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RevNeal's LIVE Eurodam Report


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:) We've heard from John. You sound great and like you're having a wonderful time despite the disappointing dinner. It's only one tiny part of a hugely wonderful adventure.


Continue enjoying!!

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Would love to know about the wardrobe space / drawers etc in the staterooms. We are in a Balcony cabin - having travelled in SA's for our only two previous HAL cruises I'm concerned about squeezing all our clothes in! We don't travel light. Any info would be much appreciated. Hope you have a fab time. Sue

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Brian's jacket is very cool:cool:!


So just to clarify...so far there are 3 live reports from the Eurodam...this one, Rev. Neal's Live Eurodam report, Brian's, Hello from the Eurodam and Carolyn's, What do you want to know about the Eurodam (on a sticky), right?


Hey, Rev....I don't suppose there are any Unitarian services on the ship for my husband and me, are there? :rolleyes: Thanks for your reports!!

Sheila and Tim

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So just to clarify...so far there are 3 live reports from the Eurodam...this one, Rev. Neal's Live Eurodam report, Brian's, Hello from the Eurodam and Carolyn's, What do you want to know about the Eurodam (on a sticky), right?

Right. And Copper 10-8 plans to start his own thread. Last I knew Grumpy1 was going to do a thread, too.

And then there's The Happy Wanderer who may start her own, or hop on to an existing thread, or ???. ;)

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Right. And Copper 10-8 plans to start his own thread. Last I knew Grumpy1 was going to do a thread, too.

And then there's The Happy Wanderer who may start her own, or hop on to an existing thread, or ???. ;)


And those of us left at home are so happy to go along for the ride on this exciting cruise.

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Rev Neal,


I want to add my thanks to you for these wonderful posts you are doing. I am living vicariously through your reports and wish I could have participated in this historic journey. Oh well, another time.


Thank you very, very much. I'll look forward to reading more of your posts.

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Brian's jacket is very cool:cool:!


So just to clarify...so far there are 3 live reports from the Eurodam...this one, Rev. Neal's Live Eurodam report, Brian's, Hello from the Eurodam and Carolyn's, What do you want to know about the Eurodam (on a sticky), right?


Hey, Rev....I don't suppose there are any Unitarian services on the ship for my husband and me, are there? :rolleyes: Thanks for your reports!!

Sheila and Tim



Thanks for the clarification, Ruth!


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Glad to see all these familiar names onboard at once. Even though we've never met, I feel I know you from your great postings.:)

:o Sorry to interrupt this thread but... Pam did you see the thread I started about a CC Get Together?

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Being able to read several live from posts is truly a one of a kind experience for all of us left behind. RevNeal, I have especially enjoyed your posts throughout the years. I'm glad you are posting with pics also during this tremendous cruise. I'm looking forward to reading your first impressions of the Eurodam.

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:o Sorry to interrupt this thread but... Pam did you see the thread I started about a CC Get Together?


No, Lisa. I haven't had time to browse the HAL CC board for the last few weeks. I've been overwhelmed with all the details for my dad's 80th b'day party. I'll check out the main HAL board. Thanks, Pam

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Greg, I just wanted to thank you for being willing to spend the hard earned $$$ to keep us all informed and entertained!!


I'm so far behind! Hannah has been sick for the past week, and internet time has been cut way short because of it. I plan on subscribing to ALL of the posts!!

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Greg - Thanks much for the detailed report & fabulous photos of the Dedication. Sure wish John & could have been there. I especially liked seeing the Queen. Had no idea she's so petite.


We're all packed & ready to go, though, to meet up w/the group in Copenhagen on Saturday. Our flight leaves Dulles Thursday evening. Sure hope I can sleep tonight. I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve. ;)

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Greetings from Aboard the Eurodam:


Embarkation: Quick but convoluted.


It didn't make much sense, but it worked. We arrived, via taxi, at the Cruise Terminal about 11:30 am. The shore-side porters took our luggage from us -- I gave them several Euros for our 4 bags -- and we were off to check-in! Or ... not, actually. Because before we could enter the terminal we had to line up and get a boarding card (useless) and a health form. HAL should start sending these things out with he documentation OR, perhaps, put it on-line for people to fill out, because it's the same thing every time ... anybody been sick, vomit, etc ad nauseum (literally). Oh, I know, it needs to be filled out right there so that one can share what's happened to them in-transit, etc. But, still ... most people with half a brain in their heads will probably lie about it.


After we collected the boarding car and the form we passed through security then headed up stairs to check in. There was no line. We went right up to the check-in counter and went through the process, as always. They wanted to see our ticket books -- the printed out form wasn't enough! -- and they would NOT check us in for the July 5th cruise. :( We then proceeded to board the ship. They would NOT let anyone board without the photographers taking our pictures. Yes ... that's right ... mandatory. We tried to go around, the security stopped us. We then passed through pass-port control (one last time) and then boarded the ship. All-in-all, it was fast and painless. However, it was a bit convoluted. Oh, well ... I suppose each port has it's procedures.


Staterooms were not yet ready, of course, so we proceeded up to the lido for some lunch, which was nice. More-or-less the usual, with a few nice twists.


Initial Observations:


The Lido is too small for this size ship. I'm not kidding ... they've REDUCED the seating capacity of the Lido Restaurant and the Terrace dining area while, at the same time, increasing the passenger capacity of the ship. It makes no sense, but that's precisely what they've done. :( The center-forward dining area in the Lido Restaurant is about half the size of the ones on the Vistas, and the rest of the dining room is shorter in length than the Vista's. At least, that's how it feels and how it looks. The decor is very nice, and I must stay that I love the color schemes both here and throughout the ship, however that doesn't off-set the fact that there are not enough seats to handle the traffic. This became especially apparent on Wednesday morning (the first morning aboard ship) when I could NOT find a place to sit and eat. It was 8:30 am and I had obtained my omelette and coffee and was looking for a place to sit and eat it. I orbited the Lido restaurant 3 times, the terrace twice, and the aft area where the tables are located once. NOTHING. Not a single place to sit. The restaurant was utterly packed, and nobody was budging. It was then realized where I could find a place to sit down and eat my now cold omelette. I walked back out into the Lido pool area. Yes ... all the terrace tables were taken. But, nobody was using the Cabanas. So ... I sat down on the round thingy, put my tray on my lap, and began to eat.


About half way through my omelette, a staff person came running over to me and said "You're not allowed to sit here, sir."


I replied "Then find me a place to sit and eat my breakfast, for I spent 10 minutes while my breakfast was getting cold looking for a place to sit but couldn't find one. These places were empty, so I sat here. I'll be done in 5 minutes and then you can have it back."


"But these are for rent, sir."


"I rented the public areas when I booked the ship. But, since the public spaces for eating are full, I'm sitting here."


I then proceeded to ignore him while I finished my breakfast. He went away. He came back a couple of minutes later with a white-dressed "officer." I was finished, so I stood and handed him the tray, and said "thank you." The officer said "This area is reserved, sir." I said "yes, but your public space was packed to the gills, so unless I was going to sit on the deck there was no place else to sit. As it was, my breakfast was cold."


I liked the Lido cabana I appropriated for a breakfast sit-down. But, as feared, their placement, plus the reduction in Lido Restaurant spaces elsewhere, has left the ship with too small of dining areas.


The Dinner-Time Screw Up.


I booked this cruise 18 months ago. I was confirmed with a Upper Level 8 pm Fixed Dining Time. She ship isn't full. And, yet, I was given Open Dining. When I complained I was informed that there was nothing that could be done, that 4/5th of the ship requested Traditional, and that this is the way it would have to be. I later found out that Brian and Scotty -- Deluxe Suite guests -- were also shoved into Open Dining! However, because they were Deluxe Suite Guests they were given a bit more courteous treatment than I was. They gave the Matre' D a copy of the list that HAL had been given by our TA and told them to fix it. They did. They set up a reserved set of tables for us on the lower level (yes, the open seating level) at 8 pm. Indeed, our first evening we spoke to many people who were extremely put out and upset by this disaster of a dining situation. The lower level is crammed to the fullest extent. It was impossible to get through the doors, they were handing beepers to everybody in Open Seating because the dining room was so full, and when we went upstairs to try and enter there and go down they, at first, were not going to let us past because our tables were on the lower level. It was a true gymkhana. Dinner itself was fairly quick and the food was good ... I'll get dinner that much of a positive score. But, the place was crammed with people and there were a lot of unhappy passengers regarding the dining situation.


God only knows what will happen with our dinner arrangements for the next 22 days. I expect we're not going to get that for which we were confirmed.


Apart from the Lido being too small and the Dining Arrangements being all screwed up, I must say that this ship is LOVELY. The decor is very much HAL-ish in nature. I like the cabin wood treatments ... they're much better in person that the photos seemed to indicate they would be. The lighting arrangements in the cabins are insufficient, but there are work-arounds for that. The public rooms are lovely, though the change to the Explorer's Lounge (the addition of the Bar) is going to take some getting used to. It's no longer as quiet of place as it used to be. The area of listening to the classical music is larger and better arranged, but otherwise the whole area now has a different "feel" to it. I've yet to "try it out" for more than a minute or two, so I'll let you know more when I've had that chance. I really like the location of the Explorations Cafe up on the starboard side of the crows next. This is a very nice configuration, with a lovely view. I also like the arrangement of the Crows Nest itself ... the bar space is especially nice.


Access to the forward bow is now open from deck 5-forward. Just go forward on the port or starboard side hallways, through a set of doors (outer doors dogged but otherwise not marked as staff only) and you'll be outside on the raised portion of the forward bow. I have pictures, and it's an easy process. One can visit the lower forward section, where the bell is, but the view from there isn't quite as nice. That's a staff-only area, and you might find a staffer with a burr up his/her rear, but otherwise there's not a problem if you're heading outside. Just go through the "staff only" doors, turn right and go right out through the exterior dogged door. The space here is very small, however, and the view isn't as good, so I'd stick to the raised forward bow.


Ok ... that's enough for first impressions. We've just docked in Hamburg German, and Christopher wants to go eat a Hamburger. So ... we're off.

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Greg, as ever, it's good to read what you have to say. Sorry to hear about the crowded Lido situation, especially since you say the ship wasn't full. So, they actually police those cabanas? Wondered how that would work.

Thanks for the info on getting to the bow. I guess I'll settle for the upper bow and take my bell picture from there. Have fun in Germany.

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Greg, I'm sorry the first day had a few "bumps", but I feel that I can speak for many here and thank you for taking us along with you. We love each and every word, and the photos, as always, are magnificent.

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I've been loving your posts. Thanks so much for taking the extra time (and expense) to put them up there. What a horrid situation in the Lido. I've had the same thing happen to me on regular Vista's with circling around and around (like a plane coming into Atlanta) Not a good sign that the Eurodam has smaller space. Yet another reason for me to head to the dining room for breakfast or order in.


Glad you like the decor. Keep up the amazing posts.

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I would have done exactly the same thing with regard to the cabana....


I do hope to hear how this works out into your cruise... Sounds like they could definitely use more space for the LIDO. We had to circle a few times each morning on the Oosterdam and always ended up with something, but would have definitely used the cabanas if they were sitting there empty...


On an aside, I am intrigued about the German hamburger??? How was it???

:D :D :D

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Rev Neal,


This initial posting is marvelous and a little sad because you had to eat a cold omelette. Hopefully things will improve with the dining situation as the voyage progesses. Your writing is superb and I delight in every word.


Thank you so much for taking time from your great adventure to keep us all informed.

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I feared that Lido seating would be a problem when I first heard about those pool-side cabanas! :( I hope there's enough complaints that they get scrapped soon. :)


Are you using internet from your cabin, or do you need to go elsewhere to get a decent wifi signal? If from your cabin, how close are you to one of those hallway white cone antennas (or access points or transponders or whatever you choose to call them)? Thanks. :)

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Hmmmmm seems these new cabanas are off to a rocky start *LOL*


Personally I would rather have a free table to eat my meal at than a cabana , but I guess time will tell how well these things go over.


Thank you again for reporting RevNeal.


Enjoy :)

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Hey, Rev....I don't suppose there are any Unitarian services on the ship for my husband and me, are there? :rolleyes: Thanks for your reports!!


Hello Sheila and Tim ... well ... there's the protestant ("interdenominational") service, but that might be just a little too "traditional Christian" for a "Unitarian-Universalist."

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