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Everything posted by Lakesregion

  1. It has been 16 years since I have taken a NCL cruise. I have booked a solo on The Getaway from NYC and have the following questions 1. Do they still service the staterooms twice a day? 2. Is there still turn down and chocolate on the pillow 3 Is there a promenade deck for walking? not sure if I can see one on the deck plans 4. Is there afternoon tea? 5. I notice mention of a midnight buffet. What are the details on that item, Is it daily? 6. Is there lunch served on boarding day in NYC and if so what times and where? 7. Is there a formal sail-a-way party out of NYC? 8. Any special meetings or events for solo passengers? 9. Which restaurants are open for lunch when the ship is in a port? Thanks for all your help.
  2. The logic being time to move on in life. The Virus has also moved on to be just another flu like illness that people have been sailing with for eons. So economics is in play. Fill the ships or go out of business. No line can sail at 50 - 60% for very long.
  3. A Wise choice to move on to a pricey Armani casual line. Those tuxedos and dark suits can be so outré.
  4. Long pants and a long sleeved dress shirt are the minimum requirements for dining in the restaurants and then on gala evenings the anti is increased to require a dark suit with dress shirt and tie or a tuxedo. If you find either not to your liking then the buffets is more casual but no where on the ship are shorts allowed after 6 pm except room service in your cabin.
  5. Yes you will be in trouble The location of the ship does not change the stated dress code. However, an easy solution is to wear the dark suit on the plane. That way you will have it for the formal evenings and can avoid the dreaded Buffet.
  6. I try to live by the concept "if it isn't broken don't try to fix it" but then few people really have any concept of societal evolution and where it is heading and I am good with that because I do and I plan for my self how to enjoy the loop holes. As to dress codes, I have been monitoring these threads for 20 years and every time anyone posts anything that is against the let it all hang out crowd, the thread lights up like an old fashioned pin ball game. Now if you all were comfortable in what you wear and how you act you would simply ignore those posts and move on. But no, many need to defend there by revealing a level of insecurity and being uncomfortable around others that do not follow the code. So I suspect that you all on this thread are comfortable in your casualness and I will not hear another reply. NCL and one other line are the two where one can take a full 20 day cruise with all your clothing in a dop kit and fit right in so relax and enjoy.
  7. So much more behind your husbands comment it would be fascinating to explore but not on this thread. The swirly one is the most flexible as many more plain pieces in either white or one of the colors will work well with it. The other one is way too busy and limited in scope and this advice is from a male that certainly can see that they are not exactly alike.
  8. Don't feel bad about your lack of sartorial knowledge. It is mostly an age thing. If you do not live in an upscale inner city environment, then chances are you have never been to a fancy restaurant, cultural event or even a wedding that required even semi-formal attire. I am over 80 years old and know full well that I am fighting a losing war about what I consider civil behavior. Today we think nothing about foul language in public from all genders. No one goes to Saturday dancing class to learn how to properly dance, to properly ask a lady to dance, how to properly sit, or to carry on a conversation with out foul language. Where we stood when older folks came into a room where we learned there might be more than a single folk, knife and spoon on a table and how to use all of them. Where women did not paint their bodies in permanent ink, only military and bikers did that. Then along came the middle 1960's, the country decided that we no longer were willing to really win a war but sure could drag them out and maim and kill a lot of fine men and we began the slow but sure side into our present society. Parents stopped parenting and became "friends" with their kid. So please do not worry about not computing about a blazer and a tie. Even the finer cruise lines have dropped the requirement of better attire for their formal rooms. Enjoy what you are comfortable in, but if your wife or boy friend wishes to dress up please do not drag them down with your baseball hat and t-shirt. Make a bit of an effort to be a team rather than have them shine and you appear to be the driver. And if you see other passengers in more formal attire, do not think they are being snobbish, they are only doing what they were taught was correct.
  9. Why, would you feel uncomfortable ?
  10. Basically the dress code is come as you care to be seen as. Personally the last time I wore shorts I was 5 years old and I do not care to be seen as a five year old so I wear long trousers. The same for other aspects of my attire. When dining in a linen covered full flatware service uniformed staff restaurant on land or on sea, I think it only proper to rise to that level of ambiance and wear a nice blazer, dress shirt, linen slacks and decent leather shoes. Leave the baseball hats, shorts etc. for the kids dining room.
  11. My ultimate dinner package is to book a ship where the majority of the food outlets carry no surcharge.
  12. Too many business want to sell you a product and then want you to self check out, self deliver etc. Not many people offering customer service along with the product. Cruise Lines have gone that way in so many areas.
  13. Just have your sister go as your daughter. Chances are they look similar.
  14. I believe the federal government has given up all covid demands and now states they are suggestions.
  15. For the 2024 world cruise there are three choices. Early assigned Late assigned and anytime dining/
  16. It is my understanding and it goes a ways back so I could be incorrect but if you book guarantee Cunard gets to chose and you do not get to say no thank you. If you book a specific stateroom and they offer an upgrade or any move, then you get to say no thank you we will remain where we are.
  17. Hilarious and totally unbelievable as we all know that Cunard walks on water and all but 1% of the passengers would die before posting anything incorrect about the line. They will do anything they are told just to be able to cruise.
  18. I am willing to bet the farm that service in Jaime Paiko's stateroom and at her tables were outstanding. Just a guess.
  19. I would seriously look very carefully at the drinks packages. Remember both of you must purchase the same package and that is a lot of hefty adult beverage lifting for a 7 day journey. As first timers you may find yourselves so busy exploring and attending various lectures, concerts etc, that you will not have the time to imbibe that much.
  20. Guess that means answering no to all questions on the health form as everyone did in the past even though they might have been running a temp. or had a clod. Boarding shall not be denied. Look for the declaration of a negative test to disappear within a few weeks as it will be worthless. How will they ever prove if you actually took a test or not.
  21. Airline styled capacity/demand pricing can on occasion result in it really harming the carrier to the delight of the passenger. Grab it while it is still live.
  22. Two countries separated by a common language
  23. Finally a return to a level of reality rather than control.
  24. Intriguing response. Care to elaborate?
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