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Everything posted by schmoopie17

  1. I recently got a new Chrome laptop. My old Chrome laptop suddenly would not get me into the NCL site...my new one gets in no problem. In my case it may have been because my old one stopped getting updates. I know I had trouble getting into my bank, as well as other sites. The new laptop has updates until 2033, so it will probably outlive me.
  2. So...Refundable OBC has to be used or you have to go to CS on the last day to get the excess in cash. Got it. However, if Refundable OBC can be used to pay the DSC, what does that process look like? On the last day do you go to CS and ask them that any excess be applied to the DSC, or does it somehow magically get transferred (somehow I doubt it). We'll have both Refundable and Non-Refundable OBC on our next cruise. The process is so murky I almost wish we had neither. And if we get CN certificates, it will get even murkier.
  3. I asked Mrs. Schmoopie if she like to use the VIBE on our next cruise and she said something about the batteries being a fire hazard. 🤪
  4. I'm a grandpa with a sensitive bum. I hope they stock my brand of diapers. I called Customer Service to ask what kind they have and they said, "Depends". I said, "On what?"
  5. So, it IS just like the Prima. Maybe the next ship in this class should be called the Jericho, so when the walls come tumbling down it won't be a surprise.
  6. In other words...it's exactly the same as the Prima (maybe without the creaking walls?)...
  7. Why, oh why is everyone clutching their Pearls (or their Jades, Jewels and even Epics) about the possibility that the surprisees may be in the Haven?? Maybe your friends are Haven types, but I know our friends and they are strictly steerage (like us). Even if they were in the Haven, so what? If your friends are Havenites and you're not, then don't surprise them. Or surprise them and live with the fact that you won't be attached to them every waking moment. We don't cruise with friends and follow them around the entire time like lost puppies. But seeing the look of surprise/glee/shock when your life-long friends see you is worth it. If they then decide to go camp out in the Haven, fine. We're still on a cruise and will make the best of it...as we always do, even when we cruise alone. The surprise factor is worth it. I guess you'll just have to trust me (or not). Your choice. And YMMV...
  8. Yeah, the Veteran recognition is cool, but in all honesty, my "For Your Eyes Only" envelope and its contents went straight into a drawer when we got home and I haven't looked at them since. Bur it's still pretty cool to be recognized. Even cooler is the 10% discount.
  9. Thank you for summarizing this in such an astute, rational way. Some people on this thread take the approach that we are somehow attempting to sabotage our friends' cruise, when our intention is to add to their experience since we KNOW our friends (none of you do) and KNOW that they enjoy traveling with us (as we have done in the past) and KNOW they would view it as a wonderful surprise. Especially since this will most likely be our last opportunity to travel with them...or possibly ever see them. As I said, we did this once before and the surprisees (if there's such a word) were overjoyed. It was fun for them (and us). Like it or not, we'll probably do it yet again at some point. But the naysayers don't have to worry. We won't surprise you.
  10. Except Southwest doesn't require a picture. Unless the person checking in for you is your identical twin or a clone, it could be a problem.
  11. This is like a football coach saying, "We're down five points. Is there any way we can get more points?"
  12. Not an option for these friends. They live in AZ and we moved from AZ to WI. This may be the last time we get to travel with them due to the husband's medical issue.
  13. Oh, rats...you spoiled the surprise. Now I have nothing to look forward to. Except I can still look forward to meeting you and exchanging astute observations.
  14. The Azores were an unexpected treat on our TA last year. When looking at the itinerary after visiting Rome, Tuscany, Barcelona, Lisbon, Cannes, etc., I viewed the Azores as simply being our last glimpse of land before crossing the pond to New York. However, it ended up being much more than that. As the old saying goes, "If Hawaii and Ireland had a baby, it would be the Azores." Very true...
  15. Mrs. Schmoopie fractured her tibia in July. The recovery process has been extremely slow. She just recently graduated from a walker to a cane. We have a cruise scheduled for February. We'll see how well she can maneuver the ins and outs of cruising/excursions with limited mobility. hoping she's better by then...but not counting on it.
  16. We already know they booked an inside cabin. That was one of their selling points when they wanted us to join them...the fact that insides were so inexpensive. Furthermore, it's not like we plan on spending every waking moment with them. It's a 14 day cruise and it would get a bit tiresome to have every meal and every single activity with them. We have cruised with friends a number of times in the past and half the time we didn't have dinner with them or didn't do the same excursions. We're not attached at the hip. Finally, for everyone who is trying to talk us out of this surprise, we are past final payment and it's not happening.
  17. Our TA periodically offers free prepaid gratuities. On a 14 day cruise, that's not insignificant.
  18. I think the Q stands for Quasi-barbecue. Never liked that place...
  19. You said what I didn't say very succinctly and accurately.
  20. Considering it is Mrs. Schmoopie's idea, I'd say she's more than fine with it. Look, we know our friends better than anyone on this board. We know they would be thrilled (as the first couple was). We're sure the second couple will be, too. As I said, they originally invited us...and that was very recently as they only booked the cruise a week or so ago. And...the husband of the couple was recently diagnosed with dementia, so this will probably be our last opportunity to take a memorable vacation with them. For those of you who prefer to cruise alone...more power to you. But that's why they make more than one ice cream flavor...more than one model of car...more than one pizza topping, etc. Not everyone likes the same things or thinks alike. As they famously say on CC...YMMV.
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