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I love roulette on cruises, but I kow it's all luck. In Vegas I get my arse kicked, but I tend to do well on ships (knock on wood). I usually stick to collums, red/black, or sets. My last cruise I finished up about $450, which is a lot for me. Once I was way up I got more confident inlarger bets such as $50 on red. These paid off more often that I lost. By the end I had 4 casino security guards watching me play the table. I fealt "special" :p I'm such a dork. But yeah I like it, and I usually set aside 100 I'm willing to lose each cruise and make an evening of it. Gonna try again this September...can't wait!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have played roulette in Mississippi, Louisiana, Las Vegas and on board Princess. Although the game has the best odds for the house, I have rarely done worse that breakeven and have walked away with hundreds on occasion.


It is true that the wheel has no memory. However, every dealer has tendencies on how they spin the wheel and counter spin the ball. If red comes up 5, 6, even 10 times in a row, the dealer is unconsciously spinning the same way each time, go with the flow.


You can make good money playing the dozens (1-12, 13-24, and 25-36) but often with the change of dealers, the pattern changes and you lose money quickly. A similar bet, often ignored by most players, is columns-like dozens, each column has 12 numbers. Often a pattern emerges here when others disappear.


Most importantly, I consider playing roulette, and my wife at the video poker machines, as a form of entertainment, not an income source. That makes it much more enjoyable.



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OK, i'm playing the outside......1-12 13-24 and 25-36 these bets pay 2/1.

I place bets on 1-12 and 13-24. I now have 2/3 of the numbers covered but my odds are now 1 to 1, because if it hits I lose one bet but get back 2 to 1 on the other.


I don't understand how this would work in your favor. Every time, your best outcome is merely to recover the total amount that you bet. How would you ever get ahead?

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I don't understand how this would work in your favor. Every time, your best outcome is merely to recover the total amount that you bet. How would you ever get ahead?


Because if you put out 5 and 5 on two of the three sets and it hits one of them, you get back 15. The sets pay 3 to 1. This is also how I play :)

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OK, i'm playing the outside......1-12 13-24 and 25-36 these bets pay 2/1.

I place bets on 1-12 and 13-24. I now have 2/3 of the numbers covered


Actually, you'll have 12/19 of the numbers covered (assuming a double-zero wheel) which is slightly less than 2/3.


So 12 out of 19 times, on average, you'll win one unit. That accounts for an average win of 12 per 19 spins.


7 out of 19 times, you'll lose two units. That accounts for an average loss of 14 per 19 spins.


Put the two outcomes together, and you get a net loss of 2 units per 19 spins (12 - 14).


Since your total bet during those 19 spins is 38 units (2 units each time), you can see that the house will win an average of 2 out of every 38 units wagered when you use that method. In percentage terms, that's a house edge of 5.26%... same as nearly every other bet or combination of bets in roulette.


Which isn't to say you shouldn't play that way. If it's an enjoyable time at the tables, and if it's worth the expected loss, then go for it! That's what vacation is all about.



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I'm reading about all these so-called "odds" and how it's stupid for certain bets to be made because you'd be wasting your money.....all I know is I love roulette and have played all different ways: black/red, 2 number splits, 4 number splits, columns, etc....I don't play by any particular rules set up by those people who think they know how to play the game the best....but I can tell you this---I start each night with $20 worth of chips and play for hours on that $20, usually walking out with a few hundred at the end of the night....I do that by watching the number history board and betting accordingly. I am well aware that the wheel has no memory, but I have seen time and time again the same numbers come up numerous times over the course of the night and I take advantage of that.


On the off chance that I lose my original $20, I get up and do something else for a few hours and then return.....my luck is usually better the 2nd time. I have been using this "unconventional" method for YEARS and I have to admit on most of my cruises, by the last night onboard, I have managed to pay for one of our cruise fares. Not too shabby in my opinion. It sure beats the smart*ss that walks up to the table and drops $1000 or more in one spin of the wheel and walks away empty handed. :p

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I do that by watching the number history board and betting accordingly. I am well aware that the wheel has no memory, but I have seen time and time again the same numbers come up numerous times over the course of the night and I take advantage of that.


When people say "the wheel has no memory", what they mean is that spins that happen in the past have no effect on any spin that comes later. In other words, the chances of any given number coming up are always 1-in-38. Numbers are not more or less likely to appear, based on a pattern of past appearances (or lack of appearances).


So if you say you're aware that the wheel has no memory, and at the same time you feel that the history of numbers on a roulette wheel is something that can be taken "advantage" of, then I'm afraid you're contradicting yourself. You can't have it both ways.


All that said, I do agree with you wholeheartedly that, no matter what you believe, the point of roulette (or any gambling game) is to have fun. If you can get a good night's entertainment out of $20 at the wheel, then you're way ahead of most folks.


You're also correct in your distrust of people who claim to know the "correct" way to play roulette. With only one exception, every single bet or combination of bets has the same house edge. It's not a game of skill, it's a game of luck. As such, there's no more a "best" way to play roulette than there is a "best" way to play Candyland. :D




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  • 3 weeks later...
OK, i'm playing the outside......1-12 13-24 and 25-36 these bets pay 2/1.

I place bets on 1-12 and 13-24. I now have 2/3 of the numbers covered but my odds are now 1 to 1, because if it hits I lose one bet but get back 2 to 1 on the other. The problem starts if luck is going bad and I am losing at twice the normal clip.

I have used this "strategy" and played for hours. It is a grind and rather boring, but I have walked away happy more times than not.

I prefer faster paced and excitement like craps. This poses a problem when I have been drinking and start playing the numbers and other bets. Once I do this my "strategy" is out the door.


Actually you have a little less than 2/3 of the numbers covered since there are 38 numbers, not 36, including the 0 and the 00.


I usually play some of the numbers straight up, some on the corner, and some split. I always put a bet on the 0-00 split. Over the years I've come out ahead a lot more times than I've lost. I always start with $40 and usually cash out anywhere from $60 to $150, sometimes having played for hours. Not a big profit but can be lots of fun if there are congenial table mates.

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Found a technique on the Internet that looked very interesting (dangerous but very interesting). The author suggested that you bet on only two or three numbers or areas and if you win, bet the same amount again....if you lose, double the bet, if you lose again, double the bet, (always betting on the same numbers) when you do win the odds say you will make up the money lost.


Example (where you place your bets is up to you, just keep them the same each time):

$5 on 00 and black - lose

$10 on 00 and black - lose

$20 on 00 and black - lose

$40 on 00 and black - black wins (you should win your money back)


$5 on 00 and black - win

$5 on 00 and black - win


I've been playing with this on the computer and I've gone down in my "money" to a scary level, but I must admit that I've been saved at the last minute. Right now I'm up $500.


Does anybody use this method?

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Found a technique on the Internet that looked very interesting (dangerous but very interesting). The author suggested that you bet on only two or three numbers or areas and if you win, bet the same amount again....if you lose, double the bet, if you lose again, double the bet, (always betting on the same numbers) when you do win the odds say you will make up the money lost.


Example (where you place your bets is up to you, just keep them the same each time):

$5 on 00 and black - lose

$10 on 00 and black - lose

$20 on 00 and black - lose

$40 on 00 and black - black wins (you should win your money back)


$5 on 00 and black - win

$5 on 00 and black - win


I've been playing with this on the computer and I've gone down in my "money" to a scary level, but I must admit that I've been saved at the last minute. Right now I'm up $500.


Does anybody use this method?


It's called a negative progression. In theory if you had an infinite bankroll and a table with no max limit then you will make money. The problem is you can end up betting a very large amount of money in a very short time if you lose 4-5 in a row. you see it alot by tournament blackjack players.

Edited by grod19
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It's called a negative progression.


Also pretty close to the good ol' Martingale, which as been around for donkey's years.


It doesn't change the house edge of 5.26%, of course. No betting system can.


What postive progressions do do is increase the chances of you having a winning "run", at the expense of increasing the amount you lose when you have that bankroll-exhausting (or table-limit-hitting) streak. The two things balance out perfectly, such that there's really no long-term advantage.



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  • 2 weeks later...

BUT, to be serious over a defined amount of spins your odds betting red or black are always the same no matter how many times red or black come up. I'll say your best bet is gamble with a set amount of money and if you get ahead quit and be happy. The sound & glitter of a casino is part of the design to keep you there playing. You'll have fun, but the casino knows the longer you stay the better their odds of taking your money.

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I have not read any threads about roulette yet..so I thought it will be all right for me to start one. If this is not okay, please let me know. Anyways I am a huge roulette fan...anybody play on the Carnival Cruise Ships? I am leaving for my first cruise in 18 days, so I am super excited about the experience. I am also excited about the casino..and I know it is nothing like Vegas, but maybe I can get rid of some of my gambling bug...Anybody have any experience playing roulette on the ships??? Thanks


HHHHHEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOO jasjess7881: Roulette is extremely popular in Europe although I can't figure out why. In an American Casino you have on an even money bet 18 chances to win and 20 chances to lose. On a Column bet you have 12 ways to win and instead of 24 ways to lose you have 26 ways to lose and for that you get paid 2-1.

As in most casino games you make less than the true odds. The only game where you get a true odds payout is when you take the odds in craps on Pass Line or Come Bets. That pays out at true odds. It is the only bet in the Casino that pays out at true odds. Remember, the larger the odds the less chance it has of hitting.

Edited by Casino Player
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HHHHHEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOO jasjess7881: Roulette is extremely popular in Europe although I can't figure out why. In an American Casino you have on an even money bet 18 chances to win and 20 chances to lose. On a Column bet you have 12 ways to win and instead of 24 ways to lose you have 26 ways to lose and for that you get paid 2-1.


As in most casino games you make less than the true odds. The only game where you get a true odds payout is when you take the odds in craps on Pass Line or Come Bets. That pays out at true odds. It is the only bet in the Casino that pays out at true odds. Remember, the larger the odds the less chance it has of hitting.


It's probably popular in Europe because we only have one zero so the house edge is 2.7%.


As a Brit - I would never play a US wheel!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi All


Just thought i would throw my hat into the ring here, from across the pond.


Whenever i play roulette i stick to the same routine. Let's face it, this 1 game that is purely chance..........so, here is what i do:


I have 6 single numbers that i play each and every time. If i hit lucky the dealer will pay me out and leave the winning chip on the winning number. I don't remove it but add another chip to it, together with a single bet on my other 5 numbers. If it comes up again then the next spin will have 3 chips on that winning number.

It has paid off once or twice big style, as sometimes the same number comes up 2 maybe 3 times in a row.

Nevertheless........playing 6 numbers each spin means you would like a 'pick-up' every 6 turns.

One thing though...........if you try it, stick with the same 6 numbers religiously.

Remember........it is pure chance, every spin. No science involved or deep meaningful thought.......just chance.

Walk away if you are up by a considerable amount and play again tomorrow.





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  • 2 weeks later...

I just got off the Pride and spent some time in the casino. I brought 100 to gamble with and over several sessions with some swings finally gave up with $56 left. I didn't care for black or red roulette betting as I though the moving of the boat during some rough patches influenced the outcome at times (sorry for sounding like a sore loser). 3 card poker was fun to learn/play and there was blackjack in different forms.


For the next cruise, I'll skip roulette and stick to 3 card poker and blackjack.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Roulette was always my lucky game because that's where I met my husband and he doesn't even gamble! He was there to keep an eye on his brother who was playing blackjack the next table over from the roulette table (his brother can be a little mouthy when he's drinking).


I say "was always my lucky game" because before cruising, my roulette winnings would end up paying for my trip and more every time I went to Vegas. Other than meeting my husband, however, I'm not so lucky on the cruise ships. I have taken to giving my husband the chips and him sitting at the table and betting MY numbers, and he comes out $100 richer in half an hour. I know it doesn't mean anything, it's only superstition, but it makes me feel better that I'M not the one putting the money on the line, and if he does win, I'M still the one who gets the $100 ;)

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but will bet black or red if I see that there have been many blacks or reds in a row.


What does that have to dowith the next spin:confused:?


HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOO RANTHEMAN: It may have everything to do with the next spin or nothing at all to do with the next spin.

The wheel itself may be damaged slightly and favor certain numbers coming up. It may be the way the dealer is spinning the ball. Or then again it may be just pure chance.

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HHHHHEEEEELLLLLLLLLLOOOOO RANTHEMAN: It may have everything to do with the next spin or nothing at all to do with the next spin.


The wheel itself may be damaged slightly and favor certain numbers coming up. It may be the way the dealer is spinning the ball. Or then again it may be just pure chance.


Kind off yes, if the wheel is out of balance then there could be issues, however with the modern wheels in use now even that has been taken out of the game for the most part.


The canoes and frets are there to alter the course of the ball as it drops, in the old days it was pretty easy for a dealer to aim at a block of numbers, now days, not so much.


The reader boards are a whole different ball game, other than drawing in people to play with/against the streaks they help a casino determine if there is an issue with the wheel.


There is a feature which can show you the number of times a number/colour/section has hit over a predetermined number of spins.


This would show the casino if a number is hitting more than any other.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hi All


Just thought i would throw my hat into the ring here, from across the pond.


Whenever i play roulette i stick to the same routine. Let's face it, this 1 game that is purely chance..........so, here is what i do:


I have 6 single numbers that i play each and every time. If i hit lucky the dealer will pay me out and leave the winning chip on the winning number. I don't remove it but add another chip to it, together with a single bet on my other 5 numbers. If it comes up again then the next spin will have 3 chips on that winning number.

It has paid off once or twice big style, as sometimes the same number comes up 2 maybe 3 times in a row.

Nevertheless........playing 6 numbers each spin means you would like a 'pick-up' every 6 turns.

One thing though...........if you try it, stick with the same 6 numbers religiously.

Remember........it is pure chance, every spin. No science involved or deep meaningful thought.......just chance.

Walk away if you are up by a considerable amount and play again tomorrow.








I play almost the same way except I have a 7th number for when I hit and I play for 10 spins a session only. Hit twice and I am up 10 units. Hit three times and I up 45 units.


You are right about always playing the same numbers.

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