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Everything posted by Lakesregion

  1. Sounds like some folks have decided to take samples home and in order not to be caught out they have been replacing the larger than usual usage with tap water. People will find a way around most company's reduction in perceived services and percs. The bar soap and the small bottles were certainly more useable and were percs.
  2. What is so critical about being first to check=in. After all you have paid in full and have a stateroom assigned. Beyond that, relax and let life unfold. It is a vacation not a contest.
  3. Miss having to cook my own meals wash my own dishes and make my own bed every day. On board it can be boring having nothing to do for 10 - 12 days but be waited on.
  4. Yes but if you are on one of the cruises where it is anything goes with timing of dining then the poor wine steward will have to hunt up the bottle and then find your table. Hopefully before dessert has arrived. There are many things in life that fall under the rule/ IF IT IS NOT BROKEN, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FIX IT. On Cunard fixed seating for dinner is one of them.
  5. While Cunard previously did not mind the removal of a vial or two of Toiletries, they did and still do charge if you take a robe or two from the room. Towels are great but can be purchased in bulk from their Brooklyn NY towel supplier at very low rates.
  6. I have always had large tables on Cunard and most all order an appetizer, soup and a salad plus the dreaded entre and dessert. It has never been the problem some of the newer folk seem to believe.
  7. Bring a few empty bottles from home and refill from the large ones. Problem solved.
  8. Is there any place to dance (Ball room) on the Getaway. Other types of dancing?
  9. Not sure if NCL even offers low tea except a bag and a cup-a hot water in the cafeteria along with a bun or so.
  10. Why is it that one can book shows and restraint's 120 days out but can nt register personal information until 21 days before sailing? My NCL will not take any of my information until 21 days prior to sailing in Jan 2023.
  11. Easy solution to all the confusion. Do not use any of the charge extra restaurants. Dine exclusively in the places that are included in your fare. As far as I can see unless you live in a food desert, none of the for fee places offer any thing that can not be obtained on shore.
  12. Do plan to have dinner in the dining room at the MET. It is part of the experience of the opera. Enjoy. Take care walking in mid-town even during the day time. Try to dress like New Yorkers in Black clothing. Nothing that says tourist.
  13. For those that keep praying for low capacity better chalk up those cruises as some of the last they will see from the cruise line as it sinks under the sea of red ink. How long do you think your business or employer will operate at 25 -60% of capacity with a negative cash flow and remain in business? Guess economics has ceased to be a subject in any level of education in this country.
  14. Wow if those add ons are considered upgrades you folks must be living a bleak life on shore. But while we are discussing all the attributes of fine dining in BC and the grills. Do they still have the roll girl and the butter boy. Is there a butter knife at each roll plate. How about finger bowls after the main course before they serve dessert. And do they reset the flatware with proper fish sets. How about different soup spoons depending on whether one orders a clear soup or a cream soup. And the larger spoons for dessert. And as to the staterooms do they still have the hall boy that was in the hall all night to handle any calls from anterooms and who also polished the gentleman's shoes.
  15. Why are they considered up grades for the rowing class but down grades for the ruling class?
  16. If this in considered an upgrade to Britannia with open seating then possibly Cunard will also improve the BC and Grills with fixed seating times to go along with show up when ever.
  17. There are now three choices instead of the former two. Fixed seating early, fixed seating late and any time late. For those who wish to keep the same table throughout the entire cruise late. it is doubtful that the maître 'd will keep a table empty for the entire time every evening so you can simply show up at your leisure. That only works in the grills. If you want the same table every evening then it looks like you need to opt for late assigned seating at a specific time of 8:00 or 8:30 depending on the ship and the sailing.. That choice does not require reservations.
  18. There is casual and then there is casual. Baseball hats worn backwards is not casual it is sloppy. same with wife beaters and other such garb. Remember casual at the Breakers in Palm Beach is not the same as casual at bubba's BBQ lodge.
  19. Was walking on the beach this PM and could see the ship in the far distance. Moving very very slowly and yes it was close to shore. Hard to tell if it was just outside the 3 mile limit so the casino could open.
  20. Many years ago NCL was an upscale ocean liner company operating under the Norwegian Flag. Over the years it slide way down in fashion and style. Only in the last few years have they tried to bring back some level of civilization to the uber casual aspects of the offerings.
  21. 9 foot shore surf forecast for Cape Cod on Friday with gale force winds. So you should have a few swells along to Boston. Enjoy.
  22. Exactly, Cunard is a traditional cruise from the old days. NCL, one can do a full 12 days with just a gym bag of clothes and still be over dressed.
  23. Evidently the new hires are not really into hospitality type of service and are just seeking a pay check.
  24. Various Travel agencies offer OBC, have on-board people that host private parties for those who book with them and assist with port stops, and some offer pre-embarkation hotel etc. Host Hattie's list is what Cunard offers but only if you book early other wise the free gratuities are not included
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