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The Zuiderdam 7/31 review you waited for !!!


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[quote name='superstein61']Locallady - I disagree. Hotels that participate with Priceline are not supposed to discriminate in handing out rooms. All Priceline customers are supposed to receive the same treatment non-priceline customers do.

I have used Priceline many times in the past - and was always pleased at those hotels. My experience at the Marriott , that was not the case. I do not know if it was because we were Priceline customers or not - but I had made my request for a room on a higher floor with a view months ago - and the Marriott did not accomodate that - so for that they get low marks from me.
[/QUOTE]Unfortunately, what they're "supposed to do" and what they actually do is well-published, and was several months to a year ago in the travel papers.

For my wedding at the Bellagio, I had friends who booked rooms at the Aladdin through vegas.com and others who booked the same room category through priceline...the one who booked directly thru vegas.com (and paid about $30 more) got upgraded to a suite, while the other got a room with a view of the A/C vent. When he asked why the upgrade, he was told it was because of his method of booking, plain and simple. If two people are booking the same room, the one who pays less WILL get the less desirable room, in the end.

In the past, especially after 9/11, the travel industry was hurting so badly they'd give anyone anything...now, it's more competitive and as it stands, you're starting to get what you pay for regarding online discount travel. Unfortunate, but undeniably true...:(
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[quote name='divinggirl']Unfortunately, what they're "supposed to do" and what they actually do is well-published, and was several months to a year ago in the travel papers.

For my wedding at the Bellagio, I had friends who booked rooms at the Aladdin through vegas.com and others who booked the same room category through priceline...the one who booked directly thru vegas.com (and paid about $30 more) got upgraded to a suite, while the other got a room with a view of the A/C vent. When he asked why the upgrade, he was told it was because of his method of booking, plain and simple. If two people are booking the same room, the one who pays less WILL get the less desirable room, in the end.

In the past, especially after 9/11, the travel industry was hurting so badly they'd give anyone anything...now, it's more competitive and as it stands, you're starting to get what you pay for regarding online discount travel. Unfortunate, but undeniably true...:([/QUOTE]


Thank you for the link. It just confirms what I believed about our two miserable experiences with Priceline. We were pretty much forced to buy addtional tickets for the final leg of our trip if we wanted a guaranty to arrive that day after we'd missed our connection (through no fault of our own) Delta told us because we had "bulk" tickets, we had to go stand-by, with no guarantee unless we purchased another ticket for the final leg. This was before 9/11, and most airlines were a bit more flexible back then.
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[quote name='Giorgi-one']Superstein:

I have stayed at Marriott Marina several times and always got a room with view of the ports. I just asked when I checked in. Could be they were all taken?[/QUOTE]
Giorgi-one - could be. the thing that upsets me a little is I emailed the request several months ago - for a room with 2 beds on a higher floor with a view of the cruiseport - and they wrote back confirming it. I reiterated the request at check-in - so not sure what the problem was.
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[quote name='WJBonds']I'm one of the board "lurkers" who reads alot but does not frequently comment. I'm also an experienced "cruiser" and experienced diner.

I thought your review was super. Too many reviews from people with absolutely no cruise, travel, or dining experiences.

After about 14 cruises on many different lines I've come to believe that the best most ships can do is prepare food like a fine caterer. With rare exception is a meal on board a ship the equivelent of a fine restaurant.

Thanks for spelling out your feelings of the trip warts and all.[/QUOTE]
WJBonds - Thanks, I appreciate it. I have had the good fortune to travel to some very nice places - in an old job of mine, I used to attend several conferences a year as well as one or two other business trips. Staying on the company dime allowed me to often bring my family along (just paying their airfar and meals) and/or eat at some top notch restaraunts. Add to that our vacations and it all adds up. In fact, my daughter, who is now 10, has been to more places as a youngster than I ever went to. When we visit Hawaii this spring for our 15th anniversary - it will be her 3rd trip there. She doesn't realize how good she has it. So I guess I am a bit picky when comparing food
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superstein -

In reply to your 'deuling ferries' question - we made it to the building before they started fighting over us. We chose Smith's Ferry because that lady wasn't 'in your face' as much as the guy at Speedy's (the windows are next to each other so they can both hollar at you at the same time). Actually we had already decided to go with Smith's because of recommendations on this board but that day Speedy's had the better deal if we had taken the time to listen although we were happy with what we got. We were glad that there were other people from the Zuiderdam on the ferry with us though. I think everyone was kind of watching out for each other (also why I remembered you!) and I don't think anyone would have gotten left at the Baths.

Thanks for the information about the festival - I did know it had something to do with Emancipation Day but you filled in some details. It took our taxi much longer than usual to get to the Baths that day because of a 'parade' of people dancing behind a flat bed that we had to follow most of the way.

Kylie - thanks. Must be a strange way to run a business - with the two ferries and people there competing and yelling for your business. I didn't experience any from the windows - it was just the guys before hand. I guess the Speedy's window lady must have figured I was a lost cause when the Smith's guy brought me to Smith's window.

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How difficult was the path down to the beach? Also, did you need swim fins for snorkeling off the beach?

Giorgi-one - I did not think the path was that difficult at all. it was well traveled, and there were a few spots you had to be careful, but overall, most people woul dnot find it a problem. Now if someone needed to use a cane or walker, then I might give it a few second thoughts.


We did not use any swim fins at the Baths to snorkel. We really didn't have to go out that far - and the current wasn't bad - so it really was easy for us to snorkle without fins (unlike Trunk Bay where I would recommend you use fins). I do believe the bar at the bottom of the baths rented snorkle equipment - so you could always try without fins and if need be, rent them later

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Thank you for taking the time to post your review. I am enjoying it immensely.


One thing I'd like to comment on... the issue with Priceline. We've used Priceline twice. Both times we booked through Priceline we encountered problems. Both times we were treated as "less than" by airline personnel when problems arose during our travel. I vowed never again, not for air.


At any rate, I agree that you should not be treated as you were because you purchased through Priceline - but I do believe airline & hotel staff discriminate against Priceline purchased travel, JMO.


Please keep up the review - looking forward to hearing more. :)

Ekerr - thanks. I haven't used Priceline for air - just hotels, and I guess this is the first time I was disappointed. I know I have read though of comments from people complaining of some hotels with their "special priceline" rooms - so your comments do not surprise me.

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Superstein...thanks for posting the detailed review. We are getting ready to go on the Zudi's Eastern route in a couple of weeks.


I am assuming that the festival on Road Town will be done by the end of August...did you hear anything to the contrary of that? Much like your daughter, my wife and I aren't into such activities.


Also, by my calculations, it took you about 30 minutes to get from the hotel to the port. Does that sound right?


Thanks again for all of the hints/tips/clues. We are staying at Amerisuites which has a free shuttle. We will plan on getting down there rightaway to get on one.

BnCCruisers - thanks. Yes, the festival will be over by then. I think it is now - it was about a week long or so I recall.


It took us about 30 minutes from the Marriott to the ship - but we waited a while (probably at least 10 minutes) for a taxi. The main hangup is the traffic. Its really not that far of a distance. I would suggest you ask about the shuttle when you check in. I believe most places reserve spots on them - so you can try and get a nice time that suits you.

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Unfortunately, what they're "supposed to do" and what they actually do is well-published, and was several months to a year ago in the travel papers.



For my wedding at the Bellagio, I had friends who booked rooms at the Aladdin through vegas.com and others who booked the same room category through priceline...the one who booked directly thru vegas.com (and paid about $30 more) got upgraded to a suite, while the other got a room with a view of the A/C vent. When he asked why the upgrade, he was told it was because of his method of booking, plain and simple. If two people are booking the same room, the one who pays less WILL get the less desirable room, in the end.


In the past, especially after 9/11, the travel industry was hurting so badly they'd give anyone anything...now, it's more competitive and as it stands, you're starting to get what you pay for regarding online discount travel. Unfortunate, but undeniably true...:(

Divinggirl - thanks for the info. I had read about that occurring but never rreally experienced until this trip. Thanks

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Superstein, sorry your hotel experience was in the poor category for you and your family.


I haven't been to the HAL Pier (yet) but from X.....it was only about 7 minute cab ride....about 6.50..that was from Pier 66....I am staying at the Marriott this time...

Is the HAL Pier that much further away?....I will be taking a cab anyway...I enjoy the flexiblity;)

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Superstein, did you arrive at the hotel late in the afternoon or early evening? I am just curious as I stayed at the Marriott last March and they just about asked me where I wanted my rooms to be. I said I didn't care, mom and dad wanted to overlook the water so they could see the ship. They accomodated us. Perhaps the hotel was sold out??? I am just trying to understand.


Lois, no the pier isn't further, probably the same distance, or a tad bit longer, than Pier 66. The Marriott is across the water from Pier 66, just about.

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Doone, thanks:) ...I know where both hotels are located...that is why I was curious about the 30 minutes from the hotels to the ship:confused: ...but as Superstein had mentioned, they had a bit of traffic and had to wait for a cab.


I am always early:D ....I would rather sit at the pier than in the hotel;)

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OK, final port to review. It was an overcast and somewhat rainy day when we arrived in Nassau. Since we didn’t arrive til around noon, this was a chance to sleep in, grab a late breakfast (yes – back to my Omelet man) and then head up to the Crow’s Nest to watch the ship navigate its way in to Nassau. Was able to take some video – but the rain on the windows wasn’t fully cooperating.



Anyway, we dock and eventually the ship is cleared. Nassau is the one island we purchased an excursion from HAL. Typically I like to do things on our own – as I always find them less crowded, less costly , and we have more time – but on Nassau, we decided to do the Sea and See. I had booked this before leaving – based on my daughter’s past squeamishness at snorkeling and the fact that my wife would typically run out of the water at the first site of a fish. Plus we had taken an Atlantic submarine in Grand Cayman 2 years ago and loved it. This wasn’t quite a sub – but you sit in the hull of a boat 5 or 6 feet under water – so it’s a similar effect.



So we head off and meet up with the excursion group. We then follow the woman in charge all over the cruiseport until we get out and then walk over to where some ships are docked. We walk perilously inside the edge of the area -picture a cement barrier on your left with the street left of it, and water and boats directly on your right with no barrier – and a walkway about 24 inches wide to walk on down past a few boats until we reach ours.



Everyone made it onboard safely – and we begin the journey out to our awaiting sightseeing boat. Along the way, the weather clears and we receive a nice tour of Nassau and Paradise Island from the water. The boat’s skipper pointed out a lot of homes and who owned them. Once past the end of Paradise Island, our sightseeing boat is in sight – we pull up next to it and climb aboard then proceed down below and take our seats for an underwater view. The tour starts and then stops briefly for the crew to feed the fish. The feeding frenzy we witness underneath the water is quite interesting as fish are swarming all over. Eventually my daughter gets very excited and starts , somewhat loudly, saying Dad – look, a huge barracuda. Well, just then I saw it too – quite a sight. It came and went a couple of times – and the crew informed us they named it Harry – and it usually would come around to play, and eat when they fed the fish.



After this, the boat motors off and takes a tour around the area – so we can see a wide variety of other underwater life, coral, seagrass, and even a shark. Yep, a SHARK. OK, well it was a smaller nurse shark – but still, it was impressive to see.



The underwater portion of the tour was very nice and just the right length. Finally though as time was up, it was back up on deck to await the ship to take us back to Nassau for the land portion of the tour.



For the land portion, we split into two groups and boarded some smaller van type busses. The driver was nice and showed us the sites – but quite frankly, there was not a lot the impressed me. Probably the most interesting thing was very early on at the docks – seeing all the conch stands and hearing our driver explain that all the locals love conch – especially the men because – ummmmm, well there was something about increased stamina and rock hard – LOL. He said he had to keep it PG since there were kids on board.



We did make one stop near the watertower and fort that provided some nice views for a few pictures – then it was back on the bus to the dock. We had about 2 hours before the ship left, but we passed on doing any shopping or visiting the straw market. My daughter had spent her allotted funds in St Thomas – so we just headed back on board.



After a nice dinner on board, the evening brought encore performances by Joel Mason, the tremendous Elton John impersonator as well as the Magician and a cameo appearance by the juggler. It was nice to see Joel mason again – as he really was tremendous.



After that – all that was left to do was pack, put the suitcases out by the door, and hit the midnight snack area one final time . Actually, we didn’t visit for midnight snacks often – I was probably there 3 or 4 out of the 7 days – but they did have a nice selection with Pizza and pasta – which seemed quite popular, a different themed buffet and of course – the ice cream bar (my main reason to visit). Like most cruises I experienced, the midnight snack area was much more crowded this last evening than any other evening – as I guess everyone wanted to partake of the food one last time.






The Good: the underwater portion of the See and Sea tour, encore performances by Joel Mason



The Bad: The land portion of same tour


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Superstein, sorry your hotel experience was in the poor category for you and your family.


I haven't been to the HAL Pier (yet) but from X.....it was only about 7 minute cab ride....about 6.50..that was from Pier 66....I am staying at the Marriott this time...

Is the HAL Pier that much further away?....I will be taking a cab anyway...I enjoy the flexiblity;)

Lois - no, I think it was the traffic and everyone having to go in thru the one entrance due to security which delayed things. That plus I think we waited about 10 of the 30 minutes just for a cab to arrive.


I recall our ride in the past from the Embassy Suites being in that same 7 minute range

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Superstein, did you arrive at the hotel late in the afternoon or early evening? I am just curious as I stayed at the Marriott last March and they just about asked me where I wanted my rooms to be. I said I didn't care, mom and dad wanted to overlook the water so they could see the ship. They accomodated us. Perhaps the hotel was sold out??? I am just trying to understand.


Lois, no the pier isn't further, probably the same distance, or a tad bit longer, than Pier 66. The Marriott is across the water from Pier 66, just about.

Doone - we arrived at the Marriott around 6pm. I don't know if they were sold out or not, the clerk never said anything - and me, not knowing where the room he gave us was until we walked there, didn't question him then for something better. But I did mention when we first got to the desk and said we were checking in my name, and that we would like a room high up with a cruiseport view as per my email. he basically just didn't say anything, and gave us teh room, etc we ended up in

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So we head off and meet up with the excursion group. We then follow the woman in charge all over the cruiseport until we get out and then walk over to where some ships are docked. We walk perilously inside the edge of the area -picture a cement barrier on your left with the street left of it, and water and boats directly on your right with no barrier – and a walkway about 24 inches wide to walk on down past a few boats until we reach ours.

LOL:D because that experience was one of our worst ever....following tht woman with her placard in the air ... practically running. And they were filming a Bond movie so it was worse than usual.


And that area where you board the little boats!!! Unbelievable. I couldn't get away from Nassau soon enough. This time we arrive at 7am and leave at noon and I've decided that, for me, it's a perfect day to sleep in and explore the ship:) . I've seen all of Nassau I ever need to see.


Superstein, great review. Thanks so much. Now we get all the terrible stuff about us "old" people????;) Okay, I'm ready.

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Great review, very informative and very objective.


Like everything in life, there will be things you will enjoy and things that you will not. Overall though it sounds like you had a great time . I am glad :)


thanks again for sharing your experiences :)

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LOL:D because that experience was one of our worst ever....following tht woman with her placard in the air ... practically running. And they were filming a Bond movie so it was worse than usual.


And that area where you board the little boats!!! Unbelievable. I couldn't get away from Nassau soon enough. This time we arrive at 7am and leave at noon and I've decided that, for me, it's a perfect day to sleep in and explore the ship:) . I've seen all of Nassau I ever need to see.


Superstein, great review. Thanks so much. Now we get all the terrible stuff about us "old" people????;) Okay, I'm ready.




I'm with you! I thought he posted earlier about the pushy old folks... could be wrong - but, Superstein - do tell all! :)

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I'm loving your review. We are doing this itinerary in November. Your Tortola review was so helpful. I am glad to know we can do the Baths on our own. I was under the impression that you couldn't get there w/o doing the ship excursion.

A few questions-

Were there chairs and umbrellas to rent at the baths or do you just bring a towel to lay on?

Can you give me an idea of the price per person you paid each way for Smith's ferry and safari taxi to the Baths?

Is there a Bath's entrance fee?

When you left the baths, did you have to call a taxi or did Smith's safari came back at a prearranged time?

Just trying tofigure out how much cash we'll need.

Thanks so much for the info. You have been so patient answering everyone's comments.

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Great Review

You said that you stopped at a supermarket and purchased soda in 12 packs. My question is how did you get the 12 packs on board. Did anyone from HAL say anything about the soda and where did you store the soda once you had it on the ship. Did your room have a small fridge.

Thanks Again


Bill and Kate


We are on the Zuiderdam Oct 16th

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I'm with you! I thought he posted earlier about the pushy old folks... could be wrong - but, Superstein - do tell all! :)

Thanks all for the comments.


OK, next installment will cover the pushy old folks :D Just a few - but they were annoying. Unfortunately Its late tonight so I probably won't write it up til tomorrow

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