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Pride Camp Carnival !!What are they thinking?

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Paul Thanks for your well thought out post. However i will give you a little more insight as i am concerned I also have a older son , so i am not a rookie at either side.


I have no doubt that is incident occured and there were 3 witnesses and i would not be as upset if i had not reported a problem with this boy previous to this incident. All i wanted the ships staff to do is at the very least seem concerned and punish the boy by not allowing him to return to Camp Carnival.


But what we actually got was being treated as if we had done something wrong. The boy and his family continued there vacation without any of the frustration and helplessness we had to endure as a result of this incident for the remainder of our cruise.


If this would have been on land,this would have been handled very different. On a cruiseship you are at the mercy of the ships staff not matter how incompetent. This is the SCARY part.

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I would like to thank you all for the positive comments regarding this incident . Just for the record i am not seeking approval from cruisecritic members as to how i am dealing with this incident. I will tell you this exposure was done with a message of malice from this little male tyrannt and if it were my son Camp Carnival would not of had to deal with this issue anyway. He would have sat in a chair for the rest of his cruise,probably with an ice pack attached ( sorry i know this is not politically correct).



What i seek is to warn others that Camp Carnival on the Carnival Pride seems poorly run and they are not doing as they should in monitoring your most precious little ones.So please keep a close watch if you are sailing on this ship in the near future

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Cruisecop I know you are not asking for any approval, but I think you have gotten it anyway. I know you have from me.

Although I may have handled it a little differently that you did at the time, your approach may well have been the best way.

I don't have to worry about this happening to me or my family(my kids are grown), but IMHO, you have done well with your public service announcement on here.

I really doubt that many people that have read this thread will not at leaset think about it when dropping their kiddos off at CC in the future.

Thank you Sir.

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The reason carnival gets a bad rap is because they screwed up on this one. Just how is this not carnivals fault, this happened under carnivals watch in there camp under the carnivals employees supervision. It was carnivals responsibility to control this and they failed!

100% true. CCL dropped the ball and trust me, you will get a response from Carnival. Possibly after they talk to their lawyers;) cuz they won't want to implicate themselves. When I write about my cruise, I get a written response that isn't a canned letter but an actual response to the comments I made in writing.


I will admit i would have been a little more aggressive if not for my career choice. I am a career police officer with over 20 yrs. Dont wanna lose my pension going nuts on a cruiseship. My letter to Gerry Cahill is in the mail.If i get the same response from him . I will have to explore my next step.


Actually all i want is someone from Carnival to admit they screwed up.

and to at least act like they care ..And the firing of the Camp Carnival director would also work for me.

That is fair. Carnival needs to take steps to prevent this from happening again and how to handle it if it does. At the very least, the camp counselors need to be re-trained on how to deal with this and security fired. It was ultimately security that dropped the ball here.


This is one sick little puppy. Hopefully he will get some help before he does something trully wrong. Sadly his parents are clueless. Like so many parents that we hear about they use the the CC a a baby sitting service while they have "their" vacation. The story sounds creditable but, do remember that we are hearing only one side of the story.


Seriously? Before he does something truly wrong! How was what he did not truly wrong here?:rolleyes:


And to all the people defending this little boy and saying it was he said she said and that the girls probably did something to instigate this behavior is bull$(*$. Cuz we all know rape is only rape if someone has a video tape of the assault. That is why women don't come forward cuz they will be on trial.


My son was bullied at school for 2 years. He was sent to the hospital by ambulance once with a concussion cuz he was knocked out. The school did nothing. Numerous meetings with the principal, talks to parents even by me confronting them at their residence. It never stopped. My son was pulled out of public school and is doing online school now. Bullies need to be properly disciplined.

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To the OP: I pray that this is resolved completely in your favor. Based on what you've said, there's no doubt your girls were harrassed and it's Carnival's fault.


To those that defend Carnival: Are you insane? Seriously?


When a business offers childcare and advertises that said childcare is safe, run by professionals and they have you sign paperwork that you understand their policies, then THEY are responsible for those kids that you leave with them in good faith based on THEIR own definitions of that childcare.


To those that say you leave them at your own risk....are you crazy, too? We leave our kids very little in Camp Carnival, but I leave them in the care of what is supposed to be professional child care workers. I leave them with the understanding that these child care workers are there to protect, entertain and play with my children in a safe, monitored environment (which they make us sign papers to that affect). When you leave them at the daycare at home, how is this different? My kids don't attend a daycare at home, as I'm blessed to be a stay at home Mom, but you better believe if I did they'd be certain things that I would EXPECT and one of them would be that other children's pants would stay on.


I'm appalled at some people on here. Did someone actually suggest it would have been different if he'd shown himself to another little boy? You better darn well hope it's not MY little boy, then! This is strickly Carnival's fault and no one else's! They should have removed that kid from camp and told the parents he was never allowed back into the area. Period!


The only thing I would have done differently would have been to go to security and demand a meeting with the parents, the child, the camp supervisor and the staff on duty. Can you imagine what this kid did that no one knows about? We can only pray it wasn't to some kid who was too scared or shy to tell their parents!

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Don't let the cheerleaders disuade you.


We call them Carnevangelists around here.


They will stone you and burn you at the stake for mentioning the slightest little thing wrong with their wholly perfect and resurrected cruise line! I mean, it was only a 10 year exposing himself. Probably not much to see. Obviously the OP is just trying to get 10 free cruises or something. :rolleyes:;)

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I will be writing a letter to the President and see if he even cares what is being allowed to happen on his ships.



Been there and done that and the response I got was pathetic. I was a platinum member and a stanch Carnival cruiser but I refuse to book with them again because of a similar incident. My DH is a cop and he actually tried to get security to right a report on the individual and get him disembarked at the next port, but they hemmed and hawed and in the end nothing was done. I was firm on the fact that the kid should not be allowed back into camp carnival but they wavered on that after a day. What I have learned is that Camp Carnival is not safe for your kids because the staff does not care and security will do nothing about it.

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Paul Thanks for your well thought out post. However i will give you a little more insight as i am concerned I also have a older son , so i am not a rookie at either side.


I have no doubt that is incident occured and there were 3 witnesses and i would not be as upset if i had not reported a problem with this boy previous to this incident. All i wanted the ships staff to do is at the very least seem concerned and punish the boy by not allowing him to return to Camp Carnival.


But what we actually got was being treated as if we had done something wrong. The boy and his family continued there vacation without any of the frustration and helplessness we had to endure as a result of this incident for the remainder of our cruise.


If this would have been on land,this would have been handled very different. On a cruiseship you are at the mercy of the ships staff not matter how incompetent. This is the SCARY part.





Hopefully your efforts will result in a policy change or procedure implementation for dealing with such occurances; if they have no policy on these situations, then that needs fixed for sure. It sounds like they were following a passive general policy of don't apologize and hope it goes away.


Odds are the staff from your week is now reassigned or on different assignments on other ships. They tend to shuffle CC staff around quite a bit.

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other than a major problem with Camp Carnival. It started with a boy (10) picking on my 2 daughters (10) the first night of the cruise in the camp.My daughters left crying.


10 Years old is a good age to start them in Kung Fu lessons, the 2 girls together should of beat the crap out of that one kid. Either send them to some type of self defense training or move to Brooklyn where they will toughen up on their own.





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I think the boy just needed to have his energy focused in a positive manner. I would have challenged him to a balcony climbing contest, having him go first, of course. :D


Spray the rail with some WD-40, that seems to work on everything. :D




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10 Years old is a good age to start them in Kung Fu lessons, the 2 girls together should of beat the crap out of that one kid. Either send them to some type of self defense training or move to Brooklyn where they will toughen up on their own.


Or teach them to aim between a boy's legs. One good kick, and he won't be showing his jewels to anyone anymore. If "it" is out in the open, "it" deserves to be taken out of commission.

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To the few people on this thread that said the girls should have been abit more agressive...This would not have worked, the girls would have been looked at as being just as bad as the boys, the OP now has leverage if she contacts carnival, the girls did the right thing by reporting instead of acting out right back to the boy. I agree if CC did nothing than Security should have!!!, I'm thinking there was probably other problems this boy caused with other children also that the staff did not mention.

He should have been banned from the pool & CC.

On Liberty 2 yrs ago, there was a 12 yr old causing problems, Security basically put her on house arrest, she had to be with her parents at all times, if she was seen without parents, they would be put off the ship at the next port.

Carnival really needs to come up with some kind of plan for these kind of problems, everytime i cruise, i see more & more kids doing things they should not be doing, at all hours of the day & night, with no parent to be found.

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Sorry to hear of this terrible incident. The Carnival counselors *should* have been trained in how to handle these situations but they did not do the bare minimum that would sent a clear message, i.e inform the parents and expel him from camp. I'd have insisted that the counselors call his parents right away and then would have stayed around to ensure that the counselors talked to them.


Do keep us posted on Carnival's reply. Unfortunately, all they will do now is offer you a "we are sorry letter" and some OBC for a future cruise. They probably can not reach the boy's parents now. They may improve their staff training, but that would be asking for too much in these times.

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I was kinda hoping to get Neal's take on this... ;)

Seriously, as a parent I would have been very, very upset and made my feelings known immediately and then in writing to Carnival and whomever else wanted to hear about my displeasure.

BTW, there seems to be a safety theme going on here lately. Just an observation.

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10 Years old is a good age to start them in Kung Fu lessons, the 2 girls together should of beat the crap out of that one kid. Either send them to some type of self defense training or move to Brooklyn where they will toughen up on their own.






Finally! I was gonna say this too! The only way to stop a bully is to give it right back to them. No, it isnt "politically correct" and is against district policy but it works. My twin boys just finished their first year of junior high and let me say...it is a far cry from innocent elementary! Bullying is everywhere in the school everyday and even the kids who come from nice, churchgoing families are doing it. I have told my kids from day one that if they are physically assaulted in any way to break the bully's nose with their fist. They tell me I will get a $500 fine. Well worth it I say to never be bothered again because once a bully realizes you are not afraid, they stop. My autistic son is bullied and made fun of everyday but he is so afraid of getting in trouble he wont even hang up on those automated phone messages the school sends out.:) At the very least, the OP should give her twins self-defense lessons for kids.

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The only way to stop a bully is to give it right back to them. No, it isnt "politically correct" and is against district policy but it works. .


Not in my World...My 7 yr old DD was having trouble at school will a boy pulling up the girls dresses and running up behind them and pulling down their shorts, the girls had been to the office many times and Patents had called still nothing was done So.......my DD gets so sick of her dress being pulled up that one day at recess, he starts pulling up dresses & pulling down shorts, DD lasso's him and drags him to the office.........She got suspended for 3 days, he just got told not to do it again!


Why???....because my DD physically touched him and he actually was not physically touching the girls during the act.:eek:

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Finally! I was gonna say this too! The only way to stop a bully is to give it right back to them. No, it isnt "politically correct" and is against district policy but it works. My twin boys just finished their first year of junior high and let me say...it is a far cry from innocent elementary! Bullying is everywhere in the school everyday and even the kids who come from nice, churchgoing families are doing it. I have told my kids from day one that if they are physically assaulted in any way to break the bully's nose with their fist. They tell me I will get a $500 fine. Well worth it I say to never be bothered again because once a bully realizes you are not afraid, they stop. My autistic son is bullied and made fun of everyday but he is so afraid of getting in trouble he wont even hang up on those automated phone messages the school sends out.:) At the very least, the OP should give her twins self-defense lessons for kids.


I'm not sideing with Bullies by any means, but your advice "Break their Nose" and now that you've gone on record about your advice...well it's gonna cost you alot more than a $500 Fine. Sorry that's the World we live in.

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I still feel the need to point out that all of this is still unproven allegations, not witnessed by any impartial observer (no, the twin and the friend do not count, IMO). People are acting as though they have all the *facts*, when, actually, we have an irate father's perspective only.


There is always more than one side to a story.

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I have a feeling that none of the carnival employees like any type of confrontation on the "fun" ship.


This may be entirely true. I have personally witnessed their lack of involvement when there should have been some. I don't expect them to put themselves in harms way but.....there should be policies and procedures in handling all different types of circumstances weather it be with children or adults.


If I send my children to camp carnival I expect them to be well cared for, safe and in organized functions with staff that are well read in the policies and procedures/rules and regulations. It's sad. This scenerio, because it was handled improperly tarnished there vacation memory.

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.........I don't expect them to put themselves in harms way but.....there should be policies and procedures in handling all different types of circumstances weather it be with children or adults.


If I send my children to camp carnival I expect them to be well cared for, safe and in organized functions with staff that are well read in the policies and procedures/rules and regulations. It's sad. This scenerio, because it was handled improperly tarnished there vacation memory.


Well said.

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WhansaMi , You are absolutely correct..My daughters and there friend made up this entire event , just to get an onboard credit on our next cruise from Carnival. And you are correct on another point. It is getting to the point where even the judges are as liberal thinking as you. 3 witnesses mean nothing even in court nowdays.


That is why the liberal US justice system is making a mockery of victims on a daily basis.


Lets see if you have the same views if you or your children are a victim.

I usally just laugh at people that are liberal thinking as you but its getting to serious to laugh at anymore.

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