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NCL's newest gimmick


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I read in today's travel section that NCL is now going to allow unlimited access to cell phone (satellites). It will cost about 1.50 per minute.


My question is: Where does it end with NCL?


There are certainly those amongst us on these boards who think this is a great idea, and there are those amongst us on these boards who think this idea sucks.


I realize (and actually agree with)the idea of cell phone use. But c'mon folks, just where does this issue lie. IMO, if you can't get away from your world without the immediacy of using a cell phone, you don't need to get away from your world. You certainly do not need to interfere with my world by using your cell phone in my (space).


If I understand the NCL policy regarding cell phones, they will provide you with access 24/7. For most of you cell phone users this will not really mean a whit, however for a small percentage of you, a quick phone call to the office during dinner will mean nothing, so you will dial up Podunck, USA and bother those diners around you.



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I don't like the idea of cell phone use onboard either. But I wouldn't call it a gimmick either. It's just another potential revenue stream that NCL views as a benefit to some cruisers. Not me, but others. To me, as the cliche goes, the devil's in the details. That is, what kind of policy will NCL implement to restrict its use so that it's not an unreasonable burden to others? Time will tell.

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My wife runs a small business, so we do need to call the manager in charge once a while. We have alwasy relied on AT&T's international calling card if it's accepted. But cell phone option is a welcome addition. And NO we are not going to take or make a phone call in the dining room or the theater. We will do it from our cabin. As the previous poster said, the devil is in the detail. As long as the cell phone is restricted to the cabin, then it shouldn't be a problem to any passenger.

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I wouldn't call it a gimmick. Years ago, NCL pioneered the room key/shipboard credit card system. People might have said "Yarr! Another gimmick! Now people will always have their money with them and it'll be easier to tab up bar bills!"


But what would you think if a major company didn't have that system now?


I agree that phone use needs to be limited, but this will soon be common place industry wide.



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The cel phone topic came up on Celebrity, Princess and Royal Caribbean boards about a month ago. There is little doubt that sattelite cel service will be available soon on at least one cruise line.


NCL seems to be ready to try new concepts before others, so I wouldn't be surprised if they are the first.


Like any tool the cel can be a blessing or bane. My prediction is that many who use the service will be considerate of others while a few will be an annoyance. And the topic will continue along with smoking, walkie talkies, chair hogs, etc.

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As long as the cruise line does not forget why crusing is so popular with most of us. The description, I see most often is that it is a "true escape", the more they try and mimic our every day experience, the more they risk loosing some of the appeal that cruising has for us.



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I agree with you completely. However, the market will drive the cruise lines. If it is profitable (and at a buck and a half a minute it should be) the sat phones will begin to appear. It will be up to us to decide when the cruise is no longer our choice for our leisure time.



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I don't think it's a gimmick... I think it's a service that many guests will welcome and appreciate. It may even be a selling feature to anyone afraid to lose contact for days when travelling.


Before long it will be standard amongst all the lines... sign of the times.

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The charge of $1.50 per minute is a lot cheaper than the regular ship phone rate. Maybe that's good, maybe not. I worked at a company where it was common to check for voicemail messages while on vacation. My boss asked if I was going to check in during my cruise. I said, "Sure. It's $10 per minute. I'll put in my company credit card. How often should I call in?" He said I wouldn't have to call at that rate.

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Why do you need to talk on a cell phone on a cruise? If you need to talk on a phone do it on shore while the ship is in port! I cruise to get away from all the RUDE people talking on there cell phones in resterants, movie theaters, and so on. I'm NOT saying everyone with a cell phone is like that BUT I will guarantee you there WILL be people talking on there phone in the ship resterants and theaters.

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cruisingisgreat, I agree with you. I go on vacation to GET AWAY!! It is so nice to be able to be alone, just my wife and me, and no phone, no door bells, etc. If there is a serious emergency, my children know how to get hold of me without using the cell phone. How did these people ever get along without phones 24-7 just a few years ago. And, yes, my wife and I each have one, but use them sparingly

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You represent a great percentage of the popluation who have always been afraid of new developments. There were people very much like like you who said nearly the very same thing about the Steam Locomotive, the Automobile, Television, Computers, and the Internet, They were gimmicks that would never last.

When NCL introduced Caribbean Cruising in 1967, many people thought that they were completely insane. "Who would pay good money to board a ship, sail in a circle, and get off where they had started?" It made no sense. But like most things in the Free World, the Mass Market decides what is good and what is not, and what is a gimmick and what is a failure.

Right now, NCL charges $5 per minute for satellite calls from their ships. Why would they choose to abandon the Millions of Dollars they have invested in the current hardware and software, to allow their guests to make telephone calls over another new (very expensive) system for $1.50 per minute? Sounds like a gimmick that will not last. And it doesn`t seem to make financial sense. Now NCL needs more than 3 times the number of callers to make the same revenues. Plus they must invest in unknown millions of dollars to set up the system to make it all possible.

Why would they invest in such a losing gimmick?

Do you suspect that they might just be providing a service that the general public wants?

Capitalism is a wonderful thing - but sometimes a bit confusing to us older folks.

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Why do you need to talk on a cell phone on a cruise? If you need to talk on a phone do it on shore while the ship is in port! I cruise to get away from all the RUDE people talking on there cell phones in resterants, movie theaters, and so on. I'm NOT saying everyone with a cell phone is like that BUT I will guarantee you there WILL be people talking on there phone in the ship resterants and theaters.



Boy have you hit my button; I was about to post a similar statement. I remember our first cruise, the only news we got was a little print out bulletin about every 2 days. We survived the entire week. Even if you do run a business, what did you do in the days past, and not that long ago? If you really do need to use your cell phone I don't blame the cruise line (any of them) for making money off it. Only once did I use a phone on a ship. My daughter in law was having about to find out the sex of our future grandchild. I made the decision to pay the price and never regretted it.


I use my cell phone, can't imagine what I did without it, but can live without it on vacation. Too many people think they need to be in contact too often, with too many and never do they realize how rude they are being. If not rude, certainly annoying. My lecture for the day!!



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Blame NCL? How about society. If NCL (and other cruiselines) didn't know that there was a desire for the service, the idea would never have surfaced. I'm not fond of the fact that everyone in western society seems to have a cell phone growing out of their ear that is in constant use but I can't see blaming the cell phone providers for it.

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I don't like the idea of a person interrupting a show or my personal space with LOUD talking on a cellular phone. I let them know about my displeasure verbally and assertively. I calmly interrupt there conversation and asking if its an emergency. If not and they don't cease or move far away from me, then I have them removed by the proper authorities.

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I had a preview to this last day of a cruise in Miami. It was open seating breakfast and this guy sat down and proceeded to to have a cell phone conversation for the entire meal. Ugh! Perfectly nice people seem to throw their manners out the window when it comes to cell phones.


I can see it now, the person who forgot to turn their ringer off in the show, the bright screen shining in your eyes in a darken theater as someone text messages soome else, the person stopping a conversation mid-sentence to answer the phone and say "Hi, how are you I can't talk right now but..."


Yes, it's likely something people want, and it's a heck of alot cheaper than the calls using the satelite service from your room (hopefully these prices will drop in price too) I'm curious though how this will work in port. In the US Virigin Islands and PR, AT&T service is part of the North American calling area. If you're onboard or happen to be passing by a ship in port (say you live there) is your signal going to be hijacked and roaming charges applied?

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Amazing how people truly believe that cell phones will not be a problem if they are introduced on cruise lines. If you believe what you read here, everyone will be considerate and only talk in hushed tones in private places. Right. Look at the situation prevalent on land: Cell phone users in restaurants (why would it be different on cruise ships?), in public spaces (what would make a cruise environment any different). Instead of having to listen to some inane conversation in the grocery store on land you'll be subjected to it in the gift shop onboard. In addition, of course, you still have the ego factor--"I have a cell phone and I am going to talk to my friends about absolutely nothing of importance just because I CAN."


We run 3 businesses, have numerous rental properties with potential problems and have been fully capable of handling our affairs via email, phones in the ports, and when absolutely necessary, the satellite phone onboard, on 16 cruises over the last 6 years. We consider ourselves fairly savvy with technology (have had internet access since 1988, currently have developed and maintain a network of 11 major web sites) but believe that there is a time for being connected and a time for relaxation.


You never HAD your cell phone on a cruise so you cannot say you NEED it. You might want it, find it convenient, etc. but you don't NEED it. And I don't need to listen to your conversation and frankly will make your life uncomfortable should you choose to carry on one in my space. If the cruise lines could guarantee that cell phones only could be used in the confines of a cabin, then I think there would be fairly strong support. Of course that will never happen, since the idea is to crank up as much usage as possible to pull as much in commissions to the line as possible. Let's be honest...that's the bottom line: Not necessarily convenience, not "customer service" but another revenue stream.

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You represent a great percentage of the popluation who have always been afraid of new developments. There were people very much like like you who said nearly the very same thing about the Steam Locomotive, the Automobile, Television, Computers, and the Internet, They were gimmicks that would never last.




Huh? Where did you ever get the idea that I am afraid of new developments? I even have and use a cell phone :cool: and knew that the personal computer would be a great thing :D .


Rest assured that I am under no illusions that this gimmick (I could have used a better word) will last. It will, because enough people seem to have the need to be tied to the umbilical cord a cell phone provides.


People have mentioned that NCL is innovative. Sure they are, but they just keep coming at you with changes. They seem to have the innate ability to not give a whit as to what their consumers really want and force the changes.


As a final thought. Innovation is not always good nor desired.

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I don't see how they can do this!!

This would mean getting into details of each person's cell phone plan.

If I took my cell phone, it is out of my calling area, Are they going to activate it?

What if someone takes a cell that is not in their name?

What if it is a pre-paid cell phone?

You all, don't start crying over something that is not happening yet.

The worst they could do would be to charge you a cell phone corkage fee for taking it on the ship.

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according to what i have read in many maritime trades, you will be billed by YOUR phone service at their roaming rate. while i dont have a cell phone, dont want one, and will probably never get one; and while im sure there will be people who abuse this service, i dont begrudge them their right to use a service that is offered. (hopefully in a respectful manner).

However i DO take issue with peoples assertion that this is a gimmick, it is not. it is a service and it will spread like wildfire so ya'll better be prepared, i have a feeling you'll be seeing flying cell phones from your balcony! :D

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As a person who was just 5 days to and from Fanning Island, AKA the middle of nowhere, during Hurrican Charlie, with my aunt living 50 miles from where it hit in FL and 2 homes of our own in the possible path, there can be needs.


We waited until we could have used our cells, but should have gone online.


A tip to all of you... as you know, the internet access is much less than satellite phone useage on ships. ATT provides a free service online where you type to a number. You connect with an operator in real time, tell them the number you want to call. You type in what you want to say to the person at the number, the operator types back what they said. It's not like using a real phone, but may be better than email for some. I'll find the website later.



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People have mentioned that NCL is innovative. Sure they are, but they just keep coming at you with changes. They seem to have the innate ability to not give a whit as to what their consumers really want and force the changes.
I guess if that is the case, it won't really make any difference whether they offer cell service or not, if the customer doesn't want it, it won't be successful.
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In my own personal opinion, I dislike cell phones. I do have a cell phone. It's a pre-pay. I put $15 a month on it and that's all I get. I have a cell phone incase I'm stranded or in danger and once or twice when I was lost. But I've never used a cell phone to have a random conversation about anything. I detest people that drive and use a cell phone. I detest people that take calls in the movie theater. I detest people that take calls in a restaurant. If someone has a genuine emergency, yes, use the cell if that's what you have. But stop, focus, go to a quiet place, and take care of your business. I don't see any reason why someone should have a cell phone at all times for random conversations about nothing. Again, just my opinion. I think cell phones have ruined face to face interaction. There's nothing worse than having coffe with someone at a nice cafe just to have them have to interrupt to take a call from someone else leaving you sitting there waiting...


Enough of my soap box...I just don't think cell phones are the big positive that everyone else thinks. As for cell phones on a cruise...I can't stop technology advancing, I can only learn to live with it. But if I felt infringed upon during my cruise with someone else's irritating cell phone, I don't think I'd be quiet about letting them know how I felt.

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