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COMPLAINERS UNITE! What Can Royal Do Better?

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I have not read through the entire thread, so I may be repeating, but one of our original attractions to cruising when my DH and I began in the late 80"s was the pay ALL before you board. Now it seems like I pay just to board after I have made my final payment. There is a lot of "nickel and diming" that is going on and it is having the feeling of a land based resort rather than a cruise. I don 't know why there can not be a complimentary ice cream shop for kids or free cupcakes. I agree that now with Startbucks (which I personal dislike) the coffee is only mediocre. I remember the days of the midnight buffet ( not that I propose to see that return) but the Gala Buffet was incredible with all of the ice carvings and food art. They even allowed you in 30minutes early just for pictures. The different dance venues and tremendous musicians in small intimate bars. "Howling at the moon", The dueling pianos. I love the new Oasis class ships, but I do miss the ambience of cursing from yesteryear. Will I continue to cruise and do I enjoy every second yes, but would I like to see some of the old return, yes.

Just a few of my thoughts

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Holy throwback, Batman! Talk about going deep:eek:


Holy bumped thread, Batman! Oh well. Anyway, I guess I missed this first time around, or consciously forgot about it. Surprised that a moderator would start it and that it has run over 10 pages. Normally complaint threads are locked down. :p

Don't know KGs history on CC, but he might not have been a mod yet when he posted the thread ;) most of us weren't even out of diapers when he posted the thread :p


Well, since we are now in 2014, not 2007, I say change the damn website!


Actually, I heard a new site will be online in the Fall.....hopefully.


When I saw the title before I saw the date- this was my first thought...pre cruise experience is abysmal (website, customer service, knowledge and inconsistency of phone staff etc) Just horrendous and not getting better. Last month- called, only added my daughters C & A number- lost all the pricing...rep said its a "glitch" (ya think:rolleyes:) and they'd have to submit it to be "fixed"...that's horrendous! That's just one personal example- there are hundreds (thousands:confused:) of similar examples and any of us who have cruised with them a bit know that the pre cruise experience in no way matches the on board experience.

Edited by Familygoboston
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Well its been an entire day, and after viewing my res. site I see that nothing has changed. I forgot to mention that we were also booked into a specialty rest. by RCI that we did not chose. Now that is hutzpah.. ...when you don't have the product the customer paid for just substitute another AND charge them an additional fee as well even if its not even the same product!! When we attempted to cancel this res. the website said sorry, we are unable to accept your input..


Who set up the dining website, the folks that got fired from the government health site for Obamacare? This vacation is turning into aggravation.. did it ever occur to the genius who thought up this dinner change that no everyone might be on board and that the system should be in place first for such massive changes? HELP:eek:


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I've only read a few pages of this thread, so what I have to say may have already been discussed, but here goes:

I have cruised inside, balcony and suite levels. I have enjoyed all of these categories. However, suite people do pay considerably more. I think their reserved seats by the pool should be just that. Putting them up on the roof of the pool bar just doesn't cut it. If you have a Family Royal Suite, it would be nice if you could have a space set aside pool side that you can use (hard to supervise kids when perched way above them, so not exactly a perk that can be used). If the pool patrol was allowed to do their jobs, and kept track of all the "saved" chairs (and no one in the pool at 7:00am), there wouldn't be a problem getting a place to sun/shade for those who are truly going to use it.


The plastic shopping bags that used to be in the cabin were great for wet swim suits or even shopping. Talk about a cheap way to advertise and provide a service at the same time. Yes, I took mine home - with a wet suit inside - had have reused it, out in public, many times - much cheaper than a TV ad.


Which brings me to the subject of pens. Even the cheapest hotels provide one. We used to be able to write a note, on RCCL provided paper, with a pen also provided. Another form of cheap advertisement (when you lend it to someone or someone sees it and asks you about cruising). It also constantly reminds you of your last cruise and why you want to book again.


If I were to check into a hotel and find liquid soap attached to the wall, like RCI has done the past several years, I would check out. I do not want a YMCA experience at those prices. Suites used to have nicer soaps and toiletries, but many ships have replaced them with cheap, dollar store imitations from China. I was pleased to have high quality toiletries on Enchantment this past Spring.


Smoking is a touchy subject. Princess allows e-cigs just about anywhere. They are odorless (unless someone uses a flavor like cherry or butterscotch). I know a few people who have been able to quit smoking using them. Does it really hurt for these people to vape on their balconies? For that matter, even smoke. I can remember when we had a smokers lounge, for students, in my high school and people smoked in offices, restaurants, grocery stores, malls, etc. At least the balcony is open air "outside".


Food prep. has to be hard on the ships, but I remember when it was a bit more elegant. I think the portion sizes are much more reasonable now. I appreciate the shrimp cocktails being brought back.


Dress codes should be enforced. I heard one man "bitch out" a staff member who questioned a tank top and shorts at dinner time - HE was on vacation. I realize that dress is more relaxed now days, but is it asking too much for someone to wear a pair of pants and a button down shirt to dinner?? Many of the women I see dress appropriately, but even some of them look like they're going to the beach instead of out to dinner.


15 years ago, a cruise was much more "all inclusive". Now if you want that type of experience it is getting harder and harder. Do we really need so many "pay" options?


I have read a few posts about the "smaller" ships. I like the Radiance and Vision classes very much. I also like the little bigger Voyagers. I enjoyed Freedom, but mainly because the kids had a H2O zone. I have no desire to go on anything bigger (aka Monsters of the Seas). If I want an amusement park experience, I'll find one on land. If I want to go high up in the air, I'll go to the Willis Tower. I want an at sea experience that is rich in ports to explore.


I remember years ago, sitting at the computer surfing for my next cruise while slowly eating a piece of chocolate from my last cruise. I know that will never come back. The pens, plastic bags, gifts in the room (toiletry bags, tote bags, caps, etc) still put me in a cruising mood. But they aren't there anymore to remind people of their cruise once home or to advertise to those who might be interested.


I don't know if it matters that I am in my early 60's or am D+. Quite possibly I am not the demographic Royal is shooting for anymore, but I do know that I am the demographic that has more money to spend (empty nester, house paid for, no student loans) and has more time to cruise (retired). Keep the "smaller ships" around for us if nothing else.

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I confess to (to not having read the thread but title only) but the main thing they can do better IMO is improve the website - rebuild it with good developers and stop trying to patch up a c**p site.

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1) OBC remind us we have it, so we can over spend, since it looks like I lost mine. I would suggest another field on the SP card.


2) Carve a section in dining room that is a pure family section. Hence giving us an adults section only.


3) No Single Supplement


4) Build more Radiance ship, but encompass some of the extra ice cream and cake stuff, since the dessert selection at WJ stunk. Whatever the reason no soda machine on BOS get rid of it and add the freestyle soda machine.


5) Room Service menu's need to be better.


6) Making sure there is a security present when the last bars are winding down.

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1. Ships: I took the original question, nowhere did I see anything about the size of the ships included, but many felt they needed to tell RCI what ships to build. RCI will build mega ships due to the cost efficiencies.

2. Improvements: 1. charged $20.00 per person more, improve the MDR food

3. Dress code: enforce it. there is no good excuse for a baseball cap or t-shirt in the MDR

4. smoking. leave the ban, but the e-cig ban is DUMB. Especially on balconies. The nicotine N*** decision is just plain over reaction. I do not smoke cigarettes, and have NEVER been offended by someone trying to quit by using an e-cig. (insert here all the righteous indignation of the nicotine N***)

5. Hot tubs. enforce the rules. too often you see little kids using it to do cannonballs... Yeah, if you make a rule, enforce it.

6. Chair hogs: This rule is not enforced. RCI does not want an irate customer who will not book again...How about the folks that are just as irate because RCI will not enforce the chair hog rule?

7. Web site: Despite never ending complaints, RCI has made a clear decision to not improve/fix/alter/adjust/modify the site. But we will all continue to complain.

8. "Guest Relations" Why when you walk up to them on the ship do you get a feeling that they are ready to do battle, before you say a word? These folks need some PR training...on every ship!

OK, done venting. But still sailing RCI.

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... Secondly, I think they need to preserve fixed dining, formal nights (think this is a losing battle). The problem with fixed dining now is the opportunity to enjoy an alternative restaurant during the cruise. One could argue here that the specialty restuarant experience was what used to be in the main dining room. We sailed in late spring 2007 where the table for 8 next to our table for 8 (all one group) had only 2 people at it for 3 of the 7 nights. Don't think that is what the 2 people signed up for when they signed up for fixed dining at a table for 8. So, potentially 6 people had options and did what they wanted, but one could argue that the 2 did not get what they 'signed on' for with the cruise line.


DYNAMIC DINING IS YOUR FAULT! Haha, you did this too us!:p

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Here is mine:


1. Vary the Caribbean itineraries out of FL. Same islands, same shopping, etc. After a few trips you've seen them all.


2. Visit Europe year round.


3. Better website. It's horrid.


4. Post-cruise customer service improvements. Waiting 60 days for a certificate is not ok.


5. Long hold times. Not ok in a competitive market.


6. Consistency in experience across ships. If you're going to enforce a rule on one ship, then do it on all ships (I saw people vaping indoors as an example).


7. Train customer service operators to know the rules. Why do we know more than they do?



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Have an adults only cruise once per month, various ships and itineraries. If it proves successful (and I'm thinking it would just from reading these boards over the past few years) they could add even more sailings.


I'm not against kids/families on cruise ships I just think that it would be a nice option now and then.


I agree. At least enforce the adults and chair hoggers. By the way I am against kids on ships, go ahead and flame, I'm a big boy I can take it.



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I'd like them to copy the waffle station that Celebrity has in its buffet restaurants and offer a good lecture series on its longer cruises that have a lot of sea days. Unless they can actually devise a system that offers both traditional and open dining successfully, I believe that they should stick with what they do best - traditional dining. No need to try to be everything to everybody. :)


Good post, Bill, and I totally agree. I love waffles(good waffles that is, not those soggy, lukewarm things on the buffet), and a lecture series would be awesome. :D


I would also add better coffee and better training for customer service reps.

Edited by Rala
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With the price of airline tickets and associated costs for baggage, etc. It would be wonderful if, like Princess and Holland America, RCI offered round-trip cruises to Hawaii from California as well as offering round-trip cruises to Australia from Hawaii.

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Good post, Bill, and I totally agree. I love waffles(good waffles that is, not those soggy, lukewarm things on the buffet), and a lecture series would be awesome. :D


I would also add better coffee and better training for customer service reps.


I was in suite 2 weeks ago so we had breakfast at chops and they had same soggy waffles, they were terrible

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We've just returned from a family cruise on the Liberty. We missed Fox News and would have also enjoyed a different ESPN channel. However, our concern was the video arcade leading into Adventure Ocean. We were shocked at the violent video games not to mention the ear deafening noise. The games are totally inappropriate for young children … all I saw was heads being blown off, a barrage of bullets, etc. Even if you don't have children, take a stroll down the main corridor leading to the rear Adventure ocean rooms. It makes you wonder about the youth program as the judgement is questionable. By the way, we never once saw a single child playing these arcade games which is saying more for the kids than for whoever installed these money grabbers!

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In the last 2 years, I have been on Monarch, Oasis, and Brilliance. I must say I prefer the mid-size girls to the Big Momma!


The main complaint I have about the Oasis is that there are minimal outside views from inside locations. You just can't find a comfy spot to read a book and enjoy the view in any of the lounges.


I do NOT like the new and improved C & A books on your sign and sail card. You do not have a way of knowing if you got the particular discount (ie internet pkg) until the last night of the sailing when they are posted to your onboard account. Who wants to go stand in line at that point??


I also wish for new Caribbean itineraries.


On the subject of chairhogs...While there is no perfect solution, surely some enforcement of the rules would be nice. Having 90% of chairs around the pool taken by 9 am on a sea day is a bit much...especially when the majority of those chairs has no sitting in them until 2 hours later :(

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Well done. Agree with all your complaints


Would add: Cut back on the number of cabins the attendants have to service. They do not have the time to give their guests extra attention . On a last cruise, we were in a suite and only saw him when he was doing AM clean and PM turndown

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Windjammer buffet and mdr food and desserts are like Golden Corral food also the drinks in the windjammer are watered down The room service menu needs revamped also

And you might as well drink water How about robes for all like Carnival does and X . Pen and paper in stateroom and post cards would be nice

What is wrong with the tv channels on X and carnival they have several channels to watch new released movies

I had not been on RCL in 10 yrs until April 20 when On Navigator of the seas guess I will stick with X the food and experience is so much better



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Wow! It's SCARY how these old threads (Started by the OP on November 28th, 2007, 07:01 PM! See post #1 ) keep coming back!!! :eek:


On the other hand, it's an interesting subject with good comments.


Happy cruising everyone!

Edited by JimAOk1945
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One item I have not seen mentioned a lot are the musical selections. For a few years. we noticed that the music has changed on most of the RCI and even X ships. What we now get instead of Caribbean type music are the "canned" cd music they now play at the poolside most of the day.

We used to hear some good Carib. musicans,. We now are treated to the top twenty rap musical selections for 12 year olds or the same 3 guys playing the same songs for days on end. Since most cruisers (regulars), are between 40 to 65 it would seem a better business decision to play to your audience. I do realize that the companies tend to hire younger people for these type of jobs, however, those young adults could all stand to learn how to listen to soothing musical sounds not intended to promote rape, incest and violence.


RCI, please give me some good musical tones on my vacation.


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Just off the Liberty of the Seas transatlantic repositioning cruise to Barcelona. This was my third Royal cruise and have cruised Carnival many times. Totally loved the experience but have a few comments:


1) Need to keep at least a section of the Windjammer open at night for late night coffee/cold drinks. There was absolutely no where to sit after coming out of the shows. How can Sorrentos or the Cafe accommodate thousands of people.


2) There needs to be a drink station closer to the pool area where you can get iced tea or lemonade etc without having to walk through the Windjammer.


3) Chops Grille not worth the money at least on the Liberty. Much better on Oasis and much better on Carnival.


4) Better poolside music. Transatlantic was mainly older/middle aged crowd and they insist on playing loud rap type music.


5) This may not be important to lots of people but no access to a clothing iron drove me crazy especially on a two week cruise. This is one area where Carnival gets it right. Every other floor has a self serve laundry and places to iron your clothes.


6) Can't believe the number of people who book assigned dining and treat it like any time dining with 6:00 diners coming in a 6:45. Totally disrespectful to the servers who have to rush and then clean up for the next seating. Doors should close at 6:15.

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Tote bags were discontinued several years ago as a C & A gift onboard. Chicago recently passed a ban on plastic bags, so people will be carrying more tote bags around. I know other places are discontinuing plastic bags.


Logical idea - pass out the tote bags again. Every time cruisers went shopping with these RCI gets free advertising. Every time someone asks about the cruise you were on, RCI gets more free advertising.


Will it happen?? I doubt it. The "bean counters" in corporate (also known as Penny Wise and Pound Foolish) would rather save the money which would be spent on bags to spend on lavish commercials. (I think these were the same people who switched the ingredients on the Big Mac special sauce a few years back to save a few pennies a burger and lost a customer base who found tastier burgers elsewhere - or as my brother said, "my taste buds must have changed")


Common sense is what appears to be missing at RCI. Rap music by the pool on a TA? Look at the demographic. Remember New Coke and the scramble to bring back Classic Coke?? New direction for RCI - hope it works out for them. Princess and HAL looking better and better with the "new" direction RCI taking.

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