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Should I be UPSET or Grateful!

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Somewhat long story short....


Went to show last night before disembarking, left camera in seat at theater. Discovered camera was missing heading to waiting station. Spoke to first staff I saw they instructed to go to guest relations. Imagine line at guest relations at this time... Waited and spoke to John he gave me a blank stare and I pleaded that that camera was of no consequence it was the memory card that was important. He made a cursory look in the back and came back empty handed. I asked if he thought I should to go theater and look/ask there, he gave a "you could try" answer. Went to theater, staff waiting there made announcement among the disembarking guests to to please look for camera. Nothing. I asked her what next, she gave a shoulders shrug. I went back to guest relations and waited again. Spoke to Maria and implored her about the situation and that again the camera was of no importance that the memory card was priceless vacation photos. I asked if I could leave my name and address in case it gets turned in. I've been calm and polite waiting in line and knowing that this was all my fault but heartbroken to say the least! Maria asks me to wait a moment she goes in the back (where John went the first time 45 minutes ago) after five minutes she comes back camera in hand, she looked in the safe!!!! I start blubbering away the people around clap and I thank her profusely. With Kleenex in hand I return to waiting family.


I am grateful but I am also torn in feeling very upset that John did not look "IN THE SAFE". Emotions were running high but what do you think. I know that the guest relations is bombarded last morning but if Maria could take the time to look in the safe why couldn't John? I'll take my lashes if you think I'm being ungrateful and maybe John didn't think to look "in the safe"............

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Perhaps John thought there was no way that someone could have had time to have logged it in (assuming they do that) and put it in the safe by then.


I would be a bit upset, too....but you know the saying - "All's well that ends well".


So glad you got your camera back!

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Maybe it wasn't in the safe when John looked.


Be grateful you got it back and let the rest of the story go, life is too short to hang onto bad feelings. You are a very lucky person, not many people recover the items they lose or unintentionally leave behind onboard a cruise ship.


We've lost cameras before and never had them returned, even though we put our address label on them and the finder could easily contact us. We also write our phone # down and would gladly have paid any shipping costs + reward.


I'm now far more careful not to set a camera down and keep it on a wrist strap.

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Yes, be VERY grateful. A few years ago, my husband laid our camera down beside a slot machine in the casino (while we were playing). We were the last people in there that night. Our camera was never found, so all our great cruise photos were gone. Someone on the staff had to have found it and obviously kept it.

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Yes, be VERY grateful. A few years ago, my husband laid our camera down beside a slot machine in the casino (while we were playing). We were the last people in there that night. Our camera was never found, so all our great cruise photos were gone. Someone on the staff had to have found it and obviously kept it.


Come on...you can't know for sure that the "staff had to have found it". There are some very sneaky thieves out there, and yes, on a cruise, that could have swiped the camera right out from under your husbands nose. :rolleyes:


We set a camera down once (on a cruise) and it was never found. There was no way of knowing who picked it up and pocketed it. Bottom line, it was our fault.


To the OP, I'm happy your camera was found. Was John lazy, or was the camera not in ths safe when he went looking? Again, no way to know for certain.

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Be grateful you got it back. When we were on the Navigator for DH mother's 80th birthday cruise, at the end of the week, DH left our camera in the buffet. Realized it as soon as we got back to our cabin, and went directly back there. Of course no camera, asked around, no one knows anything, check with the pursers office/lost and found, and no camera. Never got it back. I just wanted my memory card. So I lost all our photos from our family cruise for DH mother.

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Somewhat long story short....


I am grateful but I am also torn in feeling very upset that John did not look "IN THE SAFE". Emotions were running high but what do you think. I know that the guest relations is bombarded last morning but if Maria could take the time to look in the safe why couldn't John? I'll take my lashes if you think I'm being ungrateful and maybe John didn't think to look "in the safe"............


It's a man thing. Once my son left his $300 prescription glasses on the plane and realized it as soon as we got off. They won't let you back on, so I asked the male steward to look for me. He came back and said 'they're not there'.


Well, I knew they were there, so I asked a woman to go look and she came back in 2 minutes with the glasses.

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It's a man thing. Once my son left his $300 prescription glasses on the plane and realized it as soon as we got off. They won't let you back on, so I asked the male steward to look for me. He came back and said 'they're not there'.


Well, I knew they were there, so I asked a woman to go look and she came back in 2 minutes with the glasses.



Now that is funny :D I live with 2 men (DH and 20 year old DS) and should automatically have known that!


Our son lost several pair of $300 prescription glasses and we now only buy the $150 kind. I've even made him pay for the last pair, a struggle of course, but he still has those :rolleyes:

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Come on...you can't know for sure that the "staff had to have found it". There are some very sneaky thieves out there' date=' and yes, on a cruise, that could have swiped the camera right out from under your husbands nose. :rolleyes:


We set a camera down once (on a cruise) and it was never found. There was no way of knowing who picked it up and pocketed it. Bottom line, it was our fault.


To the OP, I'm happy your camera was found. Was John lazy, or was the camera not in ths safe when he went looking? Again, no way to know for certain.[/quote']

I must be psychic. I knew a post would be coming from someone like you always ready to jump in and defend the staff. As I said, we were the last ones in the casino when he set the camera down. And yes, I do know it was out fault, but I do wish whoever took it would have done the right thing and turned it in.

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Hubby lost his cell phone 15 mins. after boarding---couldn't find it the entire trip...but on the last night, VOILA---there it was! (We'd suspended his service, so the phone wasn't functional...) It's just the matter of the right person looking in the right place!

You got your camera back...and that's what you wanted! All's good!

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I would be grateful. There are a lot of unknowns. For example, someone else may have exited the row you were sitting in and found the camera, or if it was the staff, they may not have turned it in until they were done cleaning. I would imagine it could take some time for the camera to make it's way from the theater to the customer service desk. It probably went behind a bar....the bartender had to call for a manager....the manager showed up 15 minutes later....the manager took it to CS with several stops along the way.


Of course this is just a hypothetical, but what I'm getting at is the camera may have shown up in between the times you were at the desk.

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I must be psychic. I knew a post would be coming from someone like you always ready to jump in and defend the staff. As I said, we were the last ones in the casino when he set the camera down. And yes, I do know it was out fault, but I do wish whoever took it would have done the right thing and turned it in.


If the ship you were on is like the other RC ships I've been on - the casino is not locked at the end of the evening. Anyone walking through to get from one place to another could have picked it up.


I tend to think it was less likely to be the staff because if they are caught - good bye job.

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Somewhat long story short....


Went to show last night before disembarking, left camera in seat at theater. Discovered camera was missing heading to waiting station. Spoke to first staff I saw they instructed to go to guest relations. Imagine line at guest relations at this time... Waited and spoke to John he gave me a blank stare and I pleaded that that camera was of no consequence it was the memory card that was important. He made a cursory look in the back and came back empty handed. I asked if he thought I should to go theater and look/ask there, he gave a "you could try" answer. Went to theater, staff waiting there made announcement among the disembarking guests to to please look for camera. Nothing. I asked her what next, she gave a shoulders shrug. I went back to guest relations and waited again. Spoke to Maria and implored her about the situation and that again the camera was of no importance that the memory card was priceless vacation photos. I asked if I could leave my name and address in case it gets turned in. I've been calm and polite waiting in line and knowing that this was all my fault but heartbroken to say the least! Maria asks me to wait a moment she goes in the back (where John went the first time 45 minutes ago) after five minutes she comes back camera in hand, she looked in the safe!!!! I start blubbering away the people around clap and I thank her profusely. With Kleenex in hand I return to waiting family.


I am grateful but I am also torn in feeling very upset that John did not look "IN THE SAFE". Emotions were running high but what do you think. I know that the guest relations is bombarded last morning but if Maria could take the time to look in the safe why couldn't John? I'll take my lashes if you think I'm being ungrateful and maybe John didn't think to look "in the safe"............


If the highlighted phrases in the quoye are indeed true, then you should be very grateful:eek:

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It's a man thing. Once my son left his $300 prescription glasses on the plane and realized it as soon as we got off. They won't let you back on, so I asked the male steward to look for me. He came back and said 'they're not there'.


Well, I knew they were there, so I asked a woman to go look and she came back in 2 minutes with the glasses.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I was thinking the same thing!!!! :D


ruralgourmet - yes, I would have been more than a little peeved. But you did get it back. And all's well that ends well.

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Just a tip for everyone - but we try to bring our laptop with us when we go on vacation or maybe you could try this on the ships computer....but we always make sure to download whatever pics are on the memory card in our camera each night before bed. That way, God forbid, if its lost, stolen or destroyed, we have our pics safe in the computer. A lot of people keep their digital cameras like a photo album and never actually download them - but making sure we do this is just a little safeguard just in case!:D

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Come on...you can't know for sure that the "staff had to have found it".


I have to agree with this. If you don't know who took it, it's a little unfair to place blame.


BTW, the casino has more cameras than any other public space on the ship. Did anyone check the cameras?

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If the ship you were on is like the other RC ships I've been on - the casino is not locked at the end of the evening. Anyone walking through to get from one place to another could have picked it up.


I tend to think it was less likely to be the staff because if they are caught - good bye job.

Yes, that's true that people continue to walk through, but I would think that the staff cleans up after closing for the night. Anyway, it was no big deal about the camera as it is replaceable. The loss of pictures, however, was a real heart breaker.:(

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You should be grateful...


There are a multitude of reasons why "John" was unable to locate your camera... but what difference does it make now? You got your camera back which is more than a lot of people can say about items they have lost onboard...

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Just a tip for everyone - but we try to bring our laptop with us when we go on vacation or maybe you could try this on the ships computer....but we always make sure to download whatever pics are on the memory card in our camera each night before bed. That way, God forbid, if its lost, stolen or destroyed, we have our pics safe in the computer. A lot of people keep their digital cameras like a photo album and never actually download them - but making sure we do this is just a little safeguard just in case!:D



We do the above...we've just purchased a "netbook" for just that reason. A net book is about 1/2 the size of a laptop-about the size of a greeting card, and less than 1/2 the weight of a laptop.


Another suggestion that we've done on all our trips: The very FIRST picture on all the cards is a picture of a piece of paper with all our contact info on it. And a note- "Keep the camera if you feel you need to, but PLEASE send us the card". Some digi cams allow you to set a wallpaper/screen saver-that's what's on both of ours. Haven't had to see if it works yet, but then, I hope we NEVER do!!


And, for future use-if you FIND or LOSE a camera: http://www.ifoundyourcamera.blogspot.com/ Some amazing stories there-and it's definitely a "good karma" place...one camera (or card-I don't remember) found documented the adoption of a baby from China...and was returned...think of how priceless THOSE pictures must have been!!!

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I must be psychic. I knew a post would be coming from someone like you always ready to jump in and defend the staff. As I said, we were the last ones in the casino when he set the camera down. And yes, I do know it was out fault, but I do wish whoever took it would have done the right thing and turned it in.


WOW! Someone like me? :eek: Pretty harsh considering I was simply saying that there was no way to know for SURE who may have picked up your camera. Oh, and if you were psychic, you would have found the camera. :p


I wish that everyone would turn in anything they find...always! :)

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It's a man thing. Once my son left his $300 prescription glasses on the plane and realized it as soon as we got off. They won't let you back on, so I asked the male steward to look for me. He came back and said 'they're not there'.


Well, I knew they were there, so I asked a woman to go look and she came back in 2 minutes with the glasses.


Yup!! I'm the "finder" in the family. My DH will look for something for 15 minutes, THEN ask me to help, and I usually find it in about 5 (and he can really, really MISPLACE things!! :D)


To the OP: I think it took that 45 minutes for the camera to get to the safe. So glad you got it back, too.

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