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Smoking Policy from a Brits point of view!

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So you admit you really have no idea of what you speak, you just rely on what people tell you.


Except research and science show that that is bunk and you've just swallowed a load of bull someone told you. Bet your tongue tastes and smells bad after that. You already admit above that you believe what people tell you.


Puke me out! Oh my goodness, you are right that I have no personal knowledge of what a smokers tongue smells or tastes like. Just the thought of getting close enough to a smoker to find out such a thing makes me nauseous. I have to rely on second hand reports for that information.


I also don't have issues with specifically smokers. I have issues with those who intentionally and willingly cause death and disease to other innocent victims. Smokers are a large subset of that group of people. That's all.

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They have excellent ventilation in the cabins, inside and OV cabins haven't been reeking of smoke for decades or else we'd have heard bout it non-stop here. And they turn a ship around in a few hours - docks at say 7am, people off by 9, new batch on at 11:30 - in rooms by 1 at latest (we got in our cabin at 11:30) - there is no expensive deep cleaning going on between sailings.



Having been on 30 cruises I have found that second hand smoke in public areas has been the problem, like the casino and lounges, more than any residual oder in the cabins but I think it probably is an expense to the cruise line to get rid of the oder.
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It seems odd that smokers always bring up being disgusted by perfume use. Most overusers of perfume are smokers because they are trying to cover up the stench of stale cigarette smoke that reeks from their hair, clothes, body, mouth, tongue, etc. They assume if they bathe in perfume, it will somehow fool people into thinking they don't stink. Like the typical smoker shown below.


That's not necessary so.....


The problem is that smokers don't notice the lingering smell because they "are" smoking. I smoked for 30 years and didn't have any idea how much stronger the smoke was, until I quit. I am really shocked as to how much stronger it was.


I am not trying to "bash" smokers, please don't think I am..... I strongly believe that ANY business should have the right to allow smoking (If a person doesn't want to be there because of the smoke....then don't go there.) Anyone should be allowed to put what ever they want into their body, no matter what it is. (IE: Drinking, smoking cigarettes, smoking pot....etc, but that's another issue. :))


I don't think RCL should ban smoking altogether. On a recent cruise, in the designated smoking areas weren't bad....unless it was indoors. I didn't smell cigarettes on the balcony, however we did smell cigar smoke once in a while, so that trip was alright. But I did stay in Hawaii once in a $500 a night room , and had smokers on the balcony next to us. We had to keep our door closed most of the trip. (Ironically enough, that trip was paid for by our choice to quit smoking that year, and used the money to take our family there.) So I can see both sides.

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Allie, so sorry for your friend's place. Hope his business picks up.


We're seeing virtually no decline in business in Baltimore restaurants...crab house or 4-5 star. Over the last 2 weekends, once on Saturday and again last Sunday, Baltimore County for both, we went out for crabs at 2 different places, both do have ac. We sat in the bar areas rather than the diningrooms and both places were packed! The owner was at one of the places. DH always strikes up a conversation with an owner or manager as he was once in the restaurant business and it's still in his blood. The owner told us that for every person who would once avoid the bar area for crabs and beer, she's seen someone or even two people replace the lost patron. Crabs and beer were on every table in the bar area and the diningroom.


In the 4-5 star restaurants in Baltimore, I can think of 3 places right now where there's a minimum of a week for a reservation. Business in the high end restaurants is steady....economy and all. A new restaurant just opened in my immediate area and unless you get there at 5:30 and sit at the bar, you're not getting in. ;)



I did find it interesting tho - we went to my favorite place for crabs - Saturday - dinner time - you usually can't find a parking spot and need reservations. We pulled in and the lot was totally empty, we wondered if they were open. I did go out to smoke on the deck and the owner was out there. I have been going there for over 10 years - so I asked him why the place was so dead and he said business has completely dropped off since the smoking ban - the place has no AC and is a 'crab house' with open windows etc - a margarittaville type bar - but still effected by the ban. Given what I saw on a prime Saturday dinner time - 1 waitress - 1 bartender - 2 kitchen staff - I predict he'll be outta business in no time.
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There will always be smokers who will try to break the rules,

Probably true, but on the other hand there will always be non-smokers who sit in a smoking area and then complain when somebody lights up. I believe I've seen the latter far more times than I've seen the former, especially on cruise ships. By the way, I don't smoke and never have.

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mmmmm......mussels in red sauce..........


There was a little place at Harbison & Tulip in NE Philly, called the Blue Point.


My mother claimed that she could smell the garlic oozing out of my pores three days after I had the mussels in red sauce there.


And, oh, the hardshells!! Haven't had those in YEARS. Gimme a hammer and some newspaper, and I'm set!


Oh no, Merion Mom....it's gotta be mussels in a white sauce. Just had them last night at one of our fav places. Garlic, white wine, butter and lemon.....with tons of garlic. ;)


The hardshells will give you sticker shock now....around $60-70 a dozen for the large, good ones. I've seen $75/dozen for jumbos. Oh well....it is what is is, right? Yeah, too bad.


OK, sorry for the ot, everyone.

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Personally, I find your obsession (thru multiple threads) with the smell of women, who are total strangers, to be getting rather creepy.


Your passive/aggressive verbiage also destroys what little credibility you might ever have - much like the cliche of a cop asking "so, is that the point at which you stopped beating your wife?"


Obsession - interesting you should use this word. Just take a look at this thread and count how many postings you've made. Who's being obsessive?


It's actually quite amusing to see some smokers such as yourself try to rationalise their habit and their causing great discomfort and health risks to others and frantically cast around for excuses.


Yes I am an ex-smoker - 17 years now. And I used to be just like you. But the world changes and we are far more educated now as to the harm caused by smoking. Eventually, the cruiseship industry will catch up with the rest of the world. They won't go broke by providing a smoke-free environment.

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He's not a friend - just the owner of this restaurant. Doing a quick check on biz effect from smoking bans worldwide - it's not so 'booming' as some folks state - in fact quite a few negative impacts. I've seen and heard just as many biz's say it's had a negative impact as those that say it's had a positive impact. I object to a nanny-state telling someone that has put their whole life and investment into a business that s/he can't cater to the clientèle they want - it's wrong. If a biz wants to be non-smoking, then they can - if a biz wants to allow smoking they should be able to. And let the paying customer go where they wish - and then the results of the decision are where they belong - with the biz owner.



Allie, so sorry for your friend's place. Hope his business picks up.


We're seeing virtually no decline in business in Baltimore restaurants...crab house or 4-5 star. Over the last 2 weekends, once on Saturday and again last Sunday, Baltimore County for both, we went out for crabs at 2 different places, both do have ac. We sat in the bar areas rather than the diningrooms and both places were packed! The owner was at one of the places. DH always strikes up a conversation with an owner or manager as he was once in the restaurant business and it's still in his blood. The owner told us that for every person who would once avoid the bar area for crabs and beer, she's seen someone or even two people replace the lost patron. Crabs and beer were on every table in the bar area and the diningroom.


In the 4-5 star restaurants in Baltimore, I can think of 3 places right now where there's a minimum of a week for a reservation. Business in the high end restaurants is booming....economy and all. A new restaurant just opened in my immediate area and unless you get there at 5:30 and sit at the bar, you're not getting in. ;)

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Exactly - saw that plenty on my 9 day cruise, see it in every day life too. Those are just busybody people who have nothing better to do than get in someone else's business.


Probably true, but on the other hand there will always be non-smokers who sit in a smoking area and then complain when somebody lights up. I believe I've seen the latter far more times than I've seen the former, especially on cruise ships. By the way, I don't smoke and never have.
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SO paid $65 for large last night, they were good - but :eek: at the price.



Oh no, Merion Mom....it's gotta be mussels in a white sauce. Just had them last night at one of our fav places. Garlic, white wine, butter and lemon.....with tons of garlic. ;)


The hardshells will give you sticker shock now....around $60-70 a dozen for the large, good ones. I've seen $75/dozen for jumbos. Oh well....it is what is is, right? Yeah, too bad.


OK, sorry for the ot, everyone.

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You're entitled to your opinion.


We dine in the nicer restaurants on a weekly basis and I can tell you for a fact, they're not hurting. ;)


I object to a nanny-state telling someone that has put their whole life and investment into a business that s/he can't cater to the clientèle they want - it's wrong.
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He's not a friend - just the owner of this restaurant. Doing a quick check on biz effect from smoking bans worldwide - it's not so 'booming' as some folks state - in fact quite a few negative impacts. I've seen and heard just as many biz's say it's had a negative impact as those that say it's had a positive impact. I object to a nanny-state telling someone that has put their whole life and investment into a business that s/he can't cater to the clientèle they want - it's wrong. If a biz wants to be non-smoking, then they can - if a biz wants to allow smoking they should be able to. And let the paying customer go where they wish - and then the results of the decision are where they belong - with the biz owner.


Businesses have employees. They should not be exposed to second hand smoke. Cruise line employees should not be exposed either. It is not wrong for the government to regulate a harmful activity. And with second hand smoke they are passing bans because the public wants them. As a resident of Maryland I am quite happy with the statewide ban. I am now able to go to bars!!!

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LOL - why, because smokers are finally speaking up? No doubt you'd be happier if we all went like sheep and did as you have determined is best for us. You bet, this is a pet peeve of mine - individual rights - one of the reasons I positively celebrated the Supreme Court's ruling the other day on the 2nd Amendment. Know who instituted the first modern ban on smoking? **** Germany - Hitler. If you don't like our posts on smokers rights, nobody is forcing you to read it.


I don't have to rationalize my habit, any more than any of you have to rationalize your cruise habit, or booze habit many seem to have, or seafood habit, it's a legal activity. Discomfort - the ONLY way a non-smoker could be caused discomfort these days is to purposely go into an area smoking is permitted - and yet ya all still whine. There are little to no health risks to SHS, especially occasional social exposure, scientific evidence has proven that already. I don't look for excuses - don't like smoke - go to where the rules create the environment you like - and RCCL ain't it.


As long as smoking is a legal activity - well, even if it isn't, people will smoke. Smoking harms smokers, that's their choice. Science has shown that SHS is not the evil it's made out to be - but sheep swallow whatever they are told. The cruiseship industry already tried it - Carnival Paradise - and we see where that went.


This is much like Prohibition - the nanny-state people who led that fight and believed in it never envisioned that it would ever be repealed. (sorta like those DC gun ban folks) One of the leading supporters of Prohibition said "there is as much chance of repealing the Eighteenth Amendment as there is for a humming-bird to fly to the planet Mars with the Washington Monument tied to its tail." They got it banned - they got a Constitutional Amendment for goodness sakes - not easy - neither is overturning one. But it was - gone - POOF - sorta like that non-smoking Carnival ship and the DC gun ban.





Obsession - interesting you should use this word. Just take a look at this thread and count how many postings you've made. Who's being obsessive?


It's actually quite amusing to see some smokers such as yourself try to rationalise their habit and their causing great discomfort and health risks to others and frantically cast around for excuses.


Yes I am an ex-smoker - 17 years now. And I used to be just like you. But the world changes and we are far more educated now as to the harm caused by smoking. Eventually, the cruiseship industry will catch up with the rest of the world. They won't go broke by providing a smoke-free environment.

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Businesses have employees. They should not be exposed to second hand smoke. Cruise line employees should not be exposed either. It is not wrong for the government to regulate a harmful activity. And with second hand smoke they are passing bans because the public wants them. As a resident of Maryland I am quite happy with the statewide ban. I am now able to go to bars!!!


But do you go to the bars? In my area the smokers go outside to smoke. But the bars business has not increased.

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And you are entitled to your opinion, and out here in the suburbs they are definitely hurting. And businesses all over the world are hurting.





You're entitled to your opinion.


We dine in the nicer restaurants on a weekly basis and I can tell you for a fact, they're not hurting. ;)

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Oh no, Merion Mom....it's gotta be mussels in a white sauce. Just had them last night at one of our fav places. Garlic, white wine, butter and lemon.....with tons of garlic. ;)
Nope, RED. I stand firm. :p :D


The hardshells will give you sticker shock now....around $60-70 a dozen for the large, good ones. I've seen $75/dozen for jumbos. Oh well....it is what is is, right? Yeah, too bad.


OK, sorry for the ot, everyone.


I'm not. It's exactly what I was trying to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Employees - yes, they have employees, who CHOOSE to work in the places. If I choose to work in a coal mine, I know I'm likely to get black lung disease. If I choose to work in Radiology, I know I'm likely to have a lifetime exposure of radiation over those that don't. If I choose to work as a cop, I know I'm more likely to be shot than the average farmer out in the rural areas. You CHOOSE the work you do - this isn't old Russia where you are assigned a job. I work in healthcare - and the people that smoke the most are employees (and oddly enough cardiologists and respiratory therapists). Cruise ship employees are adults - and they CHOOSE their line of work.


Politicians pass laws because the public wants them? You must be living in a different America than me, cuz a whole lot of laws get passed that the public doesn't like.


And as a resident of Maryland I am very unhappy with the state telling adults and business owners what they can and can not do. I'd have had no problem if they'd told biz owners to pick one or the other and enforce it - and let the citizens decide who to patronize. That would have been fair to EVERYONE.


Businesses have employees. They should not be exposed to second hand smoke. Cruise line employees should not be exposed either. It is not wrong for the government to regulate a harmful activity. And with second hand smoke they are passing bans because the public wants them. As a resident of Maryland I am quite happy with the statewide ban. I am now able to go to bars!!!
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Look at some of the business decline reported by trade associations and objective sources around the world, not gov't white washed policy statements and you'll see that it does hurt business. Might not right now where you are, but will eventually.


Yes, I have been going to bars now. The bars around here look pretty busy to me. None have gone out of business.
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OK, now a nice red wine.........:D You can have your red sauce. :)


Yep, I told you...sticker shock!


Oh, sorry, gotcha. Yeah, time for a new topic, I agree. ;)



Nope, RED. I stand firm. :p :D






I'm not. It's exactly what I was trying to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Employees - yes, they have employees, who CHOOSE to work in the places. If I choose to work in a coal mine, I know I'm likely to get black lung disease. If I choose to work in Radiology, I know I'm likely to have a lifetime exposure of radiation over those that don't. If I choose to work as a cop, I know I'm more likely to be shot than the average farmer out in the rural areas. You CHOOSE the work you do - this isn't old Russia where you are assigned a job. I work in healthcare - and the people that smoke the most are employees (and oddly enough cardiologists and respiratory therapists). Cruise ship employees are adults - and they CHOOSE their line of work.


Politicians pass laws because the public wants them? You must be living in a different America than me, cuz a whole lot of laws get passed that the public doesn't like.


And as a resident of Maryland I am very unhappy with the state telling adults and business owners what they can and can not do. I'd have had no problem if they'd told biz owners to pick one or the other and enforce it - and let the citizens decide who to patronize. That would have been fair to EVERYONE.


When I started work there were no smoking bans and I had no choice but work where smoking was allowed. I would not have had a job. It was allowed everywhere. I have not changed jobs in 25 years and the workplace has been smoke free for about ten years. Hooray. Doom was predicted. Today there are more customers than ever. And it was not mandated by law. My employer put the health of it's employees and customers first.


Cruise line employees have even less choice than other employees. It is economic survival to take those jobs.


As a resident of Maryland I am very happy with the current law.


I don't think smoking should be totally banned on cruise ships. I think the smoking limits on Azamara and Oceania would make the best industry standard. One designated indoor area and one designated outdoor area. I have been on Azamara and from my observation their policy worked well.

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Yes, I have been going to bars now. The bars around here look pretty busy to me. None have gone out of business.


The places that have good food are making out big time because non-smokers are flocking there.One bartender told me that non-smokers who sit at the bar and eat a sandwich and have a drink or two or three than leave are replacing the smoker that would do the same but linger all afternoon,but there has to be places with sub par eats that the smokers are leaving that non-smokers won't replace----BT

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