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Am I the only one who stresses out over packing?


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Just checking to see if I fall w/in the range of normalcy or if I'm obsessive/compulsive...


Am I the only one who gets so stressed out when it comes to packing & making sure I have everything? I have to say it almost takes the fun out of travelling for me. I have my list that I continuously check & update over the months. Then I print it out about 5 days before travel. Then I start packing the things we won't need before we travel, & so on until it's time to leave the house. (The last thing I do before leaving is put the list in the recyclables.) I keep looking the list over, & over, & over to see if there's anything I can pack at the moment. It's like, is there REALLY anything that I can pack NOW that I couldn't pack 4 hours ago?!?! I think, too, that if I keep looking over the list I might remember something that I hadn't put on the list since the list began 4 months ago!


Am I crazy?? Do you become less hysterical over packing if you regularly cruise a couple times a year?


Sidenote: I DO have to pack for myself & 4 kids (plus check behind DH to see he's got everything he needs). But I was almost as obsessive when just me & DH travelled in June.

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I don't "stress", but I do start eariler than I need to! I have to stop myself from actually putting stuff into the suitcases too early--things really wrinkle if they sit there too long!


Now, if you're doing this 4 times a year, you may have some sort of "obsessive" disorder--they have doctors for that!

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I think you're like the majority of people.


We have found that we need the same toiletry items whether we are gone overnight or for a week +, so what I've done is to keep an overnight bag packed at all times. We do go somewhere several times a year, so things like shampoo/conditioner need to be refilled, I do that when we return home.


The toiletry/gadget bag is the one that takes the most time and effort to prepare, so doing the above really helps cut back on the amount of time and attention it takes to prepare for a trip.


I keep a list on my computer of everything in the bag, I also have a standard clothing list that I can customzie and change according to the trip. I think a list is important so you can check off what's already packed and not double pack anything.


What I agonize over is making sure we have our passports and confirmation numbers in my purse. I have a fear of leaving this stuff behind and quite frankly, you can travel without all the above, but you'll get nowhere if you don't have your travel documents in hand ;)

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I find it gets better the more cruises you have under your belt. I used to be that way...........but the more you cruise, the wiser you get and know what to take, what to pack and more important........what to leave at home.

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No, this sounds kind of over-the-top. As stated by the previous poster, as long as you have a credit card and your travel documents (including a passport), and a pair of comfortable shoes, you can purchase anything you forgot.


If it's taking part of the fun out of your travels, maybe you could think of a new way to approach packing.

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I'm with 6rugrats. I hope this isn't the majority of people, and I wouldn't want to spend the days leading up to vacation in the way you describe.


I am an "organizer", but there are some things that aren't worth stressing over. I make sure I have what I think I will need, and I have a list to reference, but usually once I make it, I end up not looking at it.

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No. I don't start packing until a day or two before the cruise. I know what we (husband and I) use normally during a week or 2-week period, and it's simply a matter of gathering up that stuff, making sure all the buttons are on the shirts, any mending that needs to be done is done, the shoes are polished, and in the suitcase they go.


I've read a lot of the lists of stuff to pack, like duct tape, sticky notes, etc., etc., and laugh a lot..and have never packed any of it. We have always managed just fine, and if there is something we've forgotten, we either buy it along the way somewhere, or do without. We've never forgotten anything really important, either.


We cruise maybe once every 3 years, on average, and do a bit of travelling by car in other years, but the car travel is more in-state, and not more than a couple of nights away from home, so not a big deal.


As somebody else already said -- so long as I have my tickets, my passport, and my credit cards, I can get long without other stuff. And the less stuff I have to move around, the less likely something will be lost.

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It probably depends on how much you travel, and how "normal" it is to you. My husband and I have done a lot of business travel over the years, so it's second nature to us. We pack the day before we leave, and add a few last things in the morning when we go.


If I had the kind of stress the OP describes, I'd never be able to leave the house. :(

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My DH would drive the OP crazy. He packs about a half an hour before we are due to leave. Packing the night before would never occur to him!


I make a list and add items to it along the way. A couple of days before I will get the suitcase out and start adding things to it. By not leaving it until the last minute, I tend to remember all the stuff my DH forgets (last time it was the dress shirt for his tux!).


When we first started traveling, I obsessed, but now I fgiure if we forget anything, I'll just buy it either on the ship or on land or do without. It's not like there won't be stores wherever you're headed.

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Never in my life have I stressed over packing before and to be honest I'm not really stressing this time although I am putting alot more thought into it. It's our first cruise so these boards have been a godsend to me, thankyou. I do think it makes a difference if you are travelling in your homeland or neighbouring countries. Being from the UK most things are known by a different name and you have the knowledge as to where to obtain them from. All in all, I quite enjoy playing around with the suitcase even though we don't sail until Oct 2nd, I have no doubt I will pack more than I need but who cares really :)

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I am feeling super stressed about packing as well! I think it stems from it being our first family vacation. I've always traveled with my DH or alone. It was never a big deal. But, now it's me packing for 7 people and I need to make sure we have everything we need.


Although, I've gotten to the point where I'm just saying screw it! Whatever is packed goes and whatever isn't stays. I'm finding the packing is spoiling my excitement for the vacation. We will just have to make do with what we have or not have! :p


Gina :)

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I have been planning what I need to pack for some time. Or maybe what not to pack. I don't let my wife pack for me. She over does it. I have focused my thoughts in other directrions now that she went out shopping last week to get afew things to wear for the cruise. I am now concentrating on where to hide the credit cards.:D

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I don't think I stress either. I do pack earlier than I need to and make lists weeks in advance. I have just started making my list and we are 7 weeks out from our October cruise. :rolleyes: I believe it is more from the excitement than anything else. I just can't wait to go! :D

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I stopped stressing about 4 cruises ago and I've actually got it down to all carry-ons. Even on the European cruises. I figured out that if the cruise is more than 10 days we just don't do formal nights. Makes it so much easier and tbh, we don't miss them. I can almost pack in my sleep now.........

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I stress. I plan. I list. I over-think. THEN I still forget stuff!


Case in point: We went to Paris in February 2005. The friends and family we were going with swore if we stayed up all night the night before that we'd have an easier time adjusting once we got there. (Which I think was actually correct...) But I was sooooooooooo tired by the time we left that as we walked out the door, I FORGOT my carryon, a smallish over-one-shoulder bag with the camera, my wallet, and my passport in it on the kitchen counter! (Of course, none of the other eight people noticed it either.) Not realizing this until we'd gotten to the airport :eek:, I didn't have time to turn around and go back to get it and still get through security and onto the plane. Thankfully, I was able to call my best friend--waking her at 6:45am on her only day off--and she ran to my house (five minutes away) and drove like crazy to bring me my bag. Ever since, when we drive off, my husband has me SHOW HIM my documentation. Heh.


Now I'm completely paranoid!



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Why do you stress over-packing.....with the airlines charging more and.......wait a minute, my wifes telling me....oh......drat....nevermind and just have a great cruise!:D



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Seems that, yes, the more you cruise, the easier it is to pack. We do a family vacation every year & I've never stressed about packing because we never leave the country ... it's so easy to find things & not pay a premium for things you might forget. But I really don't want to have to be buying things & spending too much on forgotten items. And w/ my 4 germ factories (ie, kids) I also want to be sure I pack sinus congestion meds, pain meds, etc.


I also think I am feeling stressed because of all the controversy on these boards about what's appropriate dinner attire; people really go at it on that topic. And just when I think I have it down someone posts something that contradicts the cruise line's written statement (eg, Carnival says dress shorts are ok at casual dinners but someone returned from a cruise & said the Carnival ship they were on said "no" to shorts. So do I pack dresss shorts or not? My boys HATE their dress pants!) And then there's the question of how much will the kids splatter all over themselves at dinner, lol. I want to pack very lightly but don't want to have to have clothes laundered every other night.


Hmm ... I think I've nailed it down ... it's the kids & packing for THEM that's getting to me.

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I keep the overnight bag packed with all the toiletries too .. and I have a closet that everything goes into as I decide it is going. Then the night before the cruise I pack and the morning I am leaving I add whatever last minute things I need .. and off I go ..


I quit stressing when the airlines lost my luggage and I didn't get it for the first week of a Meditteranean Cruise .. and guess what not only did I survive .. I had a ball bargain hunting in Instanbul and Kusadasi .. no I know it can be done !!

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Not so much anymore. I have kept two cosmetics sets since I started travelling so much for business. When something runs out, I put a note in so that I can replace it before the next trip.


In attempts to keep from overpacking, I sometimes take pictures of outfits, especially if I'm planning to mix and match. Just like they show in the catalogs. I hate overpacking and dragging around clothes that never get worn. For formal night, a nice long black skirt or pants can be put with diff tops.


I'm taking my first 13 day cruise next year and have already decided to just pony up for laundry and dry cleaning rather than overpack--factor it in. I'm not Platinum on Carnival yet, so won't get that free.


When I went to Alaska, I left 5 bulky sweaters in the cabin when I left the ship--nice ones, too, with a note that said, "free to a good home". I had so many souvenirs and didn't want to have another bag to drag through Vancouver and Seattle to airport.

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I gather the things I am going to bring and actually pre pack weeks before to gauge if I can add or subtract from it. I then keep those items separated so I can easily pack later.


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I don't stress, either. But, I do have a packing list that I have saved as a word document on my computer. The basic list doesn't change from vacation to vacation. I just add or subtract based on what I need for that particular cruise. A couple of months before, I check out my packing list and make a separate "to buy" list. The list makes it easier on packing day.

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Stressing about packing.. NOT!!

Yeah I can see where for some it would be a stressful ordeal however when you travel for business as I do, it is no big deal.. (I have a "go" bag packed at all times) The phone rings and I am outta here..

For a cruise though, the very simple rule of thumb is, pack half the clothes, (Cause you are not going to need the rest) and twice the money.. (If you really need something that you may have forgotten at home, buy it..)

Someone did post about the toilet articles.. That is what I do.. Have a separate bag for these items, Tooth brush, tooth paste, shampoo etc.. When the supply runs low, refill at the house..

The only thing you should stress about concerning a cruise is to make sure you have your passport, travel docs and a CC or two...

Take a chill pill and enjoy your cruise/vacation or whatever...

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I do think the more you cruise, the easier the packing is. I remember my first cruise, OMG...the stress of packing was awful..I started packing over a MONTH before,used a generic list and took so many things...the bungee cord, over the door shoe thingy, power strip, small sewing kit (HA)..


Seems like with each of our cruises, we took less and the packing was easier.

This last cruise, for the first time we took all our own scuba equipment so we really had to cut back on the packing. Our documents, clothes, toiletries, my bag of assorted meds, a few books. I didnt even start packing till a few days before we left.

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I don't think I stress either. I do pack earlier than I need to and make lists weeks in advance. I have just started making my list and we are 7 weeks out from our October cruise. :rolleyes: I believe it is more from the excitement than anything else. I just can't wait to go! :D


My cruise is in October also and I already have my packing list, and what bag each thing will go in so I can be organized. I'm also trying to make sure I don't overpack so then will keep me in line. It excites me. Plus when it is a day or two before we leave, i'll be ready and not worry about DH complaining about having to pack and stuff.


I just wish October would hurry up and get here.

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Ugh. I'm such a nerd... My cruise is in September and I had my packing list ready in July...of last year. :o


My stress doesn't come from what to pack, but how much. I'm trying to take smaller items, and hope they last. Example: I don't think that travel tube of toothpaste will be enough for us both to use for 7 days, but instead of taking two or three, I could just take a regular full-size tube.


Don't get me started on mouthwash. DH refuses to measure exactly how much he uses everyday.


These are the things that keep me awake at night.

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