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Royal Champions


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we started cruising in 1987 on the song of norway. we had our first balcony on hal's statendam in 95.

we cruised on the navigator of the seas in 2003. we were convinced we wouldn't like that big a ship. we upgraded from a d1 to a js at the pier for $400. hump cabin on deck 9 near the concierge lounge. it took all my strength to get my wife off the ship the last day.


we've been on 15 different rci ships and every class. the radiance and voyager class are our favorites. the mariner of the seas is my favorite ship.


we've also been on hal, ncl, crystal, qm2, celebrity and hurtigruten. we've been on the yangtze river and on the main and danube rivers for the christmasmarket river cruise from nurnberg to vienna.


been on 28 rci cruises with 43 credits. the others 1 each. we decided years ago rci's product fit what we wanted.


that's my cruising background,


now, here's my problems with one of the articles everyone is citing (not siting).


1. cocktail parties with executives, the only time we were in the same room with rci execs was on the liberty at the short reception they had for us. we discovered they called us royal champions when we looked at the drink tumbler.


2. regularly leveraged. what does that really mean? after the liberty, we evaluated the royal connection website, were asked for our dream vacation and invited to nyc. i guess that's leveraging.


3. responsibilities and benefits: if we were supposed to have responsibilities and get benefits, they forgot to tell me.

we've had one 2 night "free" cruise and the nyc thing. i'm still waiting for my check(s) since some folks say we're getting paid. and, i have yet to get one of those 7 night free cruises some say we're getting.


i apologize for the non-quality of the typing. it's 0330 and i can't use my left hand.

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I haven't been checking out the threads lately, but I had to jump on and see what was happening after receiving an e-mail directed to Royal Champions (which I am a new one). In light of the discussions, RC wanted to explain what being a Royal Champion meant. I think that this sums it up: "to simply share information with you about various aspects of the Royal Caribbean brand for you to comment upon as you wish, and take feedback from you as input into our decision-making as a brand."


Many of you want to know what it took to get to be a Royal Champion. As others have said, late last year I was asked if I would be willing to become a Royal Champion. I responded "yes" and then received another e-mail asking for my contact information. I never had to agree to or sign up for anything. And, I've never received anything in return. However, what it took- I have no earthly idea. I've sailed on exactly 1 RC cruise. We had a great time and I've posted about my experience. Most of it has been positive, but I have been critical of some aspects. If you don't believe that, you can read my CC review of my criuse. The link is in my signature. However, dispite my belief that there are some things RC can improve upon, they offer a good product and I will most likely sail with them again. Despite being a Royal Champion, I will continue to call it as I see it.


The other night I came upon an article on another cruise news site that was just plain trash stating that basically RC's were paid marketing reps. I notified Adam Goldstein and Laura of the article as there had been many nasty posts toward RC's on CC lately. Someone had posted the website where that article was located on CC and I knew that it would start yet another unjust attack on RC's. Adam Goldstein responded the next morning thanking me for bringing the article to his attention and that he would look into it and he did.


I have never received a dime or any compensation or incentive to be a RC. I have been honest about my opinions of RCCL and my experiences aboard the Explorer about the great things and also about the problems. When I read the story about the RC's on the other website I was furious because it was untrue and I took it personally as I have never received anything from RCCL at all nor have they made any attempt to influence my opinion or my posts about my cruises or the company in any manner. The article made it sound as if I had been compensated to voice my opinions to promote RCCL on CC and nothing could be further from the truth.

As many of you know I only sail the Explorer as it is located close to my home. I have posted numerous live reports from all my cruises and I have answered countless questions people have about the Explorer helping them with upcoming cruises. I did that long before I became a RC and have continued to do the same afterwards. I am a D plus and I earned that level long before becoming a RC also.

This evening I also received an email from RCCL which I will share with everyone so they will have the answer to their questions about the RC program.




Here is a brief summary about the Royal Champions program.


Royal Champions are a small group of passionate travel enthusiasts and prolific individuals, who were identified by an independent third party on behalf of Royal Caribbean International, as frequently engaging in online discussions and sharing information about cruising on the internet. With the proliferation of online social networks, blogs and discussion boards on the internet – many of which serve as forums where vacationers visit consistently in search for travel information and advice – Royal Caribbean decided to engage these enthusiasts knowing that they would be a valuable source of information for our current and prospective customers. Thus in early 2007, in keeping with our legacy of innovation, we initiated a program in which the Royal Champions were invited to learn more about our brand, our ships and our amenities.


We have provided the Royal Champions with the opportunity to experience our product during inaugural sailings so that they can provide their opinions and informed reviews in the online spaces they are participating in. On a few occasions, they also have served as focus groups providing us with valuable feedback on a number of topics. Royal Champions have been invited - along with traditional media, top travel partners, and loyal Crown & Anchor Society members - to preview new ships and programs and share their opinions if, when and how they see fit. They are responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses, which are not paid by Royal Caribbean. Royal Champions do not receive any compensation for their participation nor do we influence what they share or how they participate in their online discussions.

We are gratified by the enthusiasm these Royal Champions have for cruising and our goal is to continue to incorporate their insights to continually improve the Royal Caribbean vacation experience for all of our guests.

I hope this will put an end to all the rumors and nasty comments that the RC's are "working" and "cheerleading" for RCCL. Like the above poster, I will continue to call it like I see it too.

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cant believe this is still going on! I am happy with RC 's response, at the end of the day , I am an adult and will make my own mind up as can all of you, I am sure no RC member will change any course of our plans, there are usually plenty other posts usually which would balance the whole thing. I hope I didnt offend anyone but my question was answered and all I can do is make my own mind up, its not life changing.:D

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The other night I came upon an article on another cruise news site that was just plain trash stating that basically RC's were paid marketing reps.


Nah they just get free cruises - free drink - a bag full of goodies and other stuff that RCCL won't reveal ( not my words RCCL ) !!


ROYAL CHAMPION - those two words explain it all, RCCL picked those specific words because it meant someone championing the RCCL cause ( please don't insult our intelligence )



I think this somes it up aqhacruiser if you're unhappy maybe contact Adam again.


Harrison Liu, manager of brand communications for Royal Caribbean International


"Harrison said that the selection criteria, responsibilities and BENEFITS of Royal Champions are confidential in order to ensure the maximum level of objectivity among the group."




And let me make it crystal clear - i'm not against RCCL doing this or CC being involved in it - also i'm not jealous of the Champs !!


I only ask that the Champs avatars or something is highlighted so that impartiality is brought back to the boards !!






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suggestion for RCI - make coxswain a Royal Champion so he can get all those "benefits", goodie bag, free cruises, free drinks and other free stuff he claims we all get and he must so ardently desire since all he can ever quote is one sentence while ignoring overwhelming evidence refuting it.

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I only ask that the Champs avatars or something is highlighted so that impartiality is brought back to the boards !!


Mng World (Windy and cool in Scotland)


Seems a reasonable request to me.


If I go to a meeting where something being discussed involves me personally I am asked to "declare an interest".


Politicians, in most democracies, are careful to declare all their "benefits in kind" for fear of being thought biased in some way.


So why not Champs ???




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suggestion for RCI - make coxswain a Royal Champion so he can get all those "benefits", goodie bag, free cruises, free drinks and other free stuff he claims we all get and he must so ardently desire since all he can ever quote is one sentence while ignoring overwhelming evidence refuting it.



To be fair, he is quoting and said they were not his words. :)

Best thing is to let it go now, think we have all heard what is to be said, some things you can never clear up totally, whatever is said.:)

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To be fair, he is quoting and said they were not his words. :)

Best thing is to let it go now, think we have all heard what is to be said, some things you can never clear up totally, whatever is said.:)


I know that, but there's other information out there other than the one sentence he keeps quoting.

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If I go to a meeting where something being discussed involves me personally I am asked to "declare an interest".


Politicians, in most democracies, are careful to declare all their "benefits in kind" for fear of being thought biased in some way.


So why not Champs ???



Couldn't agree more - impartiality !!


Thanks Cy




I know that, but there's other information out there other than the one sentence he keeps quoting.



Yeah like



Harrison Liu, manager of brand communications for Royal Caribbean International


"Harrison said that the selection criteria, responsibilities and BENEFITS of Royal Champions are confidential in order to ensure the maximum level of objectivity among the group."





The game is A-foot lol





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I know that, but there's other information out there other than the one sentence he keeps quoting.


Ya know what Paul we just have to start completely ignoring this guy. Either he's never going to get it or he just is deliberately stirring up trouble. Seems everyone pretty much calmed down on the subject (it IS old!!!) and those that haven't should find something a heck of a lot better to spend their time on.

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Chirstine are you saying what Harrison Liu, manager of brand communications for Royal Caribbean International said is wrong ??



How is it old ? are you still a member of the Royal Champions ?







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Chirstine are you saying what Harrison Liu, manager of brand communications for Royal Caribbean International said is wrong ??





This from the associate Vice President of Marketing for RCI


Quote They are responsible for their own travel arrangements and expenses, which are not paid by Royal Caribbean. Royal Champions do not receive any compensation for their participation nor do we influence what they share or how they participate in their online discussions. Quote


Yes, what Harrison Liu said is wrong.

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Chirstine are you saying what Harrison Liu, manager of brand communications for Royal Caribbean International said is wrong ??



How is it old ? are you still a member of the Royal Champions ?








Actually, it sounded to me like Christine was saying that she is done dealing with you.... But that is just my interpretation. :)

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How did I miss this post? Do you think my time is better spent by posting on some silly flip flops in the dining room thread, although I have done it? I've been here for 4 years, and my post count is minimal compared to some of similar or shorter duration because I only get really interested in threads which deal with ethics or law -- sorry, those are my passions, and my life's work. I was very prolific on the mega fuel surcharge thread, and spent hours and hours encouraging people all over the internet to write the AG -- and we won. CC is a diversion for me -- I will come when I am looking for an answer or a recommendation for an upcoming cruise, and on occaision when I just want a diversion from the heaviness of world events, sort of like a day dream helper, day dreaming of the next get away. I will try to answer someone's question that I see on a thread, but generally by the time I see the thread, 10 others have already adequately done that, or it has been asked and answered on a hundred other postings of the same quesion.


Yellow star? I have proudly worn the red triangle for decades -- make it my avatar, please. In fact I started an entire community marketing campaign around it -- held the newpaper for nearly a year with it and the grass roots advocacy it came to represent. The red triangle was the first to be sown on the garments of those interred in Dachau. They were called "the grumblers and the grousers" -- they refused to cow to the regime, spoke out against it, stood up to authority, didn't salute the ****'s in uniform. They included the head of the Munich theatre, and the publisher of the paper. Political activists are aware of all the symbols from that horrible period of history -- see a pink triangle, lately, maybe in MILK? Much later, the star came about -- it was made of two triangles. Is there a river cruise to Dachau -- you can learn all about the symbols there.


Finally, I find this thread deja vu for the last time I really got involved, in the deleted 4,000 post fuel surcharge thread. No matter how many tried to explain what the disturbance was about, over and over and over we did it, some never did get it. This dust up is no where near the import of that one, just strangely similar.


And yet you advocate that private citizens must be identified for your pleasure so that you may know their bias. :mad:


That is twisted and pathetic.:mad: Do you not see the screaming hypocrisy.:rolleyes:



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suggestion for RCI - make coxswain a Royal Champion so he can get all those "benefits", goodie bag, free cruises, free drinks and other free stuff he claims we all get and he must so ardently desire since all he can ever quote is one sentence while ignoring overwhelming evidence refuting it.


I think he needs his own private island courtesy of CC and RCI. Is Devil's Island available?:D



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So...and I ask ever so politely, I take that answer to mean that one thread per topic on CC is sufficient? Will multiple threads on same/similiar topics on the main RCL Board be combined or how will that be handled?





Also, why can't the info be posted in other places for people who never even look at the Stickys or who don't frequent RCL but still might find this interesting?

For a lot of us that is the issue. Not being allowed to post or discuss information relevant to cruising on a discussion board for cruisers.

Good job Colleen. You got an answer, even if it was insufficient...

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Ya know what Paul we just have to start completely ignoring this guy. Either he's never going to get it or he just is deliberately stirring up trouble. Seems everyone pretty much calmed down on the subject (it IS old!!!) and those that haven't should find something a heck of a lot better to spend their time on.


Im to the point of ignoring anyone who still has "concerns". To me its absolutely ridiculous that they would now say I might be biased .... because I got two emails now from RCL they think Im now a different poster?? I admit it was getting my goat to read that I had been offered perks and this and that and so I spoke up, done, if people want to act stupid, there is no cure for stupidity. Some people are so dense they cant absorb knowledge, no IQ test for posting here I often remind myself. If they want to believe two emails has changed how I will post in the future, so be it.


I think I will join the ranks of the RCs who ignore the fray from now on. There are some who love pot stirring and twisting the truth to try and get our goats, surely they cant believe their own babble.

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suggestion for RCI - make coxswain a Royal Champion so he can get all those "benefits", goodie bag, free cruises, free drinks and other free stuff he claims we all get and he must so ardently desire since all he can ever quote is one sentence while ignoring overwhelming evidence refuting it.

I don't think this would work Paul.............because then when they find out that there are NO benefits, NO goodie bags, NO free cruises, NO free drinks with the executives.............they'll be back complaining that they were mislead.


I like Christie's idea..................ignore.........and maybe they will get tired of talking to themselves.

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Just make him a RC and invite him to the preinaugural of the Oasis.




Just remember who set up NOOTS !!



Quote from

Harrison Liu, manager of brand communications for Royal Caribbean International !!



"After individuals were chosen for the program, their posts were “carefully monitored during events and on a regular basis to ensure that posts remain POSTIVE and frequent.”



Draw your own conclusions !!






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Let me just give an outsiders POV here:


I generally don't read peoples' sigs. Some are just too long!!!:p I read for info and sometimes entertainment. Have gotten both two fold here!!!:D I don't seek out or pass by certain posters. Some can have an opinion on one thing I agree with and other subjects I don't agree. I may question but don't attack or dismiss if I do not agree. RC or not-many have been helpful.


What I find sad here is that all are taking a big hit because of the RC program from the media and that is wrong. Reading the comments on the media ads-RCCL has made a mistake-RC are ' internet plants' by the comapany-non RC are jelaous and CC frequent posters are also taking a hit my the media. No matter how you look at it-publicity is not good here for anyone. Some of the comments left are harsh on all.

Someone came up to me the other day and I quote 'Hey Deb-you've cruised befor-'what's up the the cruise line and the people they pay to post all happy and perfect on line, what a joke'. Heck-I had to explain this whole RC thing-that I hope I did correctly to deflect any gossip. No kidding-this person has never cruised. This is the talk because of the media and these public blogs!!!

This is what is truly sad-not who is one and who is not and who got what and who didn't get that!!


Carry on.........................

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So, you continue to post this mistaken quote



Are you saying Harrison Liu, manager of brand communications for Royal Caribbean International didn't say those things - If so what proof have you of that ?



Please jc i've asked you before not to make personal comments it doesn't do your cause any good resorting to that sort of thing.



The genie was let out of the bottle by Harrison Liu




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Your continually posting the same thing ad infinitum doesn't help your personal credibility. :rolleyes:


I have no cause here other than stopping people like you attacking and calling good people liars. I am not a coward, and I will stand up to thugs.


People higher up in the food chain than this person have said that her statement is wrong.


Proof is for algebra and geometry. You wouldn't recognize it if it was biting your.......



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