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Smoking Policy from a Brits point of view!

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If we non-smokers would, as one voice, demand a total smoking ban onboard, the cruise lines would listen. Money talks and they will do whatever it takes to make the large majority of non-smokers happy because that is the better business decision.


Too bad this is exceedingly unlikely to ever happen. Smoking is permitted to varying degrees on every cruise ship, non-smokers still cruise en masse and will continue to do so.


In this economic climate, I would think that the cruise lines would be very careful not to alienate a significant percentage of their market. Just sayin'.

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Yep, they gotta fill that Oasis and then Allure.


Too bad this is exceedingly unlikely to ever happen. Smoking is permitted to varying degrees on every cruise ship, non-smokers still cruise en masse and will continue to do so.


In this economic climate, I would think that the cruise lines would be very careful not to alienate a significant percentage of their market. Just sayin'.

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If we non-smokers would, as one voice, demand a total smoking ban onboard, the cruise lines would listen. Money talks and they will do whatever it takes to make the large majority of non-smokers happy because that is the better business decision.


Non smokers can not even speak in one voice during smoke free casino nights.

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This discussion goes back and forth...back and forth. I have been smoke free now for 6 months. When folks ask me if I feel better I say "hell no". I have put on 15 pounds and want to crawl out of my skin sometimes. I am kidding of course....sort of.


My bride and I had our first "smoke free" cruise last month. Was it ok? Of course.


When we smoked we tried to be as respectful as possible, following all of the rules and only having a smoke where it was allowed.


So for the non-smokers out there? Get a life. It ain't easy...trust me. Few smokers go out of their way to make life miserable for you. For those smokers that are following the rules cut them some slack. For you that are smoking...follow the rules and no one can rightfully hassle you.


For those that are quitting...you have two folks in Kansas that are pulling for you. Make it happen. You can do it.

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If we non-smokers would, as one voice, demand a total smoking ban onboard, the cruise lines would listen. Money talks and they will do whatever it takes to make the large majority of non-smokers happy because that is the better business decision.


I am confused by this thread. I have been reading it from the beginning and now it seems as if the non smokers don't want ANY smoking done on the ships at all? Please correct me if that is not the case. If that is the prevailing wish of the non smokers, may I ask why? If you stay out of the smoking areas, is that not enough?


BTW, I am a non smoker. I don't think smoking needs to be completely banned. If I don't want to smell smoke, I don't go in smoking areas. Simple enough solution for me.

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Non smokers can not even speak in one voice during smoke free casino nights.


There was one casino here in Las Vegas that was smoke free. No smoking allowed inside at all. It failed miserably. Switched back to being smoker friendly. Now, I cannot with all certainty say it failed because it was smoke free; it very well could have had to do with the bigger, nicer casinos that shadowed it right next door. But it is does seem to be one more thing to consider doesn't it? I mean that could have added to the overall situation or detracted from it depending on your point of view.

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I am confused by this thread. I have been reading it from the beginning and now it seems as if the non smokers don't want ANY smoking done on the ships at all? Please correct me if that is not the case. If that is the prevailing wish of the non smokers, may I ask why? If you stay out of the smoking areas, is that not enough?


BTW, I am a non smoker. I don't think smoking needs to be completely banned. If I don't want to smell smoke, I don't go in smoking areas. Simple enough solution for me.


I only speak for myself when I say that I wish they would ban smoking onboard cruise ships. I don't care what a person does in their own home or car as that doesn't affect me, but smoking in public can and does affect me.

As far as not going in the smoking areas.. Why should I be limited to where I can go on the ship? The "non smoking" area in the casino is a joke. I can't even walk through there without having to hold my breath. Perhaps studies show that people with one bad habit (smoking) are more likely to have multiple bad habits (gambling excessively).



Anyway, this is just my feelings on the subject..

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I am confused by this thread. I have been reading it from the beginning and now it seems as if the non smokers don't want ANY smoking done on the ships at all? Please correct me if that is not the case. If that is the prevailing wish of the non smokers, may I ask why? If you stay out of the smoking areas, is that not enough?


BTW, I am a non smoker. I don't think smoking needs to be completely banned. If I don't want to smell smoke, I don't go in smoking areas. Simple enough solution for me.

I agree, this should be a simple solution. But as someone else pointed out a couple of smoking threads ago, non-smoking areas are like non-peeing areas in pools. It just doesn't work. Again, I'm not criticizing smokers - they are doing what's allowed. I'm criticizing RCI's smoking policy and lack of technical means to keep smoke in the smoking area. Here are 2 examples of RCI's smoking policy that I disagree with. On Voyager class ships, smoking is allowed in the English pub off the Promonade. Unfortunately the smoke does not stay within the pub and comes out onto the Promonade. I don't go in the pub (following your suggestion to stay out of smoking areas) yet I end up in the smoke anyhow because I'm on the Promonade. On the Voyager Schooner Bar, the bar area is smoking but the seating area is not. This is crazy. The Schooner Bar is a venue that has many events during the day that I'd love to enjoy smoke free. I don't sit at the bar, I sit in the seating area. Yet it's still smoky. How come if I'm in the no smoking section, there's smoke all around me? Fortunately, whoever controls this on Mariner has figured out how crazy this is and the entire Schooner Bar on Mariner is non smoking.


I've already beat the balcony thing to death. I'll wait for next week's smoking thread to expound on that again.

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I only speak for myself when I say that I wish they would ban smoking onboard cruise ships. I don't care what a person does in their own home or car as that doesn't affect me, but smoking in public can and does affect me.

As far as not going in the smoking areas.. Why should I be limited to where I can go on the ship? The "non smoking" area in the casino is a joke. I can't even walk through there without having to hold my breath. Perhaps studies show that people with one bad habit (smoking) are more likely to have multiple bad habits (gambling excessively).



Anyway, this is just my feelings on the subject..



Seriously, I am not trying to start any arguments. I am just trying to understand other people's positions. That being said...it seems to me that if you feel you shouldn't be limited to where you can go on the ship, you do feel that others should be. I don't think I am saying this right. And I am not sure how to phrase it to keep people from getting upset. I guess I mean that when you say you want to go wherever you want to, you want that right for yourself, but that same privilege would not apply to those who smoke. You can go where you want to without having a smoking section to walk through or around but someone who does smoke really wouldn't be able to go anywhere on the ship. They shouldn't smoke at all anywhere because no matter where they are, some non smoker might want to walk there. I don't think that seems exactly fair or right.


I agree about the casinos on board. They are simply too small to feasibly have a non smoking section that is completely smoke free. The smoke in the casino has never bothered me; I don't gamble on board (live just a litle too close to it to want to throw money away, I guess) but I also know that I am in a special situation and most people do gamble on the ship. I have no answer for the casino smoking. I didn't know they had smoke free casino nights. We just don't spend time there. Actually, one of my favorite things to do is to go in the casino while still in port and take pictures of the slot machines turned off! (Hee hee) We show them to people back home and get a big laugh over the strangeness of that!


Again, I am not trying to be disrespectful of anyone's opinions. It seems to me that everyone will have to agree to disagree on this topic and let it go. No one is going to convince anyone else that they are completely in the right.

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I only speak for myself when I say that I wish they would ban smoking onboard cruise ships. I don't care what a person does in their own home or car as that doesn't affect me, but smoking in public can and does affect me.

As far as not going in the smoking areas.. Why should I be limited to where I can go on the ship? The "non smoking" area in the casino is a joke. I can't even walk through there without having to hold my breath. Perhaps studies show that people with one bad habit (smoking) are more likely to have multiple bad habits (gambling excessively).



Anyway, this is just my feelings on the subject..


Fair enough; personally I no longer drive a car. Please stop driving your vehicle if you still do so, it pollutes the air I breathe and this affects me.


I don't smoke either.

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If we non-smokers would, as one voice, demand a total smoking ban onboard, the cruise lines would listen. Money talks and they will do whatever it takes to make the large majority of non-smokers happy because that is the better business decision.


Well, first you "nonsmokers" let the Carnival Paradise fail in it's "nonsmoking ship" plan......


Then, nonsmokers, as one voice, are unable to fill the casino on the nights when smoking is not permitted.


As for money talking, it truly does....but y'all don't have enough of it or lack the clout (see Carnival Paradise in the first paragraph).

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Oh silly woman - of course they aren't concerned about THOSE dead people. Cuz to address that they might have to have more restrictions on booze or not be allowed to have their gas guzzling SUV or have to justify their 'carbon footprint'. Heck, even Mr. Nobel Al Gore wasn't able to survive that scrutiny - was just another "do as I say, not as I do" wanting to tell everyone else how to live - as long as it doesn't impact what THEY want.


Well, you are absolutely keerect - again. No need beating ones head against a brick wall.. Truly deadly and serious conditions are much too hard to address....smokers are easy targets of those who can't put their money where their mouths are.:(

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Perhaps studies show that people with one bad habit (smoking) are more likely to have multiple bad habits (gambling excessively).


Actually you are correct. Studies show a positive correlation between smoking and excessive gambling. Studies also show a positive correlation between smoking and excessive alcohol use. As Rosanne Rosannadanna on SNL would say (paraphrasing), "Smokers are really attractive people".:D


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If this is such a crappy place,Why are so many coming and so few leaving?No doubt The USA is the LAND OF THE FREE AND HOME OF THE BRAVE!----BT


Absolutely correct. And, tobacco use is a legal activity in the land of the FREE.... Until it is made an illegal substance, light up!!!

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Actually you are correct. Studies show a positive correlation between smoking and excessive gambling. Studies also show a positive correlation between smoking and excessive alcohol use. As Rosanne Rosannadanna on SNL would say (paraphrasing), "Smokers are really attractive people".:D


This is probably accurate, but do you have a point?

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Then' date=' nonsmokers, as one voice, are unable to fill the casino on the nights when smoking is not permitted.



My thoughts on this issue.....:)


Even if they have a "non-smoking" casino night, there is no way to clear the smoke or smell from the room from one night to the next, to make it "non-smoky" enough to enjoy it. The smell lingers for a long time. I spent two nights in the casino....one on a smoking night, and one on the non-smoking night and I didn't notice much of a difference. It still smelled strong either way, that may be part of the reason they don't fill it.


I don't have a problem with it in public places.....just the room and balcony, because we spend more time there than anywhere else on the ship. (Most people don't stay in the cabin much.):D


A total ban shouldn't be a option....that wouldn't be fair.

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Captain Jake,


I respectfully ask why you thought my post was "nonsense"? If two adults are to have a good old fashioned debate about a topic and one calls the others opinion "nonsense" then it does not give way to debate at all. To understand your views then I would need clarification which is what I thought I was giving you and others about how I feel. Your response provides no insight whatsoever.



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I just got home......it's a long way from Heathrow/London.......especially if you want miles instead of a direct flight!!:D


I started this thread because RCL UK was either a: allowing smoking in cabins per their brochure or b: it was a misprint!!


I also started this thread because several of our friends from England enjoy smoking, and would find other lines to cruise with if RCL stopped all smoking aboard.


I had a small party in our cabin, which included several junior officers ie those with 3 stripes or less........and when our friend said that she was going out onto the balcony for a smoke...(which is legal) half of the officers joined her.


I feel that smoking is much more prevalent in Europe and Asia than in America. What I wanted to know is how RCL is going to deal with it.....considering that they are looking for other markets to provide more revenue than targeting the American market........that they have done for so many years.


Many thanks to the moderators for not pulling the thread.........as it was not started to be a debate over smoking vs. non smoking.


Additionally I have learned much about shellfish on the East Coast!!:D



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I just got home......it's a long way from Heathrow/London.......especially if you want miles instead of a direct flight!!:D


I started this thread because RCL UK was either a: allowing smoking in cabins per their brochure or b: it was a misprint!!


I also started this thread because several of our friends from England enjoy smoking, and would find other lines to cruise with if RCL stopped all smoking aboard.


I had a small party in our cabin, which included several junior officers ie those with 3 stripes or less........and when our friend said that she was going out onto the balcony for a smoke...(which is legal) half of the officers joined her.


I feel that smoking is much more prevalent in Europe and Asia than in America. What I wanted to know is how RCL is going to deal with it.....considering that they are looking for other markets to provide more revenue than targeting the American market........that they have done for so many years.


Many thanks to the moderators for not pulling the thread.........as it was not started to be a debate over smoking vs. non smoking.


Additionally I have learned much about shellfish on the East Coast!!:D



Rick, YOU wanted a smoking thread, *I* didn't.


You win. :rolleyes:


(gosh, I just love mussels and hardshell crabs!!!!! :p )

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Evidently they do - Carnival Paradise had no trouble filling cabins, but they didn't spend money in the casino or bars - it was not financially viable operation. And many people here post that the casinos are empty on no-smoking nights.


It seems only smokers post that

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Don't recall anyone stating that they were a smoker or non-smoker when relating that - I can't personally because I've never even been in the casino on a ship - and can't go back and look cuz all the prior threads have been POOF'd.


However, reason would dictate that if non-smokers could fill the casino, they'd have more smoke free nights - or ban smoking in the casino all together. Not to mention one of the reasons Carnival Paradise failed was because there wasn't enough casino revenue (along with booze revenue).



It seems only smokers post that
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So I think I have this figured out.


Only smokers know what is really going on.


Only smokers are good for business.


The cruise lines would go out of business without smokers.


Anyone who says smoking is bad for your health does not know what they are talking about.


Smokers are great, they understand what's really going on.


Non-smokers are evil, they only want to stomp on peoples rights.


Do I have it about right?


Always remember drug addicts, legal or not, will say anything to justify their habit.

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So I think I have this figured out.


Only smokers know what is really going on.


Only smokers are good for business.


The cruise lines would go out of business without smokers.


Anyone who says smoking is bad for your health does not know what they are talking about.


Smokers are great, they understand what's really going on.


Non-smokers are evil, they only want to stomp on peoples rights.


Do I have it about right?


Always remember drug addicts, legal or not, will say anything to justify their habit.


Yes, I think that's about the gist of it. You could have saved us all lots of time by posting this up front. Please keep the text for next weeks smoking thread and just paste it in.

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So I think I have this figured out.


Only smokers know what is really going on.


Only smokers are good for business.


The cruise lines would go out of business without smokers.


Anyone who says smoking is bad for your health does not know what they are talking about.


Smokers are great, they understand what's really going on.


Non-smokers are evil, they only want to stomp on peoples rights.


Do I have it about right?


Always remember drug addicts, legal or not, will say anything to justify their habit.



Post of the Year-Hands Down !

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