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Trays and Plates???


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Hi Ya'll,

I see some posts about trays and plates and I'm confused.

What does this mean? I haven't cruised on HAL for 2 years...I haven't cruised at all for 2 years...what's the tray thing all about?

I don't mean to start anything or get any groans, but I'm booked for a cruise in November and I'd like to know what the changes are.


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Hi Ya'll,

I see some posts about trays and plates and I'm confused.


What does this mean? I haven't cruised on HAL for 2 years...I haven't cruised at all for 2 years...what's the tray thing all about?


I don't mean to start anything or get any groans, but I'm booked for a cruise in November and I'd like to know what the changes are.



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Since you last cruised HAL has removed trays from the Lido buffet. You must carry your food/drink, and make multiple trips, if necessary.

There are some reports that some ships still have trays, but they were scheduled to be removed from all ships before now. It is not known why the trays are not yet extinct.

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To summarize, HAL has stopped supplying trays for the Lido buffet on some ships, but apparently not all of them yet.


Some people are happy about this because they believe it will cut back on food waste because they saw some "other people" loading up multiple plates with tons of food then eating two bites and leaving the rest.


Some people are unhappy about this because 1) they have problems making several trips through the line to get hot food, soup, salad, dessert, drink, etc. and want to put everything on a tray so they can make one trip, 2) they are assisting someone who is disabled and find it easier to carry a tray with plates for two people so they can dish both at the same time, or 3) they want to carry food back to their room and want a tray so they can carry multiple items at once.


There might be a few other happy and unhappy reasons, but feel free to read through the multiple threads on the subject to find out for yourself.

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Hope they have staff to assist mobility challenged &/or handicapped solo paxs if there are no trays, otherwise they will be extremely inconvenienced. This was a major reason I enjoyed HAL over RCL...


IMO food waste is really not a good reason for no trays as folks will simply return and get more and food will get left anyway..I noticed lots of waste my last cruise on RCL and they have never had trays in their buffet area (has better layout than HAL)..


I suggest the 'real' reason for the tray removal may be to encourage folks to eat in the d.r. or get room service - wld mean less folks in the Lido which has long lines at the best of times & more tips for the staff with r.s....


Anyone else have any ideas?

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Just off the Eurodam. They did not have trays in the Lido. However, they had TONS of wait staff available to assist with carrying food. The wait staff did have access to trays, although I didn't see them using them often. Also,they push a beverage cart around through each table section and if they don't have what you want on the cart, they will go get it for you. So, there's really no need to carry your own drink.


If really wasn't a huge problem. If you are capable of carrying a tray, you should be capable of carrying a plate in each hand or a plate and a drink. The only time I ran into to problems was when I was carrying several personal items in my hands. Then, I just put my stuff at a table and went to retrieve my food. That was a pretty common practice because tables in the Lido are hard to come by during busy times, so a lot of people 'reserved' a table by placing personal items on them before they went to get food.


I made it a point to 'watch' people carefully, after all the heated discussions on this board about the lack of trays. I didn't notice anyone struggling with carrying their food, as I said, there was plenty of wait staff available to assist. In fact, I found the wait staff in the Lido quite helpful and the passengers (at times) rather rude.

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Just off the Eurodam. They did not have trays in the Lido. However, they had TONS of wait staff available to assist with carrying food. The wait staff did have access to trays, although I didn't see them using them often. Also,they push a beverage cart around through each table section and if they don't have what you want on the cart, they will go get it for you. So, there's really no need to carry your own drink.


If really wasn't a huge problem. If you are capable of carrying a tray, you should be capable of carrying a plate in each hand or a plate and a drink. The only time I ran into to problems was when I was carrying several personal items in my hands. Then, I just put my stuff at a table and went to retrieve my food. That was a pretty common practice because tables in the Lido are hard to come by during busy times, so a lot of people 'reserved' a table by placing personal items on them before they went to get food.


I made it a point to 'watch' people carefully, after all the heated discussions on this board about the lack of trays. I didn't notice anyone struggling with carrying their food, as I said, there was plenty of wait staff available to assist. In fact, I found the wait staff in the Lido quite helpful and the passengers (at times) rather rude.



I will still be bringing my own tray with me to use in the Lido whenever I cruise with HAL in the future! I would rather place everything onto my tray at one time when moving down the buffet line rather than making multiple trips back (to the start) of the buffet line to obtain those items that I would not have been able to carry in both hands and balance on my forearms in one trip! Besides, what guarantee(s) do you have that there will continue to be "TONS of wait staff available to assist with carrying food"? Interesting with all the discussion on CC related to the cutback in staff, that there would be "TONS" of wait staff suddenly made available to assist with carrying food, etc.! And that the food/drink items that you had originally placed onto your table in the Lido during "busy times" would still be there for you after you had returned to the start of the buffet line to obtain those food/drink items that you were unable to carry with you the first time!

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We spent 21 days on the Westerdam without trays.

We got along fairly well without them.

But we did notice that at peak times and the lines were long, the crew assigned to helping people were kept on the run. There were not an over abundance of workers to help people.

Also -- carts being pushed with drinks -- beer -- wine -- coffee at breakfast. But nothing like iced water or iced tea at lunch -- you had to get those yourself.

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I had the same experience as Debbie when I was on the Veendam, there was no problem and nothing got cleared off if I got up to get something.


GN, since you obviously haven't experienced the no tray situation yet, I don't understand why you would think those of us who have are lying to you. And why do you have to yell everytime you post on this subject?

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I suggest the 'real' reason for the tray removal may be to encourage folks to eat in the d.r. or get room service - wld mean less folks in the Lido which has long lines at the best of times & more tips for the staff with r.s....


Anyone else have any ideas?

Quite the contrary, I think HAL wants to encourage more people to eat in the Lido, especially for dinner. That's why the Lido now offers pretty much the same entrees each night as the main dining room, and the dinner hours were extended.


I personally think it's a sanitation thing for the reason the trays have been removed. I would imagine those trays would really aid in the spread of germs, especially if they weren't fully washed down between uses ... such as where the Lido is running out of trays and you see stewards wiping them down and then returning them to the serving line.


Even without the trays, there are plenty of stewards available to assist folks who may need a hand with getting their food to the table. Just ask ... and I'm sure a friendly steward will be right there offering his help.


Blue skies ...



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Interesting with all the discussion on CC related to the cutback in staff, that there would be "TONS" of wait staff suddenly made available to assist with carrying food, etc.!

There always were before ... even with the trays. I practically have to fight them off because I'd rather carry my own tray and leave them available for someone who really needs a bit of extra help.


It doesn't take that long to help someone carry their food to a table, so I think the available stewards will be more than adequate to help anyone who requires it.


Blue skies ...



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We just returned from Maasdam where trays have been removed.


DH and I only had about wo breakfasts and two lunches out of fourteen in Lido.

I did not adapt well to all the Lido changes which involved more than removal of trays.


I had trouble one time when the server passed me my plate and said "hot plate". He was right and the plate was hot...... too hot for me to grasp and I near dropped it. No tray to place it on so what is one to do with this plate that is too hot to handle? Maybe we need to bring hot mitts? :D


Maasdam's Lido was not set up to be a 'station self serve' area IMO. It was designed to be a long line, request what you want from the servers and self serve salad items. It does not convert well to trying to have it appear to be stations IMO The rail along which we used to slide our trays still exists so it is confusing. With the rail in place, one expects to slide along it. A true station service self serve would not have this rail.


People were confused about whether they should just go to the hot food/served area if they wanted meat from the carver at lunch or should they start at the beginning of the 'rail' as we always did when trays were handed out. Also, IMO, the order food was placed/set out did not always make sense. For example, one morning I wanted scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and a bagel. I went to the hot food area where they have servers to offer sausage/bacon/potatoes etc. I asked for scrambled eggs and turkey bacon. The fellow said "scrambled eggs are down there" indicating back at what used to be the start of the line. He went to get them for me as I was clearly confused with why eggs would be far removed from where he was serving hot 'sides'. Made no sense to me.


Salad bar used to be what I sought for lunch but is now noticeably reduced and again the placement of serving platters of some things was confusing. There were items one would probably choose to add to their salad that were placed very far away from what is, since dry dock, a reduced salad bar. I used to enjoy sliced mushrooms, broccoli crowns and cauliflowerettes in my salads everyday but none of that was offered.


I also feel they should have more people behind the counter serving. There did not seem to be a server at each 'station' . One server moved from one area to another.

I think the problem is mine more than Lido's as I'm a creature of habit. I am so accustomed to enjoying Lido in the way we always have throughout dozens of cruises so it probably is a question of me needing to adjust.


DH and I almost always have room service breakfast and continued to do so after that morning.


Because we love the seafood on the Canada/New England Itinerary and have favorite restaurants, we had almost all of our lunches ashore. We also had two Mariners luncheons so in the end, I think we only had two lunches in Lido.



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I think the problem is mine more than Lido's as I'm a creature of habit. I am so accustomed to enjoying Lido in the way we always have throughout dozens of cruises so it probably is a question of me needing to adjust.

s7s, I think that's the biggest issue most people are having with the change.

It's a change:eek:, and many people just don't like change.

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I really hate for it to sound as though I resist all change and can adjust to none. That is definitely not the case. Some changes HAL has made I'm okay with. I may not have sought them but can live with them.


Some people resist all change out of hand without experiencing it or giving it a chance.

That does not describe me ;) and I know you didn't mean it does.

I knew there was not a majority of cruisers being Mariners on our first week and found it interesting to watch/listen to opinions of new HAL cruisers vs those who were Mariners.


Overwhelmingly, those who cruised HAL for the first time, loved Maasdam, loved her crew and said they will return to HAL so they must be doing a lot of things very right!


Maasdam is a happy ship and happy crew make for happy guests. There were a few exceptions, of course, but most we spoke with were fine with many of the changes we're experiencing. Lido simply takes some getting used to for some of us.


The Lido changes are not ONLY about being trayless. I think trayless and station service concept will work better on a Vista/Signature Class ship than an "S" or"R". JMHO.....




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Some people resist all change out of hand without experiencing it or giving it a chance.

That does not describe me ;) and I know you didn't mean it does.

Oh, I'm so glad you didn't think I thought that you thought that I thought.... you know what I mean!:o

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I had the same experience as Debbie when I was on the Veendam, there was no problem and nothing got cleared off if I got up to get something.


GN, since you obviously haven't experienced the no tray situation yet, I don't understand why you would think those of us who have are lying to you. And why do you have to yell everytime you post on this subject?


For your information, printing in bold face type is not yelling. "yelling", (actually, the correct computer term is "shouting", occurs when ALL of the e-mail is printed in CAPITAL letters!

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There always were before ... even with the trays. I practically have to fight them off because I'd rather carry my own tray and leave them available for someone who really needs a bit of extra help.


It doesn't take that long to help someone carry their food to a table, so I think the available stewards will be more than adequate to help anyone who requires it.


Blue skies ...





Well, Rita from my cruising experience with HAL, there never was more than one Lido dining steward waiting at the end of the buffet line to assist with carrying your tray to a table! Certainly a far cry from "TONS"!

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For your information, printing in bold face type is not yelling. "yelling", (actually, the correct computer term is "shouting", occurs when ALL of the e-mail is printed in CAPITAL letters!


I'm curious as to why you do always type in bold face? :confused:

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We just returned from Maasdam where trays have been removed.


DH and I only had about wo breakfasts and two lunches out of fourteen in Lido.

I did not adapt well to all the Lido changes which involved more than removal of trays.


I had trouble one time when the server passed me my plate and said "hot plate". He was right and the plate was hot...... too hot for me to grasp and I near dropped it. No tray to place it on so what is one to do with this plate that is too hot to handle? Maybe we need to bring hot mitts? :D


Maasdam's Lido was not set up to be a 'station self serve' area IMO. It was designed to be a long line, request what you want from the servers and self serve salad items. It does not convert well to trying to have it appear to be stations IMO The rail along which we used to slide our trays still exists so it is confusing. With the rail in place, one expects to slide along it. A true station service self serve would not have this rail.


People were confused about whether they should just go to the hot food/served area if they wanted meat from the carver at lunch or should they start at the beginning of the 'rail' as we always did when trays were handed out. Also, IMO, the order food was placed/set out did not always make sense. For example, one morning I wanted scrambled eggs, turkey bacon and a bagel. I went to the hot food area where they have servers to offer sausage/bacon/potatoes etc. I asked for scrambled eggs and turkey bacon. The fellow said "scrambled eggs are down there" indicating back at what used to be the start of the line. He went to get them for me as I was clearly confused with why eggs would be far removed from where he was serving hot 'sides'. Made no sense to me.


Salad bar used to be what I sought for lunch but is now noticeably reduced and again the placement of serving platters of some things was confusing. There were items one would probably choose to add to their salad that were placed very far away from what is, since dry dock, a reduced salad bar. I used to enjoy sliced mushrooms, broccoli crowns and cauliflowerettes in my salads everyday but none of that was offered.


I also feel they should have more people behind the counter serving. There did not seem to be a server at each 'station' . One server moved from one area to another.

I think the problem is mine more than Lido's as I'm a creature of habit. I am so accustomed to enjoying Lido in the way we always have throughout dozens of cruises so it probably is a question of me needing to adjust.


DH and I almost always have room service breakfast and continued to do so after that morning.


Because we love the seafood on the Canada/New England Itinerary and have favorite restaurants, we had almost all of our lunches ashore. We also had two Mariners luncheons so in the end, I think we only had two lunches in Lido.




I thought that you were going to bring your own tray(s) with you on your next HAL cruise to use in the (trayless) Lido! I will!

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s7s, I think that's the biggest issue most people are having with the change.

It's a change:eek:, and many people just don't like change.




ONLY if the change is for the better! And removing the trays from the Lido is NOT a change for the better!

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For your information, printing in bold face type is not yelling. "yelling", (actually, the correct computer term is "shouting", occurs when ALL of the e-mail is printed in CAPITAL letters!


IMHO your large, bold font type posts also seems like screaming/yelling. It jumps out of the page.

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For your information, printing in bold face type is not yelling. "yelling", (actually, the correct computer term is "shouting", occurs when ALL of the e-mail is printed in CAPITAL letters!

Your posting in too large font, combined with the bold, is perceived as shouting by other posters on this board. Whether or not you want to admit it does not change what is.

If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, and .... :rolleyes:

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For your information, printing in bold face type is not yelling. "yelling", (actually, the correct computer term is "shouting", occurs when ALL of the e-mail is printed in CAPITAL letters!


... the end of the buffet line to assist with carrying your tray to a table! Certainly a far cry from "TONS"!


I thought that you were going to bring your own tray(s) with you on your next HAL cruise to use in the (trayless) Lido! I will!


ONLY if the change is for the better! And removing the trays from the Lido is NOT a change for the better!


Maybe it's your combination of large font, bold, and a heavy preference for exclamation points that gives many of us the impression that you're always very angry, and shouting. :cool:
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I thought that you were going to bring your own tray(s) with you on your next HAL cruise to use in the (trayless) Lido! I will!


I tried to point out that the changes in Lido are not only about being trayless. Lido is now configured differently and they are trying to get us used to thinking of going to the particular spot for what you specifically want vs going 'through the line'. Bringing a tray will not make that much of a difference IMO


We managed fine in terms of carrying dishes/glasses without the tray. My problem was hot plate that I could not handle, the number of servers available (not stewards to carry things to tables), and the way things were set out. (For example: Why was turkey bacon far removed from where they had the scrambled eggs?)


[bTW.... I agree with the others that your oversize very bold print is hard on the eyes. It does feel like you are yelling at us or are always angry on this board.]

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