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Everything posted by Georgia_Peaches

  1. YIKES...if it involves EM and Disney, you better start saving your $$ now! 🤪
  2. Well it's what the TA's are paid to do. My TA doesn't like dealing with MSC customer service as she says they are the most difficult to deal with in the industry. Having said that, she has called them a number of times on my behalf for a few different things with good success. Feel free to e-mail me at pipercatandjane at gmail if you'd like the name of my TA. Their OBC's are pretty nice too...
  3. I recommend you take this scenario to your regular TA and see if they can sort it for you. If you were going to transfer the booking to them anyway, then they should be willing to help you get this resolved. Do you have anything in writing that indicated you were supposed to get a 30% discount? Also, since you have the name of the person on ship, you should be able to pass that along to your TA as well. Very frustrating situation!
  4. So true! But at least their are life boats on a ship. Wonder what the safety net is for a sky ship. I'm sure there are some. Interesting concept. Maybe I'm just too old now to embrace the new...OMG, I've become my parents 😂!
  5. DH has the same opinion but I have an aversion to being in the sun for too long. Much prefer the shade. As we were in YC on the island, umbrellas were available. I saw other areas where it appeared that umbrellas were available for rent. I could be wrong. As much of a PITA carting a sportbrella might be, it might be worth the trouble for those who require constant shade.
  6. We will never make it to Zenith on Celebrity because there are too many other cruise lines that we enjoy. We do, however like traveling in a suite, not for the loyalty points but for the extra room and service. Therefore, we often shop cruise lines for the cost of their suite. We just recently experienced Yacht Club on MSC and were very pleased!
  7. I never cease to be amazed by the length of the line at Guest Services on embarkation day! What in the world could cause such ques on day one? DH and I generally take an over/under bet on how many there will be when we board. Sometimes we get a cocktail and watch the line. We imagine what the issue might be for each individual. In 30+ cruises over the years, we have never had a need to stand in line at GS on embarkation day. And I can only think of two times that we did so during a cruise, both for unwarranted charges on our account. I guess we have been exceptionally lucky.
  8. Wondering how this impacts passengers traveling in RS and PS who receive complimentary dining in the specialty venues....
  9. In a word, No. if a ship goes down I have a chance because I can swim. The same can’t be said for a sky hotel because I can’t fly.
  10. There will be cancellations and changes. Keep checking in the planner and if that doesn’t work, do so once on board. You’ll get in but maybe not three times as planned.
  11. Thanks for this little tidbit of info! I wondered why it was a little rough on the feet. Had to walk gingerly when there but will be better equipped with water shoes next time.
  12. We ordered the always available filet with just about every meal. DH and I would share and found it to be just that good!
  13. We were invited to place an upgrade bid. But the minimum bid combined with what we already paid would have been more than if we had booked the higher category outright. So I passed. We were in a YC balcony suite. Come November we will be in a YC inside. If an upgrade opp comes up for a balcony we might consider it but my rule is to book what we’d be happy with either way.
  14. As I haven’t visited the celebrity board in a little while, this is the first I’m learning of this. Thanks for posting.
  15. I still think announcements should be limited to a channel on the TV in the stateroom so people can select their language and listen to them at their leisure. I guess this won't work for time sensitive announcements but it could for the others. After a while, we just tuned them out.
  16. Yeh, sorry. I didn't read all of the subsequent comments before making my own. Glad you got it figured out! One thing I will say about MSC is that I find the passengers and patrons to be much friendlier on CC than on some other boards 🙂
  17. Hmm...are you sure? We did our status match from Celebrity to MSC prior to booking our cruise. Primarily because I wanted to see what my status match would be before booking. https://www.msccruises.co.uk/manage-booking/msc-voyagers-club/status-match Scroll past the Book Now Tab and enter your info.
  18. Beautiful ships! Entertainment is different bc of so many different languages. Leans toward a lot of dance and acrobatic acts. If you’re going to Italy tho, THAT’S your entertainment! from what I’ve read, your experience largely depends on the category you book. We have only done yacht club (one cruise on seashore) which I highly recommend. If you’re not sure you want to commit, why not try a 3 or 4 nighter out of port Canaveral. This would give you a sampling of what to expect. But I’m with you, no more RCL.
  19. Sleeping with the door open is a HUGE no-no. Did you know that in doing so, you deactivate the a/c in your surrounding staterooms thereby potentially negatively impacting your fellow cruise passengers? I have first hand experience with this recently on Seashore. Our next door neighbors slept with their balcony door open and consequently our AC was off. It was miserable at night and there was nothing I could do about it. The concierge seemed unwilling to say anything to the guests and so we just suffered. No exaggeration. Not trying to tell you what to do but awareness is key. We are on the Mera in November for a 4 nighter as well. We booked an inside YC cabin. Lol. Maybe there’s hope in having a cool room.
  20. When I last sailed on celebrity my cabin was warm. I complained and they furnished me with an oscillating floor fan. Perhaps you could request one once on board. I completely get where you are coming from after having cruised more than once in a hot room that never seemed to cool.
  21. The formal night is referred to as Gala Night and really isn't so formal. On our cruise it was held on the first sea day. There was a whole array of dress from tuxedos and formal wear to cocktail dress and more resort casual. It may depend on your port of embarkation and also your itinerary. I was sailing the Caribbean. Perhaps a Spanish or Italian embarkation port/itinerary would sport a more formal Gala night as they tend to out dress the Americans, who lean more casual in their attire.
  22. I think it's easier with girls. My girls loved the whole package when it came to cruising...shopping for the dinner outfits, packing a ton of shoes and accessories to accompany the dinner outfits, and then finally donning the dinner outfits...hopefully after finding a nice piece of jewelry from whatever port we visited that day. Dang, they cost us a lot of money! But they are grown up now. What I wouldn't give for just one more cruise with my teenage daughters....NOT! LoL. Truth is, we still cruise together but they buy their own clothes now. Whew!
  23. Docker pants and collared shirt. Shorts….no. Buy a pair of kahki and a pair of black dockers. A few shirts. Mix and match. It will be good for your teen to step outside his comfort zone and dress the part due for a nice dinner in the YC. Breakfast and lunch are more casual as long as they avoid bathing attire. Enjoy your cruise!
  24. Nope, you are not the only one who is curious. If we took 12 suitcases I'm certain I'd have nothing left in my closet. LOL
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