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Everything posted by GeezerCouple

  1. Did you contact Steve at www.TripInsuranceStore.com as suggested in your other posting on another CC subforum? And as also mentioned there, there is likely to be a strict deadline on getting coverage that would cover any pre-existing conditions, so... time is of the essence... *Call* them. Don't try to rely upon online policy summaries, as there is just no way there is enough space in summaries to cover all of the issues or concerns that every traveler might have. And they can also ask you some questions to help you get a policy that best meets your specific needs/plans. We've purchased quite a few policies from them since learning about them here on CC in 2013. And we've had several claims, including a few large ones; all were paid without nonsense, and that's what counts, after all! Good luck. It sounds like a great trip! GC
  2. You need to ask the vendor who is doing this tour. No one else can answer with accuracy what their policies are or whether they ever make exceptions. I'm guessing it is a safety issue/limitation, and there wouldn't be any exceptions allowed, but... they are the ones to ask. GC
  3. [emphasis added] As others have mentioned, there's just no guarantee about the motion of the ocean. Even with regions or seasons that "tend to be" better/worse, it's still not predictable. Obviously, it will NOT "always be like that", but the problem is that there simply isn't a way to predict which times will or won't be "like that". The idea of a river cruise may be a good one, at least so they have a good chance at a more pleasant experience on a ship/boat, although it won't be nearly the same type of "cruise". (But that doesn't mean it can't be a wonderful trip!) More importantly, for *ANY* medicine that you might be bringing along to take while traveling, or that you *might* need while traveling, ALWAYS discuss it carefully with your medical provider AND try it at home while there is still time to adjust dosages or even try a different medication if there are side effects that aren't okay. Always! The last thing one wants is to have a side effect - and especially any type of serious side effect - while on a ship and not near a proper emergency room. (Ditto for any land travel to regions where medical facilities aren't what one might be accustomed to having nearby.) It would be nice if "cruising" can work out for all of you (or even you and your wife), but if it can't, then perhaps you could focus on different types of travel where all of you can have a truly enjoyable experience. GC
  4. You should *really* browse (and post this) on the travel insurance sub-forum of CC: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/499-cruisetravel-insurance/ More importantly, you should call Steve and colleagues at TIS as soon as possible! There is a deadline for getting coverage that automatically does not exclude pre-existing conditions. (That double negative-speak means that pre-existing conditions are included in the coverage.). The traveler must be fit to travel on the day the insurance is started. The deadline (usually within 10-20 days of the FIRST payment, refundable or not) depends at least in part upon the state of residence. If that deadline is missed, then as mentioned above, since you've already made final payment, the other possibility of "not excluding" pre-existing condtions is out for this trip. (Note: That is a company that offers that coverage if purchased no later than within 24 hours of final payment, or something very similar to that rule.) Good luck! GC
  5. We keep an odd collection of colored/specialty duct-tape splattered on the outside of our suitcases. Really obnoxious. 🙄 It's just mix and match; if some falls off, we just add a strip of the duct-tape-du-jour. We found some that is all sparkly, *really* sparkly. Just the kind of thing a second grader would probably love. Or perhaps kindergarten? 😉 It obviously is also very useful in airport luggage claim areas. We've also got some thinner ribbons tied in bunches on the handle. And... we have thick day glow, textured rubberized wrap on the handles. Not only is that very visible, but you can *feel* the difference instantly. IF someone walks off with our luggage, it's definitely not by accident... The assortment on each piece of luggage is all especially nice when we check into a 5* hotel, cruise-related or not. "Classy"! GC
  6. Definitely ask them *while* you are staying there. Also, they are much more likely to help you by making advance arrangements to store your bags for that day while you are a current guest, vs. some arbitrary person walking up to the hotel and asking, if you are not arranging a day room for that day. While you are a guest, they are very likely to want to do their best to please you. GC
  7. This ^ Just when I think we *must* have found them all and removed them (because yes, *some* of them can start some itching and scratching)... there's another one. 🙂 And some time later, yet another... And sometimes, because of the specific clothing item, it brings back memories of a specific cruise. So nice! And even nicer during these Covid times. GC
  8. Some do, but we don't want to bother doing regular laundry while on vacation. However, the ship we were on with Hurtigruten (Trollfjord) had no laundry service; it was only self-operated. So... we did have to do a load or two, as the cruise was 12 days, and we were away from home close to three weeks. At least we didn't need to do the stomping grapes routine. 😉 GC
  9. You should browse - and ask questions - on the travel insurance sub-forum of CC: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/499-cruisetravel-insurance/ We use a travel insurance broker, www.TripInsuranceStore.com (There is no extra charge for this.) But CALL them; the online policy summaries just can't include enough information to be relevant to the specific needs of each traveler. We've had several claims including a few large ones, and all were paid without any nonsense. We are in a similar age group, btw. [I strongly recommend NOT purchasing insurance through a travel agent. Get it from a travel insurance professional, someone who can answer your questions and also help you find the most appropriate policy for your specific needs.] GC
  10. I'm having difficulty understanding what is so tricky about using a sink. For camping out, when there are limited non-bending/packable items to use as a "container" of sorts, I get it about something like the Scrubba bag. I think. (When I did serious camping with limited supplies, whatever water we carried with us was for drinking, not using washbasins of water for clothing, but I digress...) One of the first things we do when arriving at any hotel-type of location - and a cruise ship certainly qualifies - is to ask for a bunch of extra towels (large size, not the hand towels) and washcloths, and for housekeeping/etc., to replenish the supply each time. Anyway, for drying, we just place some of the wet clothing flat on a towel and then roll it up. Place a second towel on top first, before rolling, if necessary, depending upon amount of moisture. (Most items can be wrung out, but some, we just let sit in the sink and let gravity take out *some* of the extra water at least.). Then press on the towel roll. Replace with another towel if needed. For non-delicates, it also works to stomp on the roll a bit, and then flatten it the 'other way' (so the top/bottom becomes the sides) and repeat. Then hang and dry. For anything rugged/bulky/really dirty, put them on the floor of the shower. Then play "Lucy Stomping On The Grapes" : while you shower, with the soap/shampoo doing their job, too. (To rinse, first rinse out your own hair, etc. 😉 ) GC
  11. You just need to be certain that the policy itself, or specific parts that you want to use, do not require that *all* pre-paid/non-refundable (check policy for wording) be included in the coverage amount. There are a few that do have that requirement, but others do not. GC
  12. We always get travel insurance that works such that we start the coverage by insuring the first deposit, and then up the coverage as costs are added. But we start it within 20 days (it might be 10 days in some states) of the very first deposit (refundable or not!) so that IF we have a claim such as needing to cancel for medical reasons, there will not be any exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Thus far almost all of our claims (including some big ones) have been for medical reasons, but the costs were rarely for medical costs. That happened on our very first major trip, back in 2013... or it should have been. Less than 2 weeks before we planned to leave home, DH had a medical emergency, and the only travel we did for several weeks was back and forth to endless medical visits. IF we had a policy that excluded pre-existing conditions... we'll never know, but I'm betting that the insurer would have tried to link it to another condition, and it may well have been. Or not. But we never needed to deal with that, or whether the insurance would pay or not. Sure, we had already paid, so "we could afford it". But I can't tell you how often during those "trips" we mumbled a version of, "Thank goodness we have travel insurance so we won't have to pay for this trip AGAIN!" If we hadn't had the coverage, I'm sure we'd have been so ticked off that we wouldn't have gone on an expensive trip again. FORTUNATELY, we did have it, and we did go on quite a few expensive trips again, and we have been having the time of our lives! 😀 GC
  13. I wouldn't be surprised if this was indeed possible, at least some of the time. If one is asking for one of 10 (or one of 100/etc.) separate units of something, then once they are handed out, they are... gone for others. However, with dining, there usually is some "play" in the timing. Even if all tables are "allocated", I'm assuming that they schedule that so that most of the diners are finished by some approximate time. And there are almost always a very few who linger and get to watch some of the re-setting/etc., get started, etc. And except for banquets when everyone starts to eat at "the same time", they probably try to stagger the seatings a bit. (I know of many restaurants that don't seat all of the tables right at 6 even if there are enough people wanting that. They'll seat some more at, say, 6:30, and again, at 7, and after that, some tables will be starting to turn over. But there's no strict schedule for any of those... (except for restaurants that strictly offer something like early and late seating, as some cruise ships still do, at least in some areas). So, IF there absolutely HAD to be another reservation added, I'd assume that everything would "slip" slightly, and that "last table" might now be one of "two last tables", etc. I assume restaurants deal with similar situations all the time. There are no-shows (bad, bad, without calling!). But which nights and how many? So they probably build in an "extra reservation or two", so there isn't a table or two sitting completely empty during the last hour or two, etc. GC
  14. You might also want to browse on the travel insurance section of CruiseCritic: https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/499-cruisetravel-insurance/? This would also be an excellent place to ask your question(s). It will help if you give your country of residence, and if in the USA, also the State. (Insurance is regulated by the states, so some policies differ by state of residence, or may not be available.) We always use www.TripInsuranceStore.com - also recommended above. But CALL. There can be some fine tuning that might make a difference, and that can't be learned from the online summaries. (For example, are there frail/ill family members who aren't traveling? Do you have pre-existing conditions? Etc...) We've used them since learning about them here on CC, and we've had several claims. All were paid without any nonsense. In part, that's because TIS helped us get the *right* policies. Many of the complaints we read about are because the claim was made for something that wasn't covered in the first place, which is really unfortunate. Our policies through TIS have been with Travel Insured, but TIS works with several vetted insurers. (There is no extra charge for using a broker like TIS, by the way.) GC
  15. We learned of Serenity Tours, in St. Lucia here on CC a few years ago: https://***** They have been amazing. They offer regular "tours", but each time we went with them, we asked to have a customized tour. The fact that we kept using them speaks for itself. The most recent time (a bit ago, given the Covid delay to our travels) was when we hired a huge catamaran for a day outing during a cruise stop. We had a few others from our cruise Roll Call join us. What is especially nice is they *really* listened to what we wanted to do. The first time, we had more of a general overview tour, but they also customized that. The next two times, they worked with us to include other sights and activities that we had heard about since. They even arranged perfect weather 😉 We look forward to yet another visit... GC
  16. Wow. I could be totally wrong, but I understood "Commander Benson" to be his CC name. I don't introduce myself to the Butler (or anyone else) as "Hi, I'm GeezerCouple", and not even if both of us are doing the introducing. The only exception might be at an onboard CC Meet & Greet, so someone can connect "Hi, I'm Rumplestiltskin" [also not my real name] with "the person/couple writing on CC under the moniker of 'GeezerCouple' ". Again, I could be wrong, obviously. Signed, "Not really named GeezerCouple"
  17. Thanks. Wonderful news. No fatalities, and it seems no major injuries. (How did that happen!?) And the smaller vessel was taken to New Bedford. Good to know. It could have been so much worse. (I wonder how they knew the Pearl was truly not too damaged to continue heading out into the Atlantic...) Glad to hear this before nodding off for the night. GC
  18. Sorry... I had the NCL Sun on my mind, as I was just looking at some sailings in the future. Duh. GC
  19. Thank you. As upsetting as having something interfere with the next cruise, I'm very worried about those on board the smaller vessel, given everyone on the Pearl seems to be okay. But with a jolt like that, someone could have been injured... ... and how this could even happen with modern equipment. It's really unthinkable... but apparently not! I hope chengkp75 checks in soon to help us understand this. GC
  20. Do you have a link to the YouTube? Thanks. GC
  21. 😱 I don't know how else to respond to this information. A smaller boat may have been seriously hit... and the Pearl just went on its way...!? I suppose if it happened right near Nantucket, there would be US Coast Guard responding in a pretty effective way, but still....... And as for the Sun, with something of this sort, are they sure she is truly sea-worthy still? But I'm more concerned about the smaller boat. And... how can this happen with modern navigational equipment (on the Sun at the least!)? 😱 GC
  22. Oh my goodness...!!! Is everyone okay on the smaller boat? Is there a link to any news outlet? How far out were they? GC
  23. That is terrific. I'm sorry that we won't be among the others boarding with you! Pictures, pictures, after, please? (Maybe especially during some strange boarding situation where such special attire isn't quite expected?) Best wishes to both of you! GC
  24. You might want to post this on the St. Lucia and Barbados sections of the Ports of Call here on CC. Also, typing in all caps is considered "yelling". And it's difficult to read. GC
  25. Ah... Barbados! Venice!! Oceania! Gee, those names sound very familiar for some reason... We are really champing at the bit to get back to traveling anywhere at all. Even the next town over would be a very big deal just now. When one's "travel excitement" is due to a dental emergency, it's just not the same. 😞 Welcome back. This is your one-month anniversary! 🍷 🍷 GC
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