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Completely Depressed & Frustrated...HELP!


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Good morning everyone!


I pray I'm not another one of you who loses and in a couple days gains 5...I'll die. I'm avoiding the scale today. LOL



It's back to normal. It was just bloat from my monthly visitor. No biggie...it would be impossible to "gain" 5 pounds in such a short period...it's not like I pigged out. It's just alarming to see it on the scale. Which is why I should take my own advice and step away from the scale.


And good for you last night! You can eat what you want, you just have to moderate and get back on that horse the next day. And now that I booked a cruise, I have the motivation to get rid of these last 7 pounds - 7 weeks, 7 pounds, very doable.

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Good job Brenda! Sounds like you had a great time, and stayed on the wagon too! Sorry about the snow, though I'd love to get some my way - hardly ever snows here anymore.:(


I ate just over 800 calories yesterday, the 1/3 sandwich and fries at lunch really lasted me for most of the day. And I did hit the gym - did 35 hard minutes on the elliptical, some good stretching, and just a few machines - not much time for more than that. My HRM showed a burn of 445 calories, so I will take that!! This morning - YAY!!! I FINALLY dropped below 143 - GOD that has been SO hard to do! Hard to believe it takes so much to drop such a little. Anyway, it feels good to know I finally see more than 5 pounds off the scale, and I gotta tell ya, WHAT a difference these few pounds make in my clothes!!! I think a lot of people think 5 pounds is "nuttin"...but man, I can tell such a difference in the way things fit! I had started to notice things were a tad tight, a couple of pair of pants I would not even wear any more. 5 pounds of fat is obviously a pretty good slab of meat! :p

Hope everyone else has a good day...TGIF!!!!

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Good Luck Chi losing those 7 pounds! I'm right there trying with ya!!


Happy....congrats!!!! You can do it!! I notice an extreme difference in the way I feel about myself after my small weight loss of 11 pounds. I actually looked in the mirror and was not totally disgusted. I smiled and thought to myself "I'm getting me back!" It is a great accomplishment when your clothes start fitting well!!!

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It's back to normal. It was just bloat from my monthly visitor. No biggie...it would be impossible to "gain" 5 pounds in such a short period...it's not like I pigged out. It's just alarming to see it on the scale. Which is why I should take my own advice and step away from the scale.


And good for you last night! You can eat what you want, you just have to moderate and get back on that horse the next day. And now that I booked a cruise, I have the motivation to get rid of these last 7 pounds - 7 weeks, 7 pounds, very doable.



Chi, I figured the 5 lbs was a timing thing...always annoying to see it on the scale though. Even so, I prefer to see it, pounds sneak up on me WAY too easily. :(


7 pounds in 7 weeks is a reasonable goal, and a cruise is some AWESOME motivation for achieving it!! I am jealous...I'd love to be headed somewhere warm and tropical right about now!! :)


I just had my morning yogurt with Kashi - yum yum!! If you've not tried the WW yogurts, give'm a shot. They have 3 gms of fiber and taste yummy!! I love the Key Lime Pie, and Amaretto Cheesecake (my fave) flavors.

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Chi, I figured the 5 lbs was a timing thing...always annoying to see it on the scale though. Even so, I prefer to see it, pounds sneak up on me WAY too easily. :(


7 pounds in 7 weeks is a reasonable goal, and a cruise is some AWESOME motivation for achieving it!! I am jealous...I'd love to be headed somewhere warm and tropical right about now!! :)


I just had my morning yogurt with Kashi - yum yum!! If you've not tried the WW yogurts, give'm a shot. They have 3 gms of fiber and taste yummy!! I love the Key Lime Pie, and Amaretto Cheesecake (my fave) flavors.

Brenda I know what you mean about "Getting me back" I feel the same way. For the past 5 years I was either pregnant or nursing. I wouldn't trade that time for anything, and it was nice not caring about my figure and eating what was best for me and baby at the time (Bradley Diet) - not for weight loss. It is nice though to finally start getting back to me. It's so much easier to chase after the little ones when you can actually keep up with them!


Don't beat yourself up for your "off nights" or eating out - Just my opinion. You are loosing weight and making life changes, why would anyone be disappointed in you? You are the one in charge of you; we are just your fan club! You can do it, we know you can, we just help you try and push a little harder.


Just my opinion here - I am not in the health field, nor am I trainer. I can only tell you what has worked for me in making my lifestyle change. What has worked for me, may not work for you. I admire Menina's devotion to diet and health and her much needed "straight shooting" attitude. For me, I personally could not be that strict with my life/diet. I would never be able to stay committed to the lifestyle change - different strokes for different folks. I mentioned before, my DH is a chef, so we tend to look at food totally different than maybe most people do. We need to "shop" other restaurants throughout the country and sometimes the world - China last December for new Asian restaurant they are opening in May- to gain ideas or experience. We also follow and enjoy the whole experience such as food and wine pairings - this Frois Gras is awesome with this Riesling or this Cabernet goes great with this Ostrich. Even at home, I refuse to put anything in my mouth that doesn't deserve to be there. It has to be appealing and it has to taste good. I will not force myself to eat something just because it's healthy. Take something healthy and make something awesome and healthy out of it. Enjoy food, don't just count it and use it to ease the hunger pains. Do I eat pasta and bread at Italian restaurant and cream sauces at French restaurants? You bet I do! Do I take my kids to McDonalds once in a while and have a cheese burger and fries with them? Absolutely. Do I regret it while I do or feel guilty afterwards? NO!! Do I also go out and make healthier choices for the broiled or grilled chicken or fish and veggies? Yes, the majority of the time I do. But I don't settle for them, I enjoy them. The more you start eating healthy the more you lean towards stronger flavored healthier food instead of the salty greasy taste. After awhile the salty and greasy just don't taste as good as they used to, and BAM! You just opened that new life door! If you are truly making a lifestyle change, one meal "off" or even one day "off" isn't going to make or break your lifestyle. Is it going to make you gain a pound or two? Maybe. Are you going to have to keep up your routine and not make progress sometimes because you have to now payback those "off" moments? Absolutely. Do I moan and cry and get upset because I'm not loosing? Nope, it was my choice to eat something different. I just spend the rest of that week maintaining or playing the up a few lbs and then back down to normal game. Lifestyle should include gaining and loosing (in small amounts = maintain) If you have "off" days eating you will have off days or even weeks for the scale too. It's a lifestyle change. If you choose to keep the lifestyle, you will always have to eat right and exercise. There is no finish line - except for the eternal one. Enjoy the food, don't feel guilty about it, otherwise, why even bother to eat it in the first place. If you know you are going to feel guilty after eating something and therefore not enjoy it, then don't eat it, find a suitable alternative.


Now, do I have "off" days when I am trying to loose rather than maintain? No, I will have an "off" meal, usually Sunday afternoon supper, but even then it's not much of a "cheat" or aversion from routine. This Sunday I will have 5 weeks until my next cruise and I would love to have 20 lbs but at least 10 off by then. Lots of exercise and really watching the food intake, making very healthy choices, but I still make it so I enjoy it rather than suffer through hoping the scale will drop tomorrow.


Anyway more exercise for me as I now dismount the soap box. This is just my opinion, not discounting anyone else's good advice. Hope that may help a little!!

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Jaymepops ... I have been reading this thread (posted once) since this discussion began and I love your post!!!! Your "opinion" is what I have incorporated into my life style change ... It has worked for me and I am down 50# because of it ... I can stay with my "plan" and I feel healthier and totally motivated.


I still have 19# to go and I would love to lose it by May 23 .... which is when I will be in your town ... I'm going to Ocean Springs for the holiday ... my sister lives there and and they have not seen the 50# ... We are going to spend some time (2 days) in New Orleans ... which I'm really looking forward to, I've never been to either places before.


Have a great day all. Jan

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Jaimie, It seems you and I kind of think alike. We make choices, but will not deny ourselves completely.


Anyhow, I have a new question. I was speaking to my best friend today on the phone. I mentioned what I was making for dinner....an oven stuffer (unstuffed) with parsnips, carrots, onions and garlic roasted around it. (basically, chicken and veggies...NO SKIN FOR ME!) OK, so she asks if I am making the yum yums like mashed potatoes and gravy for the rest of the family. I say no....that everyone is eating healthy because I am trying to make this a lifestyle change. Its not that we will never eat those foods, but at this time, its not the right choice. She said that I was unbelievable and EVIL to my family. She said I was completely wrong for making them suffer with me. Well I told her that my family isn't complaining.....I even got the little guy to eat what he thought was cooked cucumbers (it was really zucchini). I told her sure I miss those foods, but I will be able to have them on occassion again AFTER I lose the weight I want to lose....its different when maintaining than when trying to lose. I told her I save my cheats for when I am not home. She said that she still thinks that I should not make my family eat this way and I am totally wrong. I don't agree....but what do you all think?

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Jaimie, It seems you and I kind of think alike. We make choices, but will not deny ourselves completely.


Anyhow, I have a new question. I was speaking to my best friend today on the phone. I mentioned what I was making for dinner....an oven stuffer (unstuffed) with parsnips, carrots, onions and garlic roasted around it. (basically, chicken and veggies...NO SKIN FOR ME!) OK, so she asks if I am making the yum yums like mashed potatoes and gravy for the rest of the family. I say no....that everyone is eating healthy because I am trying to make this a lifestyle change. Its not that we will never eat those foods, but at this time, its not the right choice. She said that I was unbelievable and EVIL to my family. She said I was completely wrong for making them suffer with me. Well I told her that my family isn't complaining.....I even got the little guy to eat what he thought was cooked cucumbers (it was really zucchini). I told her sure I miss those foods, but I will be able to have them on occassion again AFTER I lose the weight I want to lose....its different when maintaining than when trying to lose. I told her I save my cheats for when I am not home. She said that she still thinks that I should not make my family eat this way and I am totally wrong. I don't agree....but what do you all think?


Wow...I totally disagree with her. How can helping your family learn healthier eating habits be "evil"? She is WAY off base here. In my opinion, you are doing the very best for your family. :cool: My son has COMPLETELY changed his eating and fitness behavior over the last 6 years, just as a "by-product" of my changes. You would not believe what this 15 yr old kid looks like, and how healthy he eats! His favorite beverage? WATER. Favorite outdoor activity? A quick 5-mile run.


I'm with you. ;)

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For me, I personally could not be that strict with my life/diet. I would never be able to stay committed to the lifestyle change - different strokes for different folks. I mentioned before, my DH is a chef, so we tend to look at food totally different than maybe most people do. We need to "shop" other restaurants throughout the country and sometimes the world - China last December for new Asian restaurant they are opening in May- to gain ideas or experience. We also follow and enjoy the whole experience such as food and wine pairings - this Frois Gras is awesome with this Riesling or this Cabernet goes great with this Ostrich. Even at home, I refuse to put anything in my mouth that doesn't deserve to be there. It has to be appealing and it has to taste good. I will not force myself to eat something just because it's healthy. Take something healthy and make something awesome and healthy out of it. Enjoy food, don't just count it and use it to ease the hunger pains. Do I eat pasta and bread at Italian restaurant and cream sauces at French restaurants? You bet I do! Do I take my kids to McDonalds once in a while and have a cheese burger and fries with them? Absolutely. Do I regret it while I do or feel guilty afterwards? NO!! Do I also go out and make healthier choices for the broiled or grilled chicken or fish and veggies? Yes, the majority of the time I do. But I don't settle for them, I enjoy them. The more you start eating healthy the more you lean towards stronger flavored healthier food instead of the salty greasy taste. After awhile the salty and greasy just don't taste as good as they used to, and BAM! You just opened that new life door! If you are truly making a lifestyle change, one meal "off" or even one day "off" isn't going to make or break your lifestyle. Is it going to make you gain a pound or two? Maybe. Are you going to have to keep up your routine and not make progress sometimes because you have to now payback those "off" moments? Absolutely. Do I moan and cry and get upset because I'm not loosing? Nope, it was my choice to eat something different. I just spend the rest of that week maintaining or playing the up a few lbs and then back down to normal game. Lifestyle should include gaining and loosing (in small amounts = maintain) If you have "off" days eating you will have off days or even weeks for the scale too. It's a lifestyle change. If you choose to keep the lifestyle, you will always have to eat right and exercise. There is no finish line - except for the eternal one. Enjoy the food, don't feel guilty about it, otherwise, why even bother to eat it in the first place. If you know you are going to feel guilty after eating something and therefore not enjoy it, then don't eat it, find a suitable alternative.


Now, do I have "off" days when I am trying to loose rather than maintain? No, I will have an "off" meal, usually Sunday afternoon supper, but even then it's not much of a "cheat" or aversion from routine. This Sunday I will have 5 weeks until my next cruise and I would love to have 20 lbs but at least 10 off by then. Lots of exercise and really watching the food intake, making very healthy choices, but I still make it so I enjoy it rather than suffer through hoping the scale will drop tomorrow.


Anyway more exercise for me as I now dismount the soap box. This is just my opinion, not discounting anyone else's good advice. Hope that may help a little!!


Always good to hear other perspectives Jaimie! It's great that you are able to share this passion with your hubby! For me, weight-control has always been a huge effort throughout my life, and continues to be, so I could never look at food in that way. For me, first and foremost, it is fuel for my body. Fortunately, I thoroughly LOVE workouts at the gym, and running, so it is not a burden, ever. In addition to the obvious health benefit, is a release, and keeps me feeling great. :) I certainly do not deny myself any foods that I dearly love, but I always eat them in moderation. For me, to "spend the rest of that week maintaining or playing the up a few lbs and then back down to normal game" is just NOT worth it. :o But I respect your opinion, and the fact that you discovered a plan that works for YOU! ;)

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Jaimie, It seems you and I kind of think alike. We make choices, but will not deny ourselves completely.


Anyhow, I have a new question. I was speaking to my best friend today on the phone. I mentioned what I was making for dinner....an oven stuffer (unstuffed) with parsnips, carrots, onions and garlic roasted around it. (basically, chicken and veggies...NO SKIN FOR ME!) OK, so she asks if I am making the yum yums like mashed potatoes and gravy for the rest of the family. I say no....that everyone is eating healthy because I am trying to make this a lifestyle change. Its not that we will never eat those foods, but at this time, its not the right choice. She said that I was unbelievable and EVIL to my family. She said I was completely wrong for making them suffer with me. Well I told her that my family isn't complaining.....I even got the little guy to eat what he thought was cooked cucumbers (it was really zucchini). I told her sure I miss those foods, but I will be able to have them on occassion again AFTER I lose the weight I want to lose....its different when maintaining than when trying to lose. I told her I save my cheats for when I am not home. She said that she still thinks that I should not make my family eat this way and I am totally wrong. I don't agree....but what do you all think?

Brenda you are not evil, you are caring for your family and doing what is right for you and them. You are helping your children avoid childhood and adult obesity by teaching them the right way to eat by example. If you have found the healthy and right way to eat, you would be more evil for not sharing with your family. Wouldn't you call it selfish if you just worried about your body and your needs? If only your body was getting healthy nourishment and you’re keep feeding your child and husband stuff that was bad for them, keeping them unhealthy? You are doing a good job. There will always be people who don't agree with you and you have to sometimes agree to disagree. You know what you are doing is right, let your friend know you are doing what you believe is best for you and your family and that it is a family matter, or ask (tell) her to please respect your decision and change the subject.

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Jaymepops ... I have been reading this thread (posted once) since this discussion began and I love your post!!!! Your "opinion" is what I have incorporated into my life style change ... It has worked for me and I am down 50# because of it ... I can stay with my "plan" and I feel healthier and totally motivated.


I still have 19# to go and I would love to lose it by May 23 .... which is when I will be in your town ... I'm going to Ocean Springs for the holiday ... my sister lives there and and they have not seen the 50# ... We are going to spend some time (2 days) in New Orleans ... which I'm really looking forward to, I've never been to either places before.


Have a great day all. Jan

Jan, you will love it here as well as New Orleans. May is a great time to visit too - not too hot yet. Have your sister look and see if there are any festivals going on downtown when you are here. They are a lot of fun! Don't forget to have a nice lazy day at the beach too! I love surprising friends and family you haven't seen in a while with a big weight loss. Just did that over Christmas with my family! BTW if you haven't booked rooms in New Orelans yet, Hotel Provincial is great - right in the French Quater, just down from Jackson square. Very nice, clean and affordable! Best kept secret! Easy walk to everything in the French Quater.

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Good tip on the hotel! We will be in Baton Rouge in June for a competition and then on to New Orleans for the rest of the week-end. We usually are in NO once a year, so one full day is enough for us!


Brenda, if you are serving your kids from the 4 four groups, then all is fine.And I give you credit for sticking to your guns for the entire family.

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Oh gawd, I can't believe I'm reading this!


Ask your friend, "Well, I respect your comments and I want to ask you this question..by you saying I'm evil to my family, who's needs are being met here..my family's needs to have a healthy lifestyle or your need to be jealous of our healthy habits?"


I bet she'll NEVER bug you again. I think this goes back to your being concerned what about what others think. This is when it goes back to setting boundaries with other people. This also fits in with what the one gal asked me several posts ago about the drinking thing.


To both of you I say, You don't have to justify what you do to anybody. It's nobodys' damn business if you choose to drink or not, what you choose to eat or not. For the drinking thing, you can just politely say "Oh, I'm not drinking today". You don't owe them an explanation. To your "friend"who tries to guilt you into thinking your an evil mother because you feed your family healthy food, you can say, "Well, we are just trying to keep our commitment to good health and this is what works for us and we all enjoy it".


Two kinds of guilt: False and True. True guilt: Eating a box of cokies when you are on a diet. False guilt: A "friend" trying to "make" you feel guilty for what you are doing (i.e, feeding your family healthy food, choosing not to drink) when there is no logical evidence for you to feel guilty. Personally, people like that I do not consider my friends.


Only my opinion. Brenda, great job last night..you are inspiring all of us! What's your plan for Sat. night? We go to a bible study on Sat. night..15 of us, we cook a lovely meal then have our study right after.




Jaimie, It seems you and I kind of think alike. We make choices, but will not deny ourselves completely.


Anyhow, I have a new question. I was speaking to my best friend today on the phone. I mentioned what I was making for dinner....an oven stuffer (unstuffed) with parsnips, carrots, onions and garlic roasted around it. (basically, chicken and veggies...NO SKIN FOR ME!) OK, so she asks if I am making the yum yums like mashed potatoes and gravy for the rest of the family. I say no....that everyone is eating healthy because I am trying to make this a lifestyle change. Its not that we will never eat those foods, but at this time, its not the right choice. She said that I was unbelievable and EVIL to my family. She said I was completely wrong for making them suffer with me. Well I told her that my family isn't complaining.....I even got the little guy to eat what he thought was cooked cucumbers (it was really zucchini). I told her sure I miss those foods, but I will be able to have them on occassion again AFTER I lose the weight I want to lose....its different when maintaining than when trying to lose. I told her I save my cheats for when I am not home. She said that she still thinks that I should not make my family eat this way and I am totally wrong. I don't agree....but what do you all think?

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Thank you all. I am actually proud that I am feeding my family very healthy, the same as I am feeding myself. Funny part is, my son (6) never liked the side dishes like mashed potatoes, etc. I always cut up fruit in a bowl for him as his side dish. I guess I am learning from him!! Not to disrespect my friend or anything, but she is a large woman who can't stick to any diet and her child is only 5 and is also on her way. Its sad for me to see. I never say anything though. My friend would not take it as constructive critisism. So I guess her way really does not work. But in any case, thank you all for reassuring me.


I don't know yet if we are going to make it to our Saturday night out. My daughter had a problem with her tv. We thought the tv itself was broken, but after trying it in another room, and trying a different tv in her room, we found out its either the main wire or the verizon fios box that is faulty. they are supposed to come and fix it sometime before 5:00....but you know how that goes. LOL We were supposed to be going out with another couple tonight, but they canceled due to the weather and switched to next week.


Well time to get ready. The little guy has a friend's bday party at 10 this morning. Uggghhhh. LOL


Have a great day.

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We had tons of snow here yesterday and I was housebound... I am so ichy to get out and to the gym today.


Ya know every memeber of my husbands family is overweight and I am convinced that it is due to upbringing. Every Sunday his Mom would make these huge, and I mean huge meals while in my family we always had a nice Sunday dinner but in reasonable proportions... No one in my family has battled with large weight problems. You are doing your family a big favor with good lifelong habits.


Now, my kids are grown so I dont have these concerns but I also think you cannot make someone do something that you want, it has to be something they want. My husabnd is still overweight and sometimes it really fustrates me that he does nothing about it. I dont force my thoughts or habits on him.(well OK I do a subtle nag now and then) Often for dinner we are eating two completely different things and I just keep my sights on myself, not him.

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Smooth....So you DO prepare different foods for your husband?...OR does he prepare it himself? Me, I refuse to prepare different foods for the family. That is part of what I am asking. I know you are all behind me that I am doing the right thing.....but are you all doing it too or are you preparing the yum yums for the family and just not eating them?

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Yes and no! My oven converts to a convection oven, evenly cooks no matter what shelf in the over it is placed on. So yes, I package all our metas/fish in servings of one and will cook us diffierent things at the same time. The extra prep time is quite minimal.


But as far as mashed pototoes and stuff like that....no. I offer him a salad that I am making for myself or whatever and if he wants these other things he is on his own, which he oftern does make for himself. Asdie from the double cooking issue, I am not going to help him along with his bad habits.

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You know, when I was doing WW, mashed potatoes was often on my daily menu. A small side of mashed potatoes from Hardees is only 90 calories,and only 2 gms of fat, and KFC is about the same. We don't eat out at those places as much any more, but my son always loved their mashed potatoes, and still does. Also, the instant potatoes are very good now (they used to SUCK!), and have similar nutritional value, and occasionally I have them for lunch at work - very easy and quick, perfect for me since I eat at my desk.


So, I don't know as I would consider mashed potatoes a true "yum yum". I think they can fit into a nutritious dinner. What I never do any more is make them from scratch, at least at home. If it is for a family dinner, at my mom's or sister's, then I am always in charge of making them (I make killer mashed potatoes!!), and I will eat a very small serving, but that is all, since the fat is much higher. Portion control is the key for me here. ;)


I probably tend to agree with the "not making everyone different things" for dinner, especially if you have a large family. The traditional "everyone sit down to the same meal" dinner is good for the family, and can help the kids to eat better as they have to eat what is available, not what they want. That said, that's rarely an issue in my house it since it's just me and my son, and we don't eat on the same schedule! :o Luckily neither my son nor my ex has ever been overweight, so I was the only one dealing with weight issues. (And I didn't really have them when I was married anyway - didn't get fat until after we split).


I agree it is very difficult to deal with overweight family members - my mom has always been heavy (she's a bit less so now, but still quite heavy) and she had the hardest time dealing with my new eating behavior, but she is okay with it now. Just do what you know is right - you sound like you are doing just fine to me! ;)

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When I decided to change the way I was eating (50# ago) my family changed also. No one has complained. We have a protein, and lots of vegetables (including salad) for dinner. I go by the "no white at night" thought process. I try to limit my carbs to morning or lunch ... as I will burn them during the day and not have them store as fats. I also have to watch my carbs as I am diabetic, and have allergies to most foods and have a cholesterol problem.


Brenda you friend reminds me of the people I knew when I qujit smoking 7 years ago ... they said they were supporting my decision, but in reality they did a lot to undermine my decision ... I now have many different friends!!!


Jaymepops ---- thanks for the info on hotels, I'll being talking with my sister today! Jan

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I'm the gal asking about drinking. Menina, you're right, I don't have to explain myself to anybody, but usually, they keep asking. My friends get it by now, but a new guy is trickier. Oh well, I just have to be stronger. I really have no problems with friends - I posted before about my friends commenting on my willpower. But a first date often involves meeting for drinks...I guess I need to come up with something different.


Brenda, as for the family thing, your friend is way off base. You are not being evil, you are helping them. My mom has been on and off Weight Watchers since she was in her mid-twenties. WW was much different back then - not as livable, you even had to make your catsup! Anyhow, this past go-around, my dad needed to join her. Now with BOTH of them doing it, my mom swears she will never go back to the old lifestyle. She was making two meals before, now she makes one, and my dad just eats more since he gets more points. I personally think you would be evil if you didn't teach them the same habits you are adopting.

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It sounds to me like the friend is a little green with envy. You are doing something positive to benefit you and your family. I think she is trying to put her insecurities onto you. Perhaps deep down she knows she should make some changes of her own. You are succeeding, she hasn't even tried. Keep on with the good and healthy changes. It is a great thing.

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That sounds like a great trip Chigirl... I love a day stop in Grand Cayman. Good for you. We have been going on a cruise every year for at least 10 years, the type of vacation both me and my husband like. This will be the first year that I have no cruise planned. On our Hawaii cruise I had to be taken off of the ship with a medical emergency and although I am fully recovered I still am not quite ready to board a ship just yet.


I have my own website where I write of our cruise adventures.... When you have a few minutes here is the link to the part about the medical issues I had. Instead we have a full calendar of dance competitions that will put us in all parts of the US this year.




Yum, snapper... I could eat fish every night and be quite content.


Smooth, I just clicked on this link. What a story...I would have been so scared to have surgery in Mexico too, but I'm so glad it worked out. I had tears in my eyes when I read the part about your husband being by your side right before the surgery.


As a child and teenager, we traveled across many parts of the US doing dance competitions - tap, jazz, ballet, lyrical, etc. I loved it. It's amazing how much I've lost over the years though, lol. I think it's very cool you do this.

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For me, if I had friends who pressured me and called me evil for feeding my family healthy food...well, I'd limit the time I spend with those people and spend more time with the people that are going to be supportive. To keep bugging you is quite rude and also tells you where their priorities lie. If a first date involves meeting for drinks, you can easily order a perrier with lime and then if bugged say "no thanks, I'm not drinking today". If they hound you it's "No particular reason,just not drinking today. PERIOD".


Brenda: Your friend obviously has her own issues. But that was very rude of her to call you evil and I hope you let her know that. Who cares if she's so sensitive..it's all right for her to be critical but not okay for you to stand up for yourself or are you too concenred about what she'll think bout you? what's up with that? It's her business if she wants to stuff herself and get fat and then whine about it while calling you evil. You've got bigger fish to fry as you are getting healthy.


Hope everyone is having a great day...M


I'm the gal asking about drinking. Menina, you're right, I don't have to explain myself to anybody, but usually, they keep asking. My friends get it by now, but a new guy is trickier. Oh well, I just have to be stronger. I really have no problems with friends - I posted before about my friends commenting on my willpower. But a first date often involves meeting for drinks...I guess I need to come up with something different.


Brenda, as for the family thing, your friend is way off base. You are not being evil, you are helping them. My mom has been on and off Weight Watchers since she was in her mid-twenties. WW was much different back then - not as livable, you even had to make your catsup! Anyhow, this past go-around, my dad needed to join her. Now with BOTH of them doing it, my mom swears she will never go back to the old lifestyle. She was making two meals before, now she makes one, and my dad just eats more since he gets more points. I personally think you would be evil if you didn't teach them the same habits you are adopting.

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I believe you are touching on some of my deeper problems. But, I guess you would, knowing your profession. There is alot about me that goes unsaid on these boards. I have been through some major stuff in my life and I believe some of it may have caused my bad eating habits....but that could be an excuse....I'm no expert. In any case....life sucks sometimes...but I'm sure you know that. :(


OK....So I had my Saturday out...basically ate the same thing as always. I'm ok with that though. What's bothering me today is that I am really really hungry!!! But I don't want to eat more than usual because I don't want to ruin my diet......I'm gonna drink alot of green tea tonight to get through the night. LOL


Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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Well, I don't know about that but the main thing is you are getting healthy. We've all gone through crap in life, but most people don't want to face it so they bury it in food or alcohol or other meaningless crap. You have to be your own person and not let anyone dictate how you feel or what you do.


It's no wonder you're getting hungry if you are exercising as much as you say you are, plus your stomach has to get used to eating less. Maybe you need a few more calories, or need to eat more protein, can't advise you there. You will never be able to go back to your former way of eating as that's what made you fat. It's kinda like losing a friend, it's a death. You can only learn to enjoy the foods that made you fat in a sensible way and that might mean eating those things rarely and in smaller amounts.


But I'm no expert!





I believe you are touching on some of my deeper problems. But, I guess you would, knowing your profession. There is alot about me that goes unsaid on these boards. I have been through some major stuff in my life and I believe some of it may have caused my bad eating habits....but that could be an excuse....I'm no expert. In any case....life sucks sometimes...but I'm sure you know that. :(


OK....So I had my Saturday out...basically ate the same thing as always. I'm ok with that though. What's bothering me today is that I am really really hungry!!! But I don't want to eat more than usual because I don't want to ruin my diet......I'm gonna drink alot of green tea tonight to get through the night. LOL


Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

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