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Posts posted by smokeybandit

  1. 22 minutes ago, sugcarol said:

    My doctor is one of the 18 providers in North Dallas for giving the vaccine. All info that we put down on our intake paperwork as well as the type of vaccine and lot numbers are being input to a data base on federal level. I watched what they were doing while i waited, then asked the nurse while she gave me the shot and she said yes, that was true. That should eliminate the possibility of fake ID cards.

    But who has time or the access to the federal records to challenge a fake vaccine card?

  2. 37 minutes ago, Vera/Lee said:

    Did you see the pictures posted on another blog that showed Allure and Explorer in Port Canaveral recently? A large crane was loading something onto the ships (first Allure, then Explorer the next day). People were guessing what was being loaded on. My guess is it was something to set up the laboratory capacity needed to meet this requirement. 


    Honestly, to me it looked like shower stalls.

  3. 1 minute ago, Ocean Boy said:

    Data means nothing when you spend all night in an ICU trying to keep one of your "statistics" alive. I don't have to prove anything to you.

    And that has nothing to do with covid, as there are examples for every ailment, illness and malady affecting someone it doesn't typically affect.


    That doesn't mean across the board decisions should be made based on a tragic, yet extremely rare situation.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, d9704011 said:

    There are better odds of the earth being burned up in a supernova than you providing any useful insight on a discussion topic.

    So prove that I'm wrong.


    Less than 150 kids under age 15 have died due to covid, with the huge majority having severe underlying conditions.


    Going from a negative test to needing urgent medical care in the span of a few days is extremely rare for even the most vulnerable, none the less a child.

    Just because you don't like the real data doesn't mean the data is wrong.

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  5. Just now, Ocean Boy said:

    However, when pediatric cases go bad they go bad big time. And I would not depend on either a ship's medical facility or a Caribbean hospital to be able to handle it as well as a U.S. hospital. Pedi and adult medicine are two different worlds.


    There are better odds of a kid falling overboard than there are of a kid needing urgent medical care due to covid on a ship.

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  6. 2 hours ago, lizzius said:

    Using the death per capita for different demographics provided by the CDC suggests a big jump after 15 and a bigger jump after 25. Let's just make a new term, COVID vulnerable or something similar. 


    I understand about the different vaccine discussion being a big black hole, but it is a non-trivial consideration to make.


    A big jump mathematically, but a completely insignificant jump statistically.

    Only once you get to 65+ does age determine vulnerability.

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