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Jim Avery

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Everything posted by Jim Avery

  1. Duque I don't know if you are a fan of the tv show Two and A Half Men but the kid, Jake, had the perfect solution concerning this topic: "if you turn em inside out you can wear them twice as long"....😱
  2. Sort of like flying Mark Air to Dutch Harbor. Lots of cargo netting and jump seat spaces...🀒
  3. Another thing we love about Viking is that they don’t fool with that stuff. Cunard Diamond here but Viking β€œstatus” is much better imho.
  4. You must consume all those nearing sell by date tonight! Anything less would be wasteful and we all know it is a sin to waste......Especially bar products.......🍸
  5. Viking used to say they don't accommodate scooters but obviously people bring them anyway. My issue is when they park them outside their cabin partially blocking the passageway. Also scooters really impact tours as the poor driver gets to unload and set up then re stow the scooter at each stop. Really adds to delays. And we have nearly been run down by scooters because the "driver" thinks he always has the right of way. Now I have had several orthopedic surgeries and certainly don't get around like 50 but I don't expect others to modify their cruise to accommodate me.
  6. Your government regulations. Lucky you.🍺
  7. There is truly no rhyme or reason with the passport people. We paid for expedited everything and it took two months! Go figure.
  8. Totally agree. The tips are the main "nickel & dime" thing Viking does.
  9. I knew Scottish currency was legal but these were considerably older notes and they had started the program of obsoleting notes. Love the North country as my mother is from Staffordshire and we have made numerous visits to York and other places north. 🍺
  10. Ok, no one else jumped in with recent info so I will share our pre-covid experience. We had more issues with the ship (Cunard) than shoreside. The people in FLL were friendly and lots of porters to help. Immigration/customs was very quick. We were in our rental car approximately 45 minutes after being allowed off the ship. And 30 minutes later in Palm Beach County getting a nice speeding ticket at a radar trap......🀒 So, the port at FLL was as good as could be. Hope it is still the same.🍸
  11. So stop eating all those Viking desserts......😱 Ok, just kidding...πŸ₯ƒ
  12. I took the 10,000ma batteries out and carry them in my "man bag" (computer bag). Each one will charge our phones 5 or so times. Like you, mine is in perfect condition after many bangs and bumps. Taking the batteries out gives me room for a couple more pairs of underwear....😱 🍹
  13. Haha, we didn't take that much on our world cruises. Love the AWAY bags though.πŸ₯ƒ
  14. We can put ours in wheels first on most planes. Only had to check on regional jets. That's the larger carryon.
  15. The bigger carryon fits overhead bins perfectly in "normal" jets. Regional jets gate check either one.
  16. I doubt it. The AWAY bags, empty seem to weigh near nothing but you say legal limit. 50 lbs? That's a pretty good lift.
  17. If the OP is looking for carry on brand information I agree with Clay. We have had AWAY large carryons for years and are amazed at what we can pack. Best rollers available too. Can't wait to stuff them again and head out... First things first...
  18. Andy, I first learned of "obsoleting' notes quite a while ago. I used to make sure I had enough pounds in my pocket returning home to get me started on the next trip. With relatives there another trip is inevitable. So anyway it had been around four years when next I arrived in the UK. To celebrate I found myself in a nice old pub. Paid for my first round with a 5 pound note from the RB of Scotland. After a bit of inspection the publican said you know this is no good. I, of course, had no idea. He did decide it was interesting enough that he traded me the out of date bill for a pint. Not sure how that fits with the currency trader matrix but probably a poor rate of exchange. 🍺
  19. I am also chipping in with it doesn't matter. And as to best side to dock, the Captain does not control that as much as the port. It can change at the last minute and often does. Face it, sometimes you get the mountain containing the views, other times you get a mountain of containers. Still beats what you do in your day job......πŸ₯ƒ
  20. Watch out or we might move next door in NC. Ha, I was born in Raleigh....🍹
  21. In July we would gladly travel up there. It will only be around 110 here. And why do all the great longer cruises sail in our Winter? Winter is the only reason to live here.....😎
  22. How about the dog? Big lick?😎
  23. Two Viking world cruises and Lois and I both lost a couple of pounds each on each one. You don’t have the need to cram it all in and you stay more active than staying home.🍺πŸ₯ƒπŸΈπŸΉπŸ˜Ž
  24. Like I said above there are no ports, HDMI or otherwise. The”tv” is a monitor for the ships network.
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