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Everything posted by zqvol

  1. OP was clearly asking about the dividers, not the door into the cabin.
  2. Those suggested losses are anything but moderate for the vast majority of NCL cruisers
  3. Yes at the sink, plus body wash and a shampoo/conditioner combo in the shower.
  4. NCL has started leaving a card in the slot for your use, it’s just a piece of cardboard they have made to make it easier. No need to worry about having a card to put in the slot, just remember to pull it half way out when you leave the cabin.
  5. Two weeks go Epic was in Cozumel on both Wednesday and Friday and Roatan on Thursday. Missed Costa Maya and private island. The $100 OBC was nice though.
  6. In other words unless you are a casino player ( most aren’t) or a complainer ( most aren’t) it is very difficult to get a lot of OBC.
  7. Have you even seen the naughty room? It doesn’t work that way at all. There 9s rarely a line. It is a quick thing. You open your bag get out what they want to see and you are on your way. Nothing is done on the floor, it is all on tables..
  8. The walls are magnetic. There were two hooks outside the shower in a balcony cabin.
  9. On Epic two weeks ago, often during midday there was no line at all. On three occasions I walked up without waiting and got a copy of my bill.
  10. If you are going to tip that much you need to be on a luxury line, not NCL
  11. The bag is rather large. There is no need to play games with plastic bags, etc. A half of weeks worth of laundry will,easily fit with room to spare.
  12. 10+ NCL cruises and I don’t have a PCC.
  13. I won’t stay in an inside either, at this stage of life I’m a balcony only person when solo.
  14. Even if you bid the max, there is only a very small chance that you will be successful
  15. That’s not how to do it, but I’m not going to tell someone how. They can dig through the boards to find the answer, it’s been explained dozens of times.
  16. Anyone can remove it from their bill if they are so inclined. It is not mandatory
  17. I’ve sailed in a studio cabin 3 times. I won’t ever do it again. Too small, and too cramped.
  18. Before answering about UK rules versus US rules you should know the difference.
  19. This forum is not necessarily a reliable source
  20. It doesn’t matter, you always use ship time whether it’s the same as local time or not.
  21. All ships offer solo cabins, you ment to say some ships have studio cabins.
  22. This is incorrect information, you would be denied boarding in this circumstance
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