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Do you tip first?


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If I requested an egg crate be added to the bed, I would consider that a special service above and beyond the steward's normal duties. After it was completed, I would hand over some cash and say "Thank you for getting ahold of the egg crate and remaking the bed - I appreciate the extra work."


I don't get the robe-love, but since it's on the personalizer and, if requested, should already be in the cabin, I wouldn't really consider it a special service above and beyond the steward's normal duties. If you feel differently...see paragraph one.

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I'm still trying to get the tip thing figured out. Do you tip each time you've asked for something, including an egg crate mattress or robe at the beginning of the cruise?


No, you DO NOT have to tip anything above the recommended amount.

Out of care, kindness and sheer generosity some give a bit extra (at the begining, middle or end) but would have gotten their request granted by simply asking.


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How would a staff member know if they can keep a tip made at the beginning of a cruise until they have verified at the end of the cruise that you left the regular Princess tip in place? Giving a few dollars every day means the staff member has to keep track of it all in case it isn't theirs in the end. I tip the cabin stewert at the end in addition to the Princess tip, usually at about $4-5.00/day. I have never requested room service or asked the room staff for any special service.

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"Let's all be nice to each other on this thread. The OP posted to PROVOKE OPINIONS. As always what he did says a lot about him, how we respond say a lot about US! "



Let me clarify absolutely one thing. When I said provoke opinions it was to get other peoples take on the idea of tipping upfront not provoke a argument. Second clarification I am not a him and I assume you are speaking about me.


The point of a opinion is there is no wrong or right just what you deem to be correct or incorrect for yourself. Thankfully living in this country we have the ability to have just that a opinion. I keep saying to myself I will no longer look at the responses as they are getting so hostile but cannot stop myself at the same time. I never slander anyone for having a opinion and thought that this board was just for such that thing asking people what they thought about food, ships etc. I honestly was just wondering if it was the norm or not for most people who cruise alot which is usually the people on this board. Since I cruise once every few years (travel other ways the other trips) I was wondering if this was the norm to do or not. End of story ...if you had the opportunity to search thru my posts you would see I never provoke anything merely ask questions about things I am unsure of.


Too bad we cannot be experts at everything! I for one am glad that every day I learn something new and more importantly do not malign others for their opinions. Just think if everyone got this angry about important things in the world (not vacations) then we sure would be a better place don't you think.....

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I always tip up front and keep tipping each day as the service keeps getting better and friendlier. I also think it lets the recipient know your a generous person and will tip as the week goes on. I ask for a few extra towels and I also ask for an foam pad for the bed and give them a 20. I alos get free laundry and dry cleaning and I give the steward a 5 everyday they deliver the clothes. I also tip the room service person 5 bucks and then I can ask for special things and I recieve them. I like Orange juice so I ask for lots and extra creamer for the coffee. I also tip the bartenders for cappucino's in the morning and cocktails later in the day. They remember you and you always recieve great service. I never have to wait for a drink when I sit down. I like great service and I will tip for extra service. I think you will see a difference if you start tipping upfront and then continue as the week goes on.

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Sometimes when you use the word 'provoke' on a thread like tipping, it's like screaming fire in a crowded theater. I am sorry if I misunderstood the intent on the word. Again, my sincere apology for assuming. I am truly sorry!

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We cruise with two small children in our room, so we usually hand over a $20 bill at the beginning of the cruise, with a list of things we need - everything removed from the minibar, daily ice, extra towels, robes. I always mention that we know our cabin will require extra time, and I appreciate in advance their hard work, as I get to do it the other 51 weeks of the year ;-). We always leave on the auto-tip, and add to it if the service was good (so far it always has been).


I recognize that with 4 people in our cabin, 3 of them somewhat messy (love you sweetie!!), that we are a high-need room. We try to keep things under control, but sometimes we leave the room a mess if we are trying to get out the door quickly. We have always returned to a beautifully tidy room, usually with the girls' army of stuffed animals arranged in fun little scenes on their beds and/or chairs. Though I suspect they would do the same thing even without the small tip up front, I feel better letting them know that *I* know we are a high-maintenance room.


If DH and I ever get the opportunity to cruise without the kids, we would probably not pre-tip like that. For us, it seems like the right thing to do.

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We never pre-tip. We usually just give the room steward the recommended amount at the end of the cruise (auto-tip). A steward has never done anything for me that was outside the realm of his normal job description. I don't consider asking for additional towels or pillows, egg crates, etc or asking that the ice bucket be kept filled to be "extras" that go above-and-beyond the call of duty. These are all part of the steward's regular tasks and should be done automatically.



Incidentally, we generally tip the wait team in excess of the recommended amount, but they actually step beyond the realm of regular duties for us such as providing off-menu items that we like, or getting us desserts (such as tiramisu) from the specialty restaurant, or not charging us the corking fee for our wine, etc.

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Wow, am I walking into a minefield here.


I usually tip up front.


I bring a large cooler with me that I want refreshed with ice daily.


For that, I think it is worth the extra tip and I offer it as an incentive

to stay on top of the request.


If it were not for that, I would probably offer an additional tip at

the end of the cruise if service warranted such.

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Do you tip at a restaurant before you eat dinner?


Do you tip the taxi cab driver before the ride?


Do you tip your hairdresser before she cuts your hair?


Do you tip the bellhop before he carries your luggage upstairs?


Do you tip the bartender before he serves you your drink?


Do you want me to come up with a hundred other situations where you do not tip ahead of service?


Can you think of ANY other situation where you tip ahead of service?


Why should a cruise be any different?



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For the most part you make a great point.


The only thing I disagree with is that there is an expected amount

of service that goes with each one of the jobs you listed.


A cabin steward can either be the guy who maintains your room

on a daily basis, or he can be much more.


If there are items you need taken care of that fall above what

you feel his duties are, a tip in advance will assure you that you

will be well taken care of.


On the other hand, if it's a basic "hello" and "goodbye" relationship

then you are correct -- his service falls into the same tipping category

of those jobs you listed.

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The very first cruise we went on we were told by a travel agent to tip the steward $20.00 upfront...this was before the auto-tips. We were only about 20 yrs. old and didn't know much about anything.:rolleyes: So we tip her the twenty at the beginning of the cruise...she was wonderful! The last night we give her the envelope with another $50.00 in it. Was it too little for a 7-night cruise...maybe but we really didn't know. And it was a long time ago. However, it seems that she "forgot" that we had given her the $20.00 at the beginning of the week because she gave us the silent treatment and dirty looks for the last night and the next morning. We were shocked!


However on the flip-side...we have just tipped at the end and service was wonderful. Although it doesn't take much to make us happy and we are quite neat also. I always feel bad having people pick up after us.

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For the most part you make a great point.


The only thing I disagree with is that there is an expected amount

of service that goes with each one of the jobs you listed.


A cabin steward can either be the guy who maintains your room

on a daily basis, or he can be much more.


If there are items you need taken care of that fall above what

you feel his duties are, a tip in advance will assure you that you

will be well taken care of.


On the other hand, if it's a basic "hello" and "goodbye" relationship

then you are correct -- his service falls into the same tipping category

of those jobs you listed.


The steward is paid to do his job and the job is to provide service to the customer - you. He or she should not expect to be paid ahead of time for doing what is included in the job description. He should, however, expect to receive a lower tip if he does not do his job of providing service.


I have never reduced the level of suggested tip on a cruise and I often but not always add an additional tip. I have never and never will give any tips before the cruise is over.



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Two things:

1. Obviously, none of you have ever traveled with my father......he would "pre-tip" everyone....the cab driver; the bar tender; the Matre d'; the bus boy; the waiter; the casino boss, etc., etc., you get the picture.

I thought my father was the "king", he was ALWAYS treated like royalty and so were his 6 children, whenever we were with him and wherever he went......It was only when I was older that I realized what he had done!!!! He was "bribing" the world around him and us.....and, a wonderful world it was!!!!!

2. We travel with a Service Dog; does this require extra tipping?.....You'd better believe it! I thought I tipped pretty good when my children were treated well in hotels; by the pool; by the waitress, etc., etc. You should see the service my furry friend gets when I tip up front on the cruise ships; on the train; in the bus; in the restaurant......Life is good.....when you pass the buck!!!!! :D

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Two things:

1. Obviously, none of you have ever traveled with my father......he would "pre-tip" everyone....the cab driver; the bar tender; the Matre d'; the bus boy; the waiter; the casino boss, etc., etc., you get the picture.

I thought my father was the "king", he was ALWAYS treated like royalty and so were his 6 children, whenever we were with him and wherever he went......It was only when I was older that I realized what he had done!!!! He was "bribing" the world around him and us.....and, a wonderful world it was!!!!!

2. We travel with a Service Dog; does this require extra tipping?.....You'd better believe it! I thought I tipped pretty good when my children were treated well in hotels; by the pool; by the waitress, etc., etc. You should see the service my furry friend gets when I tip up front on the cruise ships; on the train; in the bus; in the restaurant......Life is good.....when you pass the buck!!!!! :D






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I almost always tip 20 dollars at the start of the cruise. The cabin stewards really appreciate this and they are more open and willing to share their family photos and stories about themselves. I also take the time to listen to them. After all, you see them daily during your cruise. I also leave them 2-3 dollars in the am and the pm each day, like I would do at a hotel. I then leave them maybe 10 dollars more at the end. So on a 9 day cruise I probably give them an extra 50 dollars on top of the auto tips that I always leave on. These guys work so hard and such long hours with very little time off. They usually do 10 month contracts as well, some of the longest on the ships. We have always had top notch cabin stewards and very friendly as well. We have only had one that was surly, and that was in the top suite on Princess. Funny, because you would think that the cabin stewards in the suites would be top notch. Not this man and we did not leave him anything extra either.

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I almost always tip 20 dollars at the start of the cruise. The cabin stewards really appreciate this and they are more open and willing to share their family photos and stories about themselves. . . . .

Oh dear heavens; words fail me. I don't want to see family photos and hear stories about them! Yikes! Let them do their freakin' jobs already -- these guys have 18 cabins to clean and you're wasting their time asking to see pictures and hear their life story?? While meanwhile I don't have any clean towels since Stewart hasn't made it to my cabin yet because he's been hung up down the hall with his new BFF. It goes to what oceanville posted in his/her very perceptive earlier post: it's demeaning and unprofessional to treat room stewards like your personal Brangelina adoptee for the week.

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I almost always tip 20 dollars at the start of the cruise. The cabin stewards really appreciate this and they are more open and willing to share their family photos and stories about themselves.


How much do you have to tip if you want to see pictures of the family pets?

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Your post is very offensive. I am sorry that you may miss a clean towel, but when someone is away from home for 10 months and wants to show you their family and talk about their wife and kids, I am just glad that my party has the common courtesy to listen and respect them. The cabin steward deserves to be treated just like you would like to be treated. They are not at your beck and call--they do have 18 cabins to clean after all. However, they appreciate people like myself and my family who do take the time to listen to them......I once had a husband and wife team for cabin stewards and they were so proud to show me photos of their 9 month old baby at home who the wife missed dearly. She would cry everynight when she went to bed because she wanted to be back home with her first born child.....She loved being able to talk with me and share some of her photos of her family. So please think twice before you write on cruise critic. The saying goes: if you don't have anything pleasant to say, it is better left unsaid.

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I'm sorry you took offense but I stand by what I said. I don't think it's appropriate to discuss personal lives with the staff, and I do think it's wrong to interrupt their very busy work day for socializing. (Notice my restraint in not pointing out that a lot of that sob story may have been for effect to up her tips.) Naturally I posted in a snarky way, because that's my way -- sorry you couldn't get the humour quotient.

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We cruise with two small children in our room, so we usually hand over a $20 bill at the beginning of the cruise, with a list of things we need - everything removed from the minibar, daily ice, extra towels, robes. I always mention that we know our cabin will require extra time, and I appreciate in advance their hard work, as I get to do it the other 51 weeks of the year ;-). We always leave on the auto-tip, and add to it if the service was good (so far it always has been).


I recognize that with 4 people in our cabin, 3 of them somewhat messy (love you sweetie!!), that we are a high-need room. We try to keep things under control, but sometimes we leave the room a mess if we are trying to get out the door quickly. We have always returned to a beautifully tidy room, usually with the girls' army of stuffed animals arranged in fun little scenes on their beds and/or chairs. Though I suspect they would do the same thing even without the small tip up front, I feel better letting them know that *I* know we are a high-maintenance room.


If DH and I ever get the opportunity to cruise without the kids, we would probably not pre-tip like that. For us, it seems like the right thing to do.

This seems like a very good reason to pre-tip. You realize there is extra work involved, and this gives the steward a little pre-warning that some extra time may be required, so he/she can schedule accordingly. That shows respect.

If I requested an egg crate be added to the bed, I would consider that a special service above and beyond the steward's normal duties. After it was completed, I would hand over some cash and say "Thank you for getting ahold of the egg crate and remaking the bed - I appreciate the extra work."


I don't get the robe-love, but since it's on the personalizer and, if requested, should already be in the cabin, I wouldn't really consider it a special service above and beyond the steward's normal duties. If you feel differently...see paragraph one.

Providing a tip for extra service like the egg crate and bed makeover is something that could be worth compensation - and that is an example of tipping for service a little above and beyond the norm, not a pre-tip.


This is my first cruise, but in a resort I always leave $3/day for the maid. I was planning on the same for the room steward (along with the autotip...never take that off). I feel they work for me each day, so I leave money each day. I wouldn't if the service was poor (but still leave the auto-tip), but I typically get great service.

I don't think it is unwise to let people know each step that you are willing to tip.

When we started cruising in 1996 the tip guidance (there were no auto-tips) was for $3.00/day per person. It increased to 3.50/day/pp and then the autotip cut in. At that time the guidance as I recall was

Steward: $3.50 per person per day

Waiter: $3.00 "

Assistant waiter: $1.50 "

One was also encouraged to tip the head waiter for your section, who also prepared pasta near the tables.


These have been rolled up into the hotel charge (a.k.a auto-tip) of 10.50/day/pp ($11 for minisuite and above) which also covers many behind the scenes staff who support and enable those who interact with you directly as well as roving wait staff in the Horizon/Caribe areas. As you can see the amount is not unusual from the resort experience DNArocks describes, and may actually be low compared with tips in US restaurants.


We always leave the auto-tip in place and compensate for excellent service received on almost all Princess cruises.

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I was not interrupting their very busy lives, they were interrupting my

relaxing vacation with my family. I am in a professional service industry and I want nothing more than to listen to someone when they want to talk. I am a very nurturing and empathetic type of person. Enough said!!!




Happy cruising to all and Happy Tips to the cabin stewards as well. They certainly deserve their tips.

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