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Everything posted by GeezerCouple

  1. Huh? At least for us (and I assume for at least some others...), it would be very nice to learn that there were not any very serious injuries. That's all. Obviously, you feel differently, That's fine, too. GC
  2. I was *NOT* going to "go there"! 😧 Actually, my *first* thought was a service animal, and then.... yes, and then....! GC
  3. I'm guessing that the "...14 cabins, 3 suites and 11 club balcony ( mini) suites..." probably means something like "3 suites and 11 club balconies, for a total of 14..." "14 cabins: 3 + 11..." GC
  4. The CruiseHive website now includes a statement from NCL: “On Nov. 8, 2022, during Norwegian Encore’s call to Panama City, Panama, a guest gangway collapsed. Several guests sustained injuries and were immediately sent for treatment at a nearby medical facility. We have dispatched our CARE Team to Panama City to offer additional support to these guests. This is all of the information we have to share at this time.” This doesn't add much. And doesn't suggest how serious some of the injuries might have been. (We don't know that for sure, either, but from the photos/height and the description.... 😞 ) GC
  5. I'm wondering about that "2 stories up". Look at that photo, where the sharpest angle of buckling is, next to the steepest portion of the gangway remaining. See that man? Look again at how high the gangway is likely to be attaching (it can't even be seen fully). How many heights of that person would it take to get to the "door" there? Who is responsible? Does the Captain have the ultimate authority to approve anything that could affect safety of passengers (or crew, of course!)? Assuming it's as fragile as it looks (and, uh, as it actually performed - or failed to!?), and especially if there was no substructural support, WHO gave the approval for this apparatus...??? GC
  6. Twitter now has a few updates, and not good. Something like 9 (elderly?) were taken to hospital. I can't imagine all of them were "fit to continue" after a drop like that, unless they were ALL at the "shallow end". And the way it buckled suggests (NON-expert here!) there was at least someone/something of weight at/near a high or medium point. Hard to think there were not some significant broken bones (or worse). GAAAK! This is a time I would love to be very wrong! Is it even possible there was no substructure to support it, especially at the higher points!?? GC
  7. One can rent all sorts of special needs equipment, including a full hospital bed, etc. I thought it was the same place one rents the little scooters and wheelchairs. GC
  8. Nothing on the Panama Port of Call sub-forum, either. That collapsed gangway looks awfully fragile... no support underneath? Or not enough even to show out from under the thin walkway? Even the railings look fragile, for something that isn't starting almost at ground level. I'm trying to think back on what the walkways looked like "in person" on previous cruises (various lines). I don't remember much being that high. However, when there is, and especially heading back, we'll take a lower ramp (often the crew ramp) so I can use the elevator and not have to walk up something relatively steep (broken foot that never healed right... and I just broke it again 2 months ago; at least it was the same foot, and I still have *one* good foot! 😉). I'm not sure I would have wanted to set foot (both of 'em!) on that walkway if we were heading "out". It just doesn't look very suitable. But it's easy to second guess after the fact. Still... it DOES look fragile.
  9. This report: https://www.cruisehive.com/norwegian-cruise-ship-gangway-collapses-in-panama/87126 indicates the ship has left and is in transit through the Canal. I wonder if they offloaded family members of the injured and put them up at hotels?? Or...? I wish they (whoever "they" are!?) would give an update about the injured. It's going to come out anyway at some point... GC
  10. OMG in the worst way! I don't have a clue what that structure looked like when it was being used, before the collapse, but from what is visible, it looks mighty fragile. Any news about the condition of the injured? Is the ship still in Panama, or have you sailed on now? I hope no one has any truly serious injuries! GC
  11. Oh, I hope you don't mind if we borrow the safe-cracker idea. 😉 Very cute! GC
  12. Finally. Are the prices adjusted at all? Yet? GC
  13. Gotta LOVE this one! (and, er, the little one looks suspiciously like Moosie's brother, but without antlers... ... sister perhaps? 😉 ) GC
  14. Yes, we give our little "companions" a good view, so we see their backs when in our suite. They are positioned looking out. 🙂 One cruises, the stewards do sometimes "use them", either with a towel animal, or something like lying mostly under the covers with a head on the edge of the pillow or such. And for your godson, don't forget to take Mr. Mousey D on any excursions. Mr. M should also be able to enjoy a beach or sailboat ride or whatever. Perhaps Mr. M could meet the Captain at some welcoming event? ANYTHING you do like this will be thoroughly enjoyed, I'm sure! There was someone on CC a few years ago (forgot the name) whose avitar was a porthole, with a couple of "friends" sitting on the bottom surface of the porthole, and - of course - looking *out*! Our longest-term traveling "companion" is Moosie (a really tiny stuffed... moose, about 3 inches high). Alas, in Milan, when I was suddenly in hospital, Moosie got lost in the bed linens, and it was surprising how upset we were when packing up several days later. GOOD NEWS: A couple of weeks later, the hotel notified us that Moosie had been found in the middle of a huge batch of clean linens, and only a bit the worse for wear. Fortunately, they FedEx'd him to us just in time for him to join us on our cruise to Alaska, where he really, REALLY enjoyed those spectacular views! FlyerTalk occasionally has a thread where some airline employee takes a "found" friend to its "family", and they tend to get all sorts of cute photos on the plane and in the lounges, etc. It's all good fun! GC
  15. It's supposedly distributed among many categories of crew/employees, not just those you "see". That includes those handling laundry, food prep, etc.... GC
  16. There was a reason I put the two words - sell visas - in quotes ("sell Visas". rather than just... sell Visas...), because that's what they may appear to do, but.... they actually don't do it. It's not limited to visas. They take the money, and then do something like (if one is lucky!) direct you to the actual site to get the visa, with no "credit" for the money they just took for "selling the visa information" or such - but the fact that it wasn't the actual visa itself is not at all obvious. Or, worse, they pretend they've sold you the visa - or whatever - but... you never get anything. But that latter method can be handled with a chargeback. If one ends up buying the "visa information" then one did indeed get "visa information". It's usually somewhere in the "fine print", of course. Again, there was a definite reason for my use of the quotes. Of course there are legitimate companies selling all sorts of things, or adding value by expediting delivery of something or some services, and we sometimes use those, for various purposes. NO argument at all about those services! They can be incredibly useful. I'm very sorry that I was not more clear about that. GC
  17. Thus far, it does seem that there are more male stewards than female, but we've had several female stewards, and we've seen others in the hallways. Also, the Butlers (where they are available) seem to be even more frequently male than female, but even there, some Butlers are females. And there is one full cruise ship Captain who is female. Google "Captain Kate", and take a look at her little cat, "Bug Naked", who is on the ship with her. 🙂 [There is a reason for the cat's name! 😉 ] GC
  18. Google is your friend here, and also your friends' friend. If we are heading to a "new country" ("new to us"), we'll check using a few key search terms until we get a link to what looks good. We ONLY use official country websites, and definitely NOT any website offering to "sell Visas"! For US citizens, the USA state dept website has a list of what Visas are needed, if any, to visit other countries. However, although we'll look there, too, we prefer to learn this from the source: the actual country to be visited. They could also call the Embassy or Consulate of the other country, in their own country, but we prefer to have it is writing (a copy). Like your friends and you, we do not want to be turned away at a dock or airport or sent back home! GC
  19. Yeah, we learned to do that *all* the time, the hard way. It took more than "one" try, duh! For something especially important or valuable, I might take a quick pdf copy/screen save of the "offer" and then again when my account shows the completed "purchase" or whatever. Usually, it isn't needed, but then sometimes... Now, in your case, perhaps it will show up? Another possibility is that the transaction was never fully completed. I've done that a few times, such as saving the screen that shows the purchase I am *going* to make, but, uhhhh, there's never one that shows "completed transaction". My bad! 😠 GC
  20. Did you make a pdf of a document showing you "had that perk", or at least a screen save? We are beyond religious about making pdf copies of e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, and it's surprising some of the times it has come in *really* handy! ... times like what you are experiencing, alas... (And with financial transactions: "But I had a confirmation of that purchase!" sometimes followed by, "Where shall I send a copy of the printout of that confirmation...?") I hope it pops back up. Do you have *any* documentation that you "had it"? GC
  21. How about getting something customized? If there's a "reason" for the cruise together, all the better. Maybe even the gift bag itself? Something like a nicer canvas-style bag (or whatever preference) with something printed on it like, "Smith Family Reunion, June, 2023" or "Happy Anniversary, Kim and Pat!" or, perhaps, "Rumplestiltskin's 50th Birthday!" [or, ahem, without the number, depending......!] Or I've heard of some people getting t-shirts with the common theme printed? In this day and age without the throw-away single use plastic bottle, perhaps a reusable one with the customization for everyone? If you look on the website of those customization companies, there might be something else that might be of special interest, or something that just captures your attention. They have an almost endless supply of "Things That Can Be Customized". 🙂 Even something like decks of playing cards. It's mostly the thought, of course, plus perhaps having something to take home as a memory of the trip. Enjoy! I'm sure whatever you do, it will be very special, indeed. GC
  22. And Welcome To Cruise Critic! When you post a question, you'll probably get more eyes reading your post (and thus, more answers) if you put the topic of your question in the title/header area. Otherwise, it seems to default to your username, which isn't useful for the topic you have. GC
  23. IF the Observation car ("gold") is of interest, when we were looking - that's several years ago - the NCL version did not offer that at all. We did do the Observation car and it was terrific! I can't imagine what would be different other than luggage handling and the price, for the same class of service. But I'd be curious to find out if there is anything different... GC
  24. Sorry for the mini-hijack, but what is the "updated menu" at Baristas? That's a favorite place for DH (on the Riviera, in case it matters), although he was happy to give some equal opportunity to a few of the snacks in the Executive Lounge. 😉 He much preferred Baristas, no surprise, because he also enjoyed the actual Barista and fresh coffees of various sorts, but the convenience of the Executive Lounge was hard to beat sometimes. However, it made the nibbling a little too easy, ahem... Thanks. GC
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