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WARNING! dangerous experience on Radiance Cruise!

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Thanks for posting this experience. Reading these stories help me stay aware of the many ways the crooks rob us.


My wife and I both carry wallets that go inside our clothing. I have a wallet that connects to my belt and then goes inside my pants. It not easy to get to but no one is going to find it unless they get real friendly with me. My wife has one similar that hangs around her neck and goes down into the .. well, I'll leave that to your imagination.


I make copies of the passports that stay in the room safe and carry one copy with me and copies of all credit cards that stays in the safe also.


Thanks for keeping us aware!



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The apple: What a hard lesson to learn! I hope your family's now able to joke about the $300 apple.


Seriously, though, this is a wake-up call to all families: Talk to your kids about what they're carrying. The first time we took our kids out of the country, my husband gave them a looong lecture on just how important it is to be both careful and honest with customs, and they understand it perfectly -- they just had to be taught. A one-minute talk about customs and their expectations could've saved a great deal of trouble, embarassment, and money!


We sometimes read about families taking food off the ship with the idea of having a "free lunch" at the airport while they're waiting for their flight -- not a good idea! Once as we were debarking, we saw a family standing by the customs warning sign emptying out loads of fruit, cookies, and sandwiches that they'd obviously intended to smuggle off the ship.


The passport: It doesn't matter whether you're in a good area or a bad area -- these things happen, and they happen often! It's too bad that your mother-in-law didn't protect her things better -- the safe back at the hotel would've been the best place for all those valuables -- but at least she wasn't hurt. Certainly this was a horrible thing to happen, but it could've been much, much worse.


Forewarned is forearmed. All travelers must take precautions to keep their valuables secure, and they must be on the lookout for these people. They have all sorts of tricks to distract tourists, and they are very good at what they do.

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Hi, is it true that your cruise was paid for by the rest of the dancers. I have heard from someone in your group that the amount they paid covered your family for a free cruise !


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Hi, is it true that your cruise was paid for by the rest of the dancers. I have heard from someone in your group that the amount they paid covered your family for a free cruise !




I wish!.....just think if they did though!.....talk about giving them dance classes....blimey, i'd sleep with them for that!

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One should always take precautions when traveling in a foreign land. Pickpockets make their living by stealing; they are professionals, they are good! They know where to look, and who to go after.


We took ultra precautions in Naples after several different staff members mentioned the pickpocket problem, and our backpack still got slashed 5 times on a crowded bus, without my husband knowing. I am glad that none of us got injured.


Everyone must be defensive when in an unfamiliar place. The key is to only carry what you can bear to lose. Sorry you had to learn the hard way.

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Isnt that a type of ham that you have with melon?:p


and oh.....i see someone said my wife could have stayed behind with her parents while i went with the group on the ship.....and who exactly would i have done the shows with each day?...could have hardly done a dance cabaret on my own!......maybe i could have looked in one of the ships shops for a blow up doll?


What would you have done if this had happened to one of the people in your group that you were responsible for? Leave them in Santiago as well?

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Do you think RCI or any cruise line should have any responsibility to warn pax about crime in the area?


Nope, I honestly don't think it's the cruise line's responsibility.


As a traveler in a foreign country, you should be checking into things on your own. My DH and I just traveled to Mexico (non-cruise vacation--not as good as a cruise:() and I spent time reading up on what was going on there. Our state department has websites that tell us about travel in foreign countries. We did the same before our Med. cruise to Greek Islands and Turkey. I wouldn't travel without researching the area I'm visiting. I used the Mexico boards to see if anyone had recent problems there. You've got to be smart and think proactively.

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I am 71 and my husband is 75. If we had been the parents in this situation, we too would have insisted our daughter and family go on without us. We are in good health (thank God) and perfectly capable of handling the situation on our own. After all, we would have had each other. A parent alone is a different story. We have cruised extensively and are just as capable as our grown sons and daughters of handling such a problem in most instances. Give us seniors some credit - we're not stupid! Besides, we would have felt worse to have ruined their vacation. These parents probably also insisted that the family go on without them. It would have been just as stressful with or without someone staying behind with them. Now, when I'm 85, I might feel differently.

And an apple? Come on, that could happen to anybody. I had 7 children and traveling with them can often be challenging!

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that part alone says enough for me...you thought you were one that the laws meant nothing too...that it was no big deal UNLESS you got caught, and you did!!! I am glad you had to pay the fine, maybe next time you will listen and now have learned that they mean business!!


I am sorry I clicked on this, but must respond. This kind of joy in other's misfortune is difficult to understand. It was a child who unknowingly had the apple. This thread has instructed me about one thing. I will be perfectly content in life to never visit South America, or Mexico for that matter.


Bob :cool:

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I am 71 and my husband is 75. If we had been the parents in this situation, we too would have insisted our daughter and family go on without us. We are in good health (thank God) and perfectly capable of handling the situation on our own. After all, we would have had each other. A parent alone is a different story. We have cruised extensively and are just as capable as our grown sons and daughters of handling such a problem in most instances. Give us seniors some credit - we're not stupid! Besides, we would have felt worse to have ruined their vacation. These parents probably also insisted that the family go on without them. It would have been just as stressful with or without someone staying behind with them. Now, when I'm 85, I might feel differently.

And an apple? Come on, that could happen to anybody. I had 7 children and traveling with them can often be challenging!


Fabulous response. I think many people do look at anyone over 70 as feeble and completely stupid. It's also amazing that no one on this thread has ANY idea of what the conversation really was. The inlaws could've said something like, "If you dare stay with us and ruin everyone else's vacations, you're outta the will."


My 83- and 81-year-old aunt and uncle managed to travel to Spain all by themselves last fall and came back alive and well! :)

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What a nightmare!!!

About the apple, I always wondered why such as an apple or banana couldn't be taken in. I watched a customs prog about the customs in Australia and a passenger had brought in some fruit. In one of the apples was an insect, half way through the skin. The customs officer said had that got in the country it would have multiplied and ruined crops!!

So now I know

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I am 71 and my husband is 75. If we had been the parents in this situation, we too would have insisted our daughter and family go on without us. We are in good health (thank God) and perfectly capable of handling the situation on our own. After all, we would have had each other. A parent alone is a different story. We have cruised extensively and are just as capable as our grown sons and daughters of handling such a problem in most instances. Give us seniors some credit - we're not stupid! Besides, we would have felt worse to have ruined their vacation.

I don't think anyone is suggesting that ALL old folks are incapable. I think people are talking solely about the old folks in Danceman's post. The same ones who (a) couldn't figure out how to operate a hotel safe, (b) put passports and hundreds of dollars in their purse and then © hung said purse on the back of their chair in a public place in Santiago, Chile.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing you and your 75 year old husband wouldn't have done any of those 3 things.

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I don't think anyone is suggesting that ALL old folks are incapable. I think people are talking solely about the old folks in Danceman's post. The same ones who (a) couldn't figure out how to operate a hotel safe, (b) put passports and hundreds of dollars in their purse and then © hung said purse on the back of their chair in a public place in Santiago, Chile.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing you and your 75 year old husband wouldn't have done any of those 3 things.


Okay that too was an excellent point!

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I read OP's original post as a cautionary tale, one that all of us should take to heart, because even those of us who are fairly seasoned travelers make errors in judgment at times. This is especially true when we're tired from long flights across many time zones.


Could/should he have done some things differently? Of course. But, he didn't. Should the MIL have taken the cash and passports with her? No. Should OP have asked about the area before venturing out for dinner? Yes.


As to the apple, I totally understand the agricultural rules and the reasons for them. I also understand how a single apple could get overlooked especially with 3 children involved.


And now a comment that I admit is a bit defensive on my part as I am only a year and a half away from being 70: Just because the in-laws are in their 70s doesn't mean that they are senile and incapable of taking care of themselves. Some people in their 70s do have "issues" shall we say, but many (most?) do not.


So, those are my thoughts. Let's all learn from the OP's experience and be glad everything got resolved and no one was hurt in the process.

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I don't think anyone is suggesting that ALL old folks are incapable. I think people are talking solely about the old folks in Danceman's post. The same ones who (a) couldn't figure out how to operate a hotel safe, (b) put passports and hundreds of dollars in their purse and then © hung said purse on the back of their chair in a public place in Santiago, Chile.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing you and your 75 year old husband wouldn't have done any of those 3 things.


You're right as far as hanging a purse on a chair. That, I never do! I do, however, get off in port with our passports in my purse (copies in every piece of luggage) - which I keep roped through my wrist and neck - hands on - in front - always! I guard my purse like it's Fort Knox in a package! And, I take, usually, about $100. in cash with me.


Always good to be warned about things that happen to other people and appreciate the post!

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What would you have done if this had happened to one of the people in your group that you were responsible for? Leave them in Santiago as well?


I wasnt 'responsible' for them as they didnt book through me....they booked through a travel agent. In my literature it doesnt say i will chaperone them or that i will deal with any problems they have. However, if i can help them while i'm there or resolve any problems for them i will as i've cruised a lot in the past. I am contracted by the travel agent to teach them at the dance workshops, perform cabarets, host the cocktail party and deal with all of the dancing aspects. I also accompany people on selected tours.

If this had happened to a couple of the people in my group i would not have been able to stay behind with them....my obligation was to go on the cruise and do my work with the majority. As i did with my inlaws, i would have helped them as much as i could from the ship....i did manage to sort quite a lot out for them from there with the help of the group co ordinator onboard the ship and the travel agent back in the UK.

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I don't think anyone is suggesting that ALL old folks are incapable. I think people are talking solely about the old folks in Danceman's post. The same ones who (a) couldn't figure out how to operate a hotel safe, (b) put passports and hundreds of dollars in their purse and then © hung said purse on the back of their chair in a public place in Santiago, Chile.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm guessing you and your 75 year old husband wouldn't have done any of those 3 things.


I dont think my inlaws are incapable - they are intelligent, fit and have travelled a lot. The safe in the room was difficult to use....the instructions were in Spanish for a start! Me and my wife were also inable to open ours and so locked our valuables in our case in our room. The MIL was in a rush to meet us downstairs to go for lunch but It was silly to take that amount of money and passports with her. I think that living in the UK gives you a false sence of security. Obviously these things can happen here also but there is a general sence of more safety here which can then tend to make you less vigilant than you should be. I think an experience like this makes you really careful and gaurded and probably stays with you for a lifetime once its happened to you.

I dont think she would usually even hang her bag on the back of her chair...i can only assume that with the grandchildren squabbling on who sat where, getting the extra chairs for us all to sit on, getting the menues etc...she must not have been fully alert to where she put the bag.....easy done but a mistake she wont likely make a again. I'm sure everyone one of us has made some silly mistakes in the past but not all of us have been unlucky enough to have to pay the price for the mistake. No one's perfect but it doesnt make them 'incapable'.

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OH, fogot to say, i've sent a request to amend the title of the post to WARNING!...dangerous experience before Radiance of the Seas cruise. - i think that makes it more clear...thanks for suggesting that...good idea!

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OH, fogot to say, i've sent a request to amend the title of the post to WARNING!...dangerous experience before Radiance of the Seas cruise. - i think that makes it more clear...thanks for suggesting that...good idea!



Thank you it is good to see that common sense has at last found a home, you would have taken a lot less flack if you had realised your error earlier.

It may just be part of the Danceman mentality, Slow, Slow, Quick, Quick, Slow. But well done I applaud you and now rate your performance much higher.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to ask this question. If this had happened to your wife and children would your parents have gotten on the ship and left you behind? I know my parents would never have left, nor would I have left them. I know people leave their jobs, whatever they may be, to help their parents for all type of reasons. To say you had a job to do and thats why you left them is sad. The fact they are 70 or 40 doesn't matter, they were still in a foreign place, and probably needed your help more than ever. I hope if they ever need you again it isn't on a work day. If one of you had stayed with them what possibly could have been the consequence? I can understand the reality of the expense involved if you all stayed but I am sorry I feel either you or your wife should have stayed with them. Then to not be there when they arrived at the ship because you had an excursion you had to escort your gruop on, is beyond belief to me. Did the contract say you both had to go on the excursion or could one of you stayed behind to make sure they got on the ship okay? I know my children would have done this quite differently and even if they thought they could loose their jobs it wouldn't have mattered they would have been there.

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I've read this post several times and cannot find the part about the dangerous experience on Radiance of the Seas. Lots of mishaps off the ship, most the fault of the travelers, but none onboard the ship.


But all in all, a good read for people without much travel experience as these things can happen anywhere. Even at home in a local restaurant someone can lift your purse off the back of your chair. Any country you go to has agricultural laws, no one is exempt from fines and even a mistaken piece of fruit is subject to fines.


As a parent I would not have allowed the apple to go onto the plane in the first place, because I already know about agricultural laws.


If I had parents still surviving, no way would I leave them alone and scared. A job is a job, your family should come first. I cannot imagine that missing a dance show would cause much harm, but what if your parents were acosted again, or stranded for the whole cruise?


I especially don't understand why a person would go on an excursion knowing their stranded, scared, elderly parents were joining the ship that day.


This reminds me of one of my siblings....to lay the blame on everyone else and not themselves.


Good warning, though the title should have read "The mistakes we made traveling to the Radiance of the Seas".

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