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No more free drinks at Captain's Party?


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The word "hypocrite" supposes that you know the person on whom you've placed the label. So' date=' in this case, it's misplaced. And, what the heck is "ginourmous"......[/quote']



New one for me also. Word of the day

Main Entry: gi·nor·mous Pronunciation: \jī-ˈnȯr-məs\ Function: adjective Etymology: gigantic + enormous Date: circa 1948 : extremely large : humongous

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I agree with you Aplmac. Carnival is a very successful company. They didn't get successful by giving away things for free. Those free cocktails are factored into the cost we all pay.


Now, I do like a drink. Especially if they're free. I'm not one to overindulge regularly. But I also don't pass judgement on those that choose to.

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It's a nice benefit, but it does not factor much into my decision making regarding a cruise.


I'm also not going to blame people for guzzling everything they can - I did it too my first cruise. It's part of the price you paid, so enjoy it all you want.


If the cost is getting too high, Carnival could implement measures other than ending all of the free booze. It's not an either-or proposition.

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Its such a silly issue.. None of it is really free!:)


Just wondering if it ever occurred to most people

that the cost of those "free" drinks and appetizers

is already factored in to the overall cost of your cruise

paid for in full before you even board the ship! :cool:



You didn't really think that Carnival Corporation is giving you anything free, did you?

Hey, you're the paying customer and you get to pay for everything

-all the advertising on TV, the lights, the air-conditioning, the food, the shows

the accidents and the maintenance upkeep

plus a healthy percentage profit markup for the shareholders on top of all that aforementioned stuff. :D





NOthing is free. Nothing.

Someone's paying for it, and I have this sneaky feeling it's us.





Yep.. I said it a couple pages back.. Nothing is ever free...if cruisers dont think they paid for this.. well..... :rolleyes::p

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I must admit that the only reason I go to the Captain's Party is for the free drinks. I drink as much as I can in the little time we have there. I would like to thank those who do not drink while there because that leaves more for me to drink.

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250 Cruises while there is so much misery in the world? Personally, I'm envious, but with just 15 or so cruises under my belt (and looking at your profile we appear to be about the same age) I'm often preached to by realtives who don't understand why we waste so much money on cruising. So there clearly is a perspective issue.


I really don't think you have the moral compass to constatly stand in judgemnt of your peers on charges of "gluttony." Just because you can take 250 cruises, doesn't mean you should. Same as the drinks. ;)


I woun't call you irresponsible, childlike, self indulgent, or any of the other names you've called other folks. I will state that you are a ginourmous hypocrite.



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I don't see the big deal...probably because I don't really care LOL. I guess this leaves me more time to get ready for "elegant evening" because we always rush to get ready in time and then we have to stand in line to be herded like cattle into the theater (or club).


And I only drink a glass or two of wine. Sometimes I'll take a glass with me to dinner. I never cared for the mixed drinks they handed out. But I bring wine onboard with me, so no loss there. And if I can afford to be on a cruise, I can afford to buy my own drinks.


So I don't really care. There are far more important things that shape my cruise experience than whether or not I get a few free glasses of wine one night.


But that's just me, LOL.

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The word "hypocrite" supposes that you know the person on whom you've placed the label. So' date=' in this case, it's misplaced. And, what the heck is "ginourmous"......[/quote']


Ginourmous is a cross between Gigantic and Enourmous. Heard it in a movie someplace. But you can look it up on line in the Urban Dictionary. :)




I'm not sure you have to actually know a person to deem her behavior and perspectives hypocritical. You don't seem to have a problem labeling people you don't know - I think that's hypocritical too.


But the point of this thread is not weather you are a gigantic or enourmous hyporcrite. The point of the thread is that Carnival is monkeying with another cruising tradition in a way that might enhance their revenue. I really doubt they are in business to punish anyone for behaivor you think is innapropriate, so the real question is: will this course of action make them more money?


I don't think it will because its a lot easier to sell people over priced drinks when they are already drinking. With the margins on shipboard drinks, they will easily come out ahead even if they have to give away five 6oz drinks to sell one extra.

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Your 800.00 doesn't include booze. The receptions held on board are not to provide you with all the free booze you can toss back.


Your are absolute correct about not liking "freeloaders". They ruin it for everyone......just like the booze smugglers do......


And' date=' I already avoid the "past guest" party which has turned into a free for all drinking party where everyone brings their friends and relatives. It's a joke and a zoo. They'll probably stop those too before long.


Bet they replace it with a reception for Platinum members, though, and bet you have to present your card to get in. That, I'd go to.[/quote']



I bet you are a real joy to cruise with. Why are you so bitter?

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I have been practising recently for the Dream inaugural;


I had eighteen bottles of whiskey in the cellar, and my wife insisted I empty the contents of each bottle down the sink, or else. After careful consideration, I reluctantly agreed and finally proceeded with the unpleasant task.


I withdrew the cork from the first bottle and poured the contents down the sink with the exception of one glass, which I drank.


Then, I withdrew the cork from the second bottle and did likewise with it, with the exception of one glass, which I drank.


I then withdrew the cork from the third bottle and poured the whiskey down the sink, which I drank.


I pulled the cork from the fourth bottle down the sink and poured the bottle down the glass, which I drank.


I pulled the bottle from the cork of the next and drank one sink out of it, and threw the rest down the glass.


I pulled the sink out of the next glass and poured the cork down the bottle. Then, I corked the sink with the glass, bottled the drink and drank the pour.


When I had everything emptied, I steadied the house with one hand, counted the glasses, corks, bottles, and sinks with the other, which were twenty-nine, and as the houses came by I counted them again, and finally I had all the houses in one bottle, which I drank.


I'm not under the affluence of incohol as some tinkle peep I am. I'm not half as thunk as you might drink. I fool so feelish I don't know who is me, and the drunker I stand here, the longer I get.


That should see me in good condition to get through 45 minutes of the welcome aboard party.

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Well, I guess it will just be like everywhere else in the world and just have the good old Happy Hour! I can live with that, we always get our pictures taken so I only ever got one free one anyway. So it not that big of a deal to me. Sorry for the rest of you who burned it up on the free drinks.

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You've never seen a guest at the part guest party drink 10 drinks in 45 minutes? Wow, cruises out of NOLA must really attract a different crowd, Lil - I see this on every single cruise, and it's not just a few people!


I know I am going to get flamed for my opinion, just like G"ma, but I don't see the point of drinking 10 drinks in 45 mins even if they are watered down. It's because it's free huh?


LMHSRN & Nealstuber, I guess getting the max during the party is important to you. When Carnival starts the price increase or makes other changes because of those of you who take more than their fair share, I can hear the complaining.


Take a look at Royal Caribbean and see how the Diamond people are now screwed because of those taking advantage of the free happy hour by either drinking as many drinks as they could in the allotted time, or bringing their friends in when they didn't belong there.


As G'ma said, there are things that are ruined by greedy people. I just wish you could give some consideration to others than just be part of the ME generation.


As far as the person posting about the lobster, just wait until lobster is no longer on the menu and think of how people posted they had 16 lobster tails etc. Gluttony costs all of us, and sorry, but I think if you want more, then you should pay for it. Off my soapbox, but I know I have my flame retardant suit on.

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This is from John Heald's latest blog.



Melissa Jurgensen Asked:

John please reply…


I noticed you said in an answer to someone’s question that CCL was looking at the captain’s party experience.

You’re not considering stopping them like that “other cruise line” is you? Or charging/not offering free drinks? I hope not because I love the parties, seeing the officers and meeting the captain, cruise director, etc.



John Says:

Hello Melissa

Nothing to worry about Melissa. There are no plans to cancel the free drinks, etc. or the chance to meet the captain and senior officers. Why…….which cruise line has done that?

There may be some adjustments soon but they will be for the better I promise. I will let you all know soon

Best wishes


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Ginourmous is a cross between Gigantic and Enourmous. Heard it in a movie someplace. But you can look it up on line in the Urban Dictionary. :)




I'm not sure you have to actually know a person to deem her behavior and perspectives hypocritical. You don't seem to have a problem labeling people you don't know - I think that's hypocritical too.


But the point of this thread is not weather you are a gigantic or enourmous hyporcrite. The point of the thread is that Carnival is monkeying with another cruising tradition in a way that might enhance their revenue. I really doubt they are in business to punish anyone for behaivor you think is innapropriate, so the real question is: will this course of action make them more money?


I don't think it will because its a lot easier to sell people over priced drinks when they are already drinking. With the margins on shipboard drinks, they will easily come out ahead even if they have to give away five 6oz drinks to sell one extra.


Thanks for the heads-up on the word......I do try to keep up.....


How dare you have an opinion, anyway......:p

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I bet you are a real joy to cruise with. Why are you so bitter?


"We can rarely see things from the point of view of another person because we look at the facts through the screen of an impression or an interest which distorts our view; and then there are accusations, quarrels and misunderstanding."

Barry Long......

Good thing to remember, huh?

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I have been practising recently for the Dream inaugural;


I had eighteen bottles of whiskey in the cellar, and my wife insisted I empty the contents of each bottle down the sink, or else. After careful consideration, I reluctantly agreed and finally proceeded with the unpleasant task.


I withdrew the cork from the first bottle and poured the contents down the sink with the exception of one glass, which I drank.


Then, I withdrew the cork from the second bottle and did likewise with it, with the exception of one glass, which I drank.


I then withdrew the cork from the third bottle and poured the whiskey down the sink, which I drank.


I pulled the cork from the fourth bottle down the sink and poured the bottle down the glass, which I drank.


I pulled the bottle from the cork of the next and drank one sink out of it, and threw the rest down the glass.


I pulled the sink out of the next glass and poured the cork down the bottle. Then, I corked the sink with the glass, bottled the drink and drank the pour.


When I had everything emptied, I steadied the house with one hand, counted the glasses, corks, bottles, and sinks with the other, which were twenty-nine, and as the houses came by I counted them again, and finally I had all the houses in one bottle, which I drank.


I'm not under the affluence of incohol as some tinkle peep I am. I'm not half as thunk as you might drink. I fool so feelish I don't know who is me, and the drunker I stand here, the longer I get.


That should see me in good condition to get through 45 minutes of the welcome aboard party.


Too funny!


I absolutely enjoy going to the Captain's Cocktail Party and the Past Guest Party. The free drinks are a plus and show the passengers that they are special. I usually try to sip down 3 - 4 while there (let's face it - they are tiny:D). I do not notice what others are doing and if there are a few that imbibe too much, then so be it. I don't think these few passengers are hurting the industry (they just get looped enough to go buy more drinks after the party is over!)

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I'm a little confused by the attack on those who like the Captain's party and free drinks. Sometimes we go and sometimes we don't. It is not that big of a deal for us. HOWEVER, if others really enjoy the event I hope Carnival keeps it.


Evidently, everyone likes something about cruising or they wouldn't be repeat cruisers. And I am sure whatever it is that floats your boat cost Carnival money. I'm also sure that someone else could care less about your pleasure item


Example, I don't lounge so they could take away the pools and all the lounge chairs and I would not care. What should I have to pay for your sunbathing. I don't eat sushi so do away with that. I don't eat ice cream so those machines can go.


Now I do enjoy the live music in the Supper Clubs. I will really miss that. So I can sympathize with those who will miss the free drinks at the Captain's party. (if that is true)


There are so many posts from CCers critizing their fellow passengers. Pigs at a trough, gluttons, etc. Five cruises and mostly what I have found and what I look for are folks having the time of their life. If it is free drinks or extra food and it adds to their enjoyment, then truthfully you should be happy for them.

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Well' date=' that might be why YOU cruise....it's not why I cruise.


I cruise because I love being on the sea, love the cruise experience, enjoy idle hours on my balcony, good food presented attractively in a nice dining environment by friendly waiters.


I enjoy a chair at the Caribbean Stud table for a couple of hours, a little music at the casino bar with a nice after dinner drink, some friendly conversation, maybe a little dancing.


I enjoy a lounge chair in the sun for a couple hours a day, maybe a midnight slice of pizza or an afternoon room service. A good nap in the afternoon, a lively night in the piano bar, sleeping until I feel like getting up, going ashore - or not....watching the sun come up on a morning walk around the top deck....


You may cruise for "all you can get"....I cruise because I love to cruise.[/quote']

O.K. G'ma, I don't often agree with you, but on this I do. I also cruise for all the reasons you do. But l also don't have any problem with those who cruise for other reasons such as partying, drinking etc. My husband and I can drink with the best of them but that is not our prime reason to cruise. If they do away with free drinks at the captain's party, this will not affect us one bit. We'll just go drink our free booze in our cabin! the devil made me say that!:eek:


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"We can rarely see things from the point of view of another person because we look at the facts through the screen of an impression or an interest which distorts our view; and then there are accusations' date=' quarrels and misunderstanding."[/size']

Barry Long......


Good thing to remember, huh?



Yes it is.. and you should remember it also next time someone complains or has a gripe that you disagree with so easily and criticiallly dismiss as nonsense or trivial. People come to this board to praise, critique, vent and share ideas... key word SHARE ;)

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for Past cruisers We had free drinks AND snacks. COrrection: *I* had free drinks, not DS!!! And I had 3 in about 15 minutes. I also didn't notice what other people were doing. Not my concern!


Also we got the whale pins! I stuck mine on my hat.

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You've never seen a guest at the part guest party drink 10 drinks in 45 minutes? Wow, cruises out of NOLA must really attract a different crowd, lol - I see this on every single cruise, and it's not just a few people!


I guess it wasn't so much how much he drank but the way he treated the bartender. the drinks were never strong enough, big enough, or fast enough! And at the end, he stiffed the bartender! My husband and I felt so bad, we left more to make up for that guys rudeness. I don't care how much anyone drinks, but no reason to be rude about it!


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Just wondering if it ever occurred to most people

that the cost of those "free" drinks and appetizers

is already factored in to the overall cost of your cruise

paid for in full before you even board the ship! :cool:



You didn't really think that Carnival Corporation is giving you anything free, did you?

Hey, you're the paying customer and you get to pay for everything

-all the advertising on TV, the lights, the air-conditioning, the food, the shows

the accidents and the maintenance upkeep

plus a healthy percentage profit markup for the shareholders on top of all that aforementioned stuff. :D





NOthing is free. Nothing.

Someone's paying for it, and I have this sneaky feeling it's us.



If that were the case then Carnival would be double dipping if they started charging.:confused::eek::)

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