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Spif Barwunkel

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Everything posted by Spif Barwunkel

  1. I don't know that there are many experiences in life where one would plan to shed tears, months in advance. We are fully prepared to do so as we pay homage to the allied soldiers who gave us the opportunity.
  2. A perfect reboot of our February 2023 Infinity Antarctica cruise. One can't help but become immersed in the ethereal splendor of this polar region. For us, it was an exhilarating experience to cruise these frigid waters, enjoying a total antithesis of our day-to-day existence. What a privilege it was to observe and to walk among the wildlife, who go about their daily routine despite our presence. We were humbled as we became travelers in their space. Truly a wonderful adventure.
  3. After many years of cruising, we will finally enjoy the suite life for the first time in May/June of 2024. Needless to say, this thread is quite entertaining and encouraging, serving as a prequel to the actual experience. Previous cruises, and other future cruises, have been and will be in balcony cabins. Our cabin of choice. On May 26, we will board the Anthem to begin a b2b 19-day cruise from Southhampton in a one- bedroom Grand Suite, same cabin both legs. For us, the price at booking was just too good to pass up and 351 square feet of living space seems wonderfully expansive. Hence, our initial foray into the sweet, suite life. I must admit, I can't help but feel a bit haughty and as difficult as it is to quell that sentiment, I will try my best to do so. This cruise includes a major bucket list item, the beaches at Normandy, and the full itinerary is new to us. To those of you who have gone before I look forward to, at least for one cruise, leaving common ground behind.
  4. Whether it is where we have been, or where we hope to go, your travels are the ideal reminder of good times past, or the perfect tease for what is to come. The late Anthony Bourdain plied us with food and drink then took advantage of our slight inebriation, taking us along, with motion pictures, wherever he wanted to go. Miaminice, with the written word, is of the same ilk. Expertly compiled and presented, in script and still pictures, it is a most enjoyable vicarious adventure. One is there, even though one is not.
  5. When ordering, I knew the numbers and mentioned that I was aware of the upcharge. Had I ordered a second glass, I'm sure the numbers in your post would have been in play. If you cruise long enough you will enjoy the occasional perk or nicety provided by a crew or staff member. You really don't have to know the reason, just appreciate the gesture and enjoy.
  6. I had a glass of Grgich Hills Cabernet on the December 3rd '23 sailing of Ascent. A three-dollar upcharge with the premium package.
  7. Obviously, you have not paid attention to the many discussions about move-up bids on this forum. Or you chose to ignore what many have said about their circumstances. An upgrade to a higher category cabin does not necessarily mean an upgrade to a better location. But you knew that, didn't you? Sail with your worries in tow and bring ear plugs. Those dreaded creaking sounds have no preference in ship's location.
  8. Perfect example of how differences in priorities and preferences can affect one's choices in cruising. We are booked on Apex in Aqua for a 12-night northern Norway cruise in July 2025. All but one port will be new to us. I did not check other cruise lines for comparison purposes because we would not have switched to Princess, or any other cruise line, even if prices were significantly cheaper. We are comfortable with X and the boat and to us, if we are spending more, it is worth the quality we will get for our $$$.
  9. Too much IT about nothin'. Unwittingly, the OP's thread has shown the inability of many to comfortably exist without gadgetry. Does your electronic device not allow you to improvise or compromise? Got to be an app for that, somewhere.
  10. I have always enjoyed your posts, Ken. They are succinct, sensible and to-the-point. Even negative reviews and comments are done with class and respect. Until now, all on the Celebrity forum and I have noticed that you are no longer as smitten with X as you once were. Obviously, over the last several years, similar threads have appeared on the X site with the same huffin' and puffin' and blowin' the house down. We all know that these tirades are not unique to any one forum. Rather, they seem to be a seasonal thing...cruising season, across the industry. I do not believe that any cruise line is targeting any specific age group at the expense of losing another. One would think that disposable dollars are coveted by all no matter from where they come. Also, is not the age cycle continuous? What was young is old and vice-versa. It is difficult to balance the enticements of what cruising offers in order to please everyone. It boils down to the proverbial, 'throw it against the wall and see what sticks', which is especially pertinent when speaking about food. Over the years, despite the occasional letdown, disappointment, or huffin' and pufin', Celebrity remains our cruise line of choice. X marks the spot where we still prefer to spend our cruising $$$. In no way does that imply that others should not take their money elsewhere. Like you said, "getting the most quality for our $$$" is what it's all about. As I mentioned in my previous post, when the occasion arises where we can enjoy our first Princess cruise, we will certainly avail ourselves of that opportunity.
  11. For the first time, beginning in 2025, Princess will have a ship based at Port Canaveral, about 30 minutes up the road from where we live. We have never cruised on Princess, but because they are moving into the neighborhood, we will give them a try. The Emerald Princess is not the ship taking up residence but even if it was, your Doctoral Thesis would not dissuade us from doing so. I do not question your feelings of frustration and disappointment, but I do think that they are a bit overblown. You latched on to a negative circumstance aboard ship and from then on, well, post #1 says it all. Your energetic, negative fervor served no purpose in generating trepidation toward a Princess cruise, no matter the ship.
  12. I received the most recent e-mail with power-up point information one week after I sent a scathing complaint letter to X executives. My letter was enclosed in a Rolex gift box containing an Oyster Perpetual Datejust Stainless Steel/18ct Gold watch. I'm sure that had nothing to do with me receiving the e-mail and the subsequent 250 Captain's Club points. After watching the webinar, I received another 250 points. Go figure. Celebrity execs are certainly not sensitive to negative feedback, and they're always on time, so I don't understand your situation. All I can say is, keep that feedback comin'.
  13. I stand corrected, there are now three sensible posts on this thread. Ferry_Watcher has 'em all, #'s 159, 173, and 200. Except to empathize with the OP and family, I'll not attempt to get into anyone's head and speculate on the whys and wherefores. I'm not that smart. The reason(s) for this unfortunate circumstance, whether justified or not, remains with those employees who were involved. At the time, and to them, it seemed the right thing to do. The "dark world", in its insidious existence, is very sophisticated in its attempts to further advance the various methods of heinous, unlawful acts. To those people who at any given time are charged with assuring that nothing wrong happens on their watch, in my space, I realize the difficulty in that effort. From another person's perspective, it is sometimes hard to understand the rationale behind what one does. In that same vein, perhaps the benefit of the doubt is best given.
  14. Once again, as in many threads past, opposing views on tipping are untenable at best, and yet folks continue to seek common ground on the topic. There is none. As it states in some tour descriptions, continuous walking over uneven and rough surfaces may be encountered. In other words, watch where you step. Folks, it’s simple. For those who exclaim, tipping is for services rendered not a prequel to services intended, I would ask. Do you not prepay for the cruise, the taxes, the fees and any ship’s tours you may desire? The additional pre-paid gratuities won’t break you. For those who claim cultural norms I would say, in this case cultural norms be damned. There’s a lot more involved here than just driving on the other side of the road. Your little part of the world should not determine what is proper elsewhere. For those who remove their pre-paid gratuities under the guise of not caring about services they do not personally experience, that’s a rather harsh way of saying that certain crew members really don’t matter. Additional self-serving requires you to say that the company is responsible for providing adequate pay. No additional income is necessary. Now, it is certainly your right to include yourself in any or all of these activities. As for being a cheapskate, a miser, a skinflint, there are many cruisers of that same ilk with the same all-about-me attitude. They are entitled to play the cruising game just as much as anyone but I, for one, totally disagree with their desire not to include everyone.
  15. Too many experts proselytizing too many if's and's or but's for me. I can't keep up anymore. Not that I want to, mind you. What started out as a Celebrity thread has devolved into a nonsensical mishmash of one-upmanship, with no winner in sight. A Carnival forum, indeed. Bring on the Merry-Go-Round. We've already got the clowns.
  16. billc23's post #51 fits perfectly with your above post. Continuing confidence in the product, despite the occasional issues, is most important.
  17. Very important to mention "confidence" in the experience. So many variables make up that quoted word, do they not? As a cruising couple, DW and I have yet to feel our X costs diminishing our X experience. Noticeable increases, no doubt. But therein lies one of those threshold variables that will continue to affect the cruising population.
  18. This sounds like you answered your own question. But here you are asking for "other" solutions when there is only one answer, and always has been for that matter. Personal choice. When one feels disappointed, swindled, betrayed or priced out, get out. Why keep soliciting reasons for or solutions to not leaving, if leaving is what you really want to do? I experienced some of these circumstances onboard the Ascent during her maiden voyage. Common sense told me that some things might be different. No problem, I can adjust mentally, physically and financially. A truly enjoyable cruising experience, in all respects. Therefore, my future options include continued Celebrity cruising. How 'bout that.
  19. An "inaugural" cruise is the first time a ship sails with paying passengers. If I am not mistaken, that would be November 22, 2023. What is a ship's second paying passenger cruise called? I'll take a wild guess, the second paying passenger cruise. Unless it's the first intended duty cruise.
  20. Yes, it is. And I will firmly reiterate, in the total scheme of all things cruising, "those are not important." Perhaps if "some booked" knowing what was what, instead of thinking what was what, we would not be having this discussion. Of course, the easy way to put off one's mis-guided disappointment is to blame others. Not applicable in this case.
  21. Don't tell me this is going to become a thing. Look up the definition of maiden voyage of a ship or other craft. "The first journey made by the craft in its intended duty." Seven-day cruises are the intended duty for Celebrity Ascent. December 3rd is the first scheduled seven-day cruise, hence, the "maiden voyage." We are not concerned with carpet off-gassing, celebrations, memorabilia, disappointed passengers etc. Those are not important. We will just have an enjoyable time on a new ship, period. I know, how boring.
  22. You know JackE, I did read that, and plumb forgot. Dumb on me. I can't figure the "official" maiden thing either. We are actually the third cruise, not counting the TA from Europe. Go figure. I'm thinking, the three-and-four-day cruises will officially remain in Port Everglades, thus the "not official" cruises. They will not go anywhere. Hence, a maiden voyage on a second sailing. I'm getting a headache. Everyone have a good time, no matter what. Mr. & Mrs. Peaches, Happy Anniversary.
  23. Thank you, JackE. Might have to give YOLO a try. Enjoy your cruise as well. Same time, same place, or are you cruising another time?
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