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Everything posted by wowzz

  1. Can I ask what proof you gave the insurance company to show that you and your husband had Covid.
  2. We are all adults. We have to make our own decisions, based on our own health, risk tolerance etc. It is not up to the cruise company, or indeed any holiday company, to make that decision for us. Why should they ? Cruises/holidays are made available - it is up to us as individuals to decide if we want to book them. As far as I can make out, no one has ever been press ganged into joining a cruise.
  3. Just looking at my Staysure policy. If I want to make a Covid claim, I have to provide a copy of the positive test result, supplied by registered medical practitioner. Not going to be easy. And, how would that work on board ? I assume that P&O medical staff are registered, and that they would supply a certified copy of my positive test result, so that I could make any relevant claim.
  4. Pre-covid, if you wanted to see a GP, but not urgently, you could ring the surgery and arrange an appointment for five or six days in the future. Easy and practical. Now, however, this is not possible. You have to ring at 8pm and join the queue, waiting on hold for an eternity, to get a same day appointment, if you are lucky. How is this an improvement? My mother's surgery uses the same system. The last time she made an appointment, she rang dead on 8pm. She was number 55 in the queue ! Finally got through after holding on for 65 minutes - she was told that she could have an appointment, but it would have to be in thirty minutes time ! Not easy when you are 96 and need to arrange a taxi. The actual medical treatment she receives is excellent, but the delivery of the service is dire
  5. If you find a hotel you like, I would book it now, on a fully refundable basis. June is peak holiday season - there is no reason why prices will fall.
  6. To be honest, you don't need a guide in Palma. Just get a map, stroll around the city, go to the cathedral if you wish, and then sit in a pavement cafe and watch the world go by.
  7. Bob, I can't see any direct flights to LA from BHX. Which airline are you looking at ?
  8. Male TA's are also available !😉
  9. Back when cruising resumed, and mask wearing was strictly enforced, P&O made it clear that medical exemptions with regards to mask wearing were not permitted. If you could not wear a mask, you could not cruise. If medical exemptions were not allowed then, why should they be allowed now ?
  10. Which, as you have said, is virtually impossible !
  11. As a matter of interest, if I test positive, is there anything to stop me disembarking at the next port, so that I can continue my holiday, or can P&O hold me on board against my will ?
  12. But, how will anyone on board know that you have it ? If it is the standard "sniffles", no one will be the wiser. And, as you can test yourself two days prior to embarkation, it is quite feasible to be negative at the time of testing, but be positive two days into the cruise.
  13. If you were going to lose £6000 +, of course people will not declare themselves to be ill.
  14. To be fair, even if mask wearing is required, you would not need to wear a mask for a long time. If you are eating or drinking, no mask is required, nor will you need to wear one on outside decks. Obviously the entertainment venues would be a challenge, but apart from that I doubt you would need to wear a mask for more than ten minutes at a time.
  15. The questions are so banal, that even if someone was economical with the truth, how on earth could it be proven at a later date that they lied. A case of totally plausible denial.
  16. Which is why the entire medical screening questionnaire is a total farce.
  17. But the t&c's have not changed. The policy with regards to FCC has changed, which is a different issue.
  18. Playing devil's advocate here. Were items such as FCC if you were unable to travel due to covid, FCC if you were qurantined in a cabin etc ever baked into the t&c's, or were they operational policies that could be changed at any time ?
  19. Yes, one lady ticked a box to say she had a cough, and consequently got banned from boarding. Unlikely that the insurance company will pay out. Megabear (again!) has already commented on this issue.
  20. Or go on a hotel holiday to the Caribbean instead, as Megabear suggested.
  21. P&O would give you nothing. You would have to try and get your insurance company to pay out, which, as Megabear has pointed out elsewhere, is extremely difficult.
  22. One of the joys of being a Brit is that every cruise heading south from Southampton passes through the BoB ! Consequently Brits probably experience more bad weather than most. And of course, you have to go through the BoB twice on most cruises, so double the fun !
  23. You do not get a bill, so how can you add a gratuity? In reality, the only way to tip is by cash. As others have said, if the service is exceptional we tip, otherwise we don't.
  24. Actually, for once, nothing to do with a dress code. More about how people interpret dressing to impress.
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