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Everything posted by puppycanducruise

  1. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily. It's 12Β°C (54Β°F) this morning but supposed to be a sunny 19Β°C (66Β°) this afternoon. Love the days. Love the quote. I think I'll like the meal, looking forward to seeing the recipe. I'll pass on the drink, but I'm sure I'll like the wine. Prayers for everyone who needs them. Cheers for all the celebrations, no matter how small. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone. Stay safe.
  2. @Lady HudsonHappy Birthday! Happy Birthday! πŸŽ‚πŸŽ‚
  3. Sorry you were unwell while in Corfu. The thoughtfulness of Andika was outstanding. Enjoy the rest of your cruise. Great pictures.
  4. Good morning. Happy Friday! Thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily. It's supposed to be a pleasant fall day for us today, sunny and a high of 15Β°C (59Β°F). A nice change from all the rain we've had lately. Babbling day? Sounds like some politicians I've heard. I have a couple of jars of buttons and I don't want to count them. Nachos sound good. Amusing quote. Looking forward to reading about today's meal suggestion. I'm sure the drink would be good, hope the wine is too. Prayers for everyone. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  5. Sorry for your loss. Prayers for you and your family.
  6. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily. Another cool wet day in store for us. Love the quote! I'm not sure what the meal is, looking forward to seeing the recipe. Prayers for everyone. Have a good day. Stay safe.
  7. Good morning. Happy Hump Day! Thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily. Another cool, wet day in store for us. I think there is snain in the forecast (SNow and rAIN). I think I'll stay in. Interesting days. Every day should be Love your Body Day. Not sure what to make of the quote, I guess I need to re-read the novel. I'll wait until I see the recipe before I decide about the meal. I'm sure I'll like the wine, hope it isn't too expensive. Prayers for everyone on the Care List. Cheers for all the celebrations. Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.
  8. @grapau27Graham, please give Pauline an extra hug from me on this sad day. ❀️
  9. @StLouisCruisersTerrible news about your friend. Prayers for her family and you.
  10. @Seasick Sailor @SusieKIslandGirl Happy Birthday! πŸŽ‚πŸ₯‚
  11. That's quite an adventure for some. I'm glad HAL is doing what it can for everyone.
  12. Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily. Another rainy day in store for us. I wish we could send this rain out west. An interesting collection of days. I like meatloaf, maybe that will be supper tonight. Hubby has had a beard for years, I hope he doesn't shave it off. There are many days that I have too much information and many days that I don't have enough. Amusing quote. The meal sounds good. I'm sure the drink is tasty too. I hope the wine isn't too expensive. We're supposed to be in Kirkwall on our next cruise. Thanks in advance for pictures and comments. Prayers for everyone. I hope everyone has something to celebrate. Stay safe.
  13. @chengkp75Thanks for sharing your knowledge, much appreciated.
  14. Oh, I love the concept of a "display shower". More time for socializing, less time at the awkward unwrapping gifts and less waste of paper and ribbons. Great idea.
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