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  1. I don't understand why this is so shocking to you. I also don't understand why you think this is Royal's responsibility and you are now "done with Royal" because of this happening. If you bought insurance on a Toyota Corolla and then traded in the Corolla and paid a bunch more money for a Ferrari, would you expect your car insurance company to reimburse you if you totaled the Ferrari on the way home from the dealership without A) telling the insurance company that you upgraded to a much more expensive vehicle before leaving the dealership with the Ferrari and B) paying the insurance company the difference in premium cost between a Corolla and a Ferrari? Because that's what happened... you bought insurance on a Corolla (inside room) and then spent a bunch of money to change to a Ferrari (ocean balcony). The insurance company is only responsible for reimbursing you to the level of a Corolla, because that's all you paid to insure.
  2. I agree with this advice. If you're not familiar with the different rooms and how to book them yourself, a KNOWLEDGEABLE travel agent is your best bet. (Heck, I'm extremely familiar with everything, and I still have a travel agent do my bookings -- it's usually cheaper than booking it myself directly with Royal!)
  3. This isn't news to you... you already commented in this thread that discussed the need to pay your account balance before leaving the ship.
  4. I'm not confused. Just pointing out that the link you provided has the steps to take to make a call from the USA to another country, which isn't the info needed in this instance. @ATG will need to click on the link that was on the page that you linked. I was just cutting out the "middle man" page of unnecessary information and pointing out that just because you have "international calling" on your phone plan (when in the USA) doesn't necessarily mean you'll be able to make a call when in another country.
  5. Note that there's a difference between making an international call from the USA to another country, and making a call WHILE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY. The link you want to use is the one at the end of the first paragraph: Dialing international numbers can sometimes be trickier than remembering your parent's Wi-Fi password, but we're got you covered. Read below to find out all you need to know. If you're looking for detailed information on how to use your phone while in another country, check out our International roaming checklist.
  6. The charges from Royal should be pretty minimal, as things go. The charges in Barbados and the cost of the repatriation, plus whatever the hospital/doctor charges are in Miami, are what's going to be pretty extreme.
  7. How funny that I just replied to the post here about poison ivy today, then when I got home from work and looked at my FB memories, I had this one from 15 years ago: Okay, the yard's calling my name. Time to kill some poison ivy, creeping charlie, and virginia creeper; yank out some weed seedlings; plant some caladium bulbs; relocate some hostas; and give everything a good drink.
  8. Glad to hear you're doing better now. For future reference, any time you're out in that area, when you're done come right in the house and take off your clothes and take a shower. The oil (which is the part you react to) from the plant can get on any clothing that it touches, and then if you touch the clothing you get the oil on your hands and then any other body part you touch. I was finally able to rid our yard of poison ivy by diligently using Round-Up on every plant. I would wear rubber gloves, then put a cloth glove on over the rubber glove, apply the Round-Up to my cloth glove, and use that to "paint" the poison ivy leaves... this avoids overspray which might damage the plants you want to keep. Poison ivy can be hard to identify amid other plants/shrubs, but it's easy to find in the fall -- it is the first thing to turn red (then brown) in the autumn.
  9. Does your BROTHER THE DOCTOR know that he's not your favorite??? 🤣 @Ocean Boy -- I was going to post some cookies for your birthday, but... well.... you know what happened the last time I posted cookies!
  10. People are always surprised to find out that I pretty much exclusively read trashy romance novels, but I look at it the same way you are now -- reading is my "mental vacation" from the real world. (Reading was my coping method for surviving my childhood.) There are so many unhappy things in the news these days, that it's nice to just read some "fluff" for a change of pace.
  11. Today's e-newsletter has this book as a freebie Kindle download today: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D34VDWX8
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