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Jim Avery

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Everything posted by Jim Avery

  1. That drug rehab hostel in Frankfurt they put us up in was nice. Lots of interesting folks.....😎 Ha, just a kidder. They have always put us in really nice hotels.
  2. Do like us. Sell your house, go on the World Cruise then live in your car....🍹
  3. Can you believe I am having to make our own strawberry banana daiquiri today? What happened to the service? 🍹 I guess everyone is too busy taking care of Clay...
  4. I think you are right Linda. We did meet a couple on the Inaugural WC that was taking their first cruise ever for 120 day WC. 🍸
  5. click on the link that says mississippi at the bottom
  6. https://www.vikingrivercruises.com/search-cruises/index.html?_gl=1*1qsvqp7*_ga*MTU1NDAyOTcxLjE2NjA2OTI0MDI.*_ga_24KNYDH1S6*MTY2MTYzMjExNy4xNS4wLjE2NjE2MzIxMTcuMC4wLjA.&_ga=2.169752929.1198991912.1661632118-155402971.1660692402&Regions=Mississippi#noscroll
  7. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi6g7THw-X5AhWHLUQIHS-eDvwQ_Bd6BAhbEAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.londonpartypubcrawl.com%2F&usg=AOvVaw1rGIhMVHuC0X-6gDDh1fMd
  8. Nobody ever said Viking management doesn't screw up.😎
  9. No difference at all in the cabins DV 2-6. Pricing is based on location on the ship. Your preference could be forward, aft, midships, or maybe a deck. That's it.
  10. It means construction is going on. I have had such "pleasure" on Cunard once and it is really frustrating. Noise, dust, hallways full of power cords and stacks of material. Not to mention that the workers are housed in some of the rooms and have some off time of their own. It is not right for any cruise line to take money from passengers while subjecting them to construction. If the cruise was free and you had the option to go or not that might make a difference but this is just not right. Edison Chouest Offshore builds workboats so this is probably normal for them to finish construction while underway to the departure port. As I have said in other places these cruises will be very different from normal Viking standards and service.
  11. Yes, individual room air handlers, not exclusive individual duct work. And it has always been so that different zones have different air circulation systems. Just semantics. The light ray thing we have at our home. Old tech.
  12. I appreciate your caution but we have shipped to the UK on LF with our consumables in a cardboard box along with clothing in a large suitcase. We have shipped with no problem bug wipes, non alcohol mouthwash, toothpaste, bandaids, antibiotic cream, antacid tablets, a phillips and a flat screwdrivers, pain reliever cream, and on and on. We went by the LF list as well as a couple of clarifying phone conversations and again had absolutely no issues with UK (or US) customs. But then there is always a first time.
  13. By last minute booking I mean around two months out. That's usually a pretty good time to book air. For a WC we have booked as late as 4 months out. Air included with them so no issues.
  14. As Andy states, the reason they do this is because they can. We have found only two ways to avoid paying so far in advance. 1. Don't sail with Viking. 2. Book closer to sail date and just pay in full at time of booking. Yes you might miss your preferred cabin but just about every ship sails every voyage with a few unsold cabins. We have been stand by for three "sold out' voyages and have gotten what we wanted all three times.
  15. Haha, probably changed less often than those loaded ones on aircraft.
  16. Sorry, but they only have individual air handlers. Air comes (and goes) through a common duct. It would be totally impractical for each cabin to have its own dedicated ductwork. The individual air handlers give the cabin occupant the ability to set temps, on/off, and fan speeds. There is a filter in the air return for each cabin but each section of the hotel has its own air ducts. Not sure exactly how many cabins share a duct in each section nor can I tell the frequency of cleaning/changing air handler filters.
  17. Oregano oil. Now that's a new one. I love oregano so will give it a go. Does it make you smell like a pizza???🍺
  18. We are booked Neptune WC '23/'24. Had to cancel this year due to a couple of surgeries and we recently lost both Mothers. One of those years. Just didn't feel we could get it all done by December. Looking at Viking river in the spring, possibly holiday in the Caribbean. Whatever we can make work to use all the Viking paper.🥃
  19. San Basilio is where we last docked. If SD is still using this, as the new rules would seem to allow, SD have great advantage over the larger ships that have to bus passengers 2hours or more each way. I fully agree with Venetians and know that the large ships were undermining the foundations not to mention thousands of day trippers ruining the ambience of Venice. The 100 or so off SD will fit in nicely.🥃
  20. Good news Clay! Just got vouchers for our cancelled cruise worth 400%. Also all the free booze we can drink on our next one. Karine said I am her very favorite passenger and darn well worth it......😜
  21. Ha, if there is I got screwed......😱
  22. Have tried both Carnival and Princess. And a few others. Viking best suits our style. Whilst spending our vacation in a alcohol induced haze we prefer a bit of quiet with the occasional chamber music. 😜
  23. I really don't know what the deal is. We did this route as part of a WC and would not say there was any benefit to P vs S. I do know it seems any time a tanker or barge came alongside for bunkers the exhaust from the funnel was right outside our balcony. DV midships on deck 4 Port side. The only real benefit I know of is a North Atlantic straight Transatlantic. Sunny side Port outbound from England, sunny side Starboard outbound from NYC. Port Out, Starboard Home or POSH..... 🍸
  24. Actually the server asks for your room number either way. Until he learns it and stops asking. So at the point of use there is no difference. You can buy on the "special" wine list with or without the package. The only difference is the billing. And imho Viking charges a reasonable price for a good pour. 🥃
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