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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. If you are, indeed, a student of the great Professor Irwin Corey, I bow to your advanced gobbledygookness.
  2. The OP eventually came back and said Day 150 was the first day of the third leg. (In which case, he would not get credit for Day 150 until that day was completed. Hence, no Latitudes upgrade until after the third leg was completed.) If this had been made clear from the beginning, this whole string of gobblydegook could have been avoided. I assume this dead horse can now rest in peace.
  3. The pizza looks great. Take all that healthy green stuff off of that pizza and I'll bet it would be even better. 😁
  4. If O'Sheahan's and the Local are virtually interchangeable as far as their menus, why is the Local the only one to offer the Hot Fudge Sundae? Enquiring minds want to know...especially me, since my next two cruises are on ships that don't have a Local.
  5. We're looking at itineraries for 2025 that include both Le Havre and Southampton. I wouldn't think of going to Le Havre and not doing the Normandy tour...in fact, as a veteran, it would be my main reason to go to Le Havre. Paris? Not so much...been there, done that...didn't like it too much except for the corner crepe stand. Of course, we were there in a rainy November when a transit strike was going on. But still... London? Could spend a week there mainly pub-hopping...which is what we did last time. Of course, I do get the attraction of seeing Paris for someone who has never been there. For us, once was more than enough. But like all things...YMMV.
  6. When getting the filet at Le Bistro, are you able to order it without the fois gras (yucky liver gunk) and avoid the surcharge? I've read varying reports on this subject.
  7. I'm shaking my head at the people shaking their head over your tip amount. Seriously? A porter does next to nothing and then demands a big tip?? Yeah, right. Tipping nowadays is out of control. I tip as much as the next guy when it's deserved...probably more than the next guy. But our local bakery puts a loaf of bread in a bag, rings up the purchase and then turns the screen around asking for a tip. Seriously (again)??
  8. Her Christmas present is this cruise. Kind of hard to return it at this point.
  9. Again, it's not like you have to hang out with your friends every waking moment on the ship. The surprise, along with doing dinner once in a while, having a few drinks, maybe an excursion, etc., is more than enough.
  10. We need the OP to return and explain if he hits 150 on the second or the third leg. Otherwise, it's all just speculation.
  11. In the original post from a week ago, several people felt the same way. However, also in the original post, I pointed out that not only have we vacationed with them a few times in the past, but they were the ones who brought up the idea of us tagging along with them on this cruise. I guess it's like anything else in life. Know your audience and YMMV.
  12. Except in that case the can of worms didn't need to be opened, as it was never closed.
  13. But he said: Our first day of our third cruise I will have 150 days. Which means he would not have hit 150 until the end of the first day of the third leg, Unless I'm missing something, he should have to complete the third leg before getting upgraded. No??
  14. Yes, it's me with can opener in hand, grabbing that can of worms known as "surprising someone on board." Since the original post had over 3,000 views (both positive and negative) I thought some of you might be interested in the latest update. If not, feel free to exit this thread and go back to reading about hash browns and other similar riveting topics. We had planned to surprise long-time friends of ours (with whom we have traveled a number of times in the past) by joining them on their upcoming cruise in February...and not tell them. Surprise! It was noted in the original post that the husband was recently diagnosed with dementia and this would most likely be our last chance to travel with them (or possibly ever see both of them again, since they now live 2,000 miles away). Fast forward to last night, when Mrs. Schmoopie did a Facetime with her longtime friend. After exchanging pleasantries, the friend said, "I hope you're calling to tell me you're joining us on our cruise." Mrs. Schmoopie was torn, because she wanted to maintain the surprise but instead blurted out, "Yes...we're going along with you." I wasn't thrilled that she let the cat out of the bag, but the friend's reaction was a mixture of sheer joy, happiness and clumsiness, as she actually dropped her phone in excitement. A couple minutes later, she said, "I have a great idea. "Let's not tell ---- (her husband), so he'll be surprised. (Gee, imagine that...wanting to surprise him). So, now we'll all be able to take part in the surprise. I love a story with a happy ending.
  15. They actually did this for you? That makes no sense if the rule is you have to complete the cruise where you reach the next level. (Meaning after disembarking). That would be like someone being one point away from Platinum and booking a cruise and instantly becoming Platinum on that same cruise.
  16. After seeing your headline, I wondered if the Jade changed its name to the Jade! (Sorry, I have a thing about unnecessary exclamation marks. Probably from watching the classic "Seinfeld" episode where they featured that topic.) Anyway, we will be on the Jade in February. Our previous NCL cruises have been on "bigger" ships...Escape, Bliss, Prima and Encore. So we're also interested in seeing how the "smaller ships are in comparison. Maybe we'll see you on board!!! (Sorry, couldn't resist) 😁
  17. Yep...that's why I'm not happy I didn't do it. Woulda, shoulda, coulda...
  18. Exactly...I was just going to post that it's up big time since I bought a couple weeks ago at $12.90. Only wish I had bought 1,000 shares instead of 100. Story of my life...
  19. Lots of discussion of this issue on other threads. Had the same problem with a new Chrome laptop. Multiple attempts to log in with no success. Then, tried an Incognito window and voila...got me right in. Lots of goofiness going on with the NCL website (but what else is new?)
  20. We're in Antigua in February and NCL doesn't offer the Craft Beer excursion. Bummer...
  21. Never heard anyone mention this show before. I hope it's new and will be around for a while, as we're on the Escape next fall. We've seen "Jersey Boys" several times and earlier this year saw Frankie Valli in concert on his 89th birthday...still going strong and sounding great.
  22. I think she was trying to say she doesn't like it...only in code.
  23. My asthma is triggered by smoke...from any source. If I have shortness of breath I typically go outside (or on a cruise ship, on our balcony) and it helps clear it up. If someone is smoking and that crap wafts to our balcony, they can bet they'll be getting a visit from CS.
  24. I can relate (sort of). I retired 5/15/15 (I like symmetry...our dog was born 1/21/21)...but I digress. When I announced that I would be retiring, the company offered me a pretty good incentive to stay on. I said, "No, thanks". Didn't have the option to work from home...kind of hard to work from home when you're in day-to-day hospital clinical management. So I took the leap to a life of leisure.
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