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Lip injections - restylane, juvuderm, etc


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The injections feel like a bee sting, without the "after pain"... it can be uncomfortable while it's happening, but it's not "painful". Afterward, you may have some redness and swelling, but it goes away after a few hours and a cool compress. They will generally just use a topical numbing cream on the area to be injected.


Do choose your "injector" carefully. If they don't know what they're doing, or don't have alot of experience, they can do a terrible job. No, it's not permanent, but you could have "clown lips' for many months to come!


It's expensive (in my book)... and like I said, it only lasts about 6-8 months, and then you're back to where you were before.

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I have not done it, but many, many of my friends have. One used juviderm and looked like she'd been stung by bees --- lots of small bruises for several days. Other used a different product and looked like she'd been punched in the mouth she was so bruised - she actually told people that her sister had accidently smacked her in the face. Another friend got a topical treatment from an M.D. and she misapplied it and wound up burning the inside and outside of her lips so badly that she could barely sip through a straw for a week.


Granted, I live in a small city and there are probably in bigger places that have better doctors, but even people like Meg Ryan who have a lot of money and good doctors at their disposal still look really "done".


I guess I'm blessed because I have full lips, but if I really felt that I needed to do this, I would quietly ask around and find people who looked natural then ask them what procedure they used and what it cost. You could also ask a local doctor for comments from their patients. I think it's one of those things where not every product is right for every person, and lots of people doing the work don't have the skills or credentials.



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What Janine stated is true. If you want any cosmetic work done, don't bargain shop for it, even injectables. Go to the best MD skilled in that area.


I work with a couple of women who have started messing with their faces and the look is....comical.

Edited by Happy ks
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What Janine stated is true. If you want any cosmetic work done, don't bargain shop for it, even injectables. Go to the best MD skilled in that area.

I agree wholeheartedly.


I work with a couple of women who have started messing with their faces and the look is....comical.




IMO, if you're using Restylane, etc. to fill in frown lines or "puppet mouth" the results can look great but if you're using it to create something that is not naturally there...fuller lips....bring in the clowns.

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Yeah I definitely am not trying to get a bargain. When it comes to things like that...and my eyes, especially...I will take the better quality route vs. the more bang for my buck one.


See, the thing w/me is that I don't mind a "done" look when it comes to the lips. Besides those who were injected w/silicone (which I don't plan on doing), I haven't seen any "bad" lip jobs...they all look good to me...even the ones that people state are bad. Granted, sometimes the top lip can look too much larger than the bottom, but it's nothing that can't be fixed with slightly overlining the bottom lip.

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The injections feel like a bee sting, without the "after pain"... it can be uncomfortable while it's happening, but it's not "painful". Afterward, you may have some redness and swelling, but it goes away after a few hours and a cool compress. They will generally just use a topical numbing cream on the area to be injected.


Do choose your "injector" carefully. If they don't know what they're doing, or don't have alot of experience, they can do a terrible job. No, it's not permanent, but you could have "clown lips' for many months to come!


It's expensive (in my book)... and like I said, it only lasts about 6-8 months, and then you're back to where you were before.


Ahh, I've never been stung by a bee!! Good to hear that it's not painful. I can deal w/uncomfortable lol.


It's so hard for me to find a good injector in MD :-/ I called around and asked just about everyone if people have before and after shots of lip injections (in their offices or on their websites), and none of them do!! I mean, some do, but it's just the general "restylane" pic that the specific nurse or doctor didn't do...it's just to show what restylane can do to the lips. There are pics of the bigger procedures, like BA, rhinoplasty, etc...but nothing of just the lips. Actually...wait, there are lips, but those are lip implants like advanta...which I don't want. Also, when I call these places, they say that a nurse gives the shots bc the doctor only injects those who are getting another procedure done, as well. They all swear that the nurse injects on a daily basis and that's she's so great. I'm really debating just walking in and seeing a staff member that a nurse has injected...but I figure that they could lie about that just to get my money. It'd be easy to say that the nurse did it, when the doctor did it or when the person was actually just born w/the pout.

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I live in MD also and have looked into this procedure in the past and I cant seem to find a dr I am happy with. If you find some you can receommend please pm me. Thanks


I don't know how to PM you. Do I have to add you as a contact first?


Someone recommended this doc @ Monarch Med Spa, but I'm pretty sure that place is towards DC. I really would rather not have my lips done at all vs. driving that far for injections (and possibly not being happy w/the result).


I think that I'm going to end up going to this place in Owings Mills, near me. There's a doc there named James Vogel. I will try to ask for him and give them more notice, as opposed to just being able to walk-in the same week and get the nurse.

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I recently had restylane. After the numbing cream wore off, the treated area was sore. I applied cold compresses and gentle massage. When I awoke the next morning, the area was quite swollen, so I applied an ice pack. By the end of the second day, the swelling was gone. It did reduce the parentheses but I don't know if it's worth the investment. If you are doing this for a special occasion, get it done well in advance to allow the swelling to go down. My med spa was offering a free 50 units of Dysport (new form of Botox) with each syringe of restylane. I don't think the results from the Dysport are as good as with Botox. The bottom line: I will re-evaluate in six months and get Botox as needed.

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I have done Restylane, Juvederm and Radiesse (fka Radiance). Everyone will react differently - some swelling, lots of swelling, bruising, heavy bruising, little to no bruising - you get what I mean. In other words, do NOT decide to do this a few days and even just a week before your trip!


If you are considering fillers do your homework and find an experienced doctor or esthetician who has been trained for injecting fillers. Ask a friend about her experience. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to find a reputable doctor/esthetician.


I have gone to a local and well-known doctor here and he has a nurse who has been doing injectables for years. I was very happy with the results the first time and the second time as well. However, my Mom just found an esthetician who is closer to home and work and she was extremely happy with her results that I decided to try her. This woman is an esthetician trained to do fillers. She took time by asking me what it was I expected, what I wanted done, etc. She only uses three products: Botox, Juvederm and Radiesse. She has used other fillers as well but she decided to follow her mentor/trainer and just do the three that she felt gave the best results. Now, what she did was a little different. She does a different procedure that she recently learned where you can add the Lidocaine to the filler (it's a transfer between the syringes to mix them together). She then ices the area to numb it a bit and OMG, it was so much better than doing the block which the first gal did for me (I have a low threshhold for pain) so I opted for the block the first two times I did fillers.


This is what I had done: She used Radiesse (which, if you don't know, promotes collagen) to fill in the hollows under my eyes (what a difference THAT made!). The shadows are gone that made me look so tired. She then used Juvederm for my lower lip (unfortunately, I do NOT have lips!), just enough so I now have a lower lip. She then did Botox on my upper lip: 3 spots (the middle of the cupid's bow, and then just each side). Her explanation was that the Botox would help the muscle there contract just enough so it would "lift" the upper lip in about 3 days. By golly, she was right!!! I have lips that look just right for me and I am now wearing lipglosses and lipsticks which I never did, EVER, in the past.


I have found that from the first two times having fillers that they lasted about 6-8 months. Yes, it is pricey, but definitely cheaper than a facelift.


Oh, one last thing. She sells also Latisse. I was complaining about my eyebrows and how they were starting to thin out. She said Latisse will also work for eyebrows. Now, I was blessed with long eyelashes BUT I decided to try the Latisse and she sold me one for cost. I have been using it for about 1-1/2 months now. Yes, my eyelashes are now even longer (why not use it, right ;) ) but wholly cow, my eyebrows are filling in!! I am so happy about that!! I haven't plucked them since I started using the Latisse but I'm making an appointment to wax them just before my cruise.


Ladies, if you are considering fillers, as I said: DO YOUR HOMEWORK. If you have a friend who has had fillers ask them about the experience. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to find a reputable doctor/esthetician. Remember, it is not permanent. It is only temporary.


HTH ~ Lisa :)

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I had an unexpected side effect from a successful rhinoplasty. The Dr. tweaked ever so slightly the angle of tip of my nose so that the nostrils were no longer parallel to the ground. He made the angle slightly tipped up - a more feminine profile, he said.


Worked out fine, and... here is where I return to Topic again... it changed the way my upper lip looks. Now my upper lip is fuller because it got pulled up just a nudge. It has been a permanent outcome.

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I've had several syringes of Juvederm Ultra Plus, which is the filler that lasts up to a year. It's more expensive by about 25%, but lasts twice as long.


I had very long and deep "11" lines between my eyebrows: from below my brows all the way to the middle of my forehead. Completely gone now.


I have also had small amounts around my mouth and on the marionette lines.


I love the stuff, and I have very fair and sensitive skin. I do not want to do my upper lip, because I think I'll end up with one of those phony looking "straight" lips look. So, I use a lip plumper on the upper lip lines, and that works well.


I also use a good exfoliant and have a lunchtime peel every month. A lot of facial lines are actually dry and dead skin cells.


I went to an eye doctor who does laser surgery and also these injections. Anyone that works on eyes has got a good set of hands, IMO.


I was bruised at the injection site for a few days, and because I had large amounts in my brow, I had some lumpiness for a while until the stuff smoothed out.


You get instant results in the small injections, but the larger ones require some patience and time.


What's interesting is the filler pushes out the skin so you can gently exfoliate, and the deep lines go away. It takes several weeks for the final look with a large injection.

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Find a good dermatologist who specializes in cosmetic fillers, not surgery. As another poster said, do your homework. I went to a very large dermatology group locally and various doctors specialize in certain procedures, no one does everything. Different fillers work differently in different areas (yes, that's a lot of "different":p), but each filler has a place in your face:D. The Dr I saw explained what each filler is designed to do for the age of the person having the procedure, and that makes a huge difference in the end result, as well as how long the filler lasts.


He explained how the "Goldie Hawn in 9 to 5" look happens.


So now you have my 5 cents worth;)

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Please could you tell me what fillers might work best for me based on what your derm. said? I'm going next week for Botox around my eyes, which I have experience with....but I'd like to try a filler on the () lines beside my mouth/nose..


I'm 54 and fair skinned. I would like a long lasting one if possible.


Thanks so much....the more knowledge I'm armed with the better.


I go to a plastic surgeon's office that has a skin center attached to it.

I've been going there for some time, so I do trust them, but these fillers are new to me.



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Please could you tell me what fillers might work best for me based on what your derm. said? I'm going next week for Botox around my eyes, which I have experience with....but I'd like to try a filler on the () lines beside my mouth/nose..


I'm 54 and fair skinned. I would like a long lasting one if possible.


Thanks so much....the more knowledge I'm armed with the better.


I go to a plastic surgeon's office that has a skin center attached to it.

I've been going there for some time, so I do trust them, but these fillers are new to me.




What I didn't mention above is I went to a dermatologist while I was shopping for my doc to do my work, and I was really unimpressed with the dermo and her office help. They did the glycolic peels (which I think are great in addition to the juvaderm), and looked like they were fresh out of cosmetology school. Then, I went to the eye clinic and he has a registered RN with 25 years experience doing his peels. So, the combination of the good needle hands and the good peel nurse sold me.


I just had Botox done around my eyes 2 weeks ago. As I said I have very fair skin, so I'm a good "guinea pig" for you. :D


I had tiny bruises for several days at the needle sites, which were completely covered with a dab of make-up. The skin is now very smoother and the fine lines about 90% gone. I'm happy with the results.


The Juvaderm Ultra Plus last the longest. It's a thicker formula, so you have more bulging, but it goes away. You just have to give it some time and not expect instant results everywhere you use it. Around the mouth area, where you flesh is naturally plumper, it blends well. But, on the forehead where there is little fatty tissue, it takes longer for the Juvaderm to "blend" in with the contour. No one notices, but if you run your fingers over the area, you can feel where it is. Goes completely away.


I also had laser spot removal on my hands, arms, chest, neck, and face. THAT is what really makes a difference, too!


I was in a restaurant a few days ago and the cashier didn't ring me up for the senior price. He was very surprised to know that I qualify. I am 61 years old, and with the "new" skin I have on my hands, arms, chest, neck, and face, I look about 45 - 50.

Edited by pcur
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Thanks so much for the info. I will ask about that kind of filler...should work for me as I'm only getting it around the mouth.,


Thankfully I don't have age/sun spots to worry about. I've always been very fair skinned and have stayed out of the sun for many years.

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I've always been very fair skinned and have stayed out of the sun for many years.


Me, too, and I've always used sunscreen since I was about 27. But, those dark spots started popping out on my hands and arms about 15 years ago. I'm happy that laser treatments can eliminate them.

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Oh gosh.....maybe I have those to look forward too !!!!!!!!


My daughter is such a sun worshipper....I"m always telling her she'll be sorry one day. She is sure by the time she reaches 40 they will have a pill that will cure all her old age ills !!!


I hope they do and I can still take it !!!!!

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The dermatologist I went to did his internship and residency at Mayo Clinic and is one of 20 dermatologists in a large clinic here that has been written up in several different medical journals and magazines.


Now having said that, his recommendation for nasal-labial lines is Radiessce and he explained his reasons therefor, one of them being that it lasts 12-18 months and helps build collagen in those areas. Another reason he prefers Radiessce for this area has to do with skin age and condition. My skin isn't badly sun-damaged, but he did caution that I MUST always wear minimum 30spf sunscreen on my face now as it is very susceptible to damage.


I realize there are many doctors, and non-doctors doing this type of procedure, and I can't stress enough that I did a lot of research, asked a zillion questions, etc., before I made my decision. After all, it is a chunk of money. There were cheaper doctors and clinics, but I wasn't impressed with their credentials.


I am not a doctor or nurse, and have no professional knowledge of these treatments, but am merely expressing my opinion based on the recommendation of a doctor in whom I have a tremendous amount of confidence. If you can't find someone in your area, perhaps you are close enough to Washington DC to find someone - surely with all the "big-wigs" around DC and Georgetown there is a reputable doctor:D

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  • 1 month later...

I'm a three year addict on Botox, and had my first Juvederm Ultra put in my marionette lines yesterday. I was so afraid, but am pleased! Next time I will get more! They applied a numbing cream 20 minutes before and it didn't hurt anymore than the Botox. Love these products!!!;)

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I ended up having Perlane in the lines on either side of my nose/mouth.


I could not believe how easy it was,...I was scared to death as I have heard so much about the pain ! She used numbing cream and I hardly felt anything. It worked like a charm....the lines are completely gone. No I'll see how long it lasts !!!!

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