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Heather, Hi:) ..so glad you are ok...we got the tail end of her.....lots and lots and lots of rain and winds here....with trees down as well.

But nothing compared to what you went through!....Though there is a salesman I work with and his parents didn't have power for 36-48 hours either..so some of us up here did have it bad too:eek: ..they couldn't even get out of their house...A GIANT TREE got knocked over...land across their entire driveway/yard:eek: Finally the tree surgeons came yesterday....got it out of the yard so the electric people could do their job!


Boy, Frances was one MEAN MAMA:mad: ......


So nice to have you back with us again:D

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So glad to hear that your husband, dog, cat and you are all right and weathered the storm.

This is one stormthat will be down in history.

There are still some other cc'ers who haven't checked in.

Friends of our in Orlando weren't allowed to go home until Monday evening - and it was late that night before they got power.

Don't tire yourself out cleaning up. It will all get done in good time.

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Heather ...


I am so glad to know that you, your husband, pets & home made it through Frances okay. Thank God! I've thought about you quite a bit since you & your husband chose to stay in your home.

Ever since you started posting what your days were like preparing for Frances, all the way through the joy of getting your power back, I have sat back thinking how truly descriptive your experience has actually been.

I went through the same thing 2 years ago when Lilly visited us here. I, too, chose to stay in my home while so many people went North, East & West. That is something that I probably would never do again under similar conditions! During the day prior to her arrival she had grown to a Category 4, headed straight for us. I fell asleep around midnight and woke up around 3:00am. I immediately turned the TV on to learn that she had unexplicably downgraded to a Category 2. To this day so many of the "experts" questioned how scientifically this had happened and could not come up with an explanation. I just shook my head at that and said that it was simply, undoubtedly a miracle! There was no other answer.

Heather, I do remember the fear .. and the feeling of being so alone, especially in the quiet darkness of the night .. remember the unbearable heat .. and the dredging cleanup ... but most of all I remember feeling so blessed and also feeling so guilty for being so blessed, while others suffered. Maybe that's normal. I just don't know.

I truly believe there is power behind prayer. So, today, I pray for all those who have been affected by Frances and for those who will be affected by Ivan and other tragedies.

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Getting my day started, but has anyone heard from JoeInWPB??? He may well still be out of power. So many are. I sure hope he's okay.

Hi Heather, I was hoping to hear from him yesterday. He last emailed me on Saturday about 4 in the afternoon his time. Said his DSL went down and was using dial up and the lights had been flickering so that would be his last email till everything was over. He said at that time winds were pretty bad and they were being reported at 100 mph in Downtown WPB. I really hope I hear from him today.

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Sail, Lois, KK, LoveLife, RevNeal, Dave, Ziggy, Jean, the2ofus, Vicar, Laffn, Mare, oooooh am I forgetting someone?....I hope not ... how can I ever thank you all for your thoughts, your prayers, your kind words. As I say, so many worse off than I am that I almost feel guilty accepting your good grace. But it's human nature to be self involved while you're going through it.


I was thinking yesterday (9/7) that 2 months from that day, the good Lord willing, we will be embarking the Oosterdam for our cruise. When I lay there Saturday night I tried to imagine the joy of that day so soon, yet so seemingly so far in the distance.


Lois, looks like you'll be able to go Saturday? I hope HMC is open and running for all of us! So sad to miss that beautiful port which is one of my HAL favorite things.


I actually have moments of thinking of things beyond the last few days:) so that's a good sign!!!


We are leaving ourselves mostly shuttered and at the ready just in case, but I am confident Ivan will keep his distance or he will have to deal with a formidable force ... ME;)


A small giggle from my 93 year old mother when I told her I was not proud of how I dealt with this. I'm not a camper-type ... my idea of camping is a night at the Hampton Inn;) . Anyway, I told my Mom how embarrassed I was that my coping skills were so terrible and she told me "Don't be silly, Heather, you weren't raised to handle it well!" So you see??? It's not my fault!!!:D


I sure do hope we hear from everyone soon. Who are we missing? I can't even think other than Joe. Oh! Just saw Laffn's post ... well, he was lucky to have phone and electric that long! We lost it early Sat. morning and still hae no phone. Obviously he still doesn't have it. I heard there are still 500,000 in Palm Beach Cty with no power.

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Thank you for so beautifully putting into words how I feel after the storm. I do feel guilty that we have power while so many others do not. And I'm grateful that we have a house that needs no repairs, just a yard full of branches that need picking up. I'm also glad to know that someone else experienced fear. In ways, I think that I'm still not over mine yet. I guess having Ivan lurking and looking like he is headed to Florida doesn't help. Tell me please, does the fear grow less? Is there anyone else besides me that is still fearful, or am I the only one?

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Heather....You posts are engrossing and give so much more of a feel what Florida folks have been going through than most of the reporters have been able to convey.


It is good that State/Federal Government and Governor Bush have responded well and that supplies and electrical repairs and emergency relief are being handled well.


Good to know that the tragedy of Andrew years ago taught valuable lessons that are being put to use now.


(I'm like you......:) My husband teases that my idea of roughing it is "no night maid service" in a hotel. When friends of ours asked to go camping a number of years ago, DH laughed and asked where was I going to be able to plug in my hair blower. :D )

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The only person I can think of who hasn't reported the last few days is jazzsea.

Didn't she mention that their office was closing and moving elsewhere? She's probably still incommunicado for that reason, if their home office is still without power.
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(I'm like you......:) My husband teases that my idea of roughing it is "no night maid service" in a hotel. When friends of ours asked to go camping a number of years ago, DH laughed and asked where was I going to be able to plug in my hair blower. :D )
;) Sail, somehow I knew you would relate! We have friends who love to camp and I've sent DH off to enjoy himself with them a couple of times. Not for me even though I'm a country girl from the hills of New England, but it didn't include camping ever!!!


I'm glad I've been able to express somewhat what it's been like here. And understand we're the lucky ones in all of this. A close friend is still without power. God knew what he was doing when he gave it back to me:D !


Mentally it's strange because on the one hand I'm exhausted from all the stress, but at the same time overwhelmed by the outpouring of help from people everywhere. It's truly amazing and uplifting and I will never forget it. I believe strength comes from adversity and next time I'll be stronger and better able to cope.


Sage, try to think positively. I won't say I have fear right this minute because I'm confident that Ivan won't come. If he does, we'll deal with it, but you need to feel as good as you can right now just in case and build up your inner strength.


I just saw a psychiatrist on TV who said that everything we're feeling is perfectly normal ... I was so relieved to hear that! We're tired as much from the work leading up to the storm as from the emotional upheaval. So don't be concerned about how you feel. Hang in there and know you're never alone.

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Sage .... yes, the fear does go away. That is, I believe, until we come face-to-face with it again! I think it's how we deal with it that counts.

I have never been much of a religious person but I have grown spirtually over the last few years. I remember being alone in my home, facing Lilly, when all of a sudden I KNEW I was not alone. I think for the first time in my life I actually felt God's presence and knew I would be okay.

I have come to believe that everything that we do or face on any given day is for spirtual growth. And, as much as all of us would choose an easier, perfect life over devastations and tragedies, it is those moments that helps us to grow and helps us to recognize and appreciate pure joy. This is just my belief, but it does help me to "accept" the way things are sometimes.

Now, with all of this said, am I afraid that Ivan will come here??? You Bet!!! But, I pray that I got my lesson the last time!!!

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Everyone's coping skills are different and there most usually (within very wide perameters) is not a right or wrong way.


If a person finds comfort in their spirituality, that is, of course, wonderful.


If another person is more prone to intellectualize and reason WHY things will be better based on fact......that is terrific.


If only allowing you mind to grasp it a little at a time works for you....what could be bad as long as you do not deny the truth endlessly.


I think the human mind /body is very remarkable in allowing us to learn our own coping methods even if they are involuntary.

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LoveLife, I agree with Sail ... you have said it very well. I find I sometimes focus too much on the here and now. Therefore I may suffer more because I forget to say it will not be this way forever.


And I do believe there is a reason for everything. I have been through many sadnesses, illnesses with family, but nothing similar to this. It's a different type of stress ... no better or worse ... just new and unfathomable. I don't want to say it is "good" for us, but it certainly helps us grow. And the sad truth is, it could be so much worse ... particularly (in my view) in the face of an attack that was not formed by Mother Nature. So I just keep reminding myself of that.


I just stood on my back patio and watched Air Force One land at PBIA which was quite exciting. President Bush then took a helicopter to St. Lucie Airport. No one knows his schedule or where he is going since it is not a political visit. They would not even allow cameras or press anywhere near him. I hope that his very presence at some of the disaster areas will give some people more hope that they will receive help, places to live, food to eat.


Since I had to postpone my trip to see my family this week I was able to reschedule and fly up to Providence a week from Saturday and from there I drive leisurely to Connecticut's "Quiet Corner", a beautiful spot on this earth I still call "home". If any of you know the area you will know that it will be a peaceful getaway and hopefully Ivan and anybody else even thinking of knocking on our door will be long gone:)

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ahhhh coming up to my neck of the woods next week eh?


Yes that is a beautiful area.



Everyone deals with a situation in thier own way. There is no right or wrong. It is very easy (although unfair) to judge someones actions in a crisis until you have been in that exact situation.


Anyone (myself included) who has never been through a hurricane of that magnitude, or a tornado, or wild fires or whatever can never fully grasp the horror you went through. Just because you came out of it (thank God) in better shape than most, does not discount your fear.


Besides , us Connecticut folks are tough, We have taxes up the ying yang and corrupt politcians at every corner. *LOL* We are a pretty resilient lot.



Hell this is the land of Leona Helmsley and Martha Stewart for Gods sake *LOL*

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HeatherInFlorida: LoveLife, I agree with Sail ... you have said it very well. I find I sometimes focus too much on the here and now. Therefore I may suffer more because I forget to say it will not be this way forever.




Heather ... I think WE ALL focus on the here and now. I think that is probably human nature and certainly the norm. Believe me, if I was in your shoes (or in this case, your physical location) I don't know what I would be doing. Especially with new concerns of Ivan.


It's so easy for any of us to sit back and calmly state our thoughts. Once we are where you are, I think things change dramatically and we handle things totally differently.


But, you do have a very good point .... it will NOT be that way forever.


My thoughts and prayers continue to be with all of you in Florida as well as the Islanders. My heart just breaks learning that so many people are losing their lives to these monster storms. And then to learn that Grenada lost 90% of their homes due to Ivan. It's just so tragic.


I'm happy to hear that you are going to Providence. You really deserve a break from the constant reminder of what you and the rest of Florida have been through.

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I think everyone is accounted for. I just heard from Joe he and his family are doing fine, he said they are going into their 5th day without power. He is staying at his son's house who now has power. He had no structure damage to his home but had a lot of tree damage. Of course Ivan has him worried too.


Now if that darn Ivan which just go away maybe everyone can attempt to get their life back in order.

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Such good news about Joe. So glad to hear it. Brian, thank you ... Vicar, you're way too kind ... LoveLife, thanks. What a wonderful outpouring of good wishes! I am so grateful.


Today I went out to stock up for Ivan. It is a zoo out there, but I got everything. I filled my entire freezer with ice. They were rolling it in on a cart as I was leaving Publix. It was gone in minutes. What a secure feeling to have ice. Lines at the gas stations because everyone is filling up yet again. No one is getting caught off guard this time!!!:)


Unfortunately, my trip to CT will be AFTER Ivan (if he comes). And of course, if we're without power I won't feel right leaving DH ... you know, "for better for worse" ... I'm beginning to learn what that is;) .


Have to tell you about my little miracle. I only had a fairly small cooler which is nice for a day at the beach but useless now. So I set out to buy a coffin size cooler. You can guess there are none to be had anywhere. After 3 stores I went to BJ's and they had none either. I went to the Bakery Dept. to get some muffins and way off in the corner behind the returns sat the biggest, whitist, most beautiful cooler I ever ever seen. I loaded it into my cart along with my gizillion batteries. I didn't even care what it cost. Everyone stopped me asking where did I find it. I had to tell them what I knew ... that is was a gift.


This silly cooler gave me a security I have not felt in days. It says "5 Day Cooler" on it. I think you know who I'm thanking.:)

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Glad to hear that Joe is doing well also.


Jazzsea also posted that although there is some damage to her home and her fathers home, it is fixable. And most importantly, everyone is safe and sound.


Very glad to hear that all three of you are safe. Our prayers are with everyone else down that way.

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Hey Heather!


We made it too! No damage. Got power back at midnight Monday eve. My DH thought he died and went to heaven when the lights came on (we left the kitchen breaker only on). My sisters down in Boca are still without power. My 5 yr old daughter and I slept in the closet all night. It was frightening! Where are you? We are @ Forest Hill & Jog.


I am really worried about Ivan in the fact that our supplies are so diminished. I have 2 containers of water left and was considering giving it away until this morning and got reports of Ivan. I'm almost out of gas in my car and have minimal food in the fridge. Luckily we have a gas stove which was a great advantage. My poor husband was finally able to get a beer today (and he picked up a bottle of wine for me!).


I am just so grateful this was a cat 2. Everyone has agreed that a cat 4...we're gone. I don't know where, but I can't imagine something that much stronger than what we went through.


I'm so exhausted. We did take off the shutters, but easily re-installed. The only thing that is making us nervous is now are tall palm trees are now leaning towards the house. They were straight before Frances.


We are scheduled for the Zuiderdam 10/2 and really need a vacation. I don't even care if we get to any ports.

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taszmom, hi!!! So glad you're okay! We're at RiverWalk on Jog and Okeechobee so we're practically neighbors:) . Are you in RiverBridge? We got our power back Monday night at about 8:30. We, too, left only one breaker on with one light switched to "on". For 3 days I kept looking at that lamp and when it came on I was literally overjoyed!!! It would go on, off, on, off for a couple of hours.... agonizing.


Can you believe the traffic with everyone getting ready for Ivan??? But I'm set this time ... totally prepared. Since there's no food in my freezer I filled it with ice!!! At least I can make cold compresses for days:D .


Lucky you with the gas stove. We did use the grill once we could get to it. We left half our shutters up and the rest lying in front of each window. We put nothing really back out in the open.


So glad you're okay. Since I have now spent at least $300 to $400 on batteries, yucky food, cooler, ice, and other sundry hurricane staples, I can assure you Cat 5 Ivan will keep his distance.


But my heart goes out to all the people who have been hurt and who will be hurt by this vicious hurricane. This year will go down in history.

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