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Everything posted by purplesea

  1. I am on this cruie too, but can't book anything!
  2. Well, I have had a phone call, but am not further forward as my treatment is going to be discussed on Tuesday and then will get an appointment in 1-2 weeks.🙄 I am due to go on Arvia in 2 weeks, if I can get to Southampton with the train strikes!
  3. Not a lot. Rang consultant's sec and my name was on the MDT list for yesterday, but did get another number to ring which I did. They are going to e-mail a consultant and hopefully e-mail or ring me today🤞🤞
  4. A dull, dreary day, not raining at present, but more is forecast. The local news is full of the fact that we are short of water and the hosepipe ban has been extended further, also advising everyone to conserve water. Another day on the phone trying to get an answer or find out what is happening re my oncology assesment/appointment. So wish me luck!! Hope you all have a good day.
  5. We have 4 cabins next door to each other (linked bookings) later on in the year on Britannia. I have the highest tier, my mother has assistance and is on the same tier as my OH, but the remaining four people in our party are first time cruisers with P&O. So will be interesting to see!
  6. We have a boarding time of 12.15, which as we travel up the day before is ideal😃
  7. Have a good cruise. We board the day you get back, so leave it nice and tidy please.🤣
  8. Morning all, hope everyone is keeping well. Saw that the Northern Lights were visible again down here last night, near Penzance. We are on the opposite coast, so don't know if they would have been seen here. Busy day for me, as I need to take get a new wiper for the car and take a trip to Tesco's today. It's our wedding anniversary today too, but I need to collect my daughter hospital in Truro this evening after her treatment so will possibly have celebratory meal later in the week. I am still in limbo waiting for the oncologist to contact me, despite chasing with phone calls, last Monday, Friday and again today. I need to know what is happening as it is now less than three weeks til we are due on Arvia. Hope you all have a good day.
  9. That is the one of a few that interests me. We have relations in and near Palermo so we will be expected to visit them.
  10. I have been looking at excursions for my upcoming cruise and if you book Easy Pisa, as part of the trip you visit Viseisei Village, Sleeping Giant and Garden Tour, Nadi Town (with free time) which are in Fiji! 😕
  11. Kotor is not new, we visited there when on Ventura quite a few years ago.
  12. I hope not as I chose the itinerary as it didn't have an overnight in port.
  13. Thank you. We had a good chat, mainly about cruising as we are both booked on the same cruise next month.
  14. We are on Arvia mid May and are still scheduled to call at Palma, excursions are still being sold on My P&O. Checking the port guide MSC Seaview, Celebrity Edge and World Navigator are in prt the same day, so we will see!
  15. Morning everyone, hope you're all well. Looks like being another bright sunny day down here. Thank you all for your concern, re my dilemma! After several phone calls yesterday I finally spoke to my consultant's secretary and she is going to bring it to the attention of the consultant and also the oncologist's secretary. If I haven't heard any more by the end of this week, I'll chase it up again. I'm meeting a friend for coffee this morning and this afternoon I intend to have a sewing session. Trying to keep busy. Have a good day whatever you have planned. Pam
  16. If I haven't had heard anything tomorrow I will phone my consultant's secretary, as it is him that is refering me to the oncology department for treatment.
  17. Thank you for your kind words and hugs. I am probably feeling unsociable as I am in limbo, and do not know which way forward. I am still waiting to hear from the oncologist as we are due to sail on Arvia in four weeks, or do I need to cancel?
  18. I haven't posted a lot on here recently, as I am feeling less than sociable (after my recent diagnosis) but would be sad to see you go as you have always been supportive to everyone on here and have become a valuable member of our virtual family.
  19. So sorry to hear this. It must have been a great shock to you. I am sure you have some great memories to remind you of the times you spent together.
  20. I use my Tesco credit card to get extra points.
  21. Glad to hear that your scan went well and hope you get the results back soon and are good. Pity you couldn't get to see a show, but a carvery sounds like a nice option.
  22. I hope it all goes well, and you will have had a lovely lunch beforehand and a theatre visit to look forwards too. I have had several MRIs now, and it does get easier with time. Having to wear a mask (due to the pandemic) with my head encased in a cage was the only time I didn't felt comfortable! I normally just close my eyes, listen to the music (if they play any) and plan my next holiday. What I dislike is a voice telling me that the next scan is going to last ... minutes🥴
  23. Lovely sunny day down here, and going over to Mum's today for dinner. I am in limbo, as still waiting to hear from the oncologist. We are due to sail on Arvia in five weeks. I have the hotel booked (which I can cancel) but unsure about booking train tickets. Anyway, moan over! Have a Happy Easter everyone.
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