven's sake, like the saying goes: would you like cheese with your whine? Engine problems have been occuring on many cruise ships in the past 5 years, this delays arrivals, limits ports and causes other problems; does this justify sit-ins? How in the world did we humans become so demanding? What happened to flexibility, rolling with the punches, and just making the best of a less than pleasant situation.



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I would like to hear somebody definitely say they would have no problem if they flew to New Zealand and Celebrity dropped two or three ports without warning. Can you do that???


I would most definitely be disappointed, but we all know it can happen. That's why I choose NOT to cruise that far from home. If I want to see New Zealand I'll stay in a motel.



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