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Royal Champions


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I agree with this post.


and as for this post:


"Not so much. I kept posting the same way I always had (I know that's impossible for some to believe) and I got a free two nighter.


I wonder if any of the ethical cops here ever got invited to the Captain's Table on a sailing (I haven't in 15 cruises), would they say "oh, that's an honor but I'm trying desperately to preserve my legitimacy for an internet chat board and I fear that my integrity would be challenged later by people I never met."


May I respectfully point out to a poster I've enjoyed reading for years...anyone dining at the Captain's table ..PAID FOR his meal in his cruise fare.


RCCL marketing has chosen to discuss this program on a Marketing site. They ARE indeed saying you were chosen "for the way you were posting BEFORE" That's what the marketing research was all about. "Champions" were the internet "champions" of their brand...most likely to be influenced by recognition and in some cases free cruise fares and "special status" invitations ...to come back here and "influence" the rest of us.


That is how RCCL Marketing described the program. You were researched for certain qualities; you are monitored to see, one supposes, if those qualities still exist.


There is no dispute over integrity. None. I think it was foolish of RCCL marketing to crow over it's "use" of certain posters to influence other posters like myself (who are assumed to just be sheep who will follow the dominant lead.)


It's flatttering to noone and pretty useless now IMO.


I thought some here would appreciate the serendipity of my seeing this article on my home page, and see its relevance -- haze, 5waldos, coxswain, colleen, ephraim -- some others who don't come readily to mind.




I especially liked the part about the influence of a "home" team on the ethical fiber of others, for good or ill.


I'm off for a swim, but look forward to any thoughts you might wish to share.

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Sorry, but I have a question after reading the article on Tripso that just make me wonder....




Would you really create a focus group out of a bunch of cheerleaders? That doesn't sound very balanced. In fact, doesn't sound anything like a scientific method to a focus group at all.


Yep -- imho, they aren't very bright over there. A poster way back in this thread says -- I thought we were a focus group -- and Heyden repeats it -- posters drive home that they paid for their own transportation -- and Herden repeats it as if it is relevant, but leaves out that they do pay for the multi day parking bill. Lord have mercy -- RCI, I have already told you this privately, but you need to hire someone who advises the political world, for damage control -- transparently lifted, post-crash cya statements don't cut it unless you are aiming them at idiots, or children.

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Brilliant article Jaxon41 - enjoy your swim !!



I remember in primary school i was accused of cheating in a maths exam - the reason was i found it easier to do the sums in my head rather writing it all down on the page. My parents were informed and came to the school and i explained i hadn't cheated - my mum said to the teacher you pick out another set of questions and let him ( me ) do them in the class on his own.


Needless to say i got everyone right and the teacher said sorry



PS - it didn't do me any good i left secondary school with very little exams ( although the the maths is still good for the horse racing lol )






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Yep -- imho, they aren't very bright over there. A poster way back in this thread says -- I thought we were a focus group -- and Heyden repeats it -- posters drive home that they paid for their own transportation -- and Herden repeats it as if it is relevant, but leaves out that they do pay for the multi day parking bill. Lord have mercy -- RCI, I have already told you this privately, but you need to hire someone who advises the political world, for damage control -- transparently lifted, post-crash cya statements don't cut it unless you are aiming them at idiots, or children.


any reason his name can't be spelled right? 2 different misspellings in the same sentence? just like Hannock for Hancock earlier. almost like it's deliberate.

(I can generate my own conspiracy theories as well a anyone else).



2 days. another tidbit is there were no porters there.


propaganda ; 2 horse race. American and Russian.


American horse won by 20 lengths.


big headlines in Russian paper;


American horse finishes next to last.


glorious Russian finishes second.



multi day parking is true, just not the whole story.


just like Anita's headlines, which are a different kind of propaganda.

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I’m going to try this again

For those that think 50 or so posters can influence a significant number of people, keep right on doing so. And keep believing in the vast right oops wrong conspiracy theory, I meant viral marketing.

For the majority that believes Bill Hayden’s comments about a focus group, I think you’re on the right track.

We have never been told how or what to post. I’m reasonably sure that if RCI had tried that we would have all said “nice try, but we’ll keep posting what and how we want”

We’ve been asked to comment on a website, tell what our dream cruise might be and (I think) submit pictures. I might be confusing tae last with something else.

I would say look at my posts, but for most of the last year and a half, I’ve been on the roll call I started for the 46 day mariner repo around the horn that we just got back from.

As I said, consider us a focus group that RCI comes to for information and ideas rather than a group of liars trying any means to get someone to sail on RCI.

If someone asks me what my favorite cruise line is, I’m as likely to say Hurtigruten as RCI as it’s pretty much a tossup.

I’ve probably given a more glowing review of our 17 day Grand Norway trip and the MS Midnatsol than I have any RCI cruise.

Everybody give it up already and as others have said, go back to the main boards and start helping people instead of bickering over what is becoming a non-issue.


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For those that think 50 or so posters can influence a significant number of people, keep right on doing so. And keep believing in the vast right oops wrong conspiracy theory, I meant viral marketing.



What if was to say - if someone was to use this board and numerous other internet forums to plug something would you agree that was wrong ?







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"For those that think 50 or so posters can influence a significant number of people, keep right on doing so. And keep believing in the vast right oops wrong conspiracy theory, I meant viral marketing."


That comment should be directed at RCCL Marketing. They think so. They said so. They indicated you were chosen for thartpurpose. They indicated they "track" you and to date are pleased with the result.


Argue with them.


RCCL informed US , not the other way around.

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I have read much of this thread, and periodically participated. Here on page 45 or whatever, several things continue to astonish me. One is the total refusal to incorporate the science of what was done into your understanding. By ignoring it people can go on saying that they were in no way influenced and believe themselves. The fact that you are all human and your human nature works like the rest of us humans is not a character flaw. And my pointing it out to you is not an insult.


The second thing is the complete denial by some that the company was intentionally doing this, despite their own words. And as far as what they are saying in response to this bruhaha- sorry but you have to define that as spin. They are trying to put out flames and doing their best to be sure that you, some of their best customers and certainly some of their more vocal customers, don't get angry at them for using you. Because without your permission that is what they did. You were manipulated, using well known scientific principles. And the fact that you didn't realize it, and still don't feel manipulated, just shows how good they were at it.


If we are all so easily manipulated why are you having so much trouble bringing us around you your way of thinking? Either RCI is really good at manipulation or your persuasive abilites are really bad.


By the way, as for your "science" theory, I seem to remember something about the earth being flat........


Oh, and science also used to teach that things like cerebral palsy were caused by physician errors at birth. Many paid dearly over the years through malpractice suits. We now know that most cases of C.P. involve issues during prrgnancy that occur long before labor and delivery. Yeah, science gives us all the answers..... no matter how temporary they are.

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"For those that think 50 or so posters can influence a significant number of people, keep right on doing so. And keep believing in the vast right oops wrong conspiracy theory, I meant viral marketing."


That comment should be directed at RCCL Marketing. They think so. They said so. They indicated you were chosen for thartpurpose. They indicated they "track" you and to date are pleased with the result.


Argue with them.


RCCL informed US , not the other way around.


that was directed at anyone that believes it.


and why do you think i'm arguing with anyone.


i made a statement, seems you're arguing with me, not the other way round.

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Yep -- imho, they aren't very bright over there. A poster way back in this thread says -- I thought we were a focus group -- and Heyden repeats it -- posters drive home that they paid for their own transportation -- and Herden repeats it as if it is relevant, but leaves out that they do pay for the multi day parking bill. Lord have mercy -- RCI, I have already told you this privately, but you need to hire someone who advises the political world, for damage control -- transparently lifted, post-crash cya statements don't cut it unless you are aiming them at idiots, or children.


Actually, when I read the response of RCI, I think to CC's questions, I too was struck at how poor a CYA this was but knew, or at least felt, most could/would not see through it, at least on this site.


What is RCI to do? Are they to say, oh yea, our marketing manager was right on when she said, "The key to success in viral marketing is to subtly influence the influencers without them overtly realizing they are being influenced.” Well of course the fire team is out but for the life of me, I can't figure it out. They again are using a waterless hose. They did the same similair PR blunder with the fuel surcharge.


But there was a difference between these two issues. On the fuel surcharge I felt a personal harm to me in the unjustly added cost. This issue does not cause me any personal cost and I have therefore left it to the companies, CC and RCI to decide how they handle viral marketing efforts in their companies in the future, since, of course, it is their business. My only recourse is how I view the veracity of CC and their stated guidelines, or interpretation of the guidelines. As far as RCI, I have pretty much determined how I view their veracity when it has come to controversial issues


If I was RCI, and of course I'm not, but some may want to accuse me of being Alan based on what I'm reading on this thread, I think I would have said yes we certainly did utilize folks who were passionate about the product and who we thought could continue to be positive ambassadors of RCI by giving them the opportunity to be part of some of the special preinaugural events. I would continue by saying, in hindsight, it appears we may have put some of these people in awkward positions by not fully disclosing our intentions and for this we are sorry as we did not intend for this to be covert in any way.


Now whether that was true or not, who cares. At least I might be more able to figure they were trying to help the RCers get off the misplaced hook they didn't belong on in the first place. My own feeling is that RCI has pretty much left the RC group to flounder through this on their own and their weak PR response was to CYA with little to no help to the RC folks..

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We owe great gratitude to Anita Dunham-Potter, whose posts can be followed on Tripso.com, for giving us unbiased information and creating transparency where none existed. We all knew that paid reviewers skewed their reviews, either because of receiving free or reduced rate cruises and special treatment from the cruise lines (or to placate advertisers), but I for one certainly relied on the reviews and commentaries by other Cruise Critic members to be unbiased. Now we know that there was collusion between the management of Cruise Critic, a major cruise line (and advertiser) and the cruise line's specially selected marketing partner-boosters. It certainly poses the question of this site;'s integrity and such skepticism and negativity now has accrued to the advertisers - including Royal Carribean.

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............ Now we know that there was collusion between the management of Cruise Critic, a major cruise line (and advertiser) and the cruise line's specially selected marketing partner-boosters. It certainly poses the question of this site;'s integrity and such skepticism and negativity now has accrued to the advertisers - including Royal Carribean.


Do we? If you know for a fact that there are individual posters who were in collusion with CC , I certainly would be interested in seeing the evidence. Your post is one example that have the RCers circling the wagons and taking cover, shooting at everything in hopes of staying clear of this misplaced skepticism. I believe it is one reason some can't/won't come out of the box to look at this a little more independently.


Again, I appreciate any evidence you have of collusion between individual posters and either of the companies.

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I'm from New York but I live in Seoul. What's this about gas? All I said that there was nothing big going on here. I may have been wrong but I doubt most people would call my message inflammatory.



You are brand spanking new on CC, and yet you claim to be a RC and are telling us what to think. Brand new posters are more than likely a plant, or somebody not wanting to use their regular name.

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We owe great gratitude to Anita Dunham-Potter, whose posts can be followed on Tripso.com, for giving us unbiased information and creating transparency where none existed. We all knew that paid reviewers skewed their reviews, either because of receiving free or reduced rate cruises and special treatment from the cruise lines (or to placate advertisers), but I for one certainly relied on the reviews and commentaries by other Cruise Critic members to be unbiased. Now we know that there was collusion between the management of Cruise Critic, a major cruise line (and advertiser) and the cruise line's specially selected marketing partner-boosters. It certainly poses the question of this site;'s integrity and such skepticism and negativity now has accrued to the advertisers - including Royal Carribean.

You seem to like quoting Potter in your posts. You claim she is unbiased yet one of your other posts here on CC is about a review she posted after a 2 day freebie cruise on MSC. I wonder if she was also on one of these cruises that the royal champions were invited to. If so, was she the only paying passenger on the ship?:rolleyes:

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You are brand spanking new on CC, and yet you claim to be a RC and are telling us what to think. Brand new posters are more than likely a plant, or somebody not wanting to use their regular name.


And that means you were a plant 839 post ago. By the way what is your regular name.


# of post thing again?????


News flash. CC to award all new posters a post count of 100, consider it your CC OBC

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Originally Posted by cruisenfever viewpost.gif

Whenever I have a question or concern I call the Offices of Executive Customer Service..........which the little people can do also.:D The number is 1-888-305-4626


Just to correct myself :o ................the above number is incorrect. The number for Executive Customer Service is 1-888-767-4644.

The above number is for the RCI Coupon Redemption Center......what was I thinking????:eek:


Patti (& Jim)

little people?????????

what exactly does that mean may I ask?

RCCL and CC likes the RC's they have representing them to add insult to injury??

some of you really need to think before you open your mouths


Ummm im the one who made the "little people" statement in my post NOT cruisinfever. What I meant by little people is that im not a seasoned cruiser with RC, I have only sailed with them 4 times. Whatever I can learn from a more experienced cruiser will help me with future cruises. YOU are the one who needs to think and read carefully before YOU open your mouth.

Cruisinfever was very helpful with her reply.

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And that means you were a plant 839 post ago. By the way what is your regular name.


# of post thing again?????


News flash. CC to award all new posters a post count of 100, consider it your CC OBC



Ok, regular screen name. I'm bad. No, how about the Join Date: Mar 2009. I've been around long enough to know how things work around here.

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Please read all the posts before you make a comment. I was not the one to use the phrase "little people". If you will note the post below.....you may understand who my response was directed to.....and who used the phrase "little people"!! And this person actually came back and thanked me for the phone number...............which I later realized was incorrect and so I therefore quoted myself and corrected it in another post.



Thank you for updating the phone number and sorry about the little people issue!

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