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Has anyone been on the MS Neptune on the Nile?


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Tex and Corinne,

I guess I should know better than to question the researching capabilities of this group, lol. I apologize for MY ignorance. Guess I was only looking at what I am planning for and didn't see the forest for the trees. Thanks for the info. Sounds like you are planning one heck of a trip.

Ron, I still want to pursue the hot air ballooning thing as it is one of the things I have most wanted to do. Ever since I passed it up in Siem Reap, Cambodia, I knew I wouldn't do it again. I'll just try to be persistent.

So we are back on the Neptune, frankly I am glad as it is always described as cozy and comfie. Also thanks for the cartouche info, my grandaughter wants one and I promised to bring her one.

Those temps sound a bit chilly for swimming and snorkeling in Hurghada! May have to look stronger at the jeep tour of the desert.

Ron, by any chance did you go out to eat on the last night in Cairo at the end of the tour? I am trying to find a nice, moderately priced restaurant for our group to have a final day meal.

Thanks for all of the good info everybody You are the bomb!

Talk to you soon,


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Oh man, hope I didnt offend ~! There is so much to see and do that sometimes it all gets jumbled up - makes better sense once you have been there. Sorry if I stepped on some toes :(


Corinne- sounds like there is plenty to see while on the lake cruise ! Most tour books will tell you that pretty much all was covered by the lake when the new dam was built..... I would imagine these will be mostly Nubian temples (?) as this was "their" area before they relocated when the lake rose. I agree, Abu Simbel was a MUST for me too. One of the main things I wanted to see. Along with Queen Hepshepsuts temple and a dive in the Red Sea. The rest was pretty great too tho.


Ron: I smoked for 25 years......quit 14 years ago. Said I would never pick it up again. But it's funny, shisha was very different. I have done it maybe 5 times now and have no desire to begin smoking again. It is not like a cigarette. We had fun visiting the hooka bars too. OK - here is our story........ got to the Cairo airport to come home. Couple in front of us with our tour had their hooka pipe in carry on...... security said NO. Our guide stepped in, said a few words to security and it went thru......which was a good thing since we had TWO yep (2) in our carry ons....... one brass one and one regular one. Did they take it away ? Hope not ! Makes a great souvenier !


Suzie, if your tour is staying at Fort Arabesque - one of the pools is heated. The temps were much warmer when we were there - perfect actually. But the pools were chilly ! so we went in the large heated one. It was nice. It also has a swim up bar :D


Silver cartouches should run $30.00 or so. I paid $ 1000.00 for my gold one though...... heavier than silver and larger too. They have smaller less expensive ones but I saw a woman with one and she paid the same as I did....... once I saw hers I didnt want the smaller lighter one - much to dh dismay ;) I told him to look at it as an investment - gold in our portfolio :cool:

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Texancruzer...what is this stepping on toes....no way....I am loving all the info...I know what you mean about jumbling stuff up....you should have seen our friends and my DH and I trying to figure out our pictures after we did our 1st river cruise down the Danube!!! No digital cameras then LOL And Suzie, I did not know most of the places that were listed on our tour....I am still looking them up and reading about what I am going to see when we go there. I have read alot about the pyramids and Abu Simbel, Giza, but had no idea about the locale of different areas. I thought Giza was the pyramid area and that is where all the pyramids were. Only once I started reading did I learn that the Valley of the Kings was hundreds of miles away from Cairo LMFAO. I think it will be hotter in Feb.....I think I read somewhere on CC that it is around 90 during the day at that time. Friends that just returned said to where a hat that covers your ears as they can get sunburnt very easily. Another good helpful hint eh. So keep them coming and I am enjoying reading your trip reports. Thanks again.



p.s. I think I will bring a jar of peanut butter just in case!!!

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Corinne: check out this website. I use it to plan what to pack weather wise for all my trips. It gives averages based on historical data so not exact - but gives you a good idea of what you could get. I put in Cairo for February and this is what pops up. To the left you can also enter Aswan, Luxor etc....... seems it will be quite cooler than 90 !!!! More like high 60's during the day.




PS: I was apologizing to Suzie if I sounded "know it all-ish" Didnt mean for it to come out that way. :o


PS#2 I lost 6 pounds on our trip !!!! Yeehaw.

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Forgot to mention that if you buy any papyrus that will take writing, hieroglyphs or what ever, they will do that while you wait. On the silver and gold cartouches, both shops will deliver them within a day or two. Same for any tee shirts with names on them.


Suzie, I say go for the balloon ride. It didn't work out for us but hopefully it will work for you. There were a bunch pf people out snorkling so the water wasn't too cold. I enjoyed just wading as I walked up and down the beach. As for the last night in Cairo, I missed out on getting my friend a Harley Davidson tee shirt when we first got to Cairo, was not going miss this time. We left the hotel at 4:00pm, spent about 5 minutes in the shop then returned to the hotel. Even then we just barley made our 7:00pm final tour meeting. Talk about traffic, LA's got nothing on Cairo. By the time the meeting and picture taking were over all I wanted was a simple sandwich and a cold beer, had both in the hotel bar. Not very exciting for the last night I know, but by that time I really didn't care.


For those of you getting ready to go, may your flights be smooth and on time, may your group be as diverse and fun as ours was. May your guides be knowledgeable and fun and your weather not too hot, but most of all may you have enough room in your bags to take home all of those wonderful treasures that you will find.



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You most certainly DID NOT step on my toes! Sorry if my reply sounded peckish. I'm a roll off the back kind of gal. I just got so caught up in all of the info, I didn't take into consideration that there was more out there. This website ROCKS!

Thanks for the info on the cartouches, I'm thinkin' the grandaughter is gettin' silver, grandma is tryin' to save for her next trip ((((smile))))).

Ron, I will continue to pursue the ballooning thing and will report on it when I return.

Hey, what's this about a final tour meeting? What is it, where is it and how long is it? Maybe we should just plan on our last meal being at the hotel too.

I quit smoking aabout 13 years ago and thought I would pass up the shisha too, maybe I'll give it a whirl!

Again, Tex, no worries, I just need to keep a more open mind!

Happy New Year to all!


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You most certainly DID NOT step on my toes! Sorry if my reply sounded peckish. I'm a roll off the back kind of gal. I just got so caught up in all of the info, I didn't take into consideration that there was more out there. This website ROCKS!

Thanks for the info on the cartouches, I'm thinkin' the grandaughter is gettin' silver, grandma is tryin' to save for her next trip ((((smile))))).

Ron, I will continue to pursue the ballooning thing and will report on it when I return.

Hey, what's this about a final tour meeting? What is it, where is it and how long is it? Maybe we should just plan on our last meal being at the hotel too.

I quit smoking aabout 13 years ago and thought I would pass up the shisha too, maybe I'll give it a whirl!

Again, Tex, no worries, I just need to keep a more open mind!

Happy New Year to all!



Whew..... glad to know I am not on the naughty list ! We also had a final "meeting" our last night. We met at about 7 in the lobby (near the bar ;)) Unfortunately our guides son (3 yo) was taken to the hospital that night (he lives in Heliopolis near the airport) so our guide did not make the final "get together" I think this is a good idea. We all toasted to our trip, went around and discussed our "favorites" and I think this is usually where the guides will pass out surveys (ours did not as he doesnt like them) and perhaps when you tip your guide. We gave our guide his tip the next morning when he met us to go to the airport. We ate dinner in the hotel restaurant and hung out by the pool with some of our tour mates (and had a final shisha!) It was a nice evening. By the last night I was worn out......and then the long trek home ahead of me gave me cause to just chill.

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What are the names and locations of the stores to purchase cartouches? I know they were mentioned in some of the trip reports which I have tried to go back to find, but with no luck.


Where to get Galebaya with embroidery also?


I know some of the shops may have been on the boats on the Nile, please say so, if that is the place.




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What are the names and locations of the stores to purchase cartouches? I know they were mentioned in some of the trip reports which I have tried to go back to find, but with no luck.


Where to get Galebaya with embroidery also?


I know some of the shops may have been on the boats on the Nile, please say so, if that is the place.







Both Texancruiser and myself bought our cartouches on the ship. They had a nice selection. Also, no worries about the galabeyas. They come to you! When you cross the locks, lots of vendors throw them up to you and bargain/haggle. Quite a production! If you want to just go look at them hassle free though, you can buy them on the ship.



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Norine, Many many shops in the bazaars have the galabayas too.


Just a side note for those looking for something for a guy....... I also purchased a ring for my son while on the Nile cruise. It is a silver band with gold hieroglyphs of his name - sort of a male cartouche ! Very nice. I think I paid $80.00 but that was because I chose gold "letters" The all silver ones were less I believe.

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Thanks for that web site Texancruzer....maybe it is the Red Sea resort area that I was reading about last Feb. and it was much warmer there and I assumed it would be the same temperature for Cairo, etc. I know I should never "assume"....you would think I would learn eh lol. I will keep watching this as we get closer. Thanks again.

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Thanks buie and Texancruzer for the answers. I would rather buy souveniers and gifts where I don't get hasseled to bargain. I might think the price is good and just pay the price instead of bargaining. I probably won't buy much in the Bazaar in Cairo as I understand the others down river are less of a hassle.



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I have been researching shopping in Aswan and everyone I read says that the market or "souk" in Aswan is nice and low stress. I hate someone hawkin' me. I think good shopping can be had there and from the kids on the boats! What say you who have gone before us (((((wink))))))?

A cartouche ring sounds cool! I have a son who might be into that.

Did any of you eat off of the boat? I'm hearing how boring or repetetive the food is on the boat. Did you eat in Luxor or Aswan? If so, anything good?

Thanks for all of the good advice.

Hey..........it's 77 in Cairo today. Keepin' my fingers crossed for good temps in Feb.


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Suzie, the "final" tour meeting wasn't really a meeting. Three things happened, 1. you turn in your "Whisper" if not it will cost you $50, 2. you give your tour guide their tip, and three, the most important one, the last photo op of the whole group. It started at 7:00pm and lasted maybe 20 minutes with all the photos. Not a big deal.



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1. you turn in your "Whisper" if not it will cost you $50, Ron


What is a "whisper" - just curious :) We did our "group" photo at the Step pyramid.



to those asking about shopping ........ I AM a shopper (dh too) and we had alot of fun picking up stuff in Egypt.


As far as shopping in the bazaars: you will get "hawked" You will hear "hey lady" and "scuse me" until you are blue in the face :rolleyes: but it is a fun experience if you go with the mindset that it will happen and just let it roll off.......usually a "no thank you" will suffice but sometimes you have to just ignore them and keep walking. DO not stop unless something catches your eye that you want ! .....or else suffer the consequences hahahaha... and bargain !!!!! bargain hard. They expect it and I think they enjoy it. Not to say they won't take your money if you don't.

We did not go to the bazaar in Cairo. Time constraints didnt allow us to. but we did go to Luxor bazaar (a couple of times) and Aswan one too. Both were fun.


Norine: if you are buying more than one of something..... I bought 6 cartouches on the ship.....ask for a discount. I think I got 10% off my total. I also bought 6 t-shirts but they are well priced to begin with...don't believe I got a discount on those as I bought at a seperate time. You cannot charge to your room.....but they take all credit cards. As a side note: if you get a massage on the ship (I did) it is also seperate from your ship account...... It was really nice to have a relaxing massage towards the end of the cruise part.....after all the walking, climbing etc. we did. I enjoyed it and it was $60. for an hour + tip.


Eating off the boat - did not while on the cruise portion. One couple did eat at McDonalds in Luxor...... said it was awful. In Luxor our ship docked quite a ways from town.....private dock. We had to take a small bus (remember there were only 11 of us) into town, unlike some of the ships that dock right there near the Luxor temple etc...... that was one downside. Not sure where the Neptune docks (remember they changed our ship on us due to mechanical problems w/Neptune). So we really couldnt just walk off and find a restaurant. Aswan we also docked a ways from the town area.

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Just arrived home a few hours ago from 2 weeks in Egypt with Viking. To all those who have been before, you know what I mean when I say it is a trip all others will be judges against. To those yet to go, take a sense of humor and a strong jaw- becuase it will be dropping constantly. From a full day on our own in the Egyptian Museum to standing alongside the Great Pyramid and Sphinx to a night tour of Luxor Temple and wrapping up with Abu Simbel and all its majesty, it was a dream come true. I will need some time to collect my thoughst and put a proper review together with all my tips and thoughts (good and bad) but if you have any burning questions that fellow CCers haven't already covered, fire away. I will say we had one of the best tour guides in all our travels, and that makes a huge difference.

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You are the first to mention a "whisper". We had these in Russia and they were great! Is this a new addition to the Gate 1 tour? I love not missing any of the commentary and with an Egyptologist along, you don't want to miss a thing.

Thanks all for all of the great info. Less than 7 weeks to go and my group is gearing up for details. You that have gone before us have given us a wealth of info and I plan to reciprocate.

Happy New Year to all!


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Can't wait to read your report Phoenix Cruiser. Suzie and I are leaving in about 7 weeks (different companies) and have been enjoying reading the writeups and asking questions from the other CC members who went recently. this is my trip of a lifetime...top of my bucket list!!!! I hope you get rested quickly as I am anxious to read your writeup.

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Hi Norine,


Regarding bargaining, I think this is something I will enjoy, and learn to do do well. Part of my traveling is to start to understand how people in other places live.


The people in Egypt have been exchanging goods and services since before money was invented. Maybe I'll have more money than I need while the merchant has more stuff but wants some of my money. I don't feel like I would be respecting him/her if we didn't have a dialog regarding how much money for how much stuff.


Of course the merchant will come out ahead, he/she has been doing this forever and I am still a learner. And the deal won't be accepted if there is no benefit to the seller and the buyer. But I will offer less than what I think the item is worth, and bargain from there. If it's worth more, the seller will be happy to explain why. Perhaps the worksmanship is superior or perhaps the item is truly rare. If he/she can convince me, maybe I will decide that it's worth more than the initial offer. If not, some other seller will have something similar...


Naturally for small items, such as a bottle of water, bargaining is not necessary. I will learn quickly how much it is worth to me and go from there.

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The activity on this blog has come to a screeching halt. I'm still planning my trip that leaves in six weeks and if anyone still has info to share it would be appreciated. For example, any good restaurants along the way? Any tours that you paid for and thought they were going to be fabulous and then, voila', they weren't up to snuff? Any "aha" moments to share?

I'm sending newsworthy tidbits to my group and have already covered, money, visas, shopping, haggling and language. I am working on excursions, restaurants, food in general, drugs to combat the effects of the food and toileting.

Did anyone recently upgrade to the B category on the Neptune? Was it good? Did any of you eat out while on the cruise? Did anyone buy spices and how did that go for you?

I miss my Egyptian bloggers! Come back! I promise to be on here when I get back as there are some who aren't leaving until May or later.



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The activity on this blog has come to a screeching halt. I'm still planning my trip that leaves in six weeks and if anyone still has info to share it would be appreciated. For example, any good restaurants along the way? Any tours that you paid for and thought they were going to be fabulous and then, voila', they weren't up to snuff? Any "aha" moments to share?

I'm sending newsworthy tidbits to my group and have already covered, money, visas, shopping, haggling and language. I am working on excursions, restaurants, food in general, drugs to combat the effects of the food and toileting.

Did anyone recently upgrade to the B category on the Neptune? Was it good? Did any of you eat out while on the cruise? Did anyone buy spices and how did that go for you?

I miss my Egyptian bloggers! Come back! I promise to be on here when I get back as there are some who aren't leaving until May or later.




Suzie, we have not abandoned you. It's just that unless you have a specific question it is hard to embelish any more than we have.


I will try to give some answers in regard to the topics above:

Restaurants: We didnt eat out except in Cairo. While on the ship we ate on the ship. As posted, we were docked quite a ways out from the main area of town in both Luxor and Aswan. We did go back into those towns after dinner with our guide to the bazaars and shisha bars.....but we ate on the ship. In Hurghada we were at the Fort Arabasque which is quite a ways out from town, so we ate there. That was probably the best food of the trip. Back to Cairo, we ate at the hotel - YUCK we ate at Felfalas - ok but I didnt think it was anything special, we ate at another restaurant down from Felfalas which was not so hot. One night we were supposed to go to Barry's but that was the one night I wasnt up to it. Others said it was really good - and you sit on the roof so you can see the sound and light show while you eat.


The only two tours we did not purchase from Gate 1 was the Sound and Light show in Cairo (heard it was cheesy from the couple that went) and the Jeep tour in Hurghada. Our focus was really on the Red Sea but the newlywed couple went and they enjoyed it. Everything else was great ! Like I posted before since our group was small and younger, our guide took us out almost every night we were docked after dinner for special side trips to the bazaar or to a shisha bar or other. That to me was the best since we just went - no agenda and we got to experience night life etc.

Most of my "aha" moments were also due to the above side trips. That and when our guide got us into a tomb not open to the public at Karnak. The tomb of Sekmet with the statue still inside..... spine tingling. But again, we were a small group and he knew everyone and got us in places others did not go.


We had upgraded to an A category. But as you know we were put on another ship - the Nile Symphony which was a lateral move. Our guide said the food was better on the Symphony tho..... I guess..... I truly have to say don't go to Egypt for the food :D Another couple peeked into one of the suites - said it was nice. Our cabin was ok. "Sufficient" comes to mind.


Again, our guide took us to the various bazaars and we did see many spice stalls. Yours will take you to one that he likes. They will explain most of them to you. Some were not familiar and it was interesting. I bought curry and vanilla beans. They are not cheap - even in Egypt but seem to be much stronger and they will seal them for you so you can bring them back into US. Go ahead and declare them, they will ask you what foods and I said "sealed spices" and I went right through.


OK. Hope this helps. 6 weeks will fly by !

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Hi Suzie,

Since I'm going in may can't add much but I have been watching airfares to JFK thru Kayak and got a notice today that the fare dropped 90 + to 233.00 down from 325 so I now hold a ticket to a trip that I haven't paid for:eek: if anyone hasn't purchased a ticket you might check American or Delta. I fly out of Cincinnati and we don't have any of the low cost lines. So I pulled the trigger.


I do have a question for those who went a day early to NY (I'm going a day early) what hotel did you stay in and ant feedback on cost, shuttle to airport, etc.. I was not planning on any sites just a bed until the next day.


Keep the info coming. I'll do the same when I return but it seems I'm last in the thread.:(



The activity on this blog has come to a screeching halt. I'm still planning my trip that leaves in six weeks and if anyone still has info to share it would be appreciated. For example, any good restaurants along the way? Any tours that you paid for and thought they were going to be fabulous and then, voila', they weren't up to snuff? Any "aha" moments to share?

I'm sending newsworthy tidbits to my group and have already covered, money, visas, shopping, haggling and language. I am working on excursions, restaurants, food in general, drugs to combat the effects of the food and toileting.

Did anyone recently upgrade to the B category on the Neptune? Was it good? Did any of you eat out while on the cruise? Did anyone buy spices and how did that go for you?

I miss my Egyptian bloggers! Come back! I promise to be on here when I get back as there are some who aren't leaving until May or later.



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I do have a question for those who went a day early to NY (I'm going a day early) what hotel did you stay in and ant feedback on cost, shuttle to airport, etc.. I was not planning on any sites just a bed until the next day.


We went a day early and stayed a night after on the return (we couldnt make connections all the way home so decided to just stay one night coming back.


Now, we stayed at the Grand Hyatt in Manhattan on the way over. We had stayed there before and loved it. This trip we should have saved the money. We got checked in right at dinner time and after heading next door to Grand Central station for a bite.... we went back and went to sleep! Next morning we were still dragging...... so it was a waste to spend the extra $$ for in town hotel. On the way home we stayed at the Hilton Garden Inn right by JFK. We were soooo tired that when we walked into the room we fell right to sleep and slept for 3.5 hrs. Ran downstairs for a burger and then back to sleep. Up early and taxied to La Guardia for our flight home to Texas.


Had heard this was a rough area but we didnt find it so bad. The hotel is not fancy but a real treat. The check in girls were so nice, the room spacious, clean and very comfy. The small restaurant in the lobby had great burgers and breakfast the next morning. The price was right too. And convenient. They have a shuttle to JFK (but not La Guardia). I would definately stay here again for a quick one night stay in or out of NY. I think we paid around $230.(ish) which is good for NY. It might depend on when you go too.

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We had booked at the Waldorf through Hilton points but they were overbooked and moved us to the San Carlos AND refunded all 60,000 points! So we got a free stay. If you just want want a quiet place to sleep we have stayed at the Hampton around 45th or so and it was nice, also convenient to Radio City and Rockefeller Plaza. The Super Shuttle to JFK was about $45, close to the same cost as a taxi.

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